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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16700974 No.16700974 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.16701031

Kys doxxfag and go back to your shithole loser

>> No.16701055

fuck off cuckbeat

>> No.16701069

>chloe and rushia

>> No.16701076

For idolfag mccompany there sure are a lot of girls not in that last category.

>> No.16701082


>> No.16701086

pretty sure sola tyan collabed with non-holostars m*les, she is one of the OGs and her circle of friends pretty much stayed the same

>> No.16701117

why are cuckbeats trying to rationalize their shitty oshi's actions?
go back to sending her money so that she can waste it on shitty music and conner.

>> No.16701169

>when fauna is at the "PVRE IDOL" part

>> No.16701176

Moruruna collabed with men before.

>> No.16701211

While in Hololive?

>> No.16701227

i think pegor deserved a bump because she straight up said on stream she would never collab with a male

>> No.16701238
File: 840 KB, 716x678, confusing shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is either a newfag or he did lackluster homework when it comes to his doxx reps

>> No.16701251

She will if the numbers get low enough

>> No.16701285

>pure idol
Anon I...

>> No.16701306

No, but why would that make it okay?
It's almost as bad as 35p coping over it being "so long ago" (read barely over 2 years).

>> No.16701322

I ignored le epic forbidden knowledge part because it's always answered with "it doesn't count because they weren't idols yet". Or "I don't care what happens when the stream ends".

>> No.16701336

Don't let your chicken get cold, dump Pregora

>> No.16701403

I was disappointed when I opened this thread and it wasn't the pubes tier list

>> No.16702344


>> No.16702395

What's the difference between "other males" and "formal contact with males" supposed to be?
If it's interviews with 3D males then there should be a lot more in "formal contact".

>> No.16702432

>If it's interviews with 3D males
That. Who else?

>> No.16702461

imagine ruling out some of the best holos because of this
enjoy Sana and Shion I guess...
your loss man

>> No.16702714

She did in past life, whore.

>> No.16702749

Haachama isn't ruled out...

>> No.16702816

Shion had one with Mafia Kajita
Watame and Rushia were on the TV show with Siros bald husband

>> No.16702850

Once again, Based Gurame.

>> No.16702899

Ina is accurate, I guess. Although I dunno inhowfar 'Managed by her boyfriend' counts as 'Formal contact'.

>> No.16703055

Same, but I was expecting this to be the piss taste tier list

>> No.16703252

how is it doxx related?

>> No.16703430

haato -> collabed with other males
shion -> formal contact

>> No.16703480

So anyone who has a male relative has collabed with males ?

>> No.16703574

if we're counting roomates/past lives then literally none of them qualify as pure

>> No.16703582
File: 114 KB, 380x257, 1641052370090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin, collab with male
>ruined slut
>have sex daily with boyfriend, never collab with males
>pure idol

>> No.16703598

they all work with male staff and co-workers. "collab" goal post is the biggest cope by what i assume are unironic virgin inspectors (everyone else is just shitposting and laughing at you). idol culture doesn't even expect idols to not work with men, complete fantasy conflated by shitty clickbait articles again from morons who post pictures of themselves burning cd's and cutting up pictures because they actually fell for the shitposting on 2ch.

>> No.16703599
File: 991 KB, 1064x646, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whom did Haato collab with? Besides her alter ego.

>> No.16703871
File: 253 KB, 610x483, 1641426734729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16703902

>they all work with male staff and co-workers
Why do you people think this is some sort of redpill? Everyone knows that
>dude they work with male producers, cameramen and staff, that means you shouldn't complain if they collab with their male anituber friends on stream or something
That's just retarded

>> No.16703973

the lass used to live with a stranger who was unrelated to her by blood in australia under the same roof anon
she also collabed with males a couple of times back in the day, but that's pretty much all of gen 0, 1 and 2, mandated by cover

>> No.16704080

during her huge indie vtuber collab thing. the one with the massive skype ear rape.

>> No.16704206

Gura is pure bitch

>> No.16704240

you can complain about who they collab with all you want no matter what gender, acting like its a rule or it's idol culture is complete cope

>> No.16704441

>acting like its a rule or it's idol culture is complete cope
Who said that?
Only people who think it's idol culture are the beggars that cry about "muh toxic idol culture" when the girls don't want to collab with Homostars

>> No.16704527

so you agree its no problem

>> No.16704590

Baiting faggots WILL ignore this post

>> No.16704667


>> No.16705714

I am gonna use the image whenever somebody starts bitching about males, seeing how the majority of Holo girls are not as "pure" as shitposters think they are.

>> No.16705980

Yes, that's all it takes. Just contain yourself for a few hours while you're on the internet and larping as an anime girl. But apparently those are impossible standards for some.
>implying any of them are virgins

>> No.16706145

>for some

>> No.16706150

Sora never actually collabed with Holostars, only called them during totsumachi. Azki did collab with Rikka though.

>> No.16706173

People that do GFE are not idols.

>> No.16706395

it is accurate, but doesn´t fullfill the purpose
a girl who interacts with her family is still pure so collabs with yagoo, holostars or their fathers shouldn´t count
maybe focus only on the pure part and do a list of pure/soiled and steps between or something

>> No.16706534

I don't know how a totsumachi call doesn't count, nobody forced her to do so (or did they...?).
I've seen people here saying that collabing with Holostars is worse than other males, that's I put them at the top.

>> No.16706829

but in all seriousness, how is someone less pure, who just does some gartic phone stuff with coworkers, than someone who does moaning ASMR and talks about their nudity and making lewd jokes?
it misses the point. Unless the point is completely about male interactions, in wich case the "pure" should be removed.

>> No.16706845

yes, learn to separate vtuber from roommate you nigger

>> No.16706858

it makes no sense because it's bait

>> No.16706883
File: 253 KB, 1227x710, puridad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, forgot to add quotes to "PVRE IDOL"

>> No.16706886

That's not the point, you might as well start counting twitter replies as collabs then.
