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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 35 KB, 719x671, 1598778451832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16635530 No.16635530 [Reply] [Original]

The Maria Magdalene of hololive....

>> No.16635694
File: 587 KB, 2149x3035, SisterCleaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister Cleaire from Nijisanji is apparently an actual nun

>> No.16635757
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Christian living in a Muslim country

>> No.16635962
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Protestant indofag, here.
It's actually pretty chill here now.
The islamic terrorists did something stupid, they attack the goverment. Which give the government to justify them as separatists.
And since a bombing where a mother strapped a bombvest to herself and her two little girls.
I'm allowed to report a full burka muslim to a police.

>> No.16636058

have fun sending more guns to Papuans btw

and thank you for supporting Dudung and other retards. Like your evangelist boy Ferdinand Hutapea.

>> No.16636105

Doesn't she do that nonstop nut November thing? Christians don't like masturbation, so does she do it ironically or something? I don't watch her so forgive my ignorance.

>> No.16636136


>> No.16636222

Kek, have to google those names.
I actually didn't care about politics.
So why you post that?
Why you care about papua?

>> No.16636234

no, risu

>> No.16636254

>so does she do it ironically or something?
she probably just does it for views

>> No.16636292

This thread is going to turn into some kind of Indo political turf war now.

>> No.16636313

The gospel of mary is a good read

>> No.16636318

this whore is going straight to hell

>> No.16636339

I'll skip right into hell alongside her

>> No.16636512
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Remember what Jesus said to those jews when they condemned maria magdalene?

>> No.16636531

All you have to do is ask forgiveness and believe in Christ. It's the easiest afterlife to get into.

>> No.16636690

"Sin no more"
Yeah but you've gotta ACTUALLY believe in him and repent. I knew a Catholic girl that'd go out and get black out drunk, fuck a bunch of dudes, and basically sin all night long, then go confess to her priest for forgiveness and legit thought that it was all fine.

>> No.16636728

i don't think she feels bad for being a whore

>> No.16636759

Kirschtorte a pretty big priest chuuba for u.

>> No.16636763

And she was right

>> No.16636802

She's just a lipservice Christian

>> No.16636832

marine is a good christian girl. she just cant help the temptations her body has, i bet she prays for forgiveness daily.

>> No.16636928

>makes mockery of christian faith with that nun outfit
bitch needs to be stoned

>> No.16636957

If this isn't bait you're a dork who hasn't read the bible

>> No.16637080

Is she really?

>> No.16637088

do explain

>> No.16637151

Don't talk about your mother like that heathen. It's in the commandments.

>> No.16637172

I think I heard some guy say something about how those without sin should cast the first stones

>> No.16637187

*throws stone*

>> No.16637192

You don't have to feel bad. Just ask forgiveness.

>> No.16637297

why won't she dress her model up in a hijab?
or a yarmulke?
is it because you can't make fun of those religions?

>> No.16637312

They're not as common in Japan? Japan as a decent sized Christian population.

>> No.16637344

Because she's not a muslim nor jew.
Are you retarded?

>> No.16637397

I think it's moreso because she didn't go to a Jewish or Muslim school as a kid. And you can make fun of those things; people make fun of Jews and Muslims all the time. She also wasn't even making fun of Christianity, moreso herself by juxtaposing her flanderized horny character with the image of purity that is a nun. Why did I write this post

>> No.16637464

>here's a nun outfit i'm so pure teehee
>pleeaaaaase don't draw porn of it c'mon you guys ;))

>> No.16637506

I fail to see the problem with this. You can't possibly be a genuine Christian if you think this is really a threat to your faith

>> No.16637616

sure, letting people deface your faith is how faith thrives don't it

>> No.16637633

>You don't have to feel bad. Just ask forgiveness.
That's fanfiction. You have to repent.

>> No.16637670
File: 143 KB, 300x300, abi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christian vtuber thread
>no mention of abigail
im mad >:(

>> No.16637672

Not that anon, but i have no problem with marine's nun antics.
Granted i haven't go to church since Christmas mass.... 14 years ago...

>> No.16637682

If you don't feel bad you've already justified your actions to yourself and clearly aren't asking for forgiveness.
The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit and contrite heart.

>> No.16637707
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>marine will cause nun porn of hololive to be made
Too late.

>> No.16637718

Yeah? If your faith is dependent on what image your religion has to other people, especially when it is decried or has its image tarnished by people you claim to not respect, you are hardly faithful. If you're so worried about Christianity's image then you should be doing what you can to improve it instead of wringing your hands over a vtuber wearing a nun costume. I'm not saying you're in the wrong for being offended, but think about what's really important to you with regards to your faith. Do you keep your faith to look better than whores or do you keep it because it's what you know is right?

>> No.16637727

Why a Christian girl is this erotic? She's going to make me sin

>> No.16637770

>how faith thrives don't it
Are you serious?
Did you really even know how faith works?
It's between you and The Lord.
If your faith can be destroyed by some png, maybe the problem is in your lack of faith.

>> No.16637771

>proving me right

>> No.16637790

part of being a christian is spreading Lord's word

>> No.16637816
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>> No.16637825

And you aren't doing that right now. Maybe I'm wrong, but you are judging this woman and countless others when you have no authority to do so. Marine is not a Christian and has no obligation to spread the word.

>> No.16637826

Don't be blasphemous, OP

>> No.16637900

and I can bitch about her blaspheming

>> No.16637986

You sure can bitch; that much is correct. I understand you, but I implore you to pick your battles.

>> No.16638056

Wait I thought the info government WAS muslim

>> No.16638060
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, quranvtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Christian but my man here be reciting the Quran every Friday (except recently).

