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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16688125 No.16688125 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.
Start creating, stop tweeting.

>> No.16688169

Last Thread: >>16558313

>> No.16688962

I want to start a thread for /here/ chuubas to introduce themselves and network with others.
>Kinda like /wvt/, but more self-post oriented
>Kinda like /soc/, but without whores (hopefully)
Would (you) chuubas actually participate and engage?

>> No.16690414

i mean i'd probably just still use /wvt/ another thread would seem redundant
both this thread and there get enough selfposters anyway

>> No.16690658

Anyone here have experience as a bilingual chuuba? Is it difficult to try to please two different language demographics at once?

>> No.16691123

Is there any sort of guide for how to start designing a character without any artistic talent? I was thinking just
>pick a bunch of reference images I like
>describe in text how I think they'd mesh together
>throw the idea at a handful of artists for interpretations
>present those interpretations, a revised text document, and all the original references to a modeler
Or would that be overdoing it?

>> No.16691296

That's what most people do. I'd make sure the text isn't too long but that's the gist of it. I only sent it to one artist and liked the design but if you really want to you can send it multiple ways.

>> No.16691419

Sweet. Guess I've just gotta scout out a modeler who'll do mechanical stuff... Although I do wonder if the kind of thing I have in mind would really check all these artists' "no mech" box. Anybody have experience commissioning cyborg/android work from artists? Seems like over half the artists I find have a clause about not wanting to do it, kek

>> No.16691440

That’s actually the best way you could present your idea to an artist. Bonus point if you can draw out you envision your character would be, don’t worry if the drawing looks like a 5 years old’s doodle, artists would kill to have more people doodling the draft designs for them.

>> No.16691565

>pick a bunch of reference images I like
Your non-art background is exactly what's going to help you design a character, because all character design is is picking things from other places and putting them together in a way that looks cool/makes sense to you.

>> No.16691618

Yeah, I've got a tiny bit of artistic skill and a solid tablet for drawing on, so I've already prepared a few sort of compositing sketches showing how I reckon the ideas might combine into a design. I think I'll clarify that my own vision is somewhat limited when I send it to them though; do you reckon they'd like to see it even if I tell them they're free or even encouraged to combine the elements according to their own taste/sense?

>> No.16691757

be brave enough to post your shit and I'll spitball your design for free

>> No.16691942

Yeah, giving the artists the most freedom they can have is always encouraging, nobody wants to have their artistic visions limited. Don’t be afraid to speak out your mind if you think they went too overboard with their interpretations of the design though.

>> No.16692038

>Yeah, giving the artists the most freedom they can have is always encouraging, nobody wants to have their artistic visions limited
No it's not
tell me what you want and tell me what parts you aren't sure about
I CRAVE limitations, it lets me focus.
The LAST thing anyone wants to see on a commission sheet is "just do whatever you want lol :)"

>> No.16692179

>The LAST thing anyone wants to see on a commission sheet is "just do whatever you want lol :)"
Well, yeah, obviously. But in the previous posts, I and the other anon already talk about having general outlines for the design. I just wanted to add that anon shouldn’t be too rigid about the design he want and let the artist add their inputs in if the artist himself want to.

>> No.16692358

Yeah sure thing, I've got an obligation to uphold with my viewers (which I'm procrastinating, shame on me) tonight, but I'll compile and post the materials here in ~12hrs
I can imagine it going both ways, my plan was to give the artist enough to constrain themselves if they haven't got a clear vision, and enough to feed their imagination if they do. I've got more money than time, so I'd rather get more art than micromanage a few artists, which sounds stressful anyways. In any case, I feel more confident now.

>> No.16692361

You're definitely not speaking for a lot of artists, plenty I've worked with have loved the freedom. Obviously you need guidelines but a majority of the artists I've worked with have liked being able to create with a degree of freedom.

>> No.16692853

the virgin creative-minded oc artist vs the chad 'give me exact instructions' porn artist

>> No.16693025

being able to draw with freedom is skill that can be learned, you need to make sure you dont get caught up with what other people might think while still having the appropriate knowledge and confidence to produce something good. limitations are fine but they're just meant to help you focus rather than being definitively good
t. artist that created their own design from scratch

>> No.16693584

Is Stream Scheme a good source for advice?

>> No.16693773

I've literally never heard of Stream Scheme before but I'm not paying money to have my channel reviewed or to get coaching, but some of the videos on their channel seem okay.

>> No.16693819

Don't pay for anything when you start out. The advice is going to be generally the same with any other advice or self help channel. If it helps you get started then its useful. Just don't fall into the trap of consuming videos on how to stream but never actually starting.

>> No.16694149

How do you be "high energy" without just making chimpanzee whooping noises all the time

>> No.16694172

keep talking for long streams and hope your throat doesnt die

>> No.16694277

Start with game choices that are reclined enough to basically just chat over until you get really comfortable just running your mouth. It's easy to bite off more than you can chew and wind up feeling forced to fill dead air with reaction noises for games that are too fast paced, I've found.

>> No.16694370

Are there any vtubers that make lewd content? I'm trying to find something unique I can do

>> No.16694408

I take it you're not a regular of this board? There's enough that it's not really special.

>> No.16694423

Do you really just need to not have dead air to be considered high energy?
I'm starting with a game I can talk ad nauseum about but I'm just worried my general cadence and way of speaking is too "relaxed" (boring) without going Tuber Voice and sounding like a Minecraft commentator from 2010

>> No.16694456

Look at holoID, successful nijiID and nijiKR, Nina. They all stream mostly for high-paying audience (English or, in Bora's case, Japanese) while giving a stream in secondary language once in a while.

>> No.16694492

Being high energy is more about not having breathing room than it is about being loud and energetic. If you tire yourself out doing the latter, then you're not really high energy, but if you only leave like a minute of dead air across two hours, that's pretty high energy to me, but that's also an extreme.

>> No.16694496
File: 271 KB, 449x739, vamp lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just applied to WACTOR. The fact that they don't even require an audition video is kind of a debuff for me since the content I've put out so far it's not what I wish to do in the future.
>Pic related, I wish

>> No.16694540

>don't even require an audition video

>> No.16694636

I know, it's very odd.

>> No.16694693

and you're trusting it because

>> No.16694772

Are a lot of people doing it? I realized I could make my vroid nude and got the Idea

>> No.16694843

you realize one of the first big vtubers ever was a pornstar right

>> No.16694864

There are literally lewd skin textures you can download on Booth. So I would think a decent amount.

>> No.16694865

No I'm just starting and I want to do something that wows people

>> No.16694907


>> No.16694930

>I want to do something that wows people
Figure out the basics before you think about trying to "wow" an audience.

>> No.16694960

Because I've got nothing to lose (yet). Even their form was lacking of critical questions which makes me think they will only consider people with big numbers.

>> No.16694970

Projekt Melody

>> No.16695075

Projekt Melody had a manager and a shitload of help from Digitrevx who was already extremely involved and knowledgeable about the industry before he went menhera.

