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16597725 No.16597725 [Reply] [Original]

What did hololive do to make them grow so fast?

>> No.16597752

covid and saying nigger

>> No.16597792

Not being whores

>> No.16597813

Coco and saying nigger.

>> No.16597896

Chinese clippers and Covid lockdowns

>> No.16597909

A lot of stuff happened, but the one this place doesn't like to acknowledge is the free promotion china did for them with clipping in mass.

>> No.16598052

> JP who know English
> SEAniggers

CN did nothing

>> No.16598093


This and unironically.

>> No.16598103

Seethe Ricardo

>> No.16598113
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based zhangbros did the leg work in promoting them with clips in Japanese, Chinese and English. Holos in turn used to interact with them a lot, including doing streams on Bilibili and interacting with their official fan groups there but a certain reddit dragon had to ruin it... now Hololive's on the decline, long gone are the days where Pekora could pull 45k viewers for any random MC stream.

>> No.16598205

It's like an actress getting her start in softcore porn or something, it's not the kind of thing you like to think about or bring up, even if it's true.

>> No.16598211 [DELETED] 

>What did hololive do to make them grow so fast?Hololive didn't do anything magical. Their competition are the ones that dropped the ball

>> No.16598236

>Pekora hit 165k on her Birthday with CCVID debuff.
>Indie associated with holo set all time record on her 3D debut.
>Holo sponsorships everywhere.
Thank you for the success bugman

>> No.16598264

Hololive didn't do anything magical. Their competition are the ones that dropped the ball

>> No.16598292

>Litterally just Luck and Clippers
Cover didn't do shit.

>> No.16598339
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My takes
Hololive has cohesion, they have enough members for all kinds of collabs but not gross excess of 2view like Nijisanji.
Hololive pandered to more global audiences while still remaining somewhat niche.
Hololive had far more content with long daily streams instead of short videos which created a more interacting community.
Long streams lead to clipniggers delivering large amounts of funny short content, with so many clips with millions of views most people got to Hololive through clips.
Hololive started hiring real talents since they took off, while also hiring gems streamers like Coco, Pekora, Rushia and Korone.
Making it big with English market by nailing with Gura and Mori.
Covid lockdowns
Miko saying nigga. No joke, the clip has 2.4 million views and Miko was one of the least subscribed in Hololive before it.

>> No.16598389

Ollie looks at these results and says "I wanna change that".

>> No.16598543

Can't see shit

>> No.16598656

Matsuri wearing bandaids instead of a bra in highschool once, Covid and Miko saying nigger.

>> No.16598667

Why didn't Aqua become as popular as Korone?

>> No.16598779

Fucking bullshit I say nigger all the time and I'm not popular

>> No.16598809

Korone had a very popular spic promote her on his channel and even asked his fans to go raid her as well as a lot of EOP growth in general.
Aqua's growth took a nosedive in August when she stopped streaming to prepare for her first solo live.

>> No.16598812

Half of Pecker viewers are 35P, now PekoMiko is no more the number reduced, The same happened to Miko but she got viewers from Suisei so the number reduced a little.

>> No.16598825

Aqua never stream in or even try to speak English. That's literally the only reason Korone got popular, memes of her goofy English phrases.

>> No.16598829
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I blame these 2 videos, you may know Hololive from before or even after. But these 2 videos are literally where most people entered the Rabbit hole and then the Youtube algorithm did the rest.

>> No.16599026

Azur Lane collab resulted in an algoboost.

>> No.16599203

Mori sees it and thinks "I want those numbers to take a big nosedive".

>> No.16599303

idolfaggotry is almost totally irrelevant to Hololive's global success, thus why Ollie and Calli are immensely popular everywhere but here

>> No.16599449

Funny clips for the subs and GFE for the money/gachikois.

>> No.16599470

That's because most of Hololive's audience outside of Japan are fucking normies who doesn't understand the idol culture and treats the fanbase like some sort of one big hugbox.

>> No.16599746

even then I doubt that when you first saw a Korone or Miko clip, your immediate reaction was "I want this funny little creature spouting gibberish to be my girlfriend, I'm glad she doesn't interact with men."

>> No.16599761

puppy chow for a full year

>> No.16599881

All these explanations have to account for while Hololive succeeded when they were midgets and Niji was far more established and popular. Okay Chinks, why did they clip Holos instead of the far bigger Nijis?

