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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16711568 No.16711568 [Reply] [Original]

>your oshi is graduating because she is marrying
How would you feel? She says she found the love of her life (not you), that she is happier than ever, and that she thanks her fans for their support and wishes them luck in their search for love.

>> No.16711611

I'm happy for her, but it will be lonely without IRyS

>> No.16712265

I'd hate it, I'm too honest to pretend otherwise

>> No.16712293

Everyone that says they'd be happy because they want their oshi to be happy is gay and their parents are disappointed they won't be getting any grandchildren.

>> No.16712523

Anon, if you can't get with a random thot what makes you think you can get with your oshi? She doesn't and will never know you exist outside chat. If you use Twitter just for vtubers you were born to die a virgin regardless.

>> No.16712663

will be sad for few months but will move on. Will probably keep the merch away to not get reminded of her.

>> No.16712721

I don't care about her marrying someone and being happy, I care about entertainment. the girls and boys can do whatever the fuck they want, just give me my fix

>> No.16712725

there are worse ways to go. cope for a few months and find new oshi

>> No.16712740

Be sad and then just move on to another chuuba
Art was always an ephemeral thing in Japan and i think in asian cultures in general.
You're supposed to enjoy this moment to the fullest because it is but a moment.

>> No.16712750

As long as she graduates and doesn't lead folks on, i'm happy for her.

>> No.16712829
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we all make it sooner or later, we will always be chat so i wouldn't feel anything at all

>> No.16713072


>> No.16713134

Don't give up, become schizo, you will find her and she will fall in love with you

>> No.16713320

haha, you're supposed to cheer me up or something like that, not to encourage me to become a mentally unstable person

>> No.16713405

Do you even have an oshi?

>> No.16713441

"Fuck that shit brah, you can either be a sick cunt or you can be a sad cunt, don't be a sad cunt brah"

>> No.16713494

that sucks she is forced to graduate

>> No.16713589

I'd hope that she would be happy, get a lot of kids and that our marriage would be a success.

>> No.16714299

Sometime i do wonder if i will ever has a chance with my oshi even if it's 0.00000001%

I'd like to believe in fairy tales

>> No.16714383

Suicide and publicly blaming her for my death beforehand is the only option

>> No.16714394

Time go grow up, anon. Leave the fairytales to your kids.

>> No.16714613

according to /vt/ there is no chance anyone would wanna marry my oshi anyway, so i am not concerned

>> No.16714678

the graduation would make me sadder than the marriage. i'm definitely attached in a schizo way but i don't want to marry or be in a relationship with my oshi, i actually would rather not be percieved at all. i limit my participation in chat and i've been changing my youtube name frequently because i donate a lot and i don't even want a slim chance that i'm remembered. but the thought of life without my oshi makes me really depressed.
is there a word for this?

>> No.16714788

Be happy at first, then get mad when they don't make babies

>> No.16714886

I just hope she would still stream on her roommate or something. Even if a little bit. So I could keep up with her, never really was looking for gfe, I just liked her personalty, humor and attitude. Would be sad if she was gone forever. I hope I would still be interested in vtubers even after that, I follow a few besides my oshi.

>> No.16715032

It already happened once, I can survive another one. I may just be really sad and depressed for a year or two

>> No.16715228

well, I'd be slightly upset that she doesn't stream anymore.

>> No.16715295

My oshi doesn't do gfe.
I don't watch V-Tubers for gfe.
I don't care if she interacts with men or gets married.
I want to support her journey to see her dreams come true.

At least I can die knowing I did one good deed in the world.

>> No.16715303

My oshi is already married.

>> No.16715335

Good that she respected idol culture instead of trying to subvert it and openly suck Manley sexpat dick while still pretending to be an idol.
Graduating upon marriage is proper idol etiquette, and it must happen eventually because no one wants baba idols old enough to be their viewers mothers

>> No.16715384
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>it must happen eventually because no one wants baba idols old enough to be their viewers mothers

>> No.16715488

Her viewers are all millennials

>> No.16715788

Such is life. So good luck and be happy.

>> No.16715832

She'll still be doing stuff on her roommate's accounts because she's a massive workaholic so it'd be alright

>> No.16716413

Yea, you're right. They are called fairy tales because they're not real.

But at least i could say that i love Vei on this anonymous 4rum

>> No.16716581

everyone there is bangable, except Ayame, she has STD

>> No.16716953

Daughter/sister-zoning your oshi = no such problems

>> No.16718249

>everyone there is bangable
Why'd you have to ruin such a good sentence with your faggotry?

>> No.16718359

I would be happy she's not dying sad and alone then found dead weeks later with her face eaten off by her cats

>> No.16718394

Anon, just face it .Your oshi will never love you, she doesn't even know who you are, so you might as well just neck yourself right now.

>> No.16718417

I'd respect that the right move in these situations is to graduate, the idol times will remain intact and she can do whatever she wants in her new life

>> No.16718490

Any female chuuba that doesn't have a partner is like that because she literally doesn't want to date. Not because she can't.

>> No.16720052

no anon, i don't want to catch syphilis or AIDS from Ayame, that's not fagottry, that's just common sense, and you thinking otherwise is just natural selection programming your own delete

>> No.16720146


>> No.16720458

Full schizo mode for 1month then move on

>> No.16720472

Pekora is married to streaming though...

>> No.16720552

It's gonna be weird how in 20 years we will still tune in to pekora and watame cause they are more addicted to their audience than vice versa

>> No.16720578

I‘d hope she is happy before going on my next date. I'd also invite her to my future wedding.

>> No.16720593

Based schizo

>> No.16720645

if you think they will be able to keep streaming for 20 years you are out of your mind.

These girls barely take care of themselves and some of them, if you treat yourself like that for 20 years you're bound to get fucked up.

>> No.16720843

Id wish her well and watch someone else.
Rather she graduate and be happy then graduate because of some fucked up reason.

>> No.16720962

I will be happy for her. I am married and happy, i hope my favorite vtuber is also lucky.

>> No.16721058

I may be one of my oshi's biggest donors, but the fact of the matter is that we will never really even know eachother beyond the online fronts we put up, and her ever loving me is even more outlandish. All you can do is enjoy the time you have with them, and whenever it's the end of the line for her you just have to accept it and move on.

>> No.16721144

My oshi has completely rejected human companionship just like I have. So I'm safe from your scenario.

>> No.16721255

You fucking retard lmao
If she likes streaming and you like watching her, you have not reject human companionship

>> No.16721280

my oshi won't do this

>> No.16721421

>no anon, you don't get it, i'm a faggot because of scihzo rrats
LMAOOOOO @ your life

>> No.16722042

I'd be really happy for her because her happiness is everything I wish for even though I would spend a month or two getting over it while regretting not doing anything to be that man because I'm too obsessed with her and have an unhealthy dependency. Being realistic, my oshi would stop streaming long before she starts dating so I don't think I'll ever see that scenario. Or at least that's what I hope

>> No.16723402

Tbh Watame is the example when you can still have your oshi while she's in a LTR at the same time (and it won't change even after she got married) so I think not all hope is lost and no I'm not getting cucked because she's not my gf nor my relative and will still prioritize Watamates over Mukkun

>> No.16723786

You just did: schizo.

>> No.16724211

What? So if I fucked your sister or cousin that'd make you a cuck?

>> No.16724322

That is literally the ideal way to end an idol career - retire and then some time later (ideally like year+) announce marriage. Yeah there are married idols etc but, that is not the standard operation procedure for this kinda thing.

>> No.16724459

Kill her husband and then kill myself.
