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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17134821 No.17134821 [Reply] [Original]

>at the board of directors meeting
>"look at these numbers, our audience is only 10% female, what can we do to improve this number?"
>Omegatranny: Leave it to me! *sudden male astroturf*

>> No.17134940

The harder they fuck up the better others learn this lesson. From chaos comes order.

>> No.17134980

maybe there are a lot of actual fags? look at all the pedos posting about shota sana

>> No.17134987

>our audience is only 10% female, what can we do to improve this number
Do these Japanese really think like this now? Did we drop a third nuke full of mindrot?

>> No.17135151

Anon you know /vt is not a representative sample of the real world

>> No.17135258

Well, companies actually do want more women to consume their product because they often control the purse in the household, aka they spend the money.

>> No.17135274

This, their failure will improve the industry in the long run

>> No.17135277

Considering it's the council I can guarantee this was omegatranny's idea

>> No.17135341


>> No.17135376

Why are you complaining? Enjoy the floppening. It's gonna be great. Maybe Omega will finally get fired.

>> No.17135448

Canada is only 3% of EN viewers? I know it's a smaller country (population about half of Germany), but that seems shockingly low. I always associated Canada with being a land with a high percentage of weeaboos. Taiwan has an even lower population but they're more than double Canada in views of EN.

>> No.17135576

>why are normalfag countries less likely to consume more weeb stuff

>> No.17135581

I hope she kills herself.

>> No.17135659


>> No.17135714

This is actually Gura's analytics, I don't know why OP didn't show the full page from that pdf.

>> No.17135726

She's probably T-chan who runs the official reddit.

>> No.17135889

Am I supposed to know who Cover's designated Reddit janny is? No, Omega is a man, he said so on Twitter.

>> No.17135934

You should if you've been here long enough.

>> No.17136053

Why? Sure, I know r/hololive has some intern called T-chan moderating it, but I don't care beyond that. Come to think of it they're probably moderating /vt/ too so maybe I should care.

>> No.17136101

You need to go back. /vt/ belongs to pedos.

>> No.17136201

They don't care about /vt/ anymore. After the cuckbeat incident, we are the bad guys to them.

>> No.17136273

I think the board coming up with wild conspiracy theories about their talents and management would be considered the bad guys way before that.

>> No.17136431

Nobody cares about conspiracy theories... Until they become true.

>> No.17136434
File: 109 KB, 850x916, behold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omegatranny: Leave it to me!

>> No.17136586

I'm a unicorn but I literally think this was a one-off gag for Opposite Day

>> No.17136744

i know about cumbud pedos, but GAY pedos????? or do pedos like both by default? tell me, pedo

>> No.17136890

How are you vehemently against pedos but don't know they're very often gay?

>> No.17137018
File: 572 KB, 600x639, thinking hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men have jobs and women have husbands, tapping into both markets is the key to success. Imagine if you will a Lamy-style vtuber that could also pander to fujos. The superchat revenue would shatter records.

>> No.17137181

Uhh nope, I only watch straight shota and from time to time, never went to the yaoi stuff

>> No.17137326

From a business perspective it makes sense and it shouldn't be bad AS LONG as you don't fuck over the 90% in the process

>> No.17137461
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 20220125_221649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this nobody still live rent free in some people's head after 6 months?

>> No.17137470

About 10% of whatever the USA has (3% vs 26.2%) is pretty normal given that's the difference in population. Looking at the JP branch, it's 1.2% vs 7.7%, which is closer to 15%.
Compared to burgers, the weeb leafs are watching the JP branches more.

>> No.17137570

Haunting discovery but thank you

>> No.17137576


>> No.17139042 [DELETED] 


>> No.17141326

I saw it in a dream

>> No.17142215

Based Cover

>> No.17145162 [DELETED] 

unicorn bros...

>> No.17145435

I don't think that really applies when the product is another woman. Women aren't out here superchatting their husbands oshi for them.

>> No.17145703

Adding men expands your audience to the entirety of the world's population. It's a no brainer.

>> No.17145956

This. It's amazing how fucking retarded the posts in this thread are. The idea isn't to appeal to the women who are already there, it's to bring in more of that gigantic fucking market that isn't getting served by the current product.

>> No.17146096

That's because Taiwan is the VPN hotspot for the absolute majority of the Chinese into the outside internet

>> No.17146341

They made sure to write 地域 instead of 国 though

>> No.17146722

This thinking destroyed Western entertainment and it's now killing western vtubing. Cover is destroying everything that made them successful and they're backstabbing the fans that made them successful. And what made them successful is - "Idol culture in the English language." That's it. That's fucking it. That's what we all came for and why I watched them.

What Cover did was it got westernized at light speed and so lost everything that made them appealing. I have never in my life watched twitch thots or e-celebs and absolutely not men. I despise those things. I hate twitch. I hate e-celebs. I hate "streamers" in a general sense. This whole clusterfuck is just Cover rejecting everything that made them successful and chasing a phantom that doesn't exist.

Fuck Cover. Fuck all of this. Why isn't Mori suspended or graduated? Why are you bringing in men? I'm not going to pretend to be okay with this and I'm not even going back to just watching the JP side, because it's again just Cover, and this company doesn't deserve an ounce of respect anymore. It needs to be spat on. They used us all and threw us away. They are traitors and backstabbers, simple as. I've never in my life felt so thoroughly used and I'm still trying to rationalize how in the fuck did it get so bad, so fast and so hard. The sheer level of amoral cynicism is staggering.

>> No.17146790

/vt/ will laugh at you, but you're absolutely right. Myth was at least PRETTY FUCKING GOOD at the start. Now we have Council and unhinged Mori.

>> No.17146822

based, but there's nothing you can do about it. enjoy it while you still can, if you still can

>> No.17146847

The source is OP made it in photoshop in 30 mins but since he wrote "confidential", in english by the way, everybody think it's real

>> No.17146926

Hey if you think this is fake then it must be a pretty good fake

>> No.17147024

how the fuck am i supposed to read this shit

>> No.17147085

It does seem pretty legit. So I don't know anymore. It's always a possibility a turbo autistic nip made it. Most numbers are public informations and what's not can be faked without any verification possible

>> No.17147170


meanwhile, a Council fag stream got a culled 17k kek

>> No.17147202

It's real. On another note, was it leaked or uploaded by Cover themselves? Because if it was leaked... uh... they should probably have stripped the PDF author field first.

>> No.17147344

Anon, we're on fucking /vt/. Saying "it's real" when's there no way to verify infos, will always be dumb

>> No.17147373

The author is a Cover employee. The title is "PowerPoint プレゼンテーション". Seems real to me.