>> No.16638083

What the fuck are you even doing here. Anime and otaku shit in general is nothing but lust and vice. This is like complaining about blasphemy at an S&M club.

>> No.16638183

Yeah but considering that the attire of a nun or priest in general get disrespected in the West, which is as much of a birthplace of Christianity as Palestine, expecting a bunch of japanese girls who barely even give a fuck about their own Shintoism or Buddhism to care about Christian symbolism and rites is a huge stretch. Ignoring it is the simple way, maybe praying for Marine or Fubuki to stop doing is the best if you so feel inclined.

>> No.16638260

It's not a sin if you try and knock her up

>> No.16638282

They're.... on public.
Indonesia is controlled by javanese elites.
People who still think that a kriss have a fucking soul.
The islamic terrorists in indonesia are labeled separatists because the javanese elites think the terrorists will ruin their positions.
So, any islamic extremists are kind of illegal here.

>> No.16638292

wake me up when she reads the Qur'an on stream

>> No.16638358

>The islamic terrorists in indonesia are labeled separatists because the javanese elites think the terrorists will ruin their positions.
Make sense, terrorism is a political threat

>> No.16638448

Very underrated post. Please, take my (You)

>> No.16638667
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abigail is cute and you cannot refute this claim.

>> No.16638675

Dude, what are you even doing here, this place is haram.

>> No.16638712

Mashallah we will conquer the vtubers one at the time and they shall become Imam of the new japanese caliphate

>> No.16638733

I went into her chat once and started posting a bunch of sectarian bullshit as a joke and she politely asked me to stop and I felt a little bad lol

She's surprisingly funny and chill.

>> No.16638761

1% isn't a decent size, it's the lowest in all Asia (thankfully). Even meme New Age religions have more worshipers in Japan (while they're half of Viet christians), though Korea is nearing it (Christians declined from 40% to 33%, got replaced by meme cults)

>> No.16638776

Lol you asshole. I've never watched her and I'm not a Christian but it is heartening to hear about her tard wrangling you so effectively and politely

>> No.16638847

>1% isn't a decent size
It's impressive however how many of them are in the governments, based Catholic Universities

>> No.16638851

Why didn't you post the better model

>> No.16638908

because im not on my main computer and i needed a pic of her quickly.

>> No.16638916

Isn't it considered huge because most of nips are not religious in the first place?
Like they did go to the temple for new year, but they didn't consider them a shintoist.

>> No.16638949

>most of nips are not religious in the first place
For a lot of Japanese people religion is a cultural thing and they don't take it super seriously.

>> No.16639025

Shinto is so cool. Started as a religion that freely mingled with Buddhism and ingrained itself so heavily into the culture there that it isn't even a religion anymore

>> No.16639032

Jpan will be Christian eventually. There's only so long you can go denying the truth. Look at the west crumbling with only 50 years without Christianity.

>> No.16639081

Acting like Jews isn't something to be commended. But anyway Japanese christians don't really go full schizo like koreans do so good on them.

Japanese religious survey is a meme, most of them might claim to be atheists, but actively and judiciously avoid Shinto pollution taboos and search for blessings from shrines, join Buddhist services, and ask priests to bless their marriages.

So irreligious to them means doing Pascal's wager and going to every religion that accept them doing so.

While the religious are the ordained members (mikos, Buddhist monks, priests) that are forced to be exclusive in their religious relations. And the meme cults.

>> No.16639127

Nearly half of shinto priests in Japan don't even consider themselves religious

>> No.16639207


>> No.16639212

Muslim demographics in Japan exploded 50x in the last decade, while Christian's decline even with all the weebs, open missionaries (that got outcompeted by meme cults as mentioned), and US soldiers (#1 factor in Korean christianization during the '50s-'60s). So probably not.

Main issue is probably the Christians in Japan lost their exclusivity. So most Japanese don't really care to join the real faith, only some services they take like in a buffet.

Alas, cyberpunk cyborg Buddhists is much more cooler than worshiping white Christ. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/9/9/20851753/ai-religion-robot-priest-mindar-buddhism-christianity

>> No.16639356
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Levi is a good christian girl that never skip church on sunday

>> No.16639371

Yep. But unlike atheist/agnostic priests of protestant churches in Europe, it doesn't matter. Since Shintoism is based on orthopraxy, and we know Japs are obsessed with doing something right 1000000 times until they can do it perfect, even if they don't believe in what they're doing*. Truly the soul of Japanese people.

* See also karate and Koryū teachers and students insistence in doing 100% what the lineage taught even when we have journals and confessions from the style makers that they washed down these techniques, or modify some techniques for extant laws/culture. They still treat of them as something sacrosanct, unmodifiable.

Of course this also happened in the West and elsewhere too (see Historical European Martial Arts), but those are rare compared to what happens in Japan.

>> No.16639498

I love this cover but what even prompted it
did one or all of them watch Sister Act or something?

>> No.16639743

I still haven't watch niji but them having a liver named Levi Elipha cracks me up. That's like if a vtuber was named Crowley Arista or something

>> No.16639780

>he thinks wearing a nun outfit while being a slut is blasphemy
You do realize that people who read their Bible consider your cult heretical right? I also don't know where in the Bible you find the patterns and dimensions for a nun outfit, there's nothing authentically Christian about it and culturally it has come to have very little ties with actual religion before you were even born. In practical terms as a choice of clothing it is no different from a hijab.

>> No.16639835

>I blast to sluts in nun outfits but yeah I'm still going to heaven
holy cope.

>> No.16639962

That's what's up.
It's not even cope, that's just how it works. God made all of those sluts for me to chuck ropes to.

