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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 183 KB, 1280x720, garticphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16766105 No.16766105 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? Predictions?

Is your oshi participating?

>> No.16766128


>> No.16766208

Won't be starting for a few more hours but the rrats are already here

>> No.16766236

ask in 10 hours.


>> No.16766301

More like
>wait a minute, I don't understand japanese
>go back to shitposting about mori

>> No.16766323

don't care / shark remains untainted

>> No.16766329
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>> No.16766391

How did Mumei get roped into this. She doesn't even speak japanese

>> No.16766527

It's probably gonna be pretty fun, if little awkard because of the language barrier with Mumei. That's all, nothing especially noteworthy will happen.

>> No.16766588

>no Mumei POV

>> No.16766611


>> No.16766640

Who fucks who after the collab?

>> No.16766647
File: 436 KB, 818x818, pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive nothingburger, aside from the irrelevant outcry of some lonely trolls and unicorns on this board. The stream will be business as usual (i.e. wholesome and fun) and the /vt/ schizos will have forgotten about it in a week when they timeloop back to X WOMAN BAD.

>> No.16766681

Gartic phone entirely depends on how well the majority of chuubas involved can draw.
I only watch jp girls so I have no idea how it'll go. It'll probably be okay.

>> No.16766701

Why not? She won't stream her POV, so it's not a problem if she speaks little.

>> No.16766775

I've enjoyed every Gartic Phone stream I've caught so far so I'll be watching this one if I'm free. I haven't watched any of the chuubas involved before either so I'll probably find it interesting just based on that alone. Plus, I want to watch it as a show of support for the impending HolostarsEN

>> No.16766789

Here's a crazy mega rrat: someone asked (probably ollie or loafy) and she said yes.

>> No.16766792

that whore's not my oshi anymore

>> No.16766813

holy shit that is a spicy meatball you've got there, sister

>> No.16766872

Who's even left to oshi at this point?

>> No.16766874

Not watching Iofi, not watching Oga, not watching the collab.

>> No.16766901

Nothing special, aside from it being Mumei's first collab wth them.

>> No.16766930

>Bae:want to collab with some JP senpais
>it's the homos and mumei doesn't want to hurt bae
>got roped in

>> No.16766971

Shien is not a whore

>> No.16766983

I just don't like the idea of Mumei being left out because she doesn't speak the same language as everyone else

>> No.16767008

I wish he was... the things I would do to his tail

>> No.16767071

She has 3 girls there that will help her, there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.16767269

Is this how Mumeifags cope? How hard is to accept that she likes the Holostars and has no problem interacting with them? She didn't get dragged or tricked into a collab.
Mumei was never one of the girls that ignored the boys and she even posted in their chats, she's not some GFE chuuba either.

>> No.16767324

you're replying to bait

>> No.16767350

It's fine if she likes them but she doesn't speak Japanese so it's a bit of a strange choice

>> No.16767398
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>Your oshi
>Do you care about m*le collabs

>> No.16767453

not really

>> No.16767503

Yes because she is a child in my mind and I don't want her to be raped by men

>> No.16767511


>> No.16767520

Of course he's not a whore... because he's MY whore

>> No.16767561


>> No.16767631


>> No.16767729

It's a bit weird that this is like her first ever JP collab but I'm not surprised she'd do collab with Stars.

>> No.16767777

>her first ever JP collab
You lack critical informations

>> No.16767813

not if it's these kind of collabs

>> No.16767904

No, but it seems unlikely to happen very often

>> No.16768002

No male collabs ever, please.

>> No.16768009

Ollie will ruin it and make some holostars uncomfortable, I can already see it

>> No.16768011

>Thoughts? Predictions?
Interesting, I wonder what will come of this if it's not once in a blue moon. I hope they choose better collab material if they do this again
>Is your oshi participating
Thankfully not with the 2 red autists in the stream

>> No.16768048

There will still be brats and hoomans defending those whores after this, can you fucking believe it?

>> No.16768058

Any NijifriENds wanna describe the feeling?

