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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16573324 No.16573324 [Reply] [Original]

This might be a loaded question, but:
Does idolfaggotry have a place in vtubing? In the long run, does it help or hurt the industry?
To get the convo rolling: I think it does more harm than good, and I think it is something that should exist only with Jap chuubas that have a mostly Jap audience. For example: Hololive is unironically too popular for this. Idolshit should be something niche.

>> No.16573371

>Does idolfaggotry have a place in vtubing
Yes, and if you disagree you don't belong here. That wasn't very hard.

>> No.16573426

>the cancerous tumor of /jp/
You know, you are on to something, idolfag.

>> No.16573517

This is the most blatant bait I've seen in a while, the timing alone makes it obvious, OP is a (you) farming faggot and if anyone replies after me, they are a Somalian nigger who has cummed inside 12 goats.

>> No.16573523

No, vtubers should exist solely on onlyfans.

>> No.16573755
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>> No.16573812

Please respond to OP low quality bait

>> No.16573841

You want them to be whores instead?

>> No.16573860
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>yes, i will reply to this thread

>> No.16573875

They're already whores. I just don't want them to be hypocrites

>> No.16573932

You niggers do know that Niji do idol shits too right? Heck even fucking Vshoujo do their idol reps

>> No.16575607


>> No.16577032

>when people aren't being whore-ish it means they are being seiso idols instead
The brain of an idolkek. Literally detached from proper social interactions.

>> No.16577605
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oddly specific statement
speaking from experience?

>> No.16579376

So... are ya gunna answer?

>> No.16579668

If you wanted an idol experience, you better watch a real idol group. That way, you don't need to worry about your oshi interacting with males. I know, some of you hates 3DPD, but what's your choice anyway?

>> No.16580140

My own order is as follows: Collab with girls from own company > Collab with other female vtubers > Collab with real people who are renowned for their contributions to otaku culture in a professional setting Collab with males from same company > Collab with male vtubers > ethots> male ecelebs.
Back on /JP/ this was an acceptable stance.
"No males" is not just the credo of idolfags, but also a useful excuse for me to keep hololive as is. In the western vtuber-community, HoloEn is seen as the weird kids on the special needs table and I'd like if it would stay that way. Far away from what is currently common behavior in the "normal" community of western vtubers. How many of them can barely keep there disdain for Hololive to themselves because of their weirdness but also their popularity is the cherry on top.

The ethot scorns at the sight of another girl which didn't need to stoop that low yet is more popular than herself. Women hate each other. It is known.

No, I don't need the drama, ridiculousness and vulgarity of them in muh Hololive. Twitch is a devil's bargain.
A pit of snakes. Maybe the vulgarity is just an expression of the inner rottenness that place causes. I also do not apply double standards. I don't watch Ollie, I don't watch Marine nor do I watch 4chan darlings like Bea or Pippa.

>> No.16584210

It currently has a place, but it does more harm than good and in the long run, will hurt the talents' happiness. It is oppressive, sexist, and only enables lonely, single men who do nothing to improve their lives.

>> No.16585376

>This Thing is super successful but I don't like it for some reason.
>Everyone! Please stop liking Thing!

There's a reason that Hololive vtubers are the highest superchatted on the entire platform. Lonely men with disposable income don't want to watch whores and sluts. They want to watch girls that don't make them feel lonely. I assume you're a woman, since you sound like you lack any empathy for lonely men. Loneliness is the worst thing that someone can experience. Be thankful that you won't ever know what that's like and move on.

>> No.16585464

whores can't be idols.
A prostitute that learns a few dance moves and takes singing lessons will never be respected or loved.

>> No.16585770

Listen to my wife's new cover and look at her armpits

>> No.16589656
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>hololive for people who like idols
>vshojo for people who like whores
>nijisanji for people who like general purpose entertainers
This is the blessing of the free market. People are allowed to choose which sort of vtuber they want without restriction from retarded underage original posters

>> No.16590113

I have a bigger cock than yours, Idolshit is bad and a detriment to vtubing.
>muh Hololive
Very few actually behave like idols, and some of the more popular ones like Rushia, Lamy and Nene straight up aren't idols because they date/marry their audience. I think they make guys happier and "less lonely" than a true idol like Pekora.
Also, no one in EN or ID are idols.
All of them are whores and you delude yourself by thinking otherwise.

>> No.16590187

Nice blog retard

>> No.16590194

vtubing as it is now is just streaming with an anime girl avatar instead of a facecam
you can bring some idol culture into it if you want, streaming is a very flexible medium like that, but saying all vtubers have to ascribe to it is a very pathetic mindset

>> No.16590241

>Does idolfaggotry have a place in vtubing
Yes, and every woman who interact with male is a fucking whore

>> No.16590359

Why are you so angry that some women aren't whores?
Are you upset because you yourself are a roastie?
Are you jealous because the only women you've ever known are whores because the place you live is shit?

Why are you like this?

>> No.16590362

So every vtuber is a whore. Mostly male audience. This is why idolfaggotry has no place in vtubing. The mental illness of those who like is too much, the mental gymnastics and copes these faggots tell themselves is on another level. It breeds schizos. I can bet you idolfags wake up angry they live to see another day.