>> No.16639974
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Only God can judge me.
And you sir, are no god.

>> No.16640143

I know he the most high
But I am a close high.

>> No.16640352

Not even, buster.

>> No.16640943

>Turn the other cheek

>> No.16641118

not what you think it means jew

>> No.16641221

What does it mean?

>> No.16641283

>But anyway Japanese christians don't really go full schizo like koreans do so good on them.

>> No.16641694

to get slapped while people are watching so that the other person looks like an aggressor & in the wrong

>> No.16641935

They are good christian girl and wanted to spread the name of The Lord within nijisanji and it's fanbases

>> No.16643489
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when I'm blasting to slutnuns I'm already in heaven

>> No.16643545

thats so sad, anon. my condolences

>> No.16643560

Sister Act is actually incredibly popular in Japan believe it or not

>> No.16643570

and yet when it stops you come down back to hell

>> No.16645417
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I love hags but Marine makes me feel like she'd cheat on me the first moment she gets with how much she flaunts her body around and how casually erotic she acts to strangers

>> No.16646133
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>Maria Magdalene
that would be Ayame, ignorant son of a bitch

>> No.16646932

Actually based.

>> No.16647301


>> No.16648428

Well, at least we're somewhat connected. Wish you well God bless.

>> No.16649904

you unironically have a better understanding of Jesus' teachings than a lot of Christians do; congrats

>> No.16649957

sorry to be a pedant but Marine isn't a hag just yet. I really doubt she's one to cheat on people; she's been cheated on before

>> No.16649994

What's wrong wihh eating nuts? Do you vegans want to take all kinds of protein away from us?

>> No.16650104

It's protestant fanfiction, based Tradcaths believe you have to do good actions as well as ask for forgiveness. not that this stops certain pseudocaths

>> No.16650135

>Christians don't like masturbation.
Wrong. Only if you're a mormon. Or like, a priest. Regular churchgoers and followers of Christ can masturbate even if doctrine frowns upon it. If you're a Catholic you're forgiven and all is good.

>> No.16650141

You suffer from the sin of wrath and pride, stop using the Bible as an excuse for your chimp outs

>> No.16650208

God is also fanfiction in the first place

>> No.16650354

Christian black pill here, heaven is wide open because you wouldn't want to stay there long regardless.
You're not a human when you're dead. You have knowledge and awareness regardless of experience, there is no joy to be had.

>> No.16651754

>You do realize that people who read their Bible consider your cult heretical right?
You mean protestants who also considers each other as heretics.
>I also don't know where in the Bible you find the patterns and dimensions for a nun outfit, there's nothing authentically Christian about it and culturally it has come to have very little ties with actual religion before you were even born.
You do realize that your definition of Christianity is based on the protestant dogma of sola scriptura, right? The Bible isn't the originator of the Christianity, Christianity is what created the Bible, and it wasn't created as the religion's dogma book. Christianity is not Islam.

>> No.16651993

>I'm allowed to report a full burka muslim to a police
god I wish I was you

>> No.16654576

because no one has created a fanart like that yet

>> No.16654701

If I was the kind of person that buys akasupas I would be on skeb commisioning an illustration of a tefillin-clad IDF girl Marine rn

>> No.16654853

>Christians don't like masturbation
Not all Christians are evangelicals/fundies, burgerchama.

>> No.16655058

I'm honestly surprised there isn't more like her. Growing up I knew a surprising amount of kids from very religious households who were huge weebs and their parents were okay with that.

>> No.16655524

You have to repent tho. Simply making sounds with your mouth amounts to nothing.

>> No.16655635

Its not a threat, the issue is about mockery and the sexualization of something with the whole purpose of not beings sexual.

>> No.16655638

I don't know how it works for protties but you confess at the end of the month it's all good.

>> No.16655683

>don't follow core tenants of the faith
>lmao ur just a fundamentalist I'm a REAL christian
Lutherans get out pls

>> No.16655875
File: 1.03 MB, 664x987, debil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody, look! Sectarian infighting!

>> No.16656548

If this is just about mockery, I think you should just not give it the time of day instead of clutching at pearls about it. I don't think the purpose of the Sister Marine gang was to mock Christianity. If anything it's more of a Sister Act reference

>> No.16656578

*gag, not gang

>> No.16656612

if she wont even sing christian christmas carols, theres no way shes a christian
Irys sang Silent Night
and Marine sang Angels We Have Heard on High

>> No.16657509

I mean there's two ways we can define "Christianity", either it is actually based on a foundational holy text like Judaism or it's just a cultural/political thing like Catholicism. I don't really care which definition you go with, but if you're going with the latter. Marine is exactly what that sort of religion produces. You have no foundation on which to criticize her, maybe historically you would but that was a long time ago before the culture/politics decided you had to change.

>> No.16658399

I'm pretty sure Gura is an atheist, she's mocked christianity several times on stream now:

In the Holy Night video she changes Christ's name to gramps and starts laughing, she also laughs during several parts of the song. In the Silent Night video she laughs during several parts as well and she changes the word peace to piss at one point and starts laughing, she also swears in the middle of the song. The last video I don't even think I have to explain. Gura seems to very much dislike religion and christianity especially.

>> No.16659448
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>reddit spacing

>> No.16659824
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>she changes Christ's name to gramps
What's wrong this?
I used to call Jesus with "Father" when i'm young.
Now i call Him with "Bro".

>> No.16659914

That's not Reddit spacing, dear newfag.
It was obviously done in mockery on the video though since it was followed by laughs.

>> No.16659932

*Virgin Mary,mother of God,throws stone*

>> No.16659951

I'm not a Christian but I also consider Jesus my bro. He had a lot of good advice and seemed like an all-around great guy

>> No.16660142

At least Maria Magdalena shows up once in a while unlike Ayame.