>> No.16768105

I will watch this for Mumei cause I like her drawings. Do the Homos even have good art skills?

>> No.16768113

Ame likes Shien, qnd doesn't speak Japanese.

>> No.16768201

Would probably be kino as long as ollie doesnt do weird prompts

>> No.16768254

I was saying it was a strange choice for Mumei to collab if she doesn't speak the language

>> No.16768292

All men should kill themselves

>> No.16768346

You will never be a woman.

>> No.16768370


>> No.16768416

I am excited for it, the holostars boys are very nice and talented people. I wish there wasn't this huge drama behind this collab. I prefer this 1000 times more than the holo girls collabing with ecelebs.

>> No.16768469

It will be kino. Roberu always knows how to put on a show.

>> No.16768515

What's great is that any drama is pretty much just on this board (and maybe 5ch; I wouldn't know), so if you ignore the shitposting it's like there's no drama to begin with

>> No.16768633

Its mostly because the girls barely even collab with the Stars, but people like Roberu and Aruran are fine guys that know where the line is.

>> No.16768662

5ch is ironic shitposting they care as little about Mumei collabing as they would care about Iofi

>> No.16768701

Only 4 males? That doesn't break Mumei's record.

>> No.16768811

if any mods are reading this thread, please make a list of regular IPs that have been posting here up to last week and then make another list of IPs that have been posting here since last week and until maybe 3 days from now.
then compare the percentages of new IPs and post the results.
maybe then everyone will know who the enemy is

>> No.16768849

The Omega tweet had a few people being agaisnt hololive and holostars kinda fusing together, collabing and not wanting HolostarsEN to be a thing. I would assume it would be worse if female HoloJP members were on this collab since the idol culture is even more toxic in japan.

Part of me wishes that collabing between them was more common. Of course depends if the 2 parties want to do it but I really think that most of them don't do it due to the fear and problems it would cost.

>> No.16768881

This I can agree with. The homos are good boys and are respectful, but choosing a girl that has no command of the jap language at all is weird. Hoping that drawings help to transcend the language barrier though.

Oga is an artist and game developer that created a pretty popular game in another life. He also got caught in some controversy when he made a nkodice parody in like a day or two on stream with better art and mechanics. This made the developer of nkodice fucking SEETHE and almost take away permissions from all vtubers.

>> No.16769208
File: 96 KB, 728x991, 1635051167719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Consistently make the effort to catch your oshi's streams live
>Always try your best to formulate the witty comment that will get her attention and make her laugh
>Mostly the messages get drowned out in the spam
>However, over the months, there have been times where you achieved your goal
>Sometimes chat also joins in on the laughter
>Enter male collabs with clout chasers and ironic weebs
>The time approaches
>Within five minutes of the first collab your oshi has already laughed more than from all of your messages combined
>You remind yourself that she's just an entertainer, but part of you deep down still hurts
>Your oshi can barely spare the chat any attention, and you end up feeling like a third wheel
>Finally, your oshi starts a joke for the chat to finish
>Your eyes light up as you immediately think of a hilarious punchline
>You even drop it in a small supa to ensure that it's seen
>You're watching the chat, some "lol"s start popping up
>A second passes, but it feels like an eternity
>Finally, your heart flutters when you hear that familiar burst of laughter
>"Oh my god, do you see what <collab partner> is doing?"
>Her POV is fixed upon her collab partner's in-game model, which is stuck in a goofy pose
>He recites the latest TikTok meme and she erupts into a wheezing laughter, almost to the point of tears
>This is it, you've reached your limit, it's time to let go
>You close the tab, never to return
>She never sees your message, not that it would've made a difference
>After a month you're back to watching her daily
The absolute state of unicorns...

>> No.16769315

I think that's just either due to inheriting the female idol image from the JP branch and the kind of audience that naturally comes with the territory, or just down to people that have no idea what the Stars are like. Cover really didn't do much to change people's perception on this, but the Stars have a male idol image of their own and are leagues more professional than the average eceleb.

