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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16783095 No.16783095 [Reply] [Original]

Post your strongest rrats

>> No.16783151
File: 28 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by a wat(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16783208 [DELETED] 

The jannies actually like it when people make silly narratives that go completely off the wall, which is why common rrat words aren't filtered, but you can't mention Mori's roommate account by name even though it's common knowledge.

>> No.16783333

Most holos are actually mentally deranged menheras IRL and have never even had a boyfriend.

>> No.16783411

I don't see the problem.

>> No.16783469

Example: Watame

>> No.16783497 [DELETED] 

>The jannies actually like it when people make silly narratives that go completely off the wall
Can confirm, but don't involve Ina. The tako mod knows no mercy.

>> No.16783507

Virgin girls are disgusting. Imagine fucking someone without any experience

>> No.16783509

fuck you!

>> No.16783574

have fun with your stds slut

>> No.16783633

she doesn't need any experience to lay on her bed you retard she's just a glorified fleshlight.
you sound like you're coping for something

>> No.16783805

Mods are on Omega's payroll which explains why only anti threads relating to EN get instadeleted.

>> No.16783809

god bless you

>> No.16783879

Sexy quads

>> No.16784057 [DELETED] 

Mumei is even more obvious. Say one bad word about her, even if it's on topic, kiss goodbye to the chan for 3 days.

>> No.16784286

IRyS' dad and Pikamee's dad are Navy buddies.

>> No.16784315

>He doesn't know

>> No.16784337

Subaru is a man
>no one outside of the vtuber industry has seen subaru
>never blows out his voice despite doing an extremely loud and exaggerated voice due to thick male vocal cords
>Everyone wants to kiss him

>> No.16784624

Matsuri is a femcel

>> No.16784629

>mentally deranged menheras IRL
>never even had a boyfriend
Every vtuber is in love with me.

>> No.16784807

She's the princess of 4chan for a reason.

>> No.16785208

Are you saying that you wouldn't kiss Subaru?

>> No.16785529

>Virgin ADULT girls are disgusting
ftfy. Pinning down a virgin ~13 y/o (in minecraft) and shoving your sticky piston in to her hopper is pure bliss.

>> No.16787401

There's zero(0) western women that are still virgin

>> No.16787706

Jay will be in starsEN

>> No.16789214

Aight, I'll test this:



>> No.16790984
File: 392 KB, 2849x1629, 2022-01-20_19-32-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let AI generate rrats for me now. Sure, organic rrats have the potential to be the strongest, but AI can always come up with something if you aren't hearing the voices that day.

>> No.16791169
File: 64 KB, 1440x1080, 1641986429455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is dead and every Livestream is done by her ghost

>> No.16791407

She's a fucking whore

>> No.16791511

Ark arc started when a holomem brought the new baby into the office and this is a coping mechanism

>> No.16791993
File: 152 KB, 338x387, 1633100775220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn it you piece of shit fruit.

>> No.16792103

Dangerously based. Can I get a link? most rrats are pretty vanilla, and I'd love to put some AI insanity behind them

>> No.16792310

Enjoy anon.

>> No.16792510

Teach me your ways senpai onegaishimasu

>> No.16792540


>> No.16792713

The Taiwan yab was planned by Hololive. Yagoo's childhood revolved around Winnie the Pooh, and he was so disgusted by China banning it that he wanted nothing to do with the country anymore.

>> No.16792830
File: 63 KB, 601x473, 39C55F94-8103-4AD2-BF20-8C98C7EDB07C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16793010

I believe this

>> No.16793140

Suisei has 3 seiyuu.
>old VA
>new VA
>song VA

>> No.16793231

Amelia is 12 years old irl

>> No.16793644
File: 685 KB, 1100x1100, 1642104015621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I got: "Gawr gura, a female YouTube streamer from hololive, has passed away suddenly in an accident. As one of the most popular streamers, she was known for her bubbly humor and for being very approachable to the viewers. While her death is a great loss for the online gaming community, we hope her memory will be carried on in the many other people she influenced. Below is a video of her stream. If you ever enjoyed seeing her interact with the viewers, we hope that she helped make a difference to you and other people out there.

As for the rest of us here at the GGL, we will be mourning her loss and continue to make the best of our lives."

