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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16702170 No.16702170 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best gift you've ever seen a VTuber receive on stream?

>> No.16702276
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Yagoo regarded this event as the best moment on Hololive, so yeah. The people behind the project are planning to do it again for Kronii, so expect it to top Ina's.

>> No.16702321

I mean that was neat, but it's not as cool as hiring a famous gay porn actor to tell your oshi Merry Christmas.

>> No.16702349


>> No.16702386

>lusting over dick on stream
How do you explain this, 35cucks?

>> No.16702417


>> No.16702429
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Tony Hawk congratulating Luna on 500k subs is still my favourite

>> No.16702479


>> No.16702482

on topic of porn actor cameos, there's also this

>> No.16702505

I'm not a chumkek but seeing gura get so giddy over getting those messages from dante and vergil's va was genuinely heartwarming.

>> No.16702507

Miko's love for Michael is platonic and pure anon.

>> No.16702515

when was this? got a link?

>> No.16702554

I'm gonna link a clip because she doesn't play the video on the stream, but you can look in the description if you want to see the original stream.

>> No.16702599

thank you anon.

>> No.16702633

Did Tony Hawk actually make a Luna skateboard or is this just an edit?

>> No.16702682
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He's a Lunaito

>> No.16702708

That's pretty interesting that she recognized him instantly.

>> No.16703508

Wosemi a cute

>> No.16704033

These are still the best. Absolutely amazing.
Oh, and Luna Tony Hawk message.

>> No.16704117
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A helping hand

>> No.16704137

she looks like a chink there

>> No.16704196
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better yet having an AV actress cosplay you
speaking of Miko, 35p paid for GTAV actors to send her a message for her birthday too

>> No.16704207

unoriginal but her L2D is really cute


>> No.16704293

They are all so ugly, no wonder Ina hates her fans

>> No.16704414

whats up with irrelevant celebs doing these video messages now

>> No.16704454

Blame the people paying for it

>> No.16704479

You can buy messages from them. I don't remember the site's name

>> No.16704520

ez money, the actors from The Office earn shitloads doing these

>> No.16704755


>> No.16704842

This was the best.
Just because Ina didn't give a shit (since she hates her fans) doesn't mean it wasn't good

>> No.16705042

Ah, I see Ina cameoing in her own birthday message on the bottom right.

>> No.16705128

>CEO's favorite gift to the talents was an expensive display of free advertising
Wow, any more insights?

>> No.16705287

architectbros just keep winning

>> No.16705468

Things that are actually thoughtful gifts to the girls are always the best, see gura's DMC messages, Wosemi's darkholme message, Miko's GTA messages, Ame's fanbook, Elira's fan video

>> No.16706048

that time when Ollie received my dick on stream

>> No.16706091

Bruh, that's necrophilia

>> No.16706211

perhaps, but she never sounded more alive, before or after

>> No.16706213

Cameo. Most of them are washed up has-beens so it's no surprise they're looking for an easy way to get money. Some of them are pretty cool but there's no denying their careers are dead.

>> No.16706222
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Pikamee was so moved by her birthday present she started to cry
Leon's VA is such a bro

>> No.16706336

How is paying a celebrity to read a script thoughtful but paying Times Square to run a bunch of happy birthday messages not thoughtful?

>> No.16706464

They atleast look for a celeb that the chuuba likes in some sort of way.
Ina doesn't even live in New York, for that gift not a lot of thought went into if she likes it and what she likes.

>> No.16706523

>How is getting a personalized message from a video game character you like better than putting a link to our fancord on Times Square
Gee anon idk
At least Ina's display was just one rich tako so it's a neat thing from him. The kronii one is just embarrassing.

>> No.16706588

Ever encountered the SOVL vs soulless dilemma? This fits the bill.

>> No.16706835

Think about it this way anon, gura loves Dante and Vergil so having those messages on her birthday indicates it being a gift from someone who is clearly an actual fan of hers and has seen those streams. And it was a gift that kept giving because that one YouTube guy she likes used those messages to make an animation that she also loved. Compare this to Ina, who appreciated this big display but literally couldn't think of anything to say past thank you because of how impersonal it was, which is why threadwatchers have been parroting "Ina didn't like it" ever since. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who believes Gura didn't like the DMC messages

>> No.16706836

Kronii makes more sense though. TIMES Square. Because Time.

>> No.16706880


>> No.16706960

That is the reasoning the clipwatching redditors have been using yes, which is the exact reason why it's embarrassing. No one who watches Kronii would ever believe she would want her face in the middle of NYC. It's not a gift FOR her at all.

>> No.16707055

As cringey as the people might be this feels more authentic than paying a celebrity that doesn't care about anyone involved to read out a message. At the end of the day it's the same thing but at least there's no fakeness with the billboard.

>> No.16707125

What would be nice to see if a celebrity actually came to like a vtuber of their own accord and sent them a message without being paid to do it. I'm interested to see if that will ever happen.

>> No.16707203

Dante Gura cameo, or the niggers shooting and dancing video Gwelu's wave got

>> No.16707204

The Gura Dante video

>> No.16707370

>You'd be hard pressed to find someone who believes Gura didn't like the DMC messages
She loved it so much and was so touched by it she literally cried on stream about it. Like full on sobbed. "hard pressed" is putting reality-denial very mildly.

>> No.16707461


>> No.16707883

funny how the giant qr code leads to their discord channel instead of ina's yt channel

>> No.16707918

they're doing it again on Kronii's lol. that's how i'm convinced it's not really for their oshi, but for just clout chasing.