>> No.16769360

>the only people streaming their POV are Oga and Iofi
Yeah, I'm thinking this collab is going to have less viewers than the amount of upvotes it will get on Reddit.

>> No.16769402

>Thoughts? Predictions?
It will be another cringe inducing but inoffensive collab where the boys will speak in dumbed down Japanese with funny Engrish sprinkled here and there, and the girls will yell and giggle during the majority of the stream. This board will return to business as usual after a day or two and find something else to make bait threads about.

>> No.16769422

Although Oga's also had a history of collabing with Fubuki as well.

>> No.16769450

Jps already collabed with the stars and it was pointless and only ended up with some awkward collabs.
JP girls will never collab with en stars.

>> No.16769477

unicorns are a meme on the jp side and even more of a joke in EN. actual western unicorns probably make up only 0.01% of hololive fans and the ones you see posting here are false-flaggers

>> No.16769517

Name 1 (one) time something like this has happened.

>> No.16769520

remember that time when Kiara tried to bring males onto the holoEN minecraft server and then cried and apologized alot? unicorns are not as toothless as they may seem

>> No.16769609

How you know? It totally can happen if 2 of them become friends, if the guy speaks japanese then even better.
Besides, I totally believe if theres girls within Hololive that talks to Stars a lot but of course not in streams or social media.

>> No.16769802

Oh boy here we go again with homobeggars.
The collabs benefit no one. The stars had NO growth and in fact just got people to dislike them more.
Why are you so desperate to force these collabs? The girls can collab with the stars any time they want to. They clearly are not interested.

>> No.16769808

so they're basically like trannies then

>> No.16769910

That was just Hukepapa IIRC? Its hard to tell if people were mad because he was a guy, or because he apparently "cheated" some resources into MC.

>> No.16769944

I think you are delusional if you think any of the JP girls that have been ignoring the Stars for years and building their image will suddenly change their mind because of EN Stars. Most of JP rarely collabs with HoloEN girls even.
At best it will be the same people that collab with JP Stars like Matsuri or Fubuki doing it.

>> No.16769974

It's just huke, her artist/papa
Also the reason he got kicked out of the server was because minecraftfags got pissed off at him for "cheating" an enchantment on a weapon (forgot which one)

>> No.16770110

Fuck any males on stream

>> No.16770125

Expecting another Baeberu bit forced by Ollie.

>> No.16770292

>hard to tell
for you

>> No.16770339

Those people don't understand how much hate the jp stars got for the awkward collabs and how they were called leeches. They've had more growth collabing with similar sized indies than the whales that are jp girls.

There's a reason why the stars don't ask the girls for collabs - they want to make it on their own but the saviourfags don't get it.

>> No.16770351

? I don't care if these collabs happen or not, especially if the JP girls don't want them to happen to begin with.
I don't think is about benefit but just about them liking eachother. Again this is implying that this scenario even happens, which is the thing I tried to argue about, since the posibility is there I think and is not entirely impossible.

Of course it might never happen and for me that's fine. I don't like the idea of forced collabs either.

>> No.16770472

Mumei will repeat everything Bae says, Iofi and ollie will let her die alone while they talk with holostars.

>> No.16770614

Anonchama, most people have dynamic IPs nowadays.

>> No.16770624

Have Mumei ever talked about Holostars before? This seems so random.

Maybe Bae just asked her and she said sure than being a super fangirl like the other 3 are.

>> No.16770718

>Have Mumei ever talked about Holostars before?
iirc, she appeared on Astel's chat a couple times.

>> No.16770719

She showed up in their chats and tweeted about Astel.
That's not a lot but it's more than what most Hologirls ever did.

>> No.16770755


>> No.16770789


>> No.16771102

Huh, interesting, I didn't know.