>> No.16590434

Is this what idolfags do now? Invoke emotion when they are the only emotional ones? They're whores, anon. They have taken dick. They have loved other men. They don't want you.
Why do you put pussy on a pedestal?

>> No.16590601

Prove it faggot. You can't.
I invoked emotion because you are being emotional. Are you sure you're not a jealous roastie?
I'm perfectly calm because I know my oshi isn't a whore. She might even be a virgin. And she loves her chat.
I just feel bad for you that you think all women are like that.

>> No.16590844

I really don’t care if a vtuber collabs with a male. Literally. I just don’t watch it. Nothing to do with muh purity or shit, it‘s just not what I subscribed for. Do I give a fuck if a LoL player does a cooking stream? No. If I want to see a cooking stream, I‘ll watch a cook. Simple as.
Take FBK for example. She collabs with males. No one really gets mad about it anymore. 80% of her audience just don’t watch it and that’s it. She can saviourfag the stars all she wants and I‘ll just tune in again next time.

>> No.16590905

She's going to save them...

>> No.16591103

This might be a loaded assertion, but:
My dick belongs in Sora's pussy

>> No.16591149

Anon, you think people that disagree with you are women. You are going to bat for women who's job is to entertain you and pretend to like you. You accuse me of generalizing women but do the same.
You're not just emotional, you are also a retard.

>> No.16591332

That is a statement. And a false one. Sora pussy's is just for me.

>> No.16592474

you both are wrong, my dick is the only one for Sora

>> No.16592513 [DELETED] 

You could be doing literally anything else aside from posting.

>> No.16592733

>no argument
Typical idolfag

>> No.16594332

>Does idolfaggotry have a place in vtubing?
yes, that's the main difference between vtubers and twitch whores

>> No.16594499

the one you are replying could be someone worse than a roastie, a fucking cuck

>> No.16594519

A vtuber can be anything as long as there's an audience for it. No amount of seething from either side will stop it.

>> No.16594637

The only cucks are the ones that thing of vtubers as more than entertainers. Which are, yes, idolfags

>> No.16594983

t. projecting cuck
you are mentally ill

>> No.16595447

Nope, not an idolfag. Keep loving a whore, though. Btw, you are such an EOP swine you don't even know true, devoted idolfags force themselves towards literal devotion and forgo sexual desires for their oshi, and all they want is for her career to grow.
Fucking idolcancer newfags.

>> No.16595497

Idolfaggotry is the only thing stopping it from being twitch nigger trash like everything else on the internet

>> No.16595529

Like I said, you are mentally ill cuck
seek help

>> No.16595651

Like I said, the only mentally ill cucks are you EOP idolfags, and you can't refute this so all you say is
>no u
Like the fucking emasculated, lobotomized bitch you are.

>> No.16595722

I will enjoy my pure oshi and you still will be here, seething and projecting your cuck fantasies
enjoy your misery

>> No.16595833

I agree with your post except
>I don't watch Ollie, I don't watch Marine
Don't ever compare these two.
Ollie collabs with Males and craves eCeleb attention (read: dick).
Marine might not be seiso in a traditional way, but she knows were to draw a line.
You are free to not watch her though.

>> No.16595912
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>i will continue to fucking delude myself like the schizo i am
I know. Also, imagine getting preachy over happiness when you need a vtuber to have emotional stability. LMAOing at idolcucks

>> No.16595996

your existence is a sad tale of many

>> No.16596657

Not an idolschizo, tho.

>> No.16597025

that's why it's sad
you enjoy being cucked

>> No.16597237

Nope, I know I am not dating chuubas, unlike you, cuck

>> No.16597284

stop projecting you fantasies onto me

>> No.16597339

>That way, you don't need to worry about your oshi interacting with males
except even AKB48, a group "notorious" for dating rules, lets their members stream and play Apex with males. what you mean to say is that if you want idols you should get into Love Live so you can live in a fantasy land where males don't exist

>> No.16597499

Idol and seiso are not the same thing retard, now there is active Idols with an active AV career, you are just retarded and don't understand what Idol means

>> No.16597502

Idolshit is the way to go because it's safe. Every other big vtuber company, especially western ones, keep sinking into retarded e-drama and exposing how unlikeable their talents are. But then again western virgin men would defend anything for a crumb of pussy

>> No.16597527

You are the one talking about cucks constantly, schizo

>> No.16597587

nijisister's hands typed this

>> No.16597747

only when I reply to one

>> No.16598143

They complement each other quite beautifully. I wonder if this was a consideration from the get go when this vtubing thing started with A.I or if it was an accident that was only discovered later.

>> No.16598488

I am not in a relationship, and unlike you, I don't think I am a in a relationship with a chuuba, aka a woman, aka a whore
>but my oshi is pure
You are a sad little man that copes with existence by telling yourself this, cuck. Thus proving my point: idolshit benefits few people. I am not saying chuubas HAVE to date, I am just saying idolshit breeds retardation. Like in your case

>> No.16598547
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>watch woman
>enjoy seeing her be in a relationship
come on now

>> No.16598770

You realize you are the only person that has said, this right cuck?