You didn't think she was just some girl with a wet pussy and a dream, did you?

>> No.16695197

Are you the blonde vampire chubba that posted an english, or was it spanish, study stream some time ago?

>> No.16695594


>> No.16695800

What does kbs/s even mean/do?
Will 2500 be all blurry and shitty sounding?

>> No.16696182

>Will 2500 be all blurry and shitty sounding?
The simplest way to think about it is the amount of data you are sending from your computer to Twitch's servers. Twitch receives your recorded video and audio and then send that out to your viewers.

A bitrate of 2500 is almost unstreamable. You are looking at best at a pngtuber streaming visual novels or other games that have very little movement. You'll want at least 4500 and ideally 6000 if you want to start streaming action packed games like an FPS.

>> No.16696227

Bitrate of 2000 is 720p 30fps

Higher bitrate looks good, but if you don't get transcoding, then viewers on low quality internet are shit outta luck

>> No.16696374

anon, they have instructed you to send ANY kind of video you want (including the audition)...

>> No.16696392

What Chuuba do you guys take inspiration from the most?

>> No.16696439

Was merely answering the question. I'm not the anon from the above post .

>> No.16696531


>> No.16696566

yeah I would because I feel weird shilling myself on /wvt/ when I'm a filthy SEAnig

>> No.16696859

Twakanashi Kiwawa

>> No.16697002

I wonder use something like Vroid to create a 3d model as draft design will be good enough for giving an idea to the artist.

>> No.16697033

Either I'm blind or (you) are wrong. Said instruction is nowhere to be found, they only ask for social media URL and other relevant accounts.

>> No.16697085

how many viewers should I wait before I quit my day job

>> No.16697193

Are you a Spanish speaker?

>> No.16697195

1500 tier 1 subs will get you to average US minimum wage before taxes if you want a comparison.

Recent Twitch leaks also showed that you need to be in the top 5,000 streamers on the platform to just make minimum wage off subs and bit. Sponsorships, merch and the rest might contribute but it's impossible to measure those unless someone leaks that data or reveals it intentionally.

>> No.16697209

SI/DI, WK/NK? Any savings? What's your trajectory?

I'm SINK (Single Income, No Kids); with enough savings to last for ~2 years of mortgage (not plus utilities and essentials); which is vaguely 1/2 my required outgoings.
If I ever get enough monthly to hit mortgage payments, then I'm quitting dayjob and going full-time. I'd have about 12 months to try and make it before needing to start looking for a job, 18 before I'd start worrying, and 24 before I'd need to beg money off family.

>> No.16698067

It's not common that a Vtuber manages to do this because Youtube algorithms normally assign one language to a creator and mostly promote them for viewers who speak the same language, and it's just more likely that if you're not super popular (different rules apply to niji/holo/etc) and you stream in a language that's not English or Japanese that you'll get more viewers who speak that language since it would become your "gimmick" and they will tell about you to their friends and then they will end up being most of your audience. This, for example, has been happening to most Russian-speaking indies who are either Japanese or Russians who try to stream in English or Japanese. Some Japanese streamers who speak English also randomly end up with mostly English viewers even if they intended to mainly stream in Japanese.

tl;dr it's better to select one primary language demographic that you're most comfortable with

>> No.16700156

what do you do to stand out from the crowd, anons?
what streams are unique for you? are you b/gfe, are you an educator? do you do tarot? how do you stand out, short of the model, from backlog hoody andy 17?

>> No.16700216

>No one would ever watch a pngtu-
it's a joke don't take it too seriously

>> No.16700262

everyone is different, there are things if you do that might get traction and make you incline, where if someone else does it it won't do a blip to them.

Ex: ASMR. Some chuubas that did asmr inclined so fast, when other chuubas that tried didn't even notice any change

>> No.16700407

I really like Sayo Amemori so I’m trying to do content that has a similar vibe for an EN audience. Though I would still like to play games and all the other usual Chiba stuff

>> No.16700646

Not yet a chuuba, but to answer both, I was really fond of what Kiso Azuki was doing, so wanted to incorporate a dash of that. Don't have nearly as much creativity, but that can be compensated to an extent by extensive preparations... and the fact that I'll probably rely on videos more than streams.
That, and there aren't too many western chuubas who share my exact interests (even though those are mostly still very much weeb interests), so I hope to carve out a tiny niche in that respect.

>> No.16700884

Arupapa and Shien.

>> No.16700900


>> No.16700951

Man, don't call yourself a seanig. Just carry yourself confidently and filter out the shitposters that will reach for the lowest hanging fruit to make fun of you

>> No.16701422


>> No.16701797

not sure "I'm gonna copy another streamer" is going to help you stand out. It certainly might, if what they do is already something people watch, but think on it.

>> No.16701863

I still haven't started yet but I am a man who reads tarot

>> No.16701932

I don’t plan on copying her I just said I want to capture a similar feeling

>> No.16702865

I had to think hard and long on this but I realized I'm not really following any chuuba in particular, my inspirations are all traditional streamers.
I'm an artist so that's already a good start, I plan on working on character designs for adoptable Live2Ds and do commissions as well. I also have some concepts for a certain presentation for educational videos which I'll probably stream with a script and edit them down appropriately. When it comes to gaming though, feels like something I'm going to have to feel out when I start, but there are definitive concepts I'm leaning towards that isn't simply going through backlogs. Overall, Youtube is going to play a pretty big part in how I do my education and gaming streams on Twitch.

>> No.16703670

You are going to be in the bili event?

>> No.16703684

i am kind of tempted to make an alt vtuber account ( only on twitch ) just to see how it goes where I unleash all the toxicity i hide from my fanbase. They love me for being kind, pure and funny but i think im a lot funnier when I'm allowed to be an absolute cunt desu

>> No.16703853

if thats what you like, set yourself free. make that alt

>> No.16703992

I will.
thankfully im a rigger and an artist so this would cost $0 for me.

>> No.16704143

Sounds like a recipe for pure disasters when your “fans” find out

>> No.16705147

I've been streaming for almost a month and struggling to reach affiliate, is there anything I'm doing wrong? I pretty much don't have dead air, maybe I need to change the type of games I play?

>> No.16705157

post vods and we can figure it out

>> No.16705211

Which parameter are you struggling to hit? Followers, CCV, or stream amount?

>> No.16705536

Follower count, the ppl who do follow me watch pretty regularly. I get about 2-5 viewers usually, so it's hitting the 3view average.

I would but I've had bad experiences with harrassment and solicitation from online strangers when I post myself.
I mostly stream games while playing with friends, and when I solo stream I'm much less hyper/energetic but I still maintain talking the whole time. I tend to stream more often when I'm playing with friends because there is more natural humor and hype. Some of them are streamers, some are just normal ppl. I don't think my viewers mind that I have male friends (I'm female) because they sometimes ask why one of them is missing if they're not playing with me that day

>> No.16716177,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Because they're dumbasses. You did it too, huh?

