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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17082079 No.17082079 [Reply] [Original]

Council is reclining so bad they have to be male to stay relevant kek

>> No.17082213

They’re prepping us for starsEN I can feel it

>> No.17082622

That is pretty sad and funny at the same time. Might as well, nothing to lose anyway.

>> No.17083448


>> No.17084007

Omega is forcing his trans ideology onto the talent

>> No.17084031

men always win, it's just genetics

>> No.17084152

Yeah, they win the worst types of fans. Stans are unironically way worse than unicorns.

>> No.17084308

OK, now go back sucking dick.

>> No.17084644

Fun fact- they're exactly the same and the original Stan was male

>> No.17084730

>disliked the video
>never open it again

>> No.17084761

>appropriating trans culture

>> No.17084783

roasties seething

>> No.17084796

I mean outside of the obvious massive downside that is attracting fujos, is there anything holoen loses by having a male team?

>> No.17084801

This is the EN management's strategy, they want to try Holostars EN, that's why there are a lot of interactions with male and something like this recently. They want to see the fanbase's reaction.

>> No.17084816

I just hope that they made sana into arjuna alter.

>> No.17084835

they lose the post-gen 3 unicorns that think they're the original fanbase, good riddance

>> No.17084840
File: 818 KB, 600x627, 1642857161509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Sana's male model also be atrocious?

>> No.17084898

Seems like it and it's pathetic. If they want HomoEN, they should just do it and stop acting like retards.

>> No.17084903
File: 501 KB, 3840x1748, galactus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but terry crews

>> No.17084936

HomoEN could in fact be a net negative on income from the branch if it causes a lot of disinterest in the girls if they try to make it a fucking dating romcom anime instead of a moe SoL/comedy/light yuri. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE who came here for Hololive (not stars) came for the latter.

>> No.17085027

I agree but this little show they are doing now is getting tiresome. Fucking do or don't.

>> No.17086361

male > female

>> No.17086432

Council's only hope is to become male so they acquire work ethics and start streaming.

Kronii and Sana desperately needs to be male

>> No.17086680

Imagine how Kronii is justifying this to her woke Twitter friends now she's being forced to be male. KEK.

>> No.17087322

who do we think will be the hottest