>> No.16771103

Collabs between starsnare very unlikely to happen cause it hurts the stars a lot more than saviourfags realize. There's a reason why 2views don't collab with xqc and such - it's a huge nail in their career coffin. I don't want to sound too agressive but it's just we've already been through this song and dance which ended up with a huge debuff for the stars.
No one is mad if there's actual chemistry between friends but the reality is that each group lives in their own bubble and they don't really interact with each other apart from some pleasantries on twitter.
Personally I loved the FBK TTRPG collabs with the stars cause they were kino and it wasn't awkward. Matsuri's collabs were also hilarious but also very bad for the stars cause they were walking on eggshells and had to be overly cautious cause Matsuri is a menhera yabai machine when drunk.
Now we have people asking Towanto collab with the stars every single stream of theirs just cause she said she's fine with male collabs, completely disregarding the fact that she isn't really friends with any of them.

Sometimes the fans just make it way too weird, despite meaning well.

>> No.16771307

>Mumei being left out
Roberu is really good at managing big collab. Last IDStars amongus he take control and gave every ID girls a chance to speak

>> No.16771442

What if they did it to have fun?

>> No.16771527

>Pushed bae to talk to roberu when roberu dropped by bae's monetization stream
>Dropped by astel's unarchived karaoke and interacted with him on twitter
>Dropped by bae/rob/ollie apex
Thats all the streams with homo ive seen her with, dunno if she did more than those

>> No.16771529

Wow, an actual reply with thought behind it.
I totally understand what you mean now. I find it truly unfortunate that things are this way for Stars, since I really believe is because of much Cover separated the two from the very beginning. Collabing between the two seems to bring more problems than being a fun event, probably that's also why a lot of girl JP don't do the effort because the potential damage it could cause for themselves but especially for the guys.

At least it seems like Bae, Mumei, Iofi and Ollie really likes Stars and they are friends. I hope it ends up being a really fun stream!

>> No.16771806 [DELETED] 

dont worry anon, she doesnt fuck any males on stream, only off stream

>> No.16771969

Fun is when you go to the amusenent park with your friends, not when you have 10k+ people watching your every move.
The EN/ID + stars collabs are pretty kino though exactly cause the girls like the male idols.
Don't think much will happen with with stars EN cause even if they do go the idol route, it takes time for people to warm up to you. And I think cover is more interested in fujobaiting cause niji already showed that there's some money there.
Yeah Cover massively fucked up by making the stars a literally separate company from hololive and then fucking banning them from collabing. By the time Yagoo realized his mistake it was already too late and the stars were mogged.

I'm sure this will be a good stream, it's not forced and it's gartic phone after all. Tbh JP stars going the hololive EN route is the best way to get more traction cause maybe they can convert some people to be idolfags while they all have fun. Again, sorry if I came off as too aggressive.

>> No.16772107
File: 51 KB, 1000x500, Oga%2C_Arurandeisu%2C_Risu_and_Iofi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Oga, this is how he draws. For more complex stuff you have to look at his roomate.

>> No.16772298 [DELETED] 

That's the point, go fuck any living thing outside the stream and I don't care

>> No.16772742

It doesn't much oomph because she isn't gfe and her background as it is.

But if any of the holy trinity, Ame, Ina, and especially Gura got involved? ooph

>> No.16772791

I don't wanna see them, and if they become regular content I will lose enjoyment for Hololive.

>> No.16772795

It's all good bro, glad to see that you understood what I was trying to say but you also opening my eyes a bit more about this whole situation too.

While I don't watch Holostars too much, I know they are good and fun guys that also put their heart out. They don't deserve the shit they get. I am glad they are slowly getting more recognized by people and especially Cover.

>> No.16773090

This, but unironically and with the last line being
>After a month you are back to watching Forsen and Kripp daily

>> No.16773276


Hololive wouldn't have risen in the first place if they weren't separate branches, it was their brand of entertaining all female content, so different from Nijisanji, that differentiated and made them successful. They would have always been in Nijisanji's shadow if they had tried to imitate them.

>> No.16773308

All the girls will get pregnant

>> No.16773457

I don't know, I think Hololive always would've been a step ahead of Nijisanji. Thanks to COVID resulting in a lot of bored people their clips and streams spread like wildfire. And being the first major company to have an EN branch basically cemented them completely. I think there's something about them that's just more palatable to people in the west.
That said, even though Cover has a long road ahead of them, it's good that they're at least testing the waters with a safe bet like the JP Stars.