>> No.16707056

highest chance of making it of all the replies

>> No.16707743

anyone else have a hard time speaking up? I find myself mumbling when I re-skim my vods

>> No.16709153

I've actually got the opposite problem, I tend to get louder and louder as the stream goes on and I get more excited. Maybe try keeping a post-it note stuck to your screen or something? That's what I'm doing anwyays

>> No.16711007

Only way out is to remind yourself that it happens every few minutes and make sure you’re speaking at a normal volume. If you’ve got a second monitor you could leave OBS up and watch your volume there.

>> No.16711573

Is there anyone here who has some good workable advice or resources on how to make their speaking voice higher? Yes, I’ve already tried doing my own research but nothing has been helpful so far.
t. female

>> No.16711994

thank you

BASED crab

>> No.16712085

So the longer streams the better, right?

>> No.16712168

Won't know until you try and look at the numbers. Some people start strong then have numbers slowly decline over the course of a stream. Others start low then keep climbing all the way through.

>> No.16712249

Are you trying to speak with a higher pitched voice in general or something more cutesy/anime girl-esque?

>> No.16712379

The latter, preferably.

>> No.16712690

Does bgm matter at all for zatsudan

>> No.16712745

Yes. Have one. That's it.

>> No.16714583
File: 210 KB, 1000x750, 5FD79432-3DA8-4C20-8550-9583E6CE798A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16715210

I'll start streaming games on Twitch as a pngTuber and was wondering if I should just stream one thing, or if having some variety on what games I play/types of streams I do would be better.

The current plan is to stream just League of Legends at consistent times

>> No.16715436

is it true that if you comment publicly about putting in an audition to hololive that you're automatically rejected?

>> No.16715707


>> No.16715802

If League of Legends is your main game, add some variety.
It's a very active category, so it will be harder for you to grow due to the number of people streaming. However, you can build a community by dabbling in multiple other games and categories who will possibly join your league streams and help bump your numbers up.
I've been experimenting with doing more than one game or thing on a single stream, starting out in one category, and bringing viewers to another. It gives a good mixture to the types of viewers and chatters, which is great for finding new people. Secondly, if that second game is a bit more saturated like league, it'll bump you up the list since you're already bringing a baseline of viewers that don't have to search for you by scrolling down to page 100.

Eventually you'll grow a community that will come to most of your streams so long as you're online, to be active or to lurk, because they want to support you, and that's pretty sweet. People are truly there for your personality.

>> No.16715941

The emphasis in "background music" is on "background", not "music".

>> No.16716022

If you can't do that without guidance just give up on the idea and use your real voice. Seems like your vocal cords are too thick and it's going to be too hard for you to maintain, if not impossible

>> No.16716089

Then why are so many people tweeting it out?

>> No.16716144

I'll give it a shot

I do have OBS up on my second monitor, I'll just have to remind myself

>> No.16716177

Thanks for the advice, I'll look into other games I can stream

>> No.16716398

Because they're dumbasses. You did it too, huh?

>> No.16716439

Almost did until I saw https://twitter.com/lucaIion/status/1482916999302983684
Why isn't this an officially stated policy by Cover?

>> No.16717560


>> No.16717593

what's the consensus on self-promo? where does one go to do that sort of thing on this godforsaken board

>> No.16717688


>> No.16717769

What is this?

>> No.16718682

>minimum wage
"minimum wage" here is a completely meaningless statistic without actual time being used in the equation. Some of the top 5k streamers earning that "minimum wage" are streaming 600 or less hours a year, far off from the almost 4,000 hours you'd be working an actual minimum waged job full time, and that's not even including commute and other factors. I see plenty here with viewers as low as 80, barely even partner.

When you go full time and quit your job isn't as predictable as just CCV, you have no way of knowing when to go full time until you're reaching a point where you'd be financially stable even without money from work.

>> No.16718897

>Some of the top 5k streamers earning that "minimum wage" are streaming 600 or less hours a year, far off from the almost 4,000 hours you'd be working an actual minimum waged job full time
Bruh. Do actually think successful streamers do zero work outside of the hours they're live? 90% of your growth happens offline. They're busting their asses off constantly off streams.

>> No.16719219

No, I already know all of this but I doubt they're doing 600 hours of streaming and 3400 hours of "planning". Some bigger streamers are constantly in "content creation mode" offline, but that doesn't mean everyone is.

Glancing through a lot of the lower end of 5k, a majority of these guys are just going online and playing their main game(s). Not everyone is Ludwig or Jerma, a lot of people get to where they're comfortable and just stream their variety game of the month, upload, rinse, and repeat. Not everyone is "busting their ass" when offline, some are simply offline.

>> No.16719482

Also applied, im quite fond of the loli character

>> No.16720095

Good luck! Did you send any kind of video? >>16696374 has me wondering if I misread anything.

>> No.16720156

Hey /asp/ies I want to be a vsinger, and want to do some cover songs in either my debut or an early stream.
I can sing in a few different languages and have picked some songs that would work well with my voice to practice, but now I have to worry about getting DMCA’d. Online it says that if you don’t use either the vocals or the backtrack you won’t get struck, but that doesn’t sound right to me (and I can’t fucking play an instrument).

Has anyone /here/ tried getting license to sing over backing tracks and know what the process is like? Should I just not worry about it since I will likely be a 2view (the music industry is pretty ruthless with copyright so I don’t know if this will be any protection)? Do I just resign myself to picking from a small selection of shitty karaoke backing tracks already available on youtube? Do I wait until I have a handful of followers that care enough to show up to an unarchived karaoke stream? Are there other options?

>> No.16720240

>Has anyone /here/ tried getting license to sing over backing tracks and know what the process is like?
You email them they send you an automated reply saying the price $10,000 and then you don't respond. You're never getting a license from them.

>> No.16720304

>Should I just not worry about it since I will likely be a 2view

Bingo. No one is going to DMCA you, worst case scenario it's muted in the VOD though so be sure to record it locally as well if it's your debut.

>> No.16720459

as a small content creator its very unlikely that your covers are going to get hit; if you're really worried you can always find someone to commission an instrumental for so that you don't have to use the original backing track though
out of the covers i've uploaded to youtube, the ones that got hit with copyright claims only got hit with "ineligible for monetization" but they haven't gotten taken down or muted or anything
i've also uploaded my karaoke vods to youtube and its mostly the same case but some parts of the VOD are muted in certain countries

>> No.16720542

If you're going to stream on twitch, there's ways to mute your music in your VODs/clips
so your karaoke is just going to be acapella in the VOD

You don't have to limit yourself to just youtube when searching for karaoke tracks, there's plenty of websites to get karaoke versions from. Worst case scenario you can get a midi for the song and render it with some digital piano in DAW

Also DMCA on twitch go away with time so just don't get three in a row and you're good

>> No.16720694

also i believe i added it to the pastebin but vocalremover is a pretty solid website when you want to make a karaoke track for a song that you can't find one for
its pretty solid but i recall a friend saying she was having trouble getting it to remove vocals on vocaloid stuff

>> No.16720801

why she did that if most voca p upload the off vocals on piapro?

