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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17044926 No.17044926 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17044947

Guts is so handsome

>> No.17044961

no wonder she's a chink, she uses chrome

>> No.17045005

I liked her a lot but she never really managed to understand the difference between their ideological ideals and what she was doing and liked.
Whatever, Guts is nice so based taste Artia.

>> No.17045629

super based

>> No.17045693

Who is this cute gremlin looking girl? Is she streaming anytime soon?

>> No.17046197

She was based.
But then she had to choose betwen hololive and her contry.

>> No.17046353
File: 49 KB, 793x594, 1614282515510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artia threads are on the rise again
Is this what withdrawal feels like?

>> No.17046567

Artia was an amazing girl born in a terrible country i really love chinese people fuck zzipingping

>> No.17046773
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Same mentality

>> No.17048861

>/vt/ loves Artia again

>> No.17049970

was in now non-existent hololiveCN

>> No.17050834
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>> No.17050924


>> No.17051122

judas incarnate, betrayed hololive the company that got her out of the shit hole she was living in and after being fired leaked private conversations of her partner and branch friend Spade Echo ruining her plans for a better future.
a poisonous snake who deserved what happened to her, to die in irrelevance.

>> No.17052526

Please make a choice:
>defend your country
>defend your american whore coworker who insulted it

>> No.17052700

Truly does the heart good to see some Artia love.

>> No.17052828
File: 97 KB, 760x480, 1640843764897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related
Last time I see this pic jannies got pissed off because its not related to vtuber at all
I guess /v/ was right about this one

>> No.17053573

Dear Zhang, You should choose to defend your country from the real menace. Your "country" it's you and the people who live near you, not a fucking dictator and his party who maintain all the power and the wealth with a stupid red book, iron fist and spreading terror and disease all over the world.
Maybe they can fear you, sell you stuff, working for you, ect... But no one will ever love you and "your country". Learn how to behave like a person and not like an ant.

>> No.17053724

>defend your american whore coworker who insulted it
Of course they do, man, what a great insult.
that's why they call them the faggots of asia.

also explain to me why he did that to Spade Echo please.

>> No.17053800

It's funny, because you're American, and you're programmed to give me this response by "your country". Brainwashed fat fuck.

>> No.17054602

I'm not American. Neither I'm fat. There's not a single population that really like the current China in the world. That's a fact. I'm sorry but this is it until you step up against your warlords and try to build a less despicable system of living. The few Chinese people I know who truly managed to escape hate the actual communism dictatorship and hope in some sort of miracle for a better place to return someday. Something like Taiwan, maybe.

>> No.17054719

>>defend your country
kek more like "get used by bilibili"

>> No.17054753

why would the chinese want to overthrow their dictator? Compare the progress of China over the past 3 generations vs the US's fall into endless war and debt slavery. How about you go overthrow your leaders, john

>> No.17055010

Choice 3:
Say nothing

>> No.17055169

Chinese people feel strong about territorial issues. It has nothing to do with liking the dictator.
You're just ignorant about China history and don't understand their mentality at all.

>> No.17055282

>I'm not American
Yes you are.
>Neither I'm fat
Yes you are.

>> No.17055999
File: 599 KB, 1000x760, rightful chinese sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>territorial issues
>You're just ignorant about China history and don't understand their mentality at all
Ah yes the "fuck you it's mine" mentality.

>> No.17056257

This. Zhangs can't accept they were used to boot Hololive off Bilibili and steal Cover's tech. Artia already knows this since she was not pushed for popularity by Bili even though she organized all that shit. Her graduation pretty much mirrors Judas.

>> No.17056278

>ignorant about China history and don't understand their mentality at all
>censoring 1989 Tiananmen Square from its history
holy kek
show me a chinese history book where this is discussed

>> No.17057507

This game was the best thing to happen to /vt/ in a while.

>> No.17057757

what did she leak about echo. U keep hearing people reference this but i dont know the details.

I thought echo was doing ok after reincarnation. Weren't her and yogiri relatively blameless in the whole thing?

>> No.17058003

I miss Miura
I don't miss Artia

>> No.17058339

>There's not a single population that really like the current China in the world. That's a fact
Us Slavs like them or are just neutral towards them. China hate is a distinctly Anglo thing.

>> No.17058539

>Reading statistics

Really ?
Anon explain please

>> No.17058615

Border disputes are political, and they're not unique to China. Stop feigning ignorance.