>> No.16660239

>either it is actually based on a foundational holy text like Judaism
It was never based on a "foundational holy text", again that's a concept created by protestants 1500 years after the foundig of Christianity
>or it's just a cultural/political thing like Catholicism
This is also completely wrong, you have no idea how Catholicism works.
It's pretty clear that you don't really know what Christianity actually is, and what you know is entirely based on american protestantism. I'll repeat: Christianity is not Islam, the idea that the Bible is some sort of Koran is a protestant innovation.

>> No.16660302
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Well, yeah.
When i was 15, my families keep bugging with question like:
>"why you didn't got to church?"
then i just answer:
>"how many times Jesus went to church i the bible?"
They went silent.

>> No.16660327

Any Buddhist chuubas?

>> No.16660382

Buddhism is a philisophy, not a religion.

>> No.16660450

I had a very similar conversation with my dad's second wife, the woman that forced us all to get baptized as condition of their marriage. I studied the bible and the history of the church at home and didn't understand why I had to attend their church to be a Christian.

>> No.16660629

Jesus Christ, calm the fuck down larper. Nobody gives a shit about the fucking book but if anything had something to say on the matter of Marine that was disapproving it would be that book you hate and not your emperor.

>> No.16660830

I never understoon going to church either. Surely an all-powerful being existing beyond the mortal realm wouldn't have an ego to worship?

>> No.16660989

It says a lot on how poor education In Japan was when it was purely shinto/buddhist. Best example of this is dutch jesuits bringing in medical/science books and nips being completely astonished that they were infinitely better than whatever shit they made. Read up on the Rangaku for more.

>> No.16660994

Well, a priest said to me that all you need to be a christian is just to believe in Jesus.
I find the idea of church as a holy place to be stupid. I blame catholic for that.
They literally choose a man and think he's the holiest among men.

>> No.16661066

With me!

>> No.16661137

This is your mistake. Projecting your human understanding onto a being that is omnipotent. You are a mere human, you can't possibly understand anything about God's thoughts, be humble. Church is not for God's sake, it's for your own soul's sake, for your salvation.

>> No.16661239

My thoughts exactly. I feel like the most reverent approach to take is to consider the entirety of reality as the church.
I also find that very shameful, especially after having visited the Vatican city myself.
My case was admittedly pretty exceptional. The woman that made me convert abused all of us and was both the choir director and director of the children's music program at the local Methodist church. I was completely done with going to church once she forced me to literally play the role of capital G God in a play that she wrote for Christmas. I refused to learn my lines and managed to convince her that it would be more tasteful for me to be invisible instead of wearing a toga and a fake beard (seriously), so I was able to just read my lines from off stage. It made me sick to my stomach, frankly.

>> No.16661350

>Nobody gives a shit about the fucking book but if anything had something to say on the matter of Marine that was disapproving it would be that book you hate and not your emperor.
You call me a larper but here we are with you using protestant talking points while at the same time acting as if you're just a unbiased bystander on this discussion.
>if anything had something to say on the matter of Marine that was disapproving it would be that book
See? By saying that the Bible is the supreme authority on Christianity you act as if Protestantism is the "true", "purest" form of Christianity. I ask of you this, do not talk about something that you're not familiar with.

>> No.16661460

The more I reflect, the more I think that you may be right.

If church is not for the sake of worshipping God, we can safely set aside that aspect. So what occurs at a church? A congrgation of people, of community. A meeting space of likeminded people unified in a singular purpose. Is that what you're reffering to by "salvation"? Because to be alone is to miserable, and to be miserable is to indulge in destructive practices, either towards others or the self...

>> No.16661499

Lots of filthy heretics in this thread protestants, muslims, and atheists you are all equally vile and disgusting, convert to the one true faith, Traditional Latin Rite Catholicism and repent of your wicked ways.

>> No.16661504
File: 676 KB, 1500x1585, nbpgo8cbvtn61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

>> No.16661520

>They literally choose a man and think he's the holiest among men.
This is a strawman, you don't actually know what catholics believe.
Your issue is with Protestantism and not with Christianity.

>> No.16661552

I'm good, thanks. I can still appreciate the divine in everyday life and Jesus still loves me.

>> No.16661606

I honestly take issue with Catholicism too. I have nothing against Catholics whatsoever, I like them more than Prots honestly, but I just can't bring myself to engage with organized Christianity in good faith.

>> No.16661702

All the Christians here are either proddies or papists. I just want an Orthodox Christian vtuber.

>> No.16661717

Please refer to this anon >>16661504
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus

>> No.16661745

>A congrgation of people, of community. A meeting space of likeminded people unified in a singular purpose. Is that what you're reffering to by "salvation"?
Yes, the thing is that most people need that to stay away from mortal sin. Of course there are individuals who can reach the same salvation by self-isolation, living as hermits and monks. But that a very small fraction of humanity. We, the ones that weren't called to that level of devotion, need a way to reach the same salvation without the extremeties of such method. Church is basically that.

>> No.16661750
File: 15 KB, 336x282, 1602666205147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like both catholic and protestant. They're both stupid. Remember when pope will pardon your sin if you kill some heretics? Now the pope asked to kiss those heretics. Hilarious.
I only believe in Jesus. God is my judge and no man can measure my faith to God.

