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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17122683 No.17122683 [Reply] [Original]

What happened I thought we hate male vtubers

>> No.17122748


>> No.17122782

who is >we

>> No.17122812

Debut buff according to /#/

>> No.17122842

itoddler thread

>> No.17122869
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>> No.17122991

You and the voice in your head telling you that you're disappointing your parents by being gay isn't a group of people.

>> No.17123033
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Check out Vox's SC counts.
They are popular in Asia. You should know white dicks have advantage to Asian women.

>> No.17123052

why do boys look so good in short shorts..........

>> No.17123135
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I'll be nice.
The reason they are popular is due to several factors.

1. Streaming is and always will be a man's game, the biggest streamers, most earners, most popular are all men.
2. Reverse HoloEN situation, that is to say nobody thought a market existed for males until someone gave it a try, turns out there is a huge untapped for male vtubers
3. They got a good bunch of talents as their debut wave, Ike is easily the stand-out with an amazing singer he is but the rest are all very entertaining, Shu is the worst in that regard but the worst I can say is that he's just a bit dull.
4. Women are actually insane and extremely thristy for them, like I literally saw someone send him 250 just to have Vox insult her.

They've also integrated quite well with the rest of them and have produced some nice content, which in turn helps the girls incline.

>> No.17123274
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>> No.17123378
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Who can say?

>> No.17123613
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>> No.17124020


>> No.17124117

That's one hell of s buff

>> No.17124164

western fujos + english buff for eastern fujos

>> No.17124576

i hate men so fucking much how dare they invade vtubing as well this is NOT OKAY

>> No.17125071


>> No.17125234
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Men are just better. Cope.

>> No.17125820

I mean, it was never a secret that Men are better entertainers than women on average. Vtubing just needed the first years to get over the initial audience of male losers and coomers.

>> No.17125890

you didn't even call no homo

>> No.17126038


>> No.17126062

>Vtubing just needed the first years to get over the initial audience of male losers and coomers.
Male vtubers debuted just fine alongside female vtubers in the beginning, and men have always been more popular after Nijisanji's first 6-8 months

>> No.17126111

You clearly overestimate the population of regulars on this board compared to the population of the overall VTuber community.

>> No.17127010
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Luxiem's popularity will make way for even more male VTubers now that people see that there's a huge market for them. You're outdated so keep crying, your tears are delicious.

>> No.17127802

They were highly anticipated and were hyped to hell and back by the girls and fans, and they also tapped into the female audience (that was way bigger than even the most optimistic person thought), while also tapping on the eastern market pretty damn hard (some of them have said that big percentage of their viewers are not only women but from the east too and that demo already had some foundation thanks to the other Nijibranches) and they also have some very female appealing models and a dude with a voice that gets the girls weak in the knees.
Overall, it's not hard to see why they succeeded, though it's still shocking how much they succeeded, not even in my biggest delusions back when I still watched the branch did I think they would do this well, and those were some heavy ones, but I'm happy they are doing well, though there's yet to see how far and how long that will last, but for the time being it seems this will go for long.

>> No.17128265

Except that Nijisanji proved time and time again that males are more popular than the girls.
Hololive just went for the gachikoi market.

>> No.17128358

They're popular enough that Pixiv wrote an article on their tag, this happens for any breakout or new tag, and it hasn't happened for any of the girl waves so that should clue you in on something. Plus, the biggest record store in Japan featured Luxiem, again, not the other girls.

>> No.17129355

Pls stop, pls make it stop for a love of fucking God, stop making these thread....

>> No.17130014

Are there woman weebs too
I mean women who love anime and shit

>> No.17130451

women only love control. they only join hobby areas to further their control. no woman has ever loved a video game, a tv show, a sport, a man, a child, anything. only control.

>> No.17130567

No. That's why women have never creator prominent anime, and why female seiyuu are all disinterested in their work. Also why even female vtubers into weebshit are clearly faking, even when they display deeper knowledge than most of their fans.