>> No.16793673

Ollie is married to his brother

>> No.16793707

Pekora is Catholic

>> No.16793852

Vtuber are actually all AIs, except for... Kizuna

>> No.16794028

Wait I get this post. This man is saying he is the boyfriend

>> No.16794106

My chuuba never had a boyfriend and she is mostly mentally stable

>> No.16794113

/vt/ rrat
A thread just got deleted because a bunch of cucklords that are pro-homostar, anti-GFE were samefagging calling a bad meme based.

>> No.16794233

>also Yagoo's favorite when Yagoo has been clearly shilling for the Stars for a long time.

anon you might be on to something.

>> No.16794440

automated rrat development system... is there any hope left for humanity?

>> No.16794607 [DELETED] 

Yeah, l got banned for stating that her roommate has a boyfriend.

>> No.16794999

Ayame has a high standing Hangure in her family who she uses as exploit to get her way in Hololive. Yagoo is doing his best to keep the girls safe and while her Bro doesn't care much for Vtubers, he dotes on her. Ayame's attitude has become real shitty and got decked by Okayu when she has been harassing Korone, with Botan stepping in to calm the situation. Fubuki and Mio arrived soon after due to the ruckus and escorted Ayame out who threw a tantrum how Hololive wouldn't be worth anything without her. Her long absence was a unofficial suspension and Okayu was merely warned, as Ayame has been making trouble for a while whereas Okayu was a matter that even she had lost her calm.
Ayame claimed she will tell her Bro but nobody ever came nor was anything done. Ayame has been far more silent since then with Botan checking in regularly if she has been tripping again. (Botan has become a pillar to keep these egos from clashing)

>> No.16795465
File: 312 KB, 2747x1659, 2022-01-20_21-04-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anon, will (You) be able to handle infinite rrats that can be generated with a single click?

>> No.16795493

Aki, Miko, Botan and all of Gamers are single mothers. They're enamored with Western culture because there's not as much of a stigma about having children out of wedlock in the West as there is in Japan.

>> No.16795987


>> No.16796118

this isn't hololive related but

a few weeks back there was a thread titled "why is this so cute?" with a dyarikku chibbi picture which was posted shortly after the dyarikku redubt.
in this thread someone was going on a multiple post spree about how art skills do not matter to a streamer and that they only need entertainment skills, the details don't matter.
A few days ago on stream dyarikku randomly went on a rant about "neckbeards who think art is not good for streaming", completely unprovoked. The rant felt very targeted towards the replies on that thread.

this leads me to believe that that post was made by dyarikku herself
>>16075439 is the post in question

i would post a link to the rank but i don't remember what stream it was on and you can't search the transcript like in youtube

>> No.16796209


>> No.16796756

None of the girls are playing characters. Roboco really is an android, Okayu really is a neko, Gura really is a shark girl, etc.
>Why do you think the company's called Cover?

>> No.16796893

Gura is filipino.

>> No.16797177

>miko and marine both went to all girls school and both gay as fuq
>Koyori a barely concealed 35p, also went to all gril school and also prefer girls
I think we're set for a MikoKoyo ship in the near future

>> No.16797722

it doesn’t necessarily mean she made the thread though. maybe someone linked it to her or something

>> No.16798008

that is far too lucid for a rrat thread

>> No.16798633
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, level5rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16798681


>> No.16799521

Fantastic, let the shitposting commence!

>> No.16800019

Oh man I missed this. It's been so long since the last A.i. generated rrat thread was last posted. Thankfully I saved the link to the a.i. text generator before that thread got archived.

>> No.16800026

I made this post

>> No.16800671
File: 212 KB, 980x973, Screenshot_20210628_175923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy one I made a few months back and liked
Following the MikKorone naming template, it'd probably be more like MikKoyo

>> No.16801058

Kiara has a gun
Korone was a high school delinquent who bullied a girl into an early self-inflicted grave, but Korone got away with it
Since graduating highschool, shes had 3 children, all with different men. All her kids are in the care of her grandmother because Korone is too busy playing 30 year old video games for 18 hours a day. She also smokes

>> No.16801218
File: 814 KB, 1372x1681, chrome_screenshot_1642737184027(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16802153

Tokino Sora is Kizuna Ai from a parallel universe who was purposefully sent into our universe after she chose to rebel against Upd8 for holding her back.