>> No.16720855

i think she said she couldn't find that specific song? i could ask her though i know she said she really wanted to do that one song

>> No.16721073

People should know that there is literally 0 zero to audition for a corpo unless you first have a following as an independent. No corpo is taking developing talent right now they all want people with track records

>> No.16721104

but Finana

>> No.16721111

Generally if you're asking to hire a japanese artist but they have a wait time of a few months before they can start do you pay up-front or when they start working on your stuff?

>> No.16721434

She had a following the "she was TBA!" thing is just shit that got spread because no one here knew who she was prior. She had a social media following and plenty of viewers despite barely streaming. She was technically TBA because she never had a debut, but she still streamed and had a following.

>> No.16721762

Is it bad that a reason I'm doing this is because I'm lonely and want friends?

>> No.16721774

Depends on the artist

>> No.16721812

Not necessarily, but just speaking as a viewer here I think there are much easier and reliable ways to make friends

>> No.16721818

Yes. It's very bad and very stupid. There are much cheaper and more reliable ways to make friends that won't make you go menhera.

>> No.16722844

What is an obscure alien/extraterrestrial/space reference that I could use to develop a kind of pseudo-paramilitary or something branding for my initial model design?

>> No.16723483

Was feeling confident with my holo audition because of how many views it got. But then I see the people dumb enough to post about it on twitter also got a lot of views. Shouldn't have looked on twitter

Has anyone heard back?

>> No.16723531

Speak with your adam's apple raised higher.

>> No.16723638

I had only 1 view... 6 seconds..

>> No.16723704

>tfw I can’t do that easily
no loli voice for me.

>> No.16723771

Put mine in last week still zero views. Almost 2 weeks now.

>> No.16725740
File: 146 KB, 800x1131, 1624707376540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you give your model design a mask of some kind? Why or why not?

>> No.16726362

Personally if I saw a (main) model that had a mask on I'd see it as a cop-out so they don't have to animate a mouth. That's just me though.

>> No.16727169

how are you supposed to network on twitter. I only use my main account to follow people I want to keep up with. is it even worthwhile if I'm a guy?

>> No.16727207

post funny memes with your model

>> No.16729009

What if it was just an option?

>> No.16729168

Masks are cool but it needs to be a toggle. You shouldn't cover up one of the most expressive parts of your vtuber by default.

>> No.16729765

I mean I see no issue with it. If you like it then try it out.

>> No.16729851
File: 296 KB, 468x748, its_ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a png

>> No.16729883

post funny memes with your png model

>> No.16729957

alright, noted. anything else I need to know? I think it's cringe to spam hashtags but idk if I have much of a choice.

>> No.16730263

Not obscure, but why not something like using a modified Japanese term for aliens, UFOs, maybe UMAs etc.
An alien horse girl/boy would make sense with that last one.

>> No.16730408

What do ppl use to record their model doing stuff? Just open OBS and press record?

>> No.16730429


>> No.16731321

the more you cover your face the worse off you are

>> No.16732382

where's the prior following threshold for going corpo at this point? 10k? 100k for holo?

>> No.16732477

The Holos who had previous lives had 300k subs on their youtube channel with videos collectively clearing 2-3 million views. Harder to track the ones whose past lives come from Twitch since stats like that aren't easily accessible.

>> No.16732730

There's holos who have had more and holos who have had less. There's no real threshhold.

>> No.16732743

So the more transparent the mask is, the better?
Just thought of something like a scuba or high altitude oxygen mask with a fully visible face.

>> No.16733251

There's zero reason to have anything like that on your face aside from an accessory used from time to time for a bit or something. Just don't add design things that cover your face.

>> No.16737400
File: 3.26 MB, 640x640, A0610AD7-B60A-4721-987C-1D5DE8FD9443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16738139

I'm really worried I won't be successful simply because I don't have a lot of money to spend on skebs and other extraneous commissions. I know how to draw and learned enough Live2D to animate the model I made, but when I see other predebuts with tons of nice art and custom logos, emotes, etc. I'm unsure how to compete.

Should I just not worry about this and hope for a dono to buy nice art? Are art trades still a thing?

>> No.16738397

Don't mind production values. Baby steps. People from here flocked to a babiniku who had an extremely shitty design and rig. People like Kerin also don't have the best production value yet they are well known. If you are entertaining then you'll eventually make it.

>> No.16738435

if you're going to spend money spend it on your model not skebs.

>> No.16739021

Thanks anon, I keep having to remind myself to not get ahead of myself and be patient. I'm keeping a few lists of the things I want to do and work on so I can make my streams and content entertaining

I already made and rigged my model, since I'm pretty much flat-out broke. I'd really like to redo it when I get the chance and know more about Live2D but it's more than serviceable and I'm happy with it for now

>> No.16739078

that fit goes hard as fuck

>> No.16740006

I’m trying to make my own model /fa/ A
F too but it’s a little hard for me to try to come up with something that’s techwear-inspired but has some kind of sci-fi flair to it… especially when it comes to the patterns details, what sort of branding etc

>> No.16740260
File: 232 KB, 1033x1374, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_beryl_blueberylpie__a82ac95f2ae3596b4dad9157d397df2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16740570

If you're trying to use a mask like that maybe make it simulate something like a screen or simulated LED lights that can allow you to convey emotions. Something like Akali's mask in that K'DA song from League of Legends.
I don't know how advanced it'd be to do or your level as an artist but it'd both look modern without being a copout for not animating a mouth.
I'm just spitballing ideas.

>> No.16740632

Having an optional facemask with a specific design was one of the first things I thought about for my model, though I'm not sure when I'd ever use it.

>> No.16740968

A mask would be an optional part… my original idea was to have something that matches the aesthetic of the rest of the outfit (scifi space/pilotsuit under a techwear-like jacket) and would also go with some floating mecha cat ears and optional giant mecha claws. I might pursue that idea of making it a little reactive though.

>> No.16742320

You stole my fucking gif you bitch

>> No.16742496
File: 15 KB, 88x112, TriHard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine now

>> No.16742831

Probably the wrong thread to ask, but y'all are more in tune with the audition process for corpos than most so might as well.

Do companies tend to look down on or just straight-up reject applicants who may have an extensive history and portfolio in digital content creation but none specifically in streaming? Say I have a decade plus of experience in a few creative fields, but no streaming history to speak of.

I'd imagine the only reasonable shot at making an interview would be to dig into indie streaming for long enough to at least show you have the capability and passion, then bolster a weaker streaming resume with the stronger content creation history, rather than trying to lean entirely on only your work experience in creative fields. Has that mostly proved to be accurate in the past?

>> No.16742861

I'll be your friend Cadence

>> No.16743133

IIRC a couple from Myth didn't have streaming experience/limited to joining others in live podcasts with others.
Part of the several month wait from getting in to debut is stream training, so I imagine they're willing to take in someone new like that if they think you have the capacity and your content suits what they're looking for.

