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16947838 No.16947838 [Reply] [Original]

Would you believe a pathological liar? Actually the real question is, whose piss is she going to use to fake out the inevitable corpo-forced drug test?

>> No.16947881

it's finally matsuri's moment to shine

>> No.16948099

Connor was right, Cover is a black company. No way they'll allow their 2nd most subbed superstar to fail a drug test. They'll probably sweep this whole incident under the rug, but that means the JP's will start feeling resentful that she's getting preferable treatment.

>> No.16948112

Suisei ringo juice is clean

>> No.16948910

Isn't she the one who drink people's piss, not the other way around?

>> No.16949554

Are you kidding, Matsuri will laugh while this bitch crashes and burns. She'll give her spiked piss if anything.

>> No.16949763

Matsuri is definitely not that kind of person.

>> No.16949810

>drank is literally another slang for the drug lean

>> No.16950023

Matsuri isn't but Kiara seduced her into giving Mori unclean ringo.

>> No.16950698

she didn't say drank tho, retard

>> No.16950773

>from the south
>doesn't know what lean is
>probably didn't even listen to


>> No.16951155

In Japanese law, what is the legal definition of "lean" in the context of consumed narcotics?

>> No.16951286

They will simply just look up the ingredients, and decide whether one of them is against the law or not.

>> No.16951309

where is this theory of cali taking drugs even coming from? is this some form of schizo shit or is this some leaks shit.

>> No.16951341

Is the act of being under the influence illegal, or is possession? For if she consumed the substance she is no longer in possession of it. And it will be impossible to prove she was actually under the influence of any illegal drug. All she has to do is claim she lied in the tweet or that it was from the perspective of the character she was playing.

There is no case here.

>> No.16951367

The fact that she didn't know what the term "YEET" was used for kind of makes me think she just not hip. (Do you kid still use that word?)

>> No.16951440

lean is an old-ass word though, especially in rap culture. Mori is from Texas and it's even more commonly used there. There's no way she doesn't know.

>> No.16951497

Ringo thread? Ringo thread.

>> No.16951515

Every single person knows what lean is especially if you listen to rap even if it's just lame j-rap.

>> No.16951605

lean has been around since the 90s

>> No.16951658

She said it herself, comabro. Also if you're not a newfag you should've heard everything from her streams. Tiny example on the last Jump Kibg stream she talked a lot about boozes, even recommending people which booze is the best to get high. She even know anything involving booze to the very details and such.

>> No.16951685

I think Cover would need investigate this, the potential backlash that would ensue if Hololive was found out by a 3rd party to have a member that uses drugs would be enough to turn them all into 2 views.

>> No.16951694

i'm not even american, let alone texan, yet i know what lean is.

>> No.16951742


>> No.16951819

I have no idea wtf that is and no I'm not wasting my time researching it.

>> No.16952265

Exactly the reason why you would never say something like "I drink a lean today".
No one describe the food they take with a word they don't know. I eat a <ho-idea-what-this-world-mean>. Such usage make no sense

>> No.16952366

Even if she wasn't hitting the lean, shouldn't she be on painkillers and antibiotics after surgery? Why is she drinking alcohol on that?

>> No.16952385

what a stupid thread. she's too much of a nerd to be drinking lean and codeine is OTC in japan anyways

>> No.16952588


>> No.16952799

Tweet implied the surgery is upcoming, so not related to the purple drank

>> No.16952848

what surgery she's talking about anyway? it suddenly came out of nowhere

>> No.16952963

>suddenly came out of nowhere

>> No.16952998

is it seanigger hours or something? holy fuck dude

>> No.16953035

Ah. So people are already coming up with pre-emptive cope for when it turns out she's just an idiot who doesn't know what lean is. They're already claiming she's going to cheat a drug test. This reminds me of when Captain Marvel made a billion dollars and people suddenly decided that for the first time in history, it was possible to fake box office numbers. So this is the next cope.

>> No.16953212

>when Captain Marvel made a billion dollars and people suddenly decided that for the first time in history, it was possible to fake box office numbers
To be fair they did fuck with the rotten tomatoes numbers.
And if they're willing to go that far for some movie... imagine what other numbers they could be lying about.

>> No.16953370

wait anon are U TALKIN BOUT THE JOOS

>> No.16953475
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>> No.16953651


>> No.16956322

lol and she's in japan, her career is fucking over bro, it's kinda sad
