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16943965 No.16943965 [Reply] [Original]

Can her manager make it any less obvious that they are ghost-writing her tweets

>> No.16944106
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It just gets worse and worse

>> No.16944196

Her being such a wigger and trying so hard to be black while simultaneously not knowing what lean is is fucking hilarious. It's almost sitcom level

>> No.16944285
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>> No.16944456

In a choice between being a wigger and admitting to drug use, they picked the funnier option

>> No.16944593
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You meant better and better?

>> No.16944815

Lean isn't a new age word. It was part of the Trayvon Martin trial 9 years ago.

>> No.16944956

iirc zoomers also call lean drankies or purple drank or something? yeah there's like 90% chance it's mane-san.

>> No.16945048

Never heard the word before to be honest

>> No.16945307

>new age words
>Lil Wayne literally talked in 2008 about his addiction and trying to quit

>> No.16945320

i thought lean was just grape soda and cough syrup wtf?

>> No.16945460

Yes, specifically cough syrup with opiate codeine, see >>16945307

>> No.16945484

it's like a dream lol. Can't make this shit up

>> No.16945519

get that drank away from mori

>> No.16945534

Totally believable though for Mori.

>> No.16945539

>has Codeine in it that can get you high
>recreational drug use is a big 'NO' in Japan

>> No.16945572

Cough syrup as in codeine not dextromethorphan

>> No.16945584

>actually meanings
she's fucked up or this is some jp wagie doing damage control for lack of en managers

>> No.16945911
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Kek they got poor takeshi making 1000 yen a month doing damage control

>> No.16945976

that makes more sense i thought it was supposed to be the basic stuff you get at walmart for like 5 bucks

>> No.16946039

>oh my god what would a wannabe nigger say oh god oh fuck

>> No.16946300

I mean she's drunk, what did you expect

>> No.16946865

This is pure damage control, either on her part as someone blasted out of their mind on lean and booze, or some random jp wagie that doesn't know English lol

>> No.16947158

I'm ESL but got good score for vocabulary, but I don't understand lots of Mori strange vocabulary.

>> No.16947284

Regardless, someone is getting "le bonked XDD" with a metal bat

>> No.16947849

That's because a bunch of Mori's vocabulary is borrowed from rap culture and ebonics, and as tonight shows she either doesn't actually understand them beyond their use in context in the first place or does but doesn't use any kind of judgement as to when they are or aren't appropriate

>> No.16948174

If this whole debacle has taught me one thing, it's that "purple drank" is actually a drug concoction. All these years I thought these niggers just really loved grape soda.
At least I don't pretend to like them.

>> No.16949661

English sure is hard

>> No.16949825

It's been around since the 90s and is very popular.

>> No.16951268

I've heard niggas in the club refer to anything between liqour to coke as "lean". It's just a generic "thing I got fucked up on" word.

>> No.16951461

See this whole thread is about a native speaker backpedaling because she used the wrong word.

>> No.16951556

wait is niggers liking watermelon/fried chicken an euphemism for something else too?

>> No.16951599

she's a modern day shakespeare, she invents half the words she uses. drankies is not a thing. drank yes.

>> No.16951706

>All those deleted threads
From this point onwards, everything is just damage control.

>> No.16952314

Hahaha, bases Mori

>> No.16952636
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Think you might be right

>> No.16952791

Time to switch to metal, mori.

>> No.16952941

Please be a real tweet

>> No.16952958

its real

>> No.16952976

why does mori try sounding black?

>> No.16953221
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