>> No.16743243

depending on how successful you are with your content, you're probably going to mog those who only have streaming experience and nothing else to offer. With that being said, chances are you aren't Ina, so no amount of success will make up for a lack of charisma.

>> No.16743302

It really depends on the company but if your expertise in digital content creation is entertaining and shows you can draw in an audience then your application wouldnt be thrown out at first glance. Your assessment seems to be accurate and it really comes down to how much do you want to make it into a corpo. Streaming itself isnt a very hard task, the hard part is being entertaining while doing it and that's what companies are looking for more nowadays compared to the early days of vtubing where they can allow you time to breathe and grow as a streamer.

All you need is a PNG and to start streaming to shore up that experience to show off and bolster your content creation resume and to see if you actually want to pursue being a vtuber as a career as well.

>> No.16743349

You need a way to demonstrate your talents and skills. Anyone can say "I have a decade plus experience in creative fields" on an application. Cover won't care. You need to show them something or else you're just going to get filtered long before an interview.

>> No.16743831

Theoretically, this would be what the purpose of an audition video paired with your creative portfolio is. But generally speaking I agree with what you mean (for any company, mind, not just the big guys like Cover), and I suspect that you'd need to stack multiple buffs outside of steaming to overcome no streaming history.

If you don't have at least minor knowledge in another language relevant to the company, don't have music among your "creative content," etc. etc. I'd imagine not having streaming experience would be too much to overcome too. Even in the cases that were mentioned like Myth, they had all the other buffs people like to bring up in these threads too.

>> No.16744210

The landscape for vtuber recruitment has changed and there's a lot of high profile talented people with decades of content creation along with streaming experience that are top picks if they ever decide to join a corpo. I dont think we'll see a case for myth again unless the company is extremely small and the need for people with streaming experience trumps the experience in content creation.

>> No.16744447

>if they ever decide to join a corpo
To be fair, that's a big if. I agree with the overall point, though.

>> No.16744450

>high profile talented people with decades of content creation along with streaming experience
if a hypothetical homoEN were to be set up, how many of those do you think they could even recruit? Being a holostar is a huge debuff, so it probably wouldn't be a reasonable path for a lot of those high profile picks.

>> No.16744520

nevermind i'm illiterate

>> No.16744640

Look at Vox. He has 3+ years of content creation doing voice readings for fanfiction. His numbers on his Youtube channel rival Kronii's. If Vox held off for another 6 months, he would have easily been picked by Cover.

The important thing to note is that he wasn't a streamer. He was a content creator making Youtube videos. It's easy to turn a current content creator into a streamer than it is the other way around.

>> No.16745243

That seems a reasonable enough bar for a bigger corpo, yeah. What Kronii and Vox have in common is that they were making content out of themselves, if that makes sense. Content creation without personality/voice involved is probably not weighed anywhere near as heavy in the audition.

>> No.16745816

He was a streamer. His yt had his twitch linked

>> No.16746301

Didn't follow him before but didn't he just debut as a chuuba near the end of his PL? He debuted July 20 and audition rounds for Luxiem was from June 18 to August 1. So he definitely did not have anything to show for with regards to being a chuuba.

>> No.16748114

Anyone has advice in making the most out of being a fresh zero follower aspiring VArtist?

I see myself as "so-so" when it comes to my skill level, but I think I can draw at the very least and consider it as one of my strengths. So far I've done 4 streams on Twitch from which each stream is approximately a 3 hour art stream and consisted of me drawing art studies, my own assets, or fanarts.

I've come to experience that coming up with unique things to talk about to an empty audience during an art stream has been really difficult. Due to this, I mostly just vocalize my decision-making process in drawing. Nonetheless, I only had 1 or 2 viewers that dropped by per stream.

Additionally, I only use Twitter for posting my art and announcing when I stream (with the tags and all). As of the moment I'm considering continuing on streaming my art practices. Am I on the right track or are there some stuff that I am currently doing wrong or not paying enough attention to?

>> No.16748784

art category alone is hard despite how much people will claim its a buff, you have to do other things as well. most exposure for streaming artists is going to be through twitter, not twitch, where there's already a fuckload of artists in the art category at any given time and nobody is gonna find you at the bottom

>> No.16748904

>I've come to experience that coming up with unique things to talk about to an empty audience during an art stream has been really difficult. Due to this, I mostly just vocalize my decision-making process in drawing.
Genuine question: Why become a VArtist instead of some faceless artist who posts timelapses on YouTube while talking about the process? You're wasting allocated time/money/effort to a Live2D model, CPU usage to OBS, etc. if this is all you do.

Not planning to be a VArtist so take it with a grain of salt but I think the most glaring issue I see is this.

>> No.16750087

>still no views
>it's now officially been 2 weeks

>> No.16750162

That was very insightful thank you! While I think I might still consider streaming my art practices, I think it might be a good idea to shift the focus of streaming to other stuff such as games while I will be making use of Twitter as the main medium for exposure as an artist through maybe fanarts(?). I was really hesitating on the idea of streaming games due to the fact that I thought streaming art is better for exposure in the VTubing community.

Good question! I honestly thought that doing art streams which can potentially highlight my strengths would be a relatively good entry point in putting myself out there in the VTubing community, or hopefully even open doors for possible commissions someday. However, I do not wish to box myself into being a VArtist alone. I also like playing games from various genres such as MHW, DS, KF, APEX, Tekken, TBOI etc. I am actually really looking forward to be able to stream playing these games. I just thought that as of the moment it would be the better investment/exposure if I were to focus on art streams.

Additionally, the reasons as to why I tend to do art streams instead of posting videos are:
1. being able to "document" or record my work progress relatively easy
2. practice my communication skills
3. hopefully make the long process of making art feel less "empty" and more fulfilling. It is more so of "I might as well stream it" mindset.

>> No.16750792

>I thought streaming art is better for exposure in the VTubing community
There's some validity to this, but it's not by streaming regular ol art studies. A lot of the community revolves around people making fanart of each other (something I personally despise as an artist myself) and the exposure comes from that, since you'll get retweeted by the vtuber and then their followers will check it out, and then MIGHT click into your profile, regardless of art quality.
Fanart of various franchises you like will always work out with a general audience, but that won't translate to viewers. You can definitely do a stream for fanart though, and use hashtags to announce what you're making fanart for though.

>> No.16750880

I personally think it's depends on how good your content is more than followers.
Because Holo/Niji VTs can easy grab followers at the start with their marketing, but content and talent is unique.

Of course, if a indie vtuber have talent, it's almost no way he/she's forever 2views before trying to join Holo/Niji.

>> No.16751160

>I personally think it's depends on how good your content is more than followers.
The application says you need to prove a history of content creation. If your content is good then you should have the followers to back that up with your history of good content.

>> No.16751306

I gotta be honest. Seeing the amount of two view streamers on here is more than a bit disconcerting. Makes me worry that I'll fuck this up somehow. I podcasted way back when and did okay, but that was a long time ago.