>> No.16599924


>> No.16599938

Are you an anime girl?

>> No.16599952

That's one way of putting it.

>> No.16600014

actually, that's just how I respond anytime something with tits comes into view

>> No.16600114

Hololive went all in on the China pandering and even mandated that their Japanese talent stream on Bilibili, thus attracting the Chinese clippers. Nijisanji just struck a business deal with Bilibili then proceeded to act like VirtuaReal is a separate company.
also Nijisanji got plenty of clips back in the day too, they just weren't nearly as lucky with the algo.

>> No.16600178

I like how these threads tend to stay civil for the most until about the 50 post mark where we all start screaming and calling each other antis.

>> No.16600761

Chinks will say "azurlane" and chink clips
But in reality it was Coco with her silly behavior breaking the Japanese formalities who memed holo into it's popularity.
You can see on 4chan status the timeline.
>Be on bilibili for almost a year
>Nothing happens
>Coco debut
>thread fucking splits

>> No.16600860

They have a fubuki a korone a pekora

>> No.16600914

>Indie associated with holo set all time record on her 3D debut.

>> No.16601605

Leech off of Nijisanji, get lucky with COVID, have chink clippers do all the work for them

>> No.16601841

Shigure Ui

>> No.16601879

They rejected Chinese money when almost every big company and actors kneel too it. Couldn’t have made a more Based move to their SEA and US market.

>> No.16602031

That's the only good thing reddit dragon ever did.

>> No.16602035

Will nijiggers ever stop seething? This is getting embarrassing
The reason why your shit company is not going anywhere is because they're the chinese sweatshop of vtubers, they prioritize shitting out turds instead of quality
15 vtubers in 5 months in a single branch is fucking retarded no matter how you try and spin it and its the #1 reason why nijisanji will never be taken seriously

>> No.16602130

kill yourself nijinigger

>> No.16602149


>> No.16602220
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Badly mismanaged and fought over by corporate shit.

Literally run right into the ground by corporate idiocy.

.LIVE would have done alright except that it was right around this time that the Siocaust occurred and permanently fucked them (though if we're being realistic their livers still get top 1% numbers, just not hololive/nijisanji top .1% numbers)

She inclined also, just not as fast as the holos.

>the rest
Mismanagement and failure to keep up with changing times as EOPs flooded the scene.

>> No.16602287

No one in the west has any contact with bilibili exposure, that shit was pretty isolated to CN exclusively.

>> No.16602335

Ollie, Haachama, Baelz etc. are all zoomers who feel like they have something to prove and don't see the existing success of the organization as being something to maintain. Within normal generational turnover it wouldn't be a bad thing if Haachama is getting half a million live viewers 5-10 years from now if that was somehow possible, it only becomes a problem when you realize ollie is retarded and has no idea what she's doing.

>> No.16602370

>Zhang still thinks HoloCN had a bigger viewership than literally anyone else in the vtubing market
Following in their masters steps and inventing history I see. Keep choking on that CCP micropenis zhang.

>> No.16602624

Some clips and short videos from the likes of Korone, Fubuki and Miko went viral in the west, and the girls fed this influx of foreign fans. Then HoloEN debuted with perfect timing to ride that wave and magnify it, and it just snowballed from there.

>> No.16603409

With rivals like that, it was pretty easy for Hololive to incline.

>> No.16604374

When was the last time holocunts got 200k+ ccv stream? Ah yeah, graduation.
I guess graduating is the only thing this shitty company can do right.

>> No.16604457
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>> No.16604523

bruh, don't embarrass yourself that hard...

>> No.16604743

>Azur Lane collab
>Chink meme clips
>Covid lockdowns
Thanks, Chinks.
Afterwards, it was Coco who skyrocketed the EoP population with her reddit stuff and now we're here.

>> No.16604837

If that's true why Nijisanji not as popular as Hololive?

>> No.16604861

>Thinking your first HoloJP clips were made by EoPs
KEK. Zhangs made the first Hololive meme clips and SEAfags just put Jojo music over it to make it theirs.

>> No.16607836

Where is your nigger clip ?

>> No.16608209

wtf hololive is literally kim kardashian

>> No.16608290

>It's like an actress getting her start in softcore porn or something, it's not the kind of thing you like to think about or bring up, even if it's true.
but everybody does it and they do it with pride just look at Hollywood

>> No.16608320

Nigga , Scatman and EEkum Bokum.