>> No.16661865

I never said anything about what is the supreme authority, you are inventing a conversation in your head and having it with your neighbor because he thinks you're not a Christian. I have no love for protestants but the one thing I can't stand in ignorant discussions like this is dishonest assholes who try to conflate Protestantism and Catholicism as if they are the same thing and that there is this made-up unified thing called "Christianity". Christianity itself is a meaningless word because from an outsider perspective it includes everyone from cults in Korea, to Mormons, to Orthodox, to shamanism in Africa, to atheistic LGBT Methodists to Roman Catholics. It is because you want to subvert people by making them think they are in your group that we are even pretending e-celebs are Christian because they stood in front of a cross once. It's all the same Jewish tricks.

>> No.16661875

Cathfags need to be reminded that Orthodoxy is the one true faith and their heresy is a thousand year meme.

>> No.16661902

francis is an antipope and is going straight to hell
the catholic "church" has been corrupted and is just as bad as the lutheran church
all human authorities are corruptible, especially those propping up such offices as "priest"
Jesus is the high priest; He both fullfilled and abolished the position of priest and there is no salvation apart from Him
condemn all heresy, whether from catholic, orthodox, or protestant
just as Jesus warned there would be, false prophets are now around every corner, and especially in the catholic "church"

>> No.16662025

I was waiting for you to show up. I really don't know much about the Orthodox church but it seems cool.
I'm sorry anon, but no. The Catholic church has even done good things for my community but I would be a pretender among their ranks if I were to attend their church. It wouldn't be fair or respectful to the clergy or congregation there if I were to attend. Pray for me if you're truly concerned for the fate of my soul.

>> No.16662093

I just wanna watch vtubers for goodness sake, quit peddling your jehovos crap everywhere

>> No.16662134

Based Tenshi of God

>> No.16662190

Do you have issues with what catholics actually believe or with what non-catholics says about what catholics believe?
>Remember when pope will pardon your sin if you kill some heretics?
This never happened
>Now the pope asked to kiss those heretics.
This also never happened
Not saying that you should like Catholicism, but at least take issue with what catholics actually believe and not with anti-catholicism propaganda

>> No.16662193

Just hide or report the thread, you dork

>> No.16662218

Y'all "Christian" niggas in this thread should watch this video: https://youtu.be/Mtt8QIxtztg

Vtubers are considered a sin for y'all since it promotes parasocial relationships.

>> No.16662259

>it seems cool
Interest is the first step, anon. We don't actively seek to convert, but converts are always welcome.

>> No.16662311

Just don't develop a parasocial relationship
That simple

>> No.16662343

The corruption of the members of the Church does not take away the truth of the one true Faith
I will pray for you at once anon but I also ask that you pray for intercession from the Saints and The Virgin Mary on your behalf.
We are two sides of the same coin and we will reunite one day

>> No.16662346

>Do you have issues with what catholics actually believe or with what non-catholics says about what catholics believe?
I truly mean no offense, but I do not agree with the dogma of "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus". When I read the bible myself this was not what I took away from it. I also consider the extra-canonical gospels to be of value, which makes me a heretic by definition. I genuinely have a lot of love for Christians and have no difficulty admitting that the lion's share of the faithful are good, well-meaning people, but I am not a Christian.

>> No.16662369

Based. If the parafags didn't find vtubers, they would've found something else.

>> No.16662373

looks like someone's never read 1 Corinthians 8
just because some people aren't mentally resilient enough not to form relationships and would sin by watching doesn't mean its a sin for everyone else

>> No.16662390
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>francis is an antipope and is going straight to hell
Be that as it may. Only God can judge him in the end. Let me remind you that God chose to be born in the tiniest barn in the tiniest village. God is incomprehensible to us, we only have our faith in him. He must have a reason to put Bergolio in the position of pope and that reason is beyond our understanding.
>the catholic "church" has been corrupted and is just as bad as the lutheran church
the priests, the bishops and the popes may be corrupted, but the church, remains holy
>Jesus is the high priest
No. He is the Son of God. Our Lord and Saviour.
>false prophets
Holy Apostolic Catholic Church was founded by Saint Peter, the student and one of the first followers of Christ. Literally everything else is heresy but our holy church.
Pax explained clearly that not every vruber is a whore and some of them are regular entertainers, singers or gamers. Just don't worship them

>> No.16662411

>I never said anything about what is the supreme authority
But you did:
>but if anything had something to say on the matter of Marine that was disapproving it would be that book
>there's two ways we can define "Christianity", either it is actually based on a foundational holy text like Judaism or it's just a cultural/political thing like Catholicism.
>I also don't know where in the Bible you find the patterns and dimensions for a nun outfit, there's nothing authentically Christian about it

>> No.16662516
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>this thread

>> No.16662529

typical of a catholic to not know anything about scripture
"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 4:14-16

>> No.16662546

How can one small angel be this right
That said this thread went to the deep end, meidos should delete since it has nothing to do with the board.

>> No.16662561

Catholics and Protestants have so much sexual tension between them, it is unreal.

>> No.16662600

I'm sure OP expected this to happen and c'mon, off topic threads are always some of the best threads no matter the board.

>> No.16662602 [DELETED] 

>It's ok if everyone else does though
Are you really Christian? A real Christian cares about his brothers falling prey to parasocial relationships, vtubers promote that a lot, you could even call it their essence.

>> No.16662803

>Just don't give a fuck about the millions of other people who fall prey to Chuubas's promotion of parasocial relationships
Are you really Christian, nigga? You should care more about your "brothers". Parasocialism is practically the essence of vtubers and by saying you're fine with it as long as it doesn't affect you while it affects millions of others is pretty self-centered.

>> No.16662915

Is loving Jesus Christ the ultimate parasocial relationship?

>> No.16662991

Man has free will anon, smoking and drinking are also bad for you but i wouldn't ban them either just because some people smoke themselves to lung cancer or drink themselves to cirrhosis.
At best i can advice my brother, but i can't live his life for him.

