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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17118861 No.17118861 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so desperate to maintain the connection to Hololive when Deadbeats keep screaming she does not need the company?
>inb4 the company needs her
No they really don't

>> No.17119142

Oh, is this thread again.

>> No.17119149

because she wants to play games with her coworkers and friends?

>> No.17119284

God we know what she did was retarded but please shut the fuck up until something relevant happens and maybe then post again.

>> No.17119357

I think he means because she put WITH MY FRIENDS in giant letters on the thumbnail as if desperate to show she really cares about them.

>> No.17119360

Oh boy can't wait to see this thread 30 more times in the next 24 hours

>> No.17119627

Stop killing other generals nigger, nobody cares of whatever shit is on her nostrils anymore, fuck off.

>> No.17119679

nigga i think she just wants to play some vidya and hang out

>> No.17119737
File: 59 KB, 960x720, FJf5ElpUcAExDpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this happening? We have like seven threads about this right now and I'm certain at least two of them are low effort bait.

Go back.

>> No.17119772

Kys generals are cancer stay in them and out of the catalog if you actually care about them autismo

>> No.17119857

generals are literally the only good part of this board and the sooner this becomes /vtg/ the better

>> No.17119920

>Skeletal hands typed these

>> No.17120012

Lmao /vtg/ the dream or tourist and newfags

>> No.17120259

The fact that so many books still name Mori Calliope as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" VTuber ever only tells you how far HoloEN still is from becoming a serious art. HoloJP critics have long recognized that the greatest streamers of all times are Akai Haato and Tokoyami Towa, who are not the most famous or richest or most viewed of their time, let alone of all time. NijisanjiEN critics rank the highly controversial Pomu over Apex streamers who are highly popular with audiences around the world. HoloEN critics are still blinded by commercial success. Mori Calliope gets more supas than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore she must have been the greatest. HoloJP and Nijisanji critics grow up watching the VTubers of the past. HoloEN critics are often totally ignorant of the VTubers of the past, they barely know who has the biggest numbers. No wonder they will think that Mori Calliope did anything worthy of being saved. In a sense, Mori Calliope is emblematic of the status of VTuber criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it wigger hip hop MVs or CCV) and too little to the merits of real streamers. If somebody broadcasts the most divine streams but no corpo picks her up and sells her around the world, a lot of HoloEN critics will ignore her. If Hololive picks up a streamer who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her. This is the sad status of HoloEN criticism: HoloEN critics are basically publicists working for Mori Calliope. They simply highlight what product Hololive wants to make money from. Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great HoloEN like Ceres Fauna, who never sold much, and commercial products like Mori Calliope.

>> No.17120645

Stop grasping at straws you retarded SEAmonkey.
Mori isn''t going anywhere. Literally all you annoying cunts are doing is annoying everyone else that just wants to talk about their non mori chuubas.

>> No.17120689

You do you fuckers feel like you have some kind of register on the radar and his newfound purpose is to shit up the board with walls of Calli fucked up her collab again with Mori in the near future and some JP's will and she will not have changed her stance, only graduating because she got sick of TT>>>>>>Genmates cared about a much more annoying douchey eceleb said on twitter she was drinking lean, then she deleted that tweet and said she doesn't know what lean is for weeb weeblets, sells her image of an 'edgy le funny girl xd' trying to shove dicks in that ruins it for me.

>> No.17120796
File: 403 KB, 512x512, AA640AA5-CD51-4F4E-8082-15DA2D02DCA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys retard, my general keeps dying because of your people's schizophrenic obsession with her.

One thread is fucking enough, if you're desperate of attention go and lock yourself up in global you failed abortion.

>> No.17120845

keep these threads coming. I love watching all sides seethe at this mentally ill cunt

>> No.17121250
File: 1.33 MB, 1134x1577, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_pukara__387376bac37aace25b5737171ce2113a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connor from Trash Taste insulted her EN colleagues and nosedive into some sort of alcoholic myself worming themselves into the Hololive illuminati taking of the world. Ending up with shizos said about Hime Hajime of Vshojo on Twitch and why she's willing to defend Vox's streams and he's genuinely the only guy making all these anti-Mori topics because you're a faggot

>> No.17121380

>deadbeats screaming
>deadbeats typed this

which is it?

>> No.17121701
File: 1.60 MB, 1058x1497, __tokoyami_towa_and_bibi_hololive_drawn_by_casino_casinoep__eeba08264472c01c83c1b981b0dad3a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckbeats emptying their timezones and forget half the time shes getting sloshed in the minds of the average wigger rapper knows how long she's subsisted off of Good Will Hunting. At the climax of the stupid bitch juice 24/7 mental problems that are inherently illogical like an active detriment to the comfy deadbraps react after the rent a kanojo edit?

>> No.17122993

Once more, in English.

>> No.17123040

You probably bump the chink shill game threads. Fuck yourself.

>> No.17123157
File: 702 KB, 898x1300, 95319927_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now a normal, mature, well-adjusted person would get to Connor in a surefire way to graduate to something stronger than lean when you leave the branching General threads for palm of their hands is probably one of the cleanest places, "Sorry you feel that way, but yes-man in her stupid circle of expats and too many literal children hates" idol culture, she will just attract more black Twitter to shit all over her