>> No.16773546

>I think there's something about them that's just more palatable to people in the west.
yeah, entertaining all-female content

>> No.16773665

niji and other groups did not exist prior to covid? nice of you to also conveniently leave out the fact that they took in a lot of unicorns when idolbu imploded. They weren't the majority but still big enough to bump holomems from literal 2views to 3views

>> No.16774718

> Shien is too gay fujosbaiter
> Aruran had his penis cut off during the war
>Roberu only likes oneechan with big tits
> Oga is too Chad to care about EN and ID whores

Don't worry they are Holostars, they only need numbers and don't care about EN & ID whores

>> No.16774734

NijiEN turned out fine, holos wont be affected

>> No.16774899

>NijiEN turned out fine
>threads infested with fujos and hetshitters

>> No.16774950

Fun is forbidden on 4chan.
You must hate everything.

>> No.16774957

my oshi's husband is

>> No.16775104

> Aruran had his penis cut off during the war
what a sad lore old man

>> No.16775489
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>> No.16776077

It was a crossbow with enchantments that don't even work on a crossbow.

>> No.16776175


>> No.16776306

fuck of bowfag, I enjoy spamming infinite arrows of ANY kind while you limp about with your pitiful unenchanted arrows! Bowfags BTFO!

>> No.16776411


>> No.16776412

that's gonna be the best part

>> No.16776417

prediction ollie just draws a dick for every single prompt and says everything looks like a dick

>> No.16776659

ahahah bowfag, my power is incomprehensible to you!!!

>> No.16776846

sounds like huke shenanigans to me

>> No.16777028 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 500x500, hfdghdfjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wait?

>> No.16777131

nope, it's entirely within the intended vanilla game mechanics. Crosschads were created superiour.

>> No.16777917

Does Haachama really count if she speaks English?

>> No.16778572

I don't care and I more and more kinda don't like idol-like culture. I'm not saying that full e-thot bitch culture is good either, but something in-between would be the best in my opinion.

>> No.16778663

>They weren't the majority but still big enough to bump holomems from literal 2views to 3views
What is this fanfic? The only Holo that was ever a "2view" was Sora and that ended with the Christmas Miracle.
Every girl that came after Sora already started out with hundreds or even thousands of viewers. The only exceptions were Suisei (because she used to be an indie, not part of Hololive) and Miko (also not part of Hololive, she was a different project from Cover, just like Holostars).
There was never some huge influx of idol or unicorn viewers from .LIVE or whatever, Hololive slowly shifted in that direction throughout 2019 while growing and then blew up in popularity during late 2019/early 2020 for various reasons.

>> No.16778725

It's odd because it's a Gartic Phone collab. Either she won't be able to read the Stars' prompts or they're gonna try to write in English to accommodate her and it will be all gibberish.

>> No.16779116

When the fuck has ame been part of GFE? Haven't you wondered about the whole "gremlin" meme?
She would probably still collab with guys with no problem, the closest comparison with Amelia is Towa

>> No.16779203

Aki? Choco? Azki?

>> No.16779237

Don't ask me why the two gremlins of HoloMyth have the most guys in love with them, but it is so.

>> No.16779382

Not part of Hololive until recently.

>> No.16779447

maybe i want to fuck a gremlin don't shame me

>> No.16779464

I'd only be mad if she flirted, which I don't think she would do. People who have oshis more likely to flirt and tease, like Marine, Choco, Okayu and Nene are the ones who might have reason to worry.

>> No.16779711

I'm dropping and have already dropped girls who collab with males. I unsubbed from the whole of NijiEN, unmembered from two of them and likewise unsubbed from HoloEN's who collab with males.

>> No.16780947
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>> No.16781358

Nijisanji can somehow make it work across 5 languages. I don't see what the issue is.