>> No.16662992

Let's get back on topic, friends, before we get bonked. Share some Orthodox vtubers.

>> No.16663000

That's actually a really interesting question

>> No.16663039

No because he actually knows you and loves you back. So the theory goes.

>> No.16663061

Yeah and my oshi knows who I am, she read my name out when I gave her an akasupa and she said she loved me

>> No.16663144
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to all of you catholics
i don't have time to keep arguing, so I ask of you one thing
read the gospels
open your eyes and you will see it
the modern catholic church very closely parallels the jewish faith of the time
you've obscured the truth with tons of ceremony and "sacraments"
many of my christian friends grew up catholic but will readily admit that they were never saved and never knew Jesus because of the way the catholic church operated
i say this because i want you to succeed
i want the catholic church to be free of heresy
and so does Jesus

>> No.16663271
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I will offer one Hail Mary to Our Lady for you to stop being a lost lamb and return to the flock

>> No.16663304

My oshi knows who I am because she reads out 90% of chats in chat, responds to all of my tweets, and her literal birth mother knows who I am in chat.

>> No.16663326

>the modern catholic church very closely parallels the jewish faith of the time
If the current Church has kneeled down to modernity, then the solution is not to abandon it, but to understand that sedevacantism isn't as farfetched as it might first look. The Church founded by Peter itself, order by Christ himself will never be heretical even if the people in positons of power inside it are corrupted. The true Catholic Church lives on with those that are the true followers of Christ.

>> No.16663340

I don't know of any so the best I can do is share with you that my favorite twitch streamer is an Armenian guy. I'm sorry

>> No.16663410

Close enough, I guess. This thread is already way off topic, so you might as well link him.

>> No.16663585

I can't or I would risk getting my hole forcibly widened by the mods and the streamer himself. He has said many times not to "leave the door open" and that he doesn't want any new fans. His channel is named after one of Yoshimitsu's moves from the Tekken series, if that helps.

>> No.16663657 [DELETED] 

>before we get bonked
This isn't an Mumei/Gura anti thread, we're safe kek

>> No.16663726

Sola scriptura is a heresy anon, you cannot understand the Holy Bible if you do not understand or accept our tradition

>> No.16663744

the world would be a greater place without religion

>> No.16663787

>before we get bonked
This ain't a Mumei/Gura anti thread, we're safe kek

>> No.16663912
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Protestants really do act as if the Bible existed during the first century, and as if you need to be literate to be saved.

>> No.16663964

Sou da ne

>> No.16664560

When will protestards understand that customs and tradition matter and their contempt for tradition is the reason why every protestant society eventually turns atheist or fundamentalist, no inbetween (read kuehnelt-leddihn)

>> No.16665407
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I love the fact that your politics changed fuck all since we left.

>> No.16665534

>little cuck tries yet again

>> No.16666130

No it won't and burgers are the reason why

>> No.16666214

>exploded 50x
if i invest 1 dollar into a shitcoin and it does a 50x i only have 50 dollars

>> No.16666434

Show me any large group of christians that usually turns the other cheek when slapped. Noone follows all the rules.

>> No.16666998

cam on ik ook chama

>> No.16673038

holy quads

>> No.16673145

dangerously based

>> No.16673334

My mom has been trying to get me to go to church for years... I've resisted. But I find myself turning up every Sunday to Abigail's bible study, and actually miss it when it isn't on.

>> No.16674037

>is just as bad as the lutheran church
Lutherans are some of the most laid paid christians and overall religious people out there. Something go down bad up at the HQ?

>> No.16674556

You need to be careful with that. I get very pissed off when I see so-called Christians proselytizing to those that don't want to hear it. You spread your faith by being a disciple of Christ. Treat people how he'd treat others. You love one another and be tolerant of those with differing ideas (for example I am pro same-sex marriage because if you want to spread your religion "you're a filthy sinner" is a bad way to go about it). Don't get torn up over sin when there is not a man, woman or child on this earth without sin. The most important thing about our religion is Jesus, everything else in the Bible is irrelevant.

>> No.16675321

I'm glad you chimed in. I'm not a Christian myself but I agree wholeheartedly with you. That guy you replied to has the wrong idea.

>> No.16675901
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Her new model is really expressive. Kinda crazy that her rigging absolutely mogs corporate chuuba models.

>> No.16676235
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>> No.16676741


>> No.16676946

just don't be a parasocial fag

>> No.16677098


>> No.16677805

I love this board man.

>> No.16678281

Reminder that if you don't sin then Jesus Christ literally died for nothing

>> No.16678516

I came here to tell all the prods in this thread to fuck off and you're going to hell.

>> No.16681616

>The channel owner shilling his video here
Go back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.16683518

based coomer anon

>> No.16687037

I love Jesus too, and he'll be the saviour for all of us during the endtimes!

t. muslimbro

>> No.16690274

implying that catholics aren't already lost sheep from the orthodoxy. Abandon the pretender king, return to the patriarch, first among equals.

>> No.16690722

I still don't undersatnd why the followers of Ibrahim are so fragmented. He's like the most influential person in the Qu'ran, the Torah, and the Bible

>> No.16691024

Mary didn't die for your sins. You should be reading the word of God praying to the 69th saint of peepeepoopoo and counting beads. You'll be in my prayers to God, anon.

>> No.16694416
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>I am pro same-sex marriage

>> No.16694680

Most Christians are not very good at actually following their rules

>> No.16694840

ITT: Protestants
Fuck off! Youre all fake christians! Youre a cult pretending to love god and jesus but turned to atheism and liberal gender politics the moment your pet goldfish died!