>> No.17058753

yes, and it hurts

>> No.17059025

who is this

>> No.17059527

Echo wanted to break up with vtuber and move on with her life(this was planned before the taiwan yab) , she was going to move to USA.
Artia filtered her private conversations and screwed up her plans. in order not to end up as a "traitor" she had to stay in china and as she needed a source of income, she went back to vtuber.

>> No.17060638

That she thinks the character Guts from the manga Berserk is very handsome.

>> No.17060987

Jannies being retarded as usual. There are vtubers (corpos and indies) playing it.
>but holo
Remember that holo is allergic to money and publicity, they need written permissions in triplicate to even begin considering playing something.

>> No.17061329

By throwing a childish tantrum every time someone mentions Taiwan, China reveals its lack of confidence on the situation. A country with real confidence that they control some place place wouldn't care what foreigners say. Just look at the US and Israel. When people in the Israel say they are independent, Americans shrug and say "Yeah, of course", but everyone around the world knows the score.

>> No.17061848

Man that sucks for her. She was a real sweetheart. fuck artia

>> No.17067536


>> No.17067804
File: 128 KB, 332x351, 1632700014072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a third choice retard, and that would be to do nothing instead of acting as the CCP's loyal dog. Imagine being a chink and actually doing exactly what the shitty corrupt and tyrannical government that milks the fuck outta of your countrymen, and that has destroyed your country's culture for free.

>> No.17067909
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>> No.17068041

was there even conclusive proof it was artia who leaked it

>> No.17068203

>he doesnt know

>> No.17068258

I'm not a brit, nor am I from a five eyes country, CCP dog. You know you can get fucked for even more trivial shit on China right?
Don't you know that the Nation isn't the same thing as the State? Mao and his gang of westernophiles completely destroyed chineses culture and transformed chinks into their current bug form.

>> No.17068281

As a Slav, can say that we not necessarily like Chinese, but neither hate them.
We had little conflicts with China compared to European countries or US. Most China-haters in my country are either pro-western liberals or racists who hate all Asians equally.

>> No.17068367

t. wumao

>> No.17068918

if you loved your country you'd dislike the corrupt morass of fail that the CCP has become, as well as your burgeoning oligarchic parasite elite that is actively destroying your nation for 30 silver pieces and then some.
Gee if you need some niche thing that internet forum addicts can focus on, look no further than the tranny culture is infecting your gayboy catamite male population at a rapid clip (I have a twitter and I've seen too much). You shouldn't give a shit what some jap cartoon avi says about "the island" because territory is irrelevant to the actual wars China faces (and is losing): the cultural war, the social war. getting riled about territory is the "bread and circuses" of china, because the ant colony thinks any self-criticism will cause anarchy, division and collapse. Take your meds.

>> No.17069140

>She was a real sweetheart. fuck artia
If what Artia leaked was true (I don't believe it, It was a conversation between Echo and her manager). Echo was edating some guy in America, trash talked her fans a lot and also cheated on said boyfriend with some NijiCN guy so far from a sweetheart.
I don't believe it since either Echo or her manager had to leak those logs for it to be true and I doubt either of them are retarded enough to do it.

>> No.17069256

Holy shit the chink dick suckers are crawling out of the woodwork

Someone get the bug spray they might spread their covid shit here too

>> No.17069268

>Jannies being retarded as usual. There are vtubers (corpos and indies) playing it.
oh cool so I can just post random gta screenshots now can I make threads about based Trevor is

>> No.17070033

Artia was cute.

>> No.17070207

You should

>> No.17073624

Ui is Donovan’s oshi.

>> No.17075584

berserk? based

>> No.17075918

Based but...
She was sadly too retarded and easily pressured effectively ruining everything for herself on every side, damn chink indoctrination...

>> No.17076087

Hi Winnie the Pooh.
Now that you've read this, say goodbye to your social score.
Expect a police convoy to arrive at your house in aproximately 27.5 minutes. Enjoy the reeducation camp.

>> No.17077997

There's no point.

>> No.17078542

Fuck Artia, but also fuck the CCP. I hope she's able to save up money, gracefully bow out of the Vtuber game when she's ready, fade to obscurity and then get the fuck out of dodge and over here to burgerland. Can it still realistically happen for her at this point?

>> No.17078806

You know she’s already graduated again, right?

>> No.17078915

Nope, I don't follow any of them, I saw "she went back to vtuber" and mused my thoughts. Hope she's able to get out of that hellhole country, if that's what she still wants.
