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17098227 No.17098227 [Reply] [Original]

Why nijisanjifags hate himemori luna?

>> No.17098290

I like Luna, I just dislike people who spread hate against Sasaki. Although I'll assume it's not Lunaitos doing that

>> No.17098320

>stop shitting the board with your pathetic leech oshi

>> No.17098370

I don't

>> No.17098496

I've only ever seen the opposite - Lunafags hating Nijisanji because they heard a fake rumor that Sasaki bullied Luna out.

>> No.17098515

Is this bait? Serious answer, most Nijifags always insist that Moruru, Sasaki and Himawari were friends and still meet up in real life. Is that hate to you?

>> No.17098610

She was bullied in Nijisanji back when she worked for them under another vtuber avatar.
She them moved to Hololive.

Not a rrat, this is for real. Look it up.
I guess NijiJP still holds a grudge for her leaving

>> No.17098621
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Himemori Luna was raped by Sasaki Saku in hot and sweaty summer of 2019.

>> No.17098830

If only Argentinans knew her sooner, they could've save her

>> No.17099099

>Not a rrat, this is for real. Look it up
Follow your own advice, lol. On the Japanese side the reason most people think she quit because her viewers were dicks to her, not her co-workers.

>> No.17099745

> most people think she quit because her viewers were dicks to her.
Wait. Moruru actually have views?

>> No.17099764

Luna tweeted a cryptic tweet about bullying a day after the large bullying scandal at nijisanji. The tweet was so fucking cryptic that even actual Japanese people could not read and say 100% what she tweeted. Esentially its thought that she was surprised at the bullying scandal at nijisanji but it could also be read that there was bullying at her current workplace. Unless Luna outright says what the reason was for leaving nijisanji we can only speculate. I love Luna and am happy to see her doing good in hololive.

>> No.17099808

>>17098227 I really dont have any particular feeling towards her. In 2022, Nijisanji who still knows/thinks about Moruru is a minority, and most of those who do have the :crying_emoji: reaction.

>still repeating this rrat that even 5ch doesnt circulate anymore

This thread is probably just bait to echo this dumb narrative but I'm gonna speak my piece of mind anyway.

>> No.17099870

here we have a typical EOP /vt/ newfag who probably don't even know what vtuber is back when Moruru was still around and pretend to know shit on 4chan.

>> No.17099916

Hag that sounds like a 5yr old toddler

>> No.17099921
File: 314 KB, 641x857, 4D9769FC-45AA-45C3-A619-054CB72869C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Luna/Moruru has always had a habit of egosearching, and some of her viewers were quite schizo. Here's some guy saying Sasaki is better at vidya than her. Now that I think of it, this might be where the bullshit that Sasaki supposedly bullied Luna came from, because her retarded fans would compare them.

>> No.17099932

>actual Japanese people could not read and say 100% what she tweeted
Why is the language like this?

>> No.17099984
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Hate that panda bitch.

Loyalty to Luna.

>> No.17099987

Yeah I remember an anon who followed her during Moruru days talking abiut hiw she got into arguments againts people on twitter.

>> No.17100055

Mori's japanese counterpart?

>> No.17100483

Is not the bullying scandal happened in Kr?

>> No.17100550

More like Chihiro's 0.5. Except Chihiro never give up.

>> No.17100631


>> No.17100647

Pretty sure it was when Meiro set the world on fire

>> No.17100731

Is this the part where we get people who probably never watched either Meiro or Roa arguing over who was wrong?

>> No.17100805

Not even worth a (you). Back in my day, trolling mean something.

>> No.17100872

>the twit posted way before Meiro even exist.
>hurr durr Meirororor

>> No.17100903

No one hates Luna-sama because she is perfect.

>> No.17100956
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>> No.17101162
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>fake rumor
not fake at all

>> No.17101260
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She also bullied Aqua. Based yayo.

>> No.17101279

roomate tweet, and it was the day Narukami released the video about Roa and Meiro, and she said something about her previous workplace was full of hypocrites, the tweet was deleted later

>> No.17101299

Absolute Stacy

>> No.17101356

No one hates her. Stop using Luna as your bait dramanigger.

>> No.17101415

The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.17101434

I don't mind her much but I don't particularly pay attention to her at all when I was a holofag and nothing changes when I became a nijinigger

>> No.17101648

i'm sure you have a screenshot

>> No.17103757
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>> No.17104614

no, but i think i saw one on matome, i'm not sure, but they have blocked almost all ip outside from japan, and i'm too lazy and busy right now to use a vpn and dig a ton of shit just satisfy your curiosity

>> No.17105889

i was just implying you were bullshitting and it looks like i was right

>> No.17105965

You gonna post that clip full of out of context, but still clearly playful antics?

>> No.17109328
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it's ok, i don't feel the need to prove myself right to a newfaggot rratposter

>> No.17109473

Never hate a single holo, i just hate faggot like you

>> No.17109588

The thing is legit anon lol

>> No.17115874

I have no idea about nijisanji, but are they really more schizo than holo fans ?
Her decision to move likely just make those schizo going even wilder

>> No.17122280

> Newfags weren't there when Luna was debuted
Tbh I don't know her before her current life but when I watched her debut, I can tell how dick her old viewers were like how they call her with her PL name

>> No.17128257

It's not about Nijiniggers being Nijinigger. It's Nip being Nip. Remember the shit they did to Towa? And Aloe in first half of dildo shashimi shitstorm?

>> No.17133089
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Stop shitposting with my oshi.