>> No.16695284

>liberal gender politics
How's big-hat-man been lately? He been talking about accepting rapefugees and trannys, or has he moved on to something else completely divergent from Gods Word?

>> No.16695683
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pretty much any eastern yuro

>> No.16697801
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>> No.16699788

Wrong. All of it is sinful.
t. real Christian

>> No.16699856

Nothing says real Christian like telling someone who loves Christ that they aren't a real Christian

>> No.16699868

Is this what the non-Orthodox actually believe? Kek.

>> No.16699934

Loving Christ (fuck does this even mean lol) isn't what makes you a Christian. Just empty words. You use Christ as a shield to sin, you don't love Christ at all. You only love yourself.

>> No.16699995

Keep fighting the good fight, sister

>> No.16701220

Catholics. Always Catholics. I'm glad Orthodox frens and us protestants can agree on them being idiots at least.

>> No.16701499

>everything else in the Bible is irrelevant.
>the entire Bible is God inspired and considered scripture
Bruh, I don't think you're a believer at all.
Here's the best way to find out. Who was Jesus?

>> No.16701639


Heretics everywhere

>> No.16701759

>It was never based on a "foundational holy text", again that's a concept created by protestants 1500 years after the foundig of Christianity
>t. never read any early Christian writings

>> No.16701799

Point 1, all Christian churches and denominations are founded on Peter's ministry,and the Roman Catholics claiming sole ownership is silly and patently untrue.
Point 2, the Church as a whole has never been "catholic" since Paul died, as he was the last truly unifying force that kept them from diverging. The East-West Schism and the Monophysite breakoff came later but the cracks had appeared immediately after Paul was no longer traveling around to keep them all on the same doctrine.

I believe that, in due time, the Church will eventually unify once again, and that this is necessary for Christ to return. But that is still a very long way off. Until then, we should work to reconcile our differences where we can and accept them where we cannot.

>> No.16702635 [DELETED] 

>calling being idiots
You faggots don't even believe in Saints,Virgin Mary being mother of God and the tradition of the church fathers,muh Sola scriptura bro. Your denominations even falls to anciet heresies like Adoptionism,Nestorianism,Iconoclasm and Arianism. Fuck you

>> No.16702673

She would actually become Sister Marine if she doesn't get a boyfriend soon

>> No.16702821

>calling Catholics idiots
You faggots don't even believe in Saints,Virgin Mary being mother of God and the tradition of the church fathers,muh Sola scriptura bro. Your denominations even falls to anciet heresies like Adoptionism,Nestorianism,Iconoclasm and Arianism. Fuck you

>> No.16703027

Because none of those things are Biblical. I don't even know what these papist made -isms are but Mary is the Mother of God only because Jesus is God in flesh. She is not perpetually a virgin. Mary had several children with Joseph after giving birth to Jesus. Actually read the Bible. All denominations believe in the virgin birth. Thief on the cross is sola scriptura. He had no time to do any works because he was crucified. Saints are a manmade concept that has no scriptural basis. Papists made it up to have a hierarchy within the religion.

>> No.16703727

>She is not perpetually a virgin
She is
>Mary had several children with Joseph after giving birth to Jesus.
In some passages of the Holy Scriptures the words appear: “brothers of Jesus”, and this has generated the interpretation that the Blessed Virgin Mary had other children. For those who have only the Bible, it seems evident that Our Lady had other children besides the Son of God, therefore, Jesus Christ had brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 13, 55-56).

However, we have Sacred Tradition, Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church, which are the necessary foundations for understanding the truths of the Catholic faith. From these foundations, let us see if it is true that the Virgin Mary had other children besides the Incarnate Word of God. In the 4th century, Saint Jerome was already fighting those who used the passage from Matthew and others to maintain that Our Lady had other children: “Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't Mary your mother? Aren't your brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?” (Mt 13, 55).

Regarding this passage, Jerome teaches that the children of his maternal aunt, Mary of Cleopas, wife of Alphaeus and mother of Saint James and Joseph are called brothers of Jesus. The Tradition of the Church – from the Apostles to the Holy Fathers – and later the Holy Doctors of the Church, affirm that the Virgin Mary had no other children, and that she remained a Virgin before, during and after the birth of the Son of God. The Magisterium of the Church, in accordance with the Tradition of the Church and with the Sacred Scriptures, affirmed as a dogma of faith the perpetual virginity of Our Lady, even in the time of the Holy Fathers. The perpetual virginity of Mary Most Holy was proclaimed in 649, at the Lateran Council: If anyone, according to the Holy Fathers, does not confess that the holy and ever Virgin and Immaculate Mary is truly and truly Mother of God, since she conceived in recent times without semen, of the Holy Spirit, God the Word himself (…), and who gave birth without corruption, her virginity remaining indissoluble even after childbirth, be anathema.In the Bible, there are several passages in which the "brothers of Jesus" are mentioned. Among these, we will take the following passage from the Gospel according to Saint Matthew: “Is not this the carpenter's son? Isn't Mary your mother? Aren't your brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?” (Mt 13, 55). Continuing our study, we see that among the apostles there are two with the name of James: “These are the names of the twelve apostles: the first, Simon, called Peter; then Andrew, his brother. James the son of Zebedee and John his brother. Philip and Bartholomew. Thomas and Matthew the publican. James, son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus. Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, the traitor” (Mt 10:2-4).

Matthew also lets us know that among the women who followed Jesus was the mother of one of these and of Joseph: “Among them were Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee” (Mt. 27, 56). As we know that James, son of Zebedee, is John's blood brother, so James, son of Alphaeus, is Joseph's brother. So far, the controversy remains, because we don't know that Mary is the one who is the mother of James and of Joseph. However, there is a passage that clarifies the matter.