>> No.16707989

You just know Kronii would rather not

>> No.16708104

Jesus, weebs are so fucking disgusting

>> No.16708270

This but unironically.
I'd be more uncomfortable than anything with the billboard thing (and the same guy doing it again for a different girl makes it feel very fake, like he's just doing it for the attention).
>>16702349, >>16704033, and the Gura Dante and Vergil ones were cute too though. It's a small thing, but "I got this actor you like to read you a message" at least feels more personal than "I PUT YOU IN TIMES SQUARE, LOOK AT IT".

>> No.16708316

That's what rosemi actually looks like? What a fool I was.

>> No.16708353

I hope they can fit more fat fucks into the picture next time.

>> No.16708414
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>pornstars are celebrities in 2022
>people who get fucked in the butt for a living like johnny sins can now substitute their buttfucking career with dressing up and sending people birthday messages

The world is so weird now I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.16708438

I feel bad for Kronii, she probably did not expect to become the most popular member of Council when she joined Hololive. That's a lot of pressure she wasn't ready for.

>> No.16708449

She needs to sing the opening to Daria. Because she's Daria.

>> No.16708477

There's a reason why they're called porn STARS and not porn regular people.

>> No.16708491

Imagine being Tony Hawk, famous extreme sports celebrity from the 2000s, and someone books you to wish happy subsday to some japanese woman who barely speaks english. Tony Hawk lives a good life.

>> No.16708499

Both sins and darkholme were internet celebs in like 08 anon

>> No.16708573

Were they ever in anything together?

>> No.16708680

Not for people whose hands are not surgically attached to their dicks.

>> No.16708791
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>All these newfagchamas

>> No.16708930

Hey buddy, I think you’ve got the wrong board, /jp/‘s two blocks down.

>> No.16708940

>He doesn't know about gachimuchi

>> No.16709294


>> No.16710249
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>> No.16710300
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>he doesn't know

>> No.16710304
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>> No.16710352

No way did this actually happen.

>> No.16710439

Have you missed the last few days?

>> No.16710540

I don't look at the catalog, I only go to threads I create.

>> No.16710590
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>> No.16710605

based deadbrap making the chimpkin seethe

>> No.16710632

Yeah that was great, he actually did his research and watched her resident evil streams.

>> No.16710835

Takaya Kuroda is Kiryu's voice actor? Maybe I should play that series.

>> No.16710889


>> No.16711005

I mean you can say the same thing for Gura too. Maybe that's why Gura likes her so much...

>> No.16711193

the Gura dmc message I suppose since that was the most expensive gift I’ve seen for a vtuber birthday yet and the more money you put in clearly meant you care more

>> No.16711205

Girls can cry on demand. They use it to get what they want or seem sentimental when they aren't.

>> No.16711240

Didn't Nyanners do this first?

>> No.16711255

Lol the fucking incels that crawl out of the woodworks on this board I swear. Back into your hole, back!

>> No.16711346

The neat thing about the Gura thing that nobody mentions is that Reuben Langdon is actually not on Cameo so they went out of their way to contact him elsewhere to negotiate for this message and he was actually cool enough to accept. Mind you it's just about the only cool thing I've heard about Reuben Langdon these last few years but it goes to show you how multifaceted people are, even scum can do nice things from time to time.

>> No.16711412

>even scum can do nice things from time to time.
If the price is right they'll do anything. I'm sure chumkids forked over all their parent's money for it.

>> No.16711427

He's not wrong, but I see no reason to doubt that Gura's reaction to the DMC birthday messages was genuine.

>> No.16711429

The fat tranny on the bottom right always makes me chuckle

>> No.16711458

Say that to my face fucker.

>> No.16711463

is a femoid upset about getting exposed? relax, everyone already knew this

>> No.16711603

>makes the chinese seethe enough to pull the game from their piracy sites

>> No.16711694

Lmao no no no no
Please tell me you edited all those unfuckable virgins into the picture

>> No.16711734


>> No.16712001

I like how the Duke plays it completely straight in-character too

>> No.16712084

who did you expect to see there? need I bring you a fucking mirror?

>> No.16712299

Oh god I forgot about that KEK
The RAGE, my sides.

>> No.16713268

Something I'd always wondered about those things:
do people paying the money for the message make up the message too, or does the actor come up with the message themselves? I guess sometimes you get the option depending on how much you pay?
Because that pikamee message is obviously catered to her lore (i.e. 5 trillion years old), while remember a similar thing for mori by a... wutang member? rza? being so obviously fake and insincere despite how knowledge the message demonstrated of her.

>> No.16713633

Did that actually happen? Fucking 10/10 if so.

>> No.16714224

Ollie receiving fingers up her snatch :^)


>> No.16718671

I remember after this blew up on reddit, everybody started doing the same thing lmao

>> No.16718702

I bet you're a supermodel

>> No.16718837

>What's the best gift you've ever seen a VTuber receive on stream?
The holox gen just being there for each other despite some of them having terrible personalities. No amount of SC and sent videos would replace that.

On another note there are tyrone videos.

>> No.16718904

No, I'm a vtuber.

>> No.16719351

yeah, it's more like exposing an inside joke

>> No.16719402

Kiryu's VA message for Coco was neat too

>> No.16719537

>famous gay porn actor
That sounds like a terrible gift to me that you send a guy whose famous for sucking dick as a profession.

>> No.16721277
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There is fucking nothing that tops the SOUL of Peanuts' song that he dedicates to Kenmochi every Christmas.

>> No.16721408

That's us you idiot, we're weebs all of us here

>> No.16721509


>> No.16721640

if you watch Luto you'll quickly discover exactly how much of a virgin coomer she is

>> No.16723118

A fucking commissioned song, like a good one
