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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16660277 No.16660277 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for the discussion of the board /vt/ - Virtual Youtubers as approved by the CEO of 4chan.

What do you think is wrong with /vt/? And how should we go about fixing it ?
My proposition is to remove every reddit and reddit related posters, this sadly includes kson/cocofags
My second idea is to make the board flagboard(with vtuber related meme flags) to completely eradicate falseflagging and mindless chink accusations whenever you get btfo-d

>> No.16660311

This but unironically.

>> No.16660365

I think the flag idea is frankly pretty unnecessary since I can smell the posters responsible for the bad posts here and know exactly how to push their buttons by now. I do agree that all posters of lower power levels should be shot on sight, though.

>> No.16660366

at least you stopped using Roberto's pic. that's a start

>> No.16660375

I think op sucks cock tbqhwyf

>> No.16660379


>> No.16660459

I'm more in favor of IDs rather than flags.

>> No.16660465

This but also Numberfags leaving containment thread getting the ban-hammer.

>> No.16660514

Whatever you do, OP, please leave my beloved Marineschizo to their own devices.

>> No.16660524

Range ban Indonesia

>> No.16660549

First we ban op. Permaban. Then we ban everyone who shittalks my oshi. Finally make this a red board.

>> No.16660558

Ban numberfagging. Start by making it a delete-on-sight if the image includes sub count, viewer count, dono tally, etc.

>> No.16660570

>Skeleton hands typed this

>> No.16660618

Flags make discussion worse more often than better, by all means rangeban SEA though

>> No.16660630

Do a sweep in moderation and hire people who care about the board instead of reddit trannys who delete threads because their oshi was made fun of. Look at what's happening with Mori threads if you want an example of that.

>> No.16660646

how tf is kson related to reddit?

>> No.16660664


>> No.16660665

Delete every thread, except the architect one.