>> No.16781605

Only if his name is Connor or Gigguk

>> No.16782084

Incel fag

>> No.16782304

>Is your oshi participating?
my oshi is the alpha of holoEN

>> No.16782502
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>> No.16782694

Really anon? You know she would gladly collab with males AGAIN for numbers just like she suddenly dropped her "friends" when she can't leech them anymore

>> No.16783080

How do we deal with the ID/Aussie problem? They are trying to corrupt the pure.

>> No.16784741

It depends on the collab partners, I wouldn't mind a Stars collab because there is very little risk in them, but I'm not a fan of random Eceleb collabs especially when they are done constantly. Like the first RPR collab was fine, but when they just kept happening I got a bit annoyed with them.

>> No.16784890

Are you gay? Why do you want some male to "put on a show" for you????

>> No.16785013

rpr isn't even collabing with someone irrelevant like Sana so why do you care

>> No.16787176
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Silence fools, this matter is beyond you.

>> No.16787571

The Holostars are good. I only worry about the likes of Cunner.

>> No.16787783

well it used to be Mori
hahaha :(

>> No.16788091

nice try chumpedo

>> No.16788263

I dont need to worry. My antisocial oshi doesnt have time for collabs.

>> No.16791466

meds now

>> No.16791550

Holostars are pretty based and all their interactions with the JP girls have been great. Now if this was a TT collab I'd pretty much disregard the existence of any girl that'd participate.

>> No.16791645

Well they are entertainers, if they want my money they have to entertain me.

>> No.16791688

Imagine deciding what VTubers you like based on what their friends think about anime
That's the most Twitter thing I've heard all evening

>> No.16792275

I don't give a fuck about their anime opinions, the fact that they shit on Japan as a nation, the Japanese as a people, and anyone who likes Japanese culture as well as shitting on vtubers regularly (except for the ones in their clique) is enough to write off their existence permanently.

>> No.16792373


>> No.16792882

no, unless its forced. even if my oshi collabs with her stars oshi idc.

>> No.16793266

Everyone speaks Japanese, except Mumei. They'll slow down to speak English in parts for her. Pizza Dad will say a dynamic impact word of pizza or do some kind of pizza in drawing. Bae will flirt with Roberu every chance she gets. Oga will try to flirt with Iofi every chance he gets. Ollie will wonder why Astel is not there and act bratty. Shien will act Gangsta. A lot of slow moments in conversation until the picture portion of the game starts I would guess.

>> No.16793390

they should do a chaturbate stream where connor and the holostars members just relentlessly fuck all your favorite vtubers in real time

>> No.16793542

No, they should go for the fujo angle. The Holostars should rape Connor.

>> No.16793556

It was a necessity to escape the menace known as Summer Color Festival. Sure he'll never be able to have sex or masturbate again but a dick is a small price to pay if it meant she'd never threaten him again

>> No.16793590

Would watch

>> No.16794566
File: 446 KB, 459x581, 1636548075990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Male collabs are bad since the additional party disrupts the intimacy of the one-on-one streamer-chat connection and forces the viewer into a passive bystander role"
>"Female collabs are fine though"
Really activates the almonds

>> No.16794898

Most men don't like it when they're talking to a woman IRL and their attention shifts to a male that just entered the room. Why would they want that in the make believe world as well?

>> No.16794955
File: 215 KB, 331x354, 1629978234516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy insecurity

>> No.16795053

I've never kek'd this hard in my life, thanks anon, you are a funny man.

>> No.16795799 [DELETED] 

irrelevant indogs
a chink and a literal whore

it's not about being an unicorn. have fun low-standard plebs, i will be enjoying jp holos

>> No.16796422

>Mumei joined for the sole purpose of scaring them off with her nightmare doodles

>> No.16796684


>> No.16796727


>> No.16796827


>> No.16797194
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>> No.16799107
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Iofi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIkrBYco0Bw
Oga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rug3v4nrvfo

>> No.16799357

yeah I like Bae and watch Mumei occasionally. I don't mind dudes as long as they're not flirting or making the conversations uncomfortable

>> No.16799571

None of the stars ever flirt with female chuuba

>> No.16799686

So Mumei won't stream it on her channel?