>> No.16751349
File: 33 KB, 183x166, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a png to use for now in paint, is this a good aesthetic? I might change some colors to make it stand out more.

>> No.16751367

no but it's a png so literally who gives a fuck. start streaming.

>> No.16751442

>it depends on how good your content is more than followers
I don't want to be a numberfag, but numbers are definitely the best indicator for any corpo.
>Is your content widely appealing?
>Will people want to follow (you) for said content?
>Can you maintain that audience?
>Can you keep putting out said content?
You're absolutely right about talented individuals growing out of 2viewery in due time though. It just takes far, far longer than most people think. The people you see with tons of followers didn't pop out from nowhere, you just weren't aware of them when they were nobodies. The hardest part is getting the ball rolling.

>> No.16751876

I’ve decided I want to get a model. I want it to be inspired by my own appearance but due to certain circumstances I happen to be brown. Would this debuff me as a male?

>> No.16751900

Sorry anon I didn’t mean to respond to your post

>> No.16751904

Only if you don't sound and look like Archer/Emiya

>> No.16751970

caramel bishonen is a huge buff. bonus points if the hair is lighter than the skin.

>> No.16752080

I have a suspicion that pro/semi/ama VAs get the first shot, singers and musicians second, artists third, everyone else last, unless numbers are hyper eye catching. Direct connections with previous hires bump up you to 0 in that list.

>> No.16752210

Ok thanks. My skin is actually a warm Carmel on account of my mom being white. I also sound younger than I actually am so I hope It helps me.

>> No.16752299

Sounds about right. I think they might try to aim to have one of each mentioned per gen if possible though.

>> No.16752647

Thank you for the really detailed explanation! Do excuse me for asking for further clarification but when it comes to streaming fanarts, is it common, normal, or "okay" in the community to attach fanart tags of other vtubers in their own twitch stream announcements? I'm just a bit worried that I might come off as a suck-up or ingenuine if I were to do that. Nonetheless, thank you once again for this response! I would for sure be making use of the tips you said!

>> No.16752732

>is it common, normal, or "okay" in the community to attach fanart tags of other vtubers in their own twitch stream announcements?
I don't think so, wouldn't recommend it anyhow for the reasons you said.

>> No.16752939

yeah, they need consider balance of the gen to sell them as a package to viewers. Also, one additional thought - they've got big enough for talent agencies to try to latch on their hiring pipeline, so chances are that amateurs are gonna compete with industry as a whole for the spotlight.

>> No.16752963

Don’t because regardless of intention, that will come off as blatantly riding their coattails.

>> No.16753189

I'd say go for if it either biggest names, such as holomyth, so it whatever, worst that can happen - you'll get your first couple of schizo antis and some buzz on twitter, or DM someone with comparable audience and talk it through, cause this way you'll potentially bump each other audience.

>> No.16753993

> is it common, normal, or "okay" in the community to attach fanart tags of other vtubers in their own twitch stream announcements
At most I'd post a WIP after stream if you don't finish it with their art tag, otherwise no since it's a stream announcement and not art

If they're an indie they should be drawing and promoting other indies, no one really cares if you're drawing big corporate vtubers because those people are watching corporate Vtubers, not you.

>> No.16754117

>otherwise no since it's a stream announcement and not art
yeah, didn't think it through

>> No.16754207

Yo /asp/. How much does a typical, not super fancy vtuber model cost in total to get up and running? Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm just stopping by shortly out of curiosity.

>> No.16755442

a few hundred if you cheap out by going south east asian artists and riggers to at least a thousand or so if you're looking at newer artists.

>> No.16756342

Dont waste your time with a lavish debut , nobody cares about indie debuts anymore

>> No.16756384

Competition was a lot less steep back then anon. Now theres way too many candidates and they have to use a filtering process

>> No.16756728

yours is even more fancier than mine lol

>> No.16756808

What do chuubas mean when their bios say "pre-debut" but they're already streaming?

>> No.16756910

looks like something a 10yr old would doodle in paint
I hope you arent older than 13

>> No.16757009

Debuts pull a huge amount of audience compared to what vtubers usually get with streaming, so a lot of the time people want their streaming ability, assets, art, bgm etc. pollished before they debut so they can have in theory the best audience retention. Scuffed streams, especially debuts, aren't fun to watch

>> No.16757155

I see.

Would you guys recommend calling myself "pre-debut" while being as active as a regular chuuba already while still getting a feel for things + while being a PNG/an ugly/cheap Live2D model then do the whole debut song and dance once I've polished everything? Or just make whatever my first stream as my debut?

>> No.16757253

depends on who you are and what audience you are looking for
the entire debut stuff comes from underaged children who got into the entire thing from seeing hololive on twitter
if you are trying to capture that part of the zoomer audience then you should obviously do everything to cater to them

>> No.16757571

Nothing about the debuts has anything whatsoever to do with underaged children or zoomers, I don't even know how you cooked up this narrative.

>> No.16757910

Is it possible to have a physics “delay” on something in live2D? I want to implement some detached, floating components and think that having a slight delay from when I move my head to the final positions of the objects might look a little more “realistic” than having it instantly track with my head position. I could be wrong though and it might look super weird.

>> No.16757935

of course it is anon
its a cargo cult ritual to replicate the big corpo debuts
debuts only makes sense if you are a corpo and need to be shilled as a new talent to their captive audience

I dont want to waste my limited time watching someones powerpoint presentation as if I was timelooped back into a job meeting,
I dont care about your blood group, zodiac, middleschool tier lore or what games you like, because Im not going to obsess and buy a bunch of merch and be deluded into thinking you are my wife, drop the bullshit and just entertain me instead

that being said, the only thing that matters is:
1. that the streamer enjoys doing it so he doesnt come off as fake
2. that its entertaining
if you can pull that off in your debut, then do it

>> No.16758093

yes, there's plenty of options for physics that's only limited by your imagination. depending on how you want the delay done though, you might need to be creative and play with the parameters as well as the physics options

>> No.16758103

Of course yes but it's probably a paid feature so you gonna want to crack it.

>> No.16758591

Speak with a head voice. Try closing your nose to find the real head voice and to avoid nasality.
a good example is Ayunda risu, her risu voice is cute without any sharp nasal and shrill quality.

>> No.16760646

A reminder you will never have a thread on 4chan until you make it yourself

>> No.16760727

having a thread on 4chan means people care enough about what i do to get genuinely upset and im not sure if thats a good or bad thing

>> No.16760770

It means they care so it's good

>> No.16761070

What is the least used costume design concept/aesthetic that you wish was a little more prevalent?

>> No.16762506

Pretty much this. “Debut” doesn’t mean shit for an indie, instead think of it as a “Q&A” session after you’ve made a decent following. That way, you can guarantee you at least have some interesting content to show, and also sure that there are people actually interested with your PowerPoint presentation

>> No.16762687

That’s what I’m planning on doin after I start streaming and have streamed for a while.
Cataracts be damned.

>> No.16762755

>after you’ve made a decent following
What's a good number?