>> No.16598834

sorry, you think that way, cuck

>> No.16599167
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Whatever helps you live with yourself, schizo. You believe an anime woman, a whore, loves you - you'll believe anything.

>> No.16599284

>Does idolfaggotry have a place in vtubing?
All vtubers must be idols first and foremost. I'm not interested in anything else. I dropped the whole of NijiEN the moment they started to collab with males and I'll do the same with Holo. I'm not interested in being a paycuck to some thot, or even just watching her interact with random males.

Being a vtuber is being an idol, and Western females, being the most entitled creatures on the planet and in the history of the world, seem utterly unable to grasp this simple concept. Being an idol is an OBLIGATION to your fans, your fans aren't there to watch you e-thot your way onto random cocks and expect us to be okay with that and to validate you for making jackasses out of us. Why on earth would I watch other guys having fun with girls? It's being a third wheel at best.

I am actually becoming an ironic fan of vtubing, and I was never an "ironic" fan of anything. I either like or dislike a thing. Now, after Mori, the whole of NijiEN and undoubtedly other Holo's to follow I'm just here out of vile fascination. I want to see how low this whole thing can go. I want to see the dumpsterfire. For a brief and glorious time I genuinely believed that this is it, that the girls who became vtubers have something to offer to the world, something more than a cunt. I thought they really had the discipline, the virtue and the personality that can redeem their gender. I thought they understood us, and in turn that we can respect and admire them. Even love them. All that now appears as complete folly to me, and I get constantly disproven in my belief that there's something, anything of value in women. This is rapidly becoming just another form of general e-thotery, paypigs and findom, with them expecting everything from us while they just fuck around and do nothing at best, but at worst slobber over random men, be they e-celebs or otherwise. I'm not even mad, it's just so hilariously shit that only a Western woman can do it. You got the perfect job, the perfect opportunity, the perfect fanbase, and you fucked it all up. Just straight up ruined it, abolished it, desecrated it. Japan is right, you are wrong. That could be the bottom line.

I really think it'll all die soon. It'll at best just devolve into another form of onlyfans or something of that sort. And it'll linger for a few years and just be forgotten, because shittier and shittier women will get involved cynically. Both HoloEN and NijiEN have shat on everything vtubing is about. So grab your popcorn and watch as these genuine, shameless whores slowly destroy themselves and everything they've been handed on a platter because they couldn't stop cunting.

Make peace with the fact that as a man you are truly and utterly alone. There's nobody out there. There never was.

>> No.16599380

suichan was cute today :)

>> No.16599480

holoJP literally collabs with males more often than EN though

>> No.16599577

The EN males collab partners, or rather Mori's male collab partners were just much worse than in JP.

>> No.16599872


>> No.16599946

>All vtubers must be idols first and foremost
Vtubers aren't idols and they'll never be idols. Fellate a shotgun you insane schizo.

>> No.16600123

they are idols and will always be idols you insufferable cuck
imagine wanting every fucking industry filled with western whores

>> No.16600676

Why are you even here? This was never for you.

>> No.16600847

This isn't the Hololive board, tourist.

>> No.16600928

Women are whores. Them being Japanese changes nothing you stupid hypocrite.>>16600123

>> No.16600955
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>they are idols and will always be idols

>> No.16601135


>> No.16601347
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It doesn't. Why? Because it breeds faggots like you.

>> No.16601379

>he still doesn't get it
how does it feel being 60iq?

>> No.16604206

Forget whatever inane question that this thread's about, the real thing I'm wondering is why this Sora is built like a rectangle with trex arms

>> No.16604381


>> No.16604564

Would you guys say that Hololive commits to idol behavior the most out of any other group? If so, then given that they are the most popular, maybe it's not such a bad idea.

>> No.16604585

Most based post that was ever made on this shithole

>> No.16604645

I wouldn't, I would say it is BECAUSE of the non-idols the group is popular, and the fucking state of this shithole is detriment enough to quit the idolshit.

>> No.16607128

I like idolfaggotry for the reasons >>16597502 I just want comfy streams and no drama, adding guys into the mix ups the odds of that significantly to say nothing of the shipping fags and fujos.

>> No.16607268

Then they shouldn't call themselves idols.
Let them do what they want and I'll choose who to watch but the fact people defend them lying and baiting people in with an idol schtick is reprehensible.

>> No.16607359

how did you know about me?

>> No.16608324

Honestly astounded at how many retards and newfags think idolshit = no bf or male friends lmao

>> No.16608538

there's like 2 people on this board tops who know what idol means

>> No.16610150

Astounded at how many retards ignore the girls acting in a way that enforces that belief.

>> No.16610994

You do not know what idolshit is, newfag. No need to get pissy because we pointed that out.

>> No.16612311

Do you deny that many of the girls have dodged men and presented that as the image, acting flirty and virginal to attract certain crowds?
Why do you suppose so many stopped collabing?
Deflect and attack me all you want doesn't change the girls lying and pushing that idea.

>> No.16614481

Yes, easily. Few in Hololive try to act like idols. The reason Hololive is very, very popular was a certain WESTERN Reddit-browsing dragon.