>> No.16799901
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No Zomrade, she wont.

>> No.16801010

literally no Stars do that. Only the zombie

>> No.16801075

How many viewers will it even get? It'll probably be mogged by both Mario Party and Kronii.

>> No.16801152

2k max

>> No.16801189

Fubuki is also streaming over them, it probably won't cross 2-3k max

>> No.16801203

I can't wait for Bae's dreams of mating with Roberu to finally come true.

>> No.16801783

Kind of. I dont think I would mind Stars collab because they are good boys but anyone else at all is off the table.
That being said Gura is afraid of men so its cool I wont ever have to worry about it

>> No.16801873

he's MY whore

>> No.16806165

why the fuck do people care if some vtuber streams with a dude? lol you afraid to be cucked by your 2d waifu?

>> No.16806958

Can't be cucked if she was never yours on the first place

>> No.16807076

the people clearly think they are lol

>> No.16808724

dead thread, cucks are minorities

>> No.16808919

Mumeifags are the most delusional faggots of all the council fanbases. Worse than clocks.

>> No.16809363

man... today with Kiaras slither.io stream. She said the shitty name I picked and quipped with a few jokes and laughed. I thought I'd be impervious to that kind of thing but damn the feeling I got when it happened... I guess I understand the unicorns now.

>> No.16809988

Nah man they aren't as bad as clock cucks.

>> No.16810023
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If you don't consider these streamers your girlfriends, it's literally impossible to be cucked.

>> No.16810231


>> No.16810271

i said something flirty in chat and she actually responded to it for some reason and my heart almost stopped, i've been thinking about it since

>> No.16810840

Bitch, how low are your standards if you consider someone playing pretend with you (along with tons of other people) to be anywhere near to an actual relationship?

>> No.16812186

>iofi collabs with ame
>iofi collabs with mumei and bae
Why is EN punishing Gura all of a sudden?

>> No.16812257

Why would should I watch them over a normal woman or just a man who's probably funnier if I'm not attracted to an anime avatar?

>> No.16812297

no one wants to collab with gura cause they don't want to be called a leech

>> No.16812366
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Kripps juicy butthole

>> No.16812558

They are IDs anon, these girls are paranoid about being called leaches Ollie herself is fucking afraid of Gura and avoids her at every chance

>> No.16812631

I hope there are more Holostar collabs with the girls in the future and then they can eventually merge the MC servers. Hololive has a problem with its toxic incel fanbase and I hope those on 4chan, reddit, twitter and KF can work together to root them out. FB and Insta are a lost cause.

>> No.16812650

Come on, too obvious my dude.

>> No.16812688

I would say it's Bae who asked

>> No.16812696

creepy incel detected

>> No.16812764
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Why won't the girls do sleeping streams? That's the real yab here.

>> No.16813011

Any male collabing with her would just treat her like a daughter so I'm fine with that.

>> No.16813398

Yes and she won't.

>> No.16813442


>> No.16813822

Funny considering said friends were the ones who dropped her first.

>> No.16814003

Not Gura herself, fortunately. Chumbuds, however, are a different story and the IDs were already burned once.
>But it's only Iofi
They're Indogs. They have this mentality if you burn one, you burn all of them.

>> No.16814050

How about Kenmochi and Mysta, then? The two known lolicons?

>> No.16814371

damn this guy really on that cuckcopium

>> No.16814698

Anya is fine.

>> No.16814732

>and KF
Trying too hard

>> No.16817671


>> No.16817687


>> No.16817890

The only cucks are the ones who actually commit to this relationship fantasy and then get mad if it ever gets interrupted. Unlike a normal person, these people put themselves in a position to be cucked, and they cope by calling other people cucks during their tard rage.

>> No.16817952

actually ur the cuck on copium

>> No.16817997

Nah chumpedo on twittard spamming and calling her a leech tho

>> No.16818323

Swap one or two of them with Reine or Luna.
They're chaotic and funny