>> No.17130677

Women aren't real retard they're just men with voice synthesizers.

>> No.17130725

thank you. this was helpful, anon.

I agree but I wouldn't really know about how good Luxiem are. I only sub to Ike and Mysta. Vox seems too much of an "attractive fujo bait" that I feel gay thinking about subbing to him, while the other 2 seems rather bland.

>> No.17130803

All top twitch and youtube streamers are males.
It only makes sense that male Vtubers are popular.

>> No.17130865

>posts male Petra

>> No.17130987

I don't get how you can think Luca is more bland than Ike, have you even watched Ike play Celeste or Deltarune. He asks the chat for help 24/7 plus has a squealing gay voice.

>> No.17131236

I watched Ike play Celeste and I appreciate his skill. although I have suspicions that it's definitely not his first time playing it because he's too good. I guess I'll check Luca out.

>> No.17131304
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>> No.17131356

>No. That's why women have never creator prominent anime, and why female seiyuu are all disinterested in their work. Also why even female vtubers into weebshit are clearly faking, even when they display deeper knowledge than most of their fans.
Are you retarded

>> No.17131475

Male vtubers appeal to fujos and they’re the only relevant English male vtubers.

>> No.17131649

What is fujos
I don’t speak zoomer language

>> No.17131678

/vt/ users can’t read.

>> No.17131794

Turn out a lot of anon are gay.

>> No.17131807

You are, since you can't understand sarcasm.

>> No.17131986

I'm only skimming this and honestly how instant he got https://youtu.be/d-fL-VOmIFA?t=7581 could be a tell how fast he got that. I've been around the celeste community a long time and his blind numbers would be like unprecedented way better than even the best celeste players first playthroughs and a lot of them were already accomplished platformers. so maybe he's the greatest platformer player of all time or maybe he's just pretending to be playing blind.

>> No.17132175

Most of fujo in the west is Asian second generation

>> No.17134978

not sure if incel bait post or really bad sarcasm

>> No.17135097

He is pretending they all have done this with Jump king and Getting over it. Go watch his Deltarune stream

>> No.17135223

Fujo is short for Fujoshi. It has a long history, but basically it's a woman who is into fictional gay male content. The male version is a Fudanshi.

>> No.17135318

Luxiem is giving me confidence to try out vtubing myself.

>> No.17135654

Female unicorns and goslings

>> No.17135674

Fujoshis have existed for longer than you were alive.

>> No.17135922
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Because the modern woman is made up of 90% retard juice and loves to give anime boys money with usernames calling themselves his cocksleeve

>> No.17136011

What the fuck, they ship men they are not unicorns, they literally coom to the implications that a guy entered another guy's room because they immediately think they're fucking

>> No.17136189






>> No.17136286

>zero self-awareness

>> No.17138066

Yeah that'd be the only thing that makes sense. must be weird as hell to spend hours pretending to play a game blind lmao.

>I guess this block falls whoah crazy! well almost full cleared it in 10 deaths what a blind playthrough!

>> No.17138332

No you retard.
A female unicorn is just a female unicorn, and a female gosling would be closest to a yumejoshi (the kinds of girls who fantasize about dating the characters rather than them dating each other). Some fujoshi also crush on characters or get mad at het interactions, but plenty only care about pairing the boys with other boys.

>> No.17140816 [DELETED] 

fujoshi is a cancer.

>> No.17140902

He only asks for help when he's already done something and going back for a secret.

>> No.17141205 [DELETED] 

Asking chat for help probably endears people to him. His gimmick is that he's a dumb himbo which is popular

>> No.17142043

women find the squealing gay voice cute

>> No.17142367

I actually cum whenever they get big numbers and people at /#/ seethe and cope by using the “debut buff” line.

>> No.17145598

am the anon who said Ike seems more interesting than Luca and honestly I kinda felt myself going a little bit gay listening to Ike's voice. so I have nothing to add. I now understand why anons call me a faggot.

>> No.17148004

Lol, same can be said of men.
