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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16584112 No.16584112 [Reply] [Original]

why everyone is against each other? why are we so hostile? im tired with everything, can we just watch vtuber and enjoy our time together? why we need to bait and shitpost just to feel good? why, why are we like this

>> No.16584138

The world will never be a hive of positivity no matter what you or anyone else ever does.

>> No.16584156
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>> No.16584185
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go to reddit you homonigger

>> No.16584209

Go back

>> No.16584236

I enjoy my time with you anon, don't let the words of some 200 retards who frequent the board bring you down. A lot of fans actually do get along nicely

>> No.16584258
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>> No.16584285

The world can be up and down, but making retarded headcanon and lies from thread reading and parroting other retard's opinions to create fake drama, shitposting and shitting up the board is stupid as fuck. How the fuck is not acting like a bunch of troglodytes shitflinging illiterate monkey considered reddit?

>> No.16584412
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I know. I'm also tired of comparing and seeing people argue about why Fanbase X would be superior to Fanbase Y or why Chuuba Z is bad. I know >we are not alone at this, neither on this board nor on the splits nor on /hlgg/.
The truth of the matter is that you have to try and make good posts while ignoring and not giving any fodder for bad posts.
I'd recommend taking a break and not coming on here if there is nothing going on that merits discussion. The place is much better when people are occupied enjoying streams and big events. And ignore posts about things that happened 2-4 days ago, it just starts another timeloop where a good streams will be reframed as the final yab.

>> No.16584446

for the (you)s

>> No.16584588

fuck you bitch

>> No.16584746
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Becouse this is 4 chan OP.

Stupid jokes aside (any place has good and bad people) people are probably bored and thats why they spend their time with that while they could actualy use that time to archive their favorite vtubers vods so they dont get lost.

The baiting and shitposting will never end though just accept that fact and try your best to ignore it if it bothers you.

>> No.16584833
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shut up you FAGGOT

>> No.16585380

Maybe try reddit or discord. I don't know why you thin skinned fags even come here.

>> No.16585454

>How the fuck is not acting like a bunch of troglodytes shitflinging illiterate monkey considered reddit?
People behave like this in all major boards.

>> No.16585593

No we must wage war over whether one woman pretending to be an anime girl is better than a different woman pretending to be an anime girl. Our value as a person depends on whether our favorite woman pretending to be an anime girl has a higher number of devices with their livestreams open while their owners are clipping their toenails or pooping minus an arbritary number decided by a tech company's algorithm.

>> No.16585730

Because (you) came here thinking it would be like all your other fag websites you still frequent and the people who had already made this their home didn't appreciate that you refused to acclimate to them and tried to turn this into every other shithole. So the hostility is just baked in. If you look at any fight, you'll notice people are arguing past each other because it's just about fighting the other team and not about anything specifically said here. Even though everyone's anonymous and you should be trying to take their posts on their own merit, instead you try to skim them as quickly as possible, apply a buzzword insult to it and then move on.

>> No.16585789

Because you can't spell /vt/ without /v/

>> No.16585803

Because every other place to talk about chuubas you have to respect them and you cant say the nigga word

>> No.16587317

You don't hate that shit. If you really hate it you wouldn't be here. You just hate yourself for liking it. Many such case

>> No.16587623

The retarded ones that come to the board thrive off of hate-posting and are currently blowing their load. They'll eventually just go back to hating themselves after a while.

>> No.16588942
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There will one day be a time where you will no longer be permitted to say nigger on the internet. Enjoy the ocean of piss while you have it, my fellow faggot.

>> No.16589527

Based thread. I wish you hostile loser were my personal army.

>> No.16590661

Unironically because they get replies. Just take a look at the catalogue and notice which threads get 300 replies and which one die after eight hours with less than twenty.

>> No.16591018

Unicorns, idolfags, and tribalists there groups do not want peace. Idolfags and unicorns are upset with the mere existence of men in the Vtubing space. Tribalists, well they are numberfags that do not care about numbers until their side is 'winning'. Ignore these groups and you will be a lot happier.

>> No.16591059

I just want Mori, Ollie, and Council to graduate

>> No.16591568
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Because as a whole will also hate each other for any particular thing. Its the price we pay for our individuality which makes us either envy each other, take advantage of each other, harm each other, kill each other and simply spite each other.

People are nothing more than sophisticated animals but we manage to at least pretend to be something more with what we created. So yeah, don't expect much from people.

>> No.16592463

Freedom isn't free

>> No.16593210
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>why can't we be soulless hugboxes like twitter and reddit
>why can't any dissenting opinions that are out of norm be banned
Why am I not surprised you're a cumbud. r/hololive's door is always opened you know.

>> No.16594377

Wow good job dragging all these people who came after 2016 out op

>> No.16595155

i see this misrepresenting of OPs point a lot when it comes to this topic
OP isnt asking for hugboxs, hes asking for us to be less retardedly hateful for no real reason.
you fags complain about hugboxs but then make this place a hate hugbox where you cant go 10 mins without hating something or other, baiting or otherwise.
theres a difference between being civil enough to not be faggots all the time and censorship and the fact you cant tell the difference when someone points it out is retarded.
hating, shitposting and baiting isnt the problem its the levels at which were doing it that is the problem

>> No.16595902

Because everything on nu-chan is ledditors having console wars over stupid shit that doesn't matter
Every board is like this now

>> No.16596026

>fake drama, shitposting and shitting up the board
None of it is fake. You're just not ready to accept it.

>> No.16596199
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That's because you only focus on the negatives. There are plenty of nice anons on this site.

>> No.16596344

To be fair, the loud retards garner the most attention

>> No.16596479

Because they are bored with their meaningless lives and feel the need to fill them with online drama.

>> No.16596547

Look at the tough guy, hes so big and manly because he can say mean words on the internet.

>> No.16596611

This is 4chan, we are not a hugbox.

>> No.16596720

That's all you vtumor scums deserve. You deserve each others.

>> No.16597143

Because all of you on this board are insufferable bugmen obsessed with girls who aren't even real.

>> No.16597385

there's one thing to be hostile
there's another thing to be quite literally schizo and create alternate realities just so you can shitpost about others peoples oshis

>> No.16597581

Op most of anons who post tribalshit or something are just doing it for fun or because they are bored. Do you actually think at least 30% of holofags in vt hates niji talents?
r/hololive is 2 blocks down

>> No.16597727

>can we just watch vtuber and enjoy our time together
Yeah, when the Nijiniggers leave.

>> No.16597757


>> No.16598174

Got it, you don't wanna lose your 4chin cool kid badge, then just go quarantine in hlg, jannies have your back, deleting posts that may upset you or your oshi.

>> No.16598232

you come here too much

>> No.16598276

People shitpost because they are jealous that someone's oshi is more popular than their oshi.

>> No.16602175

I agree with this but kind of from the other direction. Good shitposting is fine. Low-effort shitposting, which is 20% of the catalog, is boring as hell. You're never going to get the whole board to stop being shit, so just ignore the shit and go on with your life in the other threads. But isn't that how 4chan has always worked?