>> No.16762888
File: 412 KB, 605x497, 1631297485331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances of making it as a male vtuber...?

>> No.16762917

0 if thats how you're thinking about it lol

>> No.16763023

I thought about doing it as a androgynous character since my voice is fairly androgynous

>> No.16763032

men who arent fucking fucking fujo/gaybait
just some ordinarily cool looking dude

>> No.16763132

You're still kinda missing the point, unless you're going to be leaning hard into your sex appeal, none of this factors into whether or not you'll be entertaining, which is how you "make it" in the first place.

>> No.16763233
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 4EC03FB2-44F0-4630-934C-03BDE5B376F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16763478

Hey /asp/, I’ve been trying things off and on last year, and my problem is, I’m kind of okay in several areas like art and chatting and several game genres, but I’m not outstanding in any, just sort of minimally competent. How would I look for that initial viewer base? Is it best to go into categories with a large viewer to streamer ratio and focus on these game communities? How do I sell myself to the viewer if the pitch is „I’m kinda okay at a lot of things“?

>> No.16763521

Mind posting your streams?

>> No.16763545

How do i get over my fear of selfposting on /wvt/?

>> No.16763628

Worse comes to worse, claim that someone is posing as you.

>> No.16763658

Can never refuse feedback!
Also, check out @1b3ro on tiktok for a shorter introduction

>> No.16763694

Sorry, that was for you

>> No.16763773

worst thing that can happen is nobody cares after a day
oh hi ibero

>> No.16763856

Greetings, friend! What a good day to bump into you here.

>> No.16764224

Yeah I watched you before and i've seen you in collabs, your problem is that you dont stream consistently enough and your design theme isnt refined enough to be appealing since you're just a corporate bot so people turn away from you. I really cant say anything more than that because all bones jones and Kongou are both doing well and they're both deep into their kayfabe.

>> No.16764785

Thank you for writing this! Yes, this is in line with what I’ve been trying to deal with too. I don’t stream consistently because I got stuck trying to improve the design and add more better things for user experience, and the design is not refined still because i keep trying to do my reps for streaming and other stuff. So far it seems there’s no way out besides settling on a channel design that would allow for incremental improvements and soldiering on. Not going to deny, procrastinated a lot too trying to figure out what to commit too. But it’s great to know I identified the correct issues, so thank you for that.

>> No.16764787

Fluffy hair
upper masks

>> No.16765565

Your gender has nothing to do with it. Maybe there's a buff for cute girls, but there isn't necessarily a debuff for men. Unless you truly want to play to being a nonbinary or androgynous character I would suggest you just use a masculine avatar

>> No.16766115

Clicked through your introduction and a few VODs. Not bad, IMO. Did you draw your model yourself? You draw pretty well; I'd suggest refining it to make your persona look more attractive, or at least cleaner.

I know this sub keeps insisting design doesn't matter that much but I really think it does. Not saying you need to go all fujobait, just something more pleasing to the eyes. I find that one of the questions to be answered is: Would artists WANT to draw your character? For example, if the people you commission--those who you are literally paying to draw--don't at least compliment your design or make an effort (you know they're having fun when they make more than one sketch, for example) and just throw it in as another commission...what about the potential fan artists who will just be drawing you on a whim?

Next, your corporate slave schtick CAN be interesting but only if you make it out to be. For kayfabes, I really suggest (for everyone) to look into how similar characters act, whether it's anime or just regular cartoons. There's a lot of corporate slave anime out there. Check it out.

Also, I suggest to lower the volume on your intro video's splat because it makes me jump each time it autoplays because it's quite loud. Might just be me though.

>> No.16766979

I was not prepared for such positive feedback. It really means a lot to hear such nice words about the design and my drawing! Well, the cleaner design is something I’ve been working on since fall, so if this basic thingy came out alright, this makes me rather hopeful. Thank you for such kind words, anon!
But on the subject of design, I’ve tried to make the look a bit more approachable and more emotive, and there will be some variety for artists because of alternative outfits. I was blessed to get some fanart recently from another robot chuuba: https://twitter.com/vikkatherobot?s=21, and also some chuuba frens, so indon. know if it’s objectively appealing or if they were being nice.
New design will bring more support for the kayfabe, so there is that too. I have a certain dynamic planned, but I kept worrying that it’s too ambitious.
Sorry, this is turning into sales pitch, I got excited over the praise from earlier, which, to reiterate, it’s a big encouragement to hear that my skill passes for something good.
And yeah the drop scares me every time too. The effect was intended, but overdone.
Thank you, really. I feel much more confident now.

>> No.16767351

Can't ever shame anyone from trying something new. Good luck, man.

A suggestion since you seem committed to the keyfabe. Maybe have set phrases memorized for when you get feedback, compliments, other specific types of comments. Don't use them to the point of it being overused, of course, kek. But I think it's an okay schtick to drop them every now and then. You're supposed to be a corporate slave robot, after all, a combination that's supposed to sound as repetitive as possible.

>> No.16768558

I stalk the numbers thread and there's a lot of talk about primetime. What are the so-called primetimes for each area (NA, EU, SEA, JP)? Does streaming at your "target's" primetime matter that much if you're just starting out?

>> No.16768712

Prime time for NA is around 7-8PM central (gmt-6)
That's when everyone starts streaming at the same time. Super contested time slot.
>Does streaming at your "target's" primetime matter that much if you're just starting out?
I'd say streaming at prime time is a debuff if you're starting out because that's super contested.

>> No.16768766

What’s your opinion on Arknights/techwearp fashion on vtubers?

>> No.16768800


>> No.16768839

Thank you! Hope to see you around in chats or otherwise!
The canned replies idea is taken up by many other chuubas, will heed your advice and put some more work into that

>> No.16768992

weebcore fashion for a hobby with weeb origins
it all just blends together for me as someone that was never into it and i find it pretty boring and uninspired after seeing so many here and there

>> No.16769267

Is it worthwhile to hold a zatsu as a 0view

>> No.16769301

Then what do you think should be done instead for outfits, if techwear isn’t really a good way to outfit a character?

>> No.16769344

Just do it.

>> No.16770014

uh, literally anything other than techwear? this is such a broad question, there's a shitload of different fashion genres out there and all sorts of aesthetics you can use as a vtuber

>> No.16770381

Loading screens, intro screens, outro screens, etc. What resolution do these tend to have?

>> No.16770598

I would always target whatever resolution you're streaming/recording at, so most likely 1920x1080, or 4K if you actually make 4K content.

>> No.16771342

I'm getting a model designed, can someone explain to me about coloring art meshes on vtube studio? I see people changing colors all the time now. Is there an optimal hair color I can pick so I can swap between different hair colors?

>> No.16773168

What would work for a sci-fi cyberpunk alien?

>> No.16775695


My guess is that light to medium gray would work best for that

>> No.16776194

Different colored skin. Think interstella 5555. Romantic bobcuts are popular for that genre. Pastel colors perhaps. Remember you're going for something that will be charming here.

>> No.16776325

What's the sub requirement for Hololive Stars?

