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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17019856 No.17019856 [Reply] [Original]

This is what started the fucking apocalypse on vt? You fuckers don't even check your sources on whether it even made sense.

>> No.17019963

Well It’s too late now

>> No.17020009

It only got the ball rolling, but it's by no mean the only cause.

>> No.17020090

No, that's what set off deadbrap schizos. Unicorns hate more for "normalizing" collabing with males. I don't watch TT and don't really care about Connor/know much besides him being Mousey's friend, but he is right. Hololive's brand power is fucking insane, and Council fits the bill of being untalented and lazy.
100k subs just for being a Holo. If that doesn't cement his point of Cover's brand power, nothing will.

>> No.17020178

This was merely a spark, and if Calli had just realized that all she needed to do was to shut the fuck up, people would have forgotten about it. Instead, she felt the need to "own" the haters, which tends to backfire, as feeding those who are against you ANYTHING AT ALL is still feeding them and giving them a voice.

>> No.17020398
File: 277 KB, 640x634, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Connor was right all along and he was calling out Mori.

>> No.17020463

imagine unironically believe that he is right
Oh right I forgot 99% of niggers in this board haven't watched a single Hololive stream before EN in their entire life.

>> No.17020492
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I fucking hate Connor, just stick to talking about anime and fuck off.

>> No.17020500
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It starts with this one video Gigguk made about how mecha is a dead genre. This basically made TT fags every hardcore /m/fags' enemies. Things reallg snowballed from there.

>> No.17020516

You missed anons point you fucking moron he meant they got 100k subs before they even debuted

>> No.17020629

Tell me how he's wrong? Does the hate for Connor stem from being an "ironic" weeb (meaningless insult, has been thrown around for years).
I watch Kiara and Ina often. They're good at what they do. So is Gura, but her chat is cancer. Amelia went from la creatividad to tommy hort.
Mori I despised, but since Council debuted, she kinda got a second wind; no longer was she awkward and deadweight in collabs, she streamed more, didn't constantly put herself down. Sad to see her act like a retard on Twitter.
Council is fucking dogshit tho

>> No.17020894

Why did someone even superchat about this incident again when it happened months ago?

>> No.17020965
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All that matters is that people were criticizing her king, calli felt her eggs vibrate uncontrollably and it compelled her into attack mode

>> No.17021013

No, it was the Twitch stream where he badmouthed Hololive fans and deleted the VOD when word started spreading. This was around the time he was constantly interacting with Ollie.

>> No.17021072

Streamer reflects the chat. Someone just couldn't let it go

>> No.17021093

Nobody denies that the early holoJPs started from nothing and worked hard. But at this point the brand power alone can carry a channel and new holos get silver play buttons before their first streams.

>> No.17021143

I think it's because someone asked Connor something recently about the past incident or something. It wasn't completely unprompted, I think but I could just be regurgitating rrats.

>> No.17021188

You cant honestly think Kiara is better than Fauna or any of the other 3 in Council

>> No.17021250

Oh god, he's fucking tight, a faggot, but he's right

>> No.17021256

I do and can. Council has 3 girls that barely stream and 2 extremely boring ones. Kiara is a fun time all around.

>> No.17021341

>5 members
Okay clipwatcher

>> No.17021438

>b-but muh Omegatranny
This is one of those times where the bait is so shit I can't help but wonder if you're retarded. Cheers.

>> No.17021939

Connor was right this entire time

>> No.17022343
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Conur gaslighting mori all along. Ironmouse was right through its focking fraud if you put 5℅ effort on streaming.

>> No.17022516

Its because of the JK challenge and mori mentioning conn'or on her recent streams.

>> No.17024535

The thing is, he's right but you're not supposed to fucking say it. I love Holo, but he's correct. That said he NEVER should've brought up Hololive as an example because then it turns into a perceived personal attack. Literally shouldn't have brought up a single vtuber corpo and just kept it at a base level of "You can be fresh out of college and lie about your resume to get a job and once you're in you have your paycheck."