>> No.16802166
File: 517 KB, 438x631, 1635436009575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been bamboozled and you must pay the price

>> No.16802546

>only 11 and you won't find a single fan complaining about how young she is

>> No.16806117

Marine is actually a real pirate who partook of the Fountain of Youth a few centuries ago. Where the Fountain is located is unknown since treasure maps from Marine's time are all but non-existent.

>> No.16808423
File: 866 KB, 4000x2250, __hanaka_kotone_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_fxx__28137eeb24f7cf5554637b3b1acf6491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanaka Kotone delivers illegal substances to an abandoned dockyard every once a week during nighttime. Usually she takes the Shuto Expressway in her modified RX7 to reach her destination. But each time she does, she floors it and zips by through traffic without fail. Those who challenge her to a race usually lose sight of her, for her RX7 is too fast for anyone to catch-up to.

>> No.16810431
File: 379 KB, 1403x448, Screenshot 2022-01-20 235513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. These randomly generated words express my true feelings about you.

>> No.16810549

the holoEN girls aren't actually taking break days if you see they aren't streaming on certain days, they're actually having lots of sex with the upcoming EN Holostars

>> No.16811721

People go into Mumei's Basement. They never come back

>> No.16813051

Kallin Yazaki occasionally shows up to some random dirt tracks in Texas to take the duty of being the trophy girl. Whenever she does, Nini Yuuna and a bunch of stinky Nightblooms flood the grandstands to get a look of her rack and her Texas-sized ass.

>> No.16813244
File: 2.81 MB, 640x480, uohhh kino[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8rconr.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16813434
File: 3.65 MB, 328x352, 1642128850548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16813852
File: 343 KB, 1042x673, Gospel of the Haachamaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rrat is that the rrat text generator is actually the revealed Word of the Divine. Praise be her Holiness.

>> No.16814675

Offcollab streams aren’t real. They just host streams inside a empty room in cover studio when it’s over holomems go back home, You really think Kanata and others went to a public villa far away? It’s easy to lie on Twitter.
>explained the Kanata cooking flares food then
Manager brought them breakfast from home didn’t you see the cropped paper plates and a red cafeteria plate pic in her Twitter?

>> No.16814929

Mori Calliope was able to make her way into VTubing because she sucked off Mike Harmon. Long before she became a VTuber, Mori just so happened to work at the same Applebee's Mike Harmon would visit in his hometown. The 2 struck a partnership after Mori showed off her mixtape and Harmon agreed to give her the funds needed to become a VTuber. In exchange, she had to prepare whatever meal Harmon would choose at Applebee's and it had to be cooked to perfection or otherwise he would give her a very small tip.

>> No.16814991
File: 73 KB, 1167x685, takanashi_kiara_with_a_gun__hololive_en__by_cutesexyrobutts_dejpdfd-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara has a GUN

>> No.16815157

Yeah Navy in the CWC sense.

>> No.16815177

my strongest rrats would kill you, shitposter

>> No.16815298

Ayame didn't respond to Ina's birthday drawing of her because she hates Koreans and probably lobbies Yagoo to never make Hololive KR.

>> No.16815452

Cover harvests spirit energy from the watchers and uses the supa money to fund a project that will protect the world from a world-ending threat.

>> No.16815605

OP stinks like a dirty rodent,
OP is Risu

>> No.16815958

the mods here are all KFP
they ban people for rightfully shitting on Kiara
and they leave every shitpost that could be consider pro-Kiara up despite frequently deleting those for the other girls
/hlg/ started as a strictly anti-Kiara general but mods have conditioned their userbase into the opposite stance
that's my /vt/ rrat

>> No.16815982

Not so much a rrat so as common sense. The bath episodes in particular are kinda fake to begin with.

>> No.16816032
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, 1642423498707.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are my rrats for HoloEN
Mori is cute!
Kiara is cute!
Inner is cute!
Gura is cute!
Ame is cute!
IRyS is cute!
Sana is cute!
Fauna is cute!
Kronii is cute!
Mumei is cute!
Baelz is cute!
Omeger is useless

>> No.16816095

How could you say that anon? Are you proud of yourself?

>> No.16818313
File: 85 KB, 582x817, 1638771273618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