Based on the texts above, we see that Alphaeus, who was also called Cleopas, was the father of James and Joseph, the same who are called “brothers of Jesus”. Their mother's name was Maria, a very common name in those days. The difficulty in knowing who this Mary is is overcome in a passage from the Gospel according to Saint John, in which this Mary is next to the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, at the time of the crucifixion: “Next to the cross of Jesus stood her mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene” (Jn 19:25).

Thus, we see that Mary, mother of James and Joseph, was Our Lady's sister, and that these supposed brothers of Jesus are, in fact, her cousins. For unbelievers, perhaps this explanation has not convinced them, and they ask about the other two brothers: Simon and Judas. But we won't waste time in further explanations, because, for those who do not have Catholic faith, our arguments will probably not be useful.After analyzing the question of Jesus' “brothers” from the point of view of Divine Revelation and the Church's Magisterium, we saw that for us Catholics there is nothing to discuss. We believe that the Virgin Mary was the Mother of Jesus Christ and remained a virgin. Consequently, she could not be the mother of the supposed brothers of the Lord.

>> No.16703738

Jesus is a Jew and if he comes back I’ll gas him like the rest.

>> No.16703872

how on earth is this thread still up

>> No.16703899

>Saints are a manmade concept that has no scriptural basis.
Holiness is the quality or characteristic of who can be considered holy, that is, endowed with virtues, innocence, piety and purity.

The concept of holiness is closely related to religiosity and faith. According to Christian doctrine, sanctification is the process of making something or someone holy, that is, possessing holiness. Holiness is about the separation and renunciation of what is considered impure, evil or profane, starting from the dedication to a life of devotion and total consecration to God. For Christians, living a life of holiness to the Lord means giving up practices that are considered abominable before God. It means living committed to everything that is considered "holy", in the sense of being honest, clean, praiseworthy, correct, benign, etc.

Church members, such as bishops, priests and nuns, for example, are committed to living the holiness of God and, for that, they must renounce aspects and habits that are considered mundane, such as sexual intercourse and lust.

For Christians, therefore, holiness is linked to the idea of sinlessness and worldly pleasures. For Christians, holiness must be practiced throughout life, in every small act or gesture, through choices based on love and patience. In the Bible, in addition to the concept of purity and absence of sin, the concept of holiness is also related to a person's dedication to God.

In the same way, holiness is related to the behavior that must be followed (holiness behavior) in order to get as close as possible to the holiness of God.

See this example of a Bible verse about holiness

“Now, beloved, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7:1''
Etymologically, the word holiness would have originated from the Hebrew term kadosh.

This word is used with the meaning of holy or sanctified to designate something sacred or to refer to an individual who has been consecrated before other people. So yes people can be Saints

>> No.16704322

>You have to repent.
Feeling bad or guilty is not a requirement for repentance. Repentance is a legit promise not to do it again. Otherwise, sociopaths are exempt.

>> No.16704426

Cope, harder papist. You left out Matthew 13:56
>"And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?”
And also in Mark 6:3-4
>Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.”
Matthew 12:46-50
>While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Here Jesus is differentiating between His physical family and His spiritual family. Jesus had younger brothers and sisters born between Joseph and Mary. I'm not gonna argue on it any further.

>> No.16704516

Repentance is more than a promise. It's an active willingness and effort to not sin. You can't keep sinning and then promise you won't sin and immediately do the same sins.

>> No.16706329

See >>16663912

>> No.16709418

She is a squirrel.

>> No.16709538

Not to mention the monetization of Christ or the speaking in tongues.

>> No.16710810

Last months joke…

>> No.16712071

This is what protestants believe not Catholics, we of the one true faith believe through your works you are saved not through faith alone like prots
Sola scriptura is a heresy that even a child would realize

>> No.16712316

This entire debate just drives it further home that Christianity is not the religion for me. I just think Jesus is cool and had some great advice

>> No.16713216

To answer OP besides the usual JP known Catholics Marine, Lamy, Sora, allegedly Suisei and Pekora.
From ID alledgedly Risu and some have said even said Moona potentially but others have said moona is muz.
There's also Mel's mama Ayamy.
From the English speaking world I only have suspicions based off of roommates and circumstantial evidence, starting with holoEn mori is allegedly from the south which she would potentially be some form of prot if she hasn't gone the way of the atheist as most of them do.
Ame is allegedly some form of latina which would make her Catholic but the rrat is that she didn't have a father in her life so this one is shaky.
Ina some have said that its likely that based off of being Korean immigrant she is likely Cath or prot.
Kiara some have said that she's most likely Catholic based off of her country and a few things said here and there but the rrat is that she, like Ame, didn't have a father in her life so jury is out on this one.
Gura to me is the most likely devout Christian of En based on anecdotal evidence like getting offended at Sana's jackbox comment, however there have been other evidences like perverting the lyrics of Holy Night and other religious songs that lead me to wonder if she is religious or not, based on rrats a likely Catholic but could be prot.
From NijiEn I suspect that Rosemi based on her location is probably Catholic but she often refers to herself as satan which is something she shouldnt be doing if she were Catholic.
Pomu probably grew up a Protestant based on her location and probably became atheist based on her blasphemous rendition of Ave Maria where she perverted the lyrics in one of her recent one block challenges.
Nina is probably Orthodox but based on her roommates love of SJW politics which go against the Orthodoxy I doubt she still is.
Millie is Philippina so she most likely Catholic.
Reimu same as above but Latina.
The rest of nijiEn minus the boys come from Asian immigrants so you be the judge.