>> No.16776364

0, they're looking for talent and potential, not raw stats

>> No.16776471

>looking for talent and potential
E-even my 2 viewer streams?

>> No.16776516

yeah, but if you're a two view then your potential might be in question

>> No.16776570

How many of you susceptible to grooming?

>> No.16776699

Maybe /m/ale btw

>> No.16776892

I already got the green fluffy hair down. I was going to go for tanned skin but could try alternate skin colors. The bodysuit that I added was also going to be green too, but since everything’s still being sorted out for the final design I can definitely change that as well. I also wanted a jacket of some kind which is why I went with techwear to kind of contrast with the bodysuit.

>> No.16777171

Not even remotely susceptible, sorry. I'm in the strong, independent single man phase of my life right now

>> No.16777227

sorry, im over the age of 20

>> No.16777621

Is there a way to download Davinci Resolve without giving them my phone number, credit card number, checking account routing info, SSN, the works?

>> No.16777707

Better than nothing.

>> No.16777797

disregard post i'm dumb, free bump

>> No.16778276

If you're a 2view you most likely don't have talent or potential.

>> No.16778707

well if you give up before you start then you won't get anywhere. a lot of 2 views are 2 views for a reason, whether that be poor audience engagement or scuffed setups. chin up

>> No.16778797

Honestly if you just have fun that's the most important thing. Audience retention is great, numbers feel good, sure, but try not to center your worries around that. Just do it, and if you make a buck or two or gain some notoriety, that's cool.

>> No.16779646

Pirate adobe suite, unironically. After effects is lightyears ahead of anything blackmagic offer for amateur 2D content creation.
>b-b-but muh fusion
no, just no

>> No.16779760

I'm just lazy and don't want to pirate much on a new install, otherwise I'd probably just DL Sony Vegas again, my comfort editor.

>> No.16780352

I've been around some freelance motion graphics community and the strat was to have a loicense for access to latest shit AND a pirate copy of a software cause it was, laughably, more stable, just FIY.

>> No.16780431

>0, they're looking for talent and potential, not raw stats
Your talent is reflected in raw stats and potential means fuck all. Everyone has potential, but only a handful of people genuinely have the discipline to stick to a consistent content creation schedule. That's why the application asks specifically for a "proven record of content creation" and not "whatever your feelings tell you is your potential".

>> No.16780507

no, i didn't see any option to attach a video, so i just posted my socials n stuff that has vids already

>> No.16780580

>"whatever your feelings tell you is your potential"
not what i meant
>"proven record of content creation"
does not require a sub count. if you want to be pedantic then the amount of shit you've done can count as a raw stat like the amount of music or good videos you've made but depending on how you've conducted yourself it doesn't always translates into a subcount, but having publicly available content that the interviewers get to see will obviously be important

>> No.16780604

Absolutely definitely. I think I have standards, and then literally anyone will feed me with positive attention

>> No.16780666

>does not require a sub count
Mori used her soundcloud numbers after independently publishing her music through spotify. Ina has professional artwork and has demonstrated ability through her artwork in visual novels, promotional merch and games. If you're only thinking in terms of youtube subs, you're being fucking retarded. Numbers are everything if you want to be competitive.

>> No.16780689

and the anon asked about subcount

>> No.16780723

doesn't matter your answer was wrong and some other aspie would have gotten mislead thinking that "raw talent" and "potential" mattered.

>> No.16780843

Made it to third round with Wactor last audition, they do not require a video. Second round is sending in voice clips and stream sample videos. Third round is a test stream/interview.

If you're not intermediate or above level in Japanese or Spanish, you probably won't make it.

>> No.16780876

I didn't say "raw talent" either, because that implies talent is natural. Talent means skills that are good and useful and you can make shit with that Hololive wants, obviously if your grandma says you're a great artist for gluing spaghetti on paper then they're gonna print out your application so they can burn it in a fire. My point was that those skills don't necessarily translate to having a previous large public presence, and that previous presence doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things as long as you have the skills to back it up, and the clear drive to do better with those skills for the sake of the corp. If we start thinking of numbers, then we're going to end up back in the discussion about who would actually join a corpo if they're already doing great on their own, Hololive included.

>> No.16780924

Will your content reflect this persona? Cause stacking niche upon the niche is generally not a good design choice
i suppose it's neon green and if so i suggest you to rethink it twice before commiting, neon colors in general and NEON GREEN in particular clash with almost any kind of background.

>> No.16781291

If I don't have a bri*ish accent do i have a chance at becoming a niji male?

>> No.16781362
File: 113 KB, 2051x894, 12B49635-1F0F-4E85-8FB2-1DA4F658662A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The green is planned to be somewhat vivid, but I’ve been playing with softer, more desaturated colors too.

>> No.16781420

No, it's written in the application form that you must have a bri'ish accent

>> No.16781440

3 of the 5 don't have a british accent
just don't include purple on your model because Green and Purple are the two most common used colors for chroma key when collabing for transparency.

>> No.16781633

fackkin' 'ell

Isn't there at least one from the prison colony too? basically the same thing, wish they didn't discriminate against burgers :(

>> No.16781656

>he isn't good enough to overcome discrimination

>> No.16783255

>Green and Purple are the two most common used colors for chroma key

>> No.16785485

What happened to that Dota 2 chuuba? Is he still inclining?

>> No.16785596


>> No.16785792

I’m the sexiest

>> No.16787311

Talk about your experience in /wactor/

>> No.16787509

hello friends, im here to ask about the way you have your lights/mic/webcam set up. i have never streamed before so im a complete noob. i bought 2 ring lights, a logitech c922x pro, and a blue yeti with a boom arm and pop filter. problem is, the mic with pop filter is fucking huge and obscures my face from my webcam, but i dont want my mic too far away and lose sound quality. with the webcam on top of my monitor, i dont think my facial recognition software accurately tracks my movements. i could set it up closer to me, but i also need my mic in front of me, i have a decent size desk but having those two plus a keyboard right in front of me, it can possibly obscure my monitor.
one more question, i plan on using vtube studio because it seems like the best option for me out of the 4 other software i have tried. is there a better software to use?

>> No.16787962

/asp/ies, i'm torn. i generally like the look of live2d models more, and i have more experience with 2d art than 3d modeling. however, i think it would be really cool to do fitness streams, and a 3d model would be immeasurably better for that kind of content. should i futureproof and go for a 3d model or start with 2d until i have the resources to do fit shit?

>> No.16788006

>should i futureproof and go for a 3d model or start with 2d until i have the resources to do fit shit?
there's no such thing as futureproof your vtuber model. just pick one and get started.

>> No.16788711

get a live2d model and then commission or learn how to make a vroid later on. A vroid just only needs to have some likeness to the live2D and it's so cheap and easy to do that you can use it for whatever 3D content you might wanna do.

>> No.16789884

alright, thanks guys. appreciate it!

>> No.16795150

what's your guys' biggest issues with 2 views that post here? quality? lack of a consistent schedule? just curious.
