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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 34 KB, 400x400, fallenshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16562891 No.16562891 [Reply] [Original]

>Unicorn supporter
>Pure, sweet, extremely feminine
>In love with her audience
>Professional level artist
>Actually good at ASMR
>Biggest voice range out of any EN streamer
>Actually streams
>Genuinely funny

Why is this board obsessed with her? The irony is I'd understand it for the reasons above as a fan of Shadow. But that isn't why... The amount of bait using her name is obscene. I've never seen someone live rent free in the heads of so many Hololive schizos before, especially when every single rrat have 0 ground whatsoever.
It must really frustrate Holoschizos that there is an actually talented, dedicated EN streamer who cares about her audience and works hard... who isn't in Hololive. Is that the reason? Are Hololive fans so frustrated with their talentless whores that they spit venom at a talented indie... when she won't even ever see it? It's almost sad.

>> No.16563301

>better OpSec

>> No.16563457

literally who

>> No.16563562

>pretending like your 2view chuuba is a big deal
I have no idea who that is and I'd bet 99% of /vt/ has no idea who that is either.

>> No.16563652

You cannot go a day without seeing a bait thread about her anon, or some Holofag coping over her too. She's not a 2view either, she hits 4views doing ASMR and 3 any other time. If you do not know who she is at this point you are literally a newfag.

>> No.16563659


>> No.16563685

only good for fau fau drama

>> No.16563848

give her a try, anon. she's great.

>> No.16563856

You're retarded anon. If anything, you missed the time when there was bait about fallenshadow
She used to be known as that one indie chuuba who hates Fauna because she abandoned her to become part of Hololive so she schizoposts about her regularly. Now… she has a good reputation as a cute and funny chuuba who is anything an unicorn could dream of

>> No.16563866

Who the fuck is this bitch? why they are 3 threads of her in the catalog? is this the new indie of the month? what the fuck happened with batani and her parents? fucking hell.
Anyways reminder she's gonna throw you all of you filthy groomers under the bus as soon as she sees her first chance to become relevant outside of this shithole, as for the /here/ indie law.

>> No.16563896

bad bait

>> No.16563958

I do know who this is, but all I got from this is that Holofags live especially rent free in OP's head.

>> No.16563988

She's not a /here/tuber dumbass, she's a 500view hitter who said once 8 months ago before she was even a vtuber that she has been on 4chan before. /here/ likes her because she's kino, cunny, hardworking and talented. Holofags hate her because she's everything their vtubers aren't.

>> No.16564034

>give her a try

>> No.16564099

Didn't she try to cancel Fauna? Are they good again or was it all in her schizo head?

>> No.16564112

I feel like OP is a falseflag to try to generate hate towards her.

>> No.16564119

for someone that calls others schizos you sure do love inventing problems that dont exist in your head for someone that absolutely nobody on this board ever heard about

>> No.16564123

she's not even /here/, she's just really unicorn and idolfag friendly, which is why a lot of holo fans are pushing her so hard, considering hololive is moving towards normalizing male collabs lately.

>> No.16564481

I've no idea who she is. Take your meds.

>> No.16565390

I want to penetrate her tight cunny and not take responsibility

>> No.16565798

Uuuuuh Anon wtf are you talking about? This place likes shadow now

>> No.16566020

Never seen bait, mostly positive or in relation to Fauna.
Unless you count people saying she's menhera as criticism, probably a complement here if anything.
She seems nice but I don't really care for her voice, no idea where all this hololive animosity is coming from poor bait most likely.

>> No.16566092

>Give her a try
>Unicorn supporter
No fucking way

>> No.16571328


>> No.16572964

Hi, I'm an official representative from /#/ (numbers) and I've run the numbers on your girl. She has been relegated to "literally who" 2 viewer. Please refrain from making threads solely dedicated to her and maybe post her in /asp/ (Aspiring Vtuber and Startups) or a group thread with other 2 viewers.

>> No.16574433

who though
at least give a link

>> No.16574543


>> No.16574612

Shadows gotten bigger but I honestly think it might be the same people posting her all over threads. I remember some weeks back I kept seeing a shadow thread pop up multiple times but the typing style was the exact way. Stop trying retard no one cares

>> No.16577501

>Biggest voice range out of any EN streamer

>> No.16577591

oof was almost interested until you posted twitch

>> No.16577635

I'm not going to try anyone based off a shitpost thread from one their fans. Get fucked.

>> No.16577679

Some schizo who had a mental breakdown after Fauna "backstabbed" her and dropped their little group of ASMR whores to join Hololive without telling them anything.
She took her meds and a vtuber model, doing actually pretty good on her own. The schizoshit agaist Fauna for once boosted her indie channel, Anya levels already

>> No.16577968 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 648x630, ShadowPinch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You goddamn bastards. Why do you go around and post retarded shit like this? I fucking swear. I don't know what you're getting at here, but there's no point in making these kinds of fucking threads about Shadow.
Sure, there was a fiasco with Fauna, but that's literally it. She keeps to herself and she keeps her audience to herself. Why the fuck do dumb little swarthoids like you have to go around shitting up the board with threads like these under the pretense Shadow is involved when she gives literally zero shits? What the fuck is wrong with you?
There's no point in insulting the Hololive hivemind. It just makes these schizos look good and makes Shadow look bad, and that's not what Shadow would want from any of her fans. Just shut fuck off.

>> No.16577995

You can tell the guy is obsessed either that or it’s Fallen menhera shitposting. For anyone passing by stay away from her it’s not worth it.

>> No.16578028
File: 381 KB, 648x630, ShadowPinch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You goddamn bastards. Why do you go around and post retarded shit like this?
I fucking swear. I don't know what you're getting at here, but there's no point in making these kinds of fucking threads about Shadow.
Sure, there was a fiasco with Fauna, but that's literally it. She keeps to herself and she keeps her audience to herself. Why the fuck do dumb little swarthoids like you have to go around shitting up the board with threads like these under the pretense Shadow is involved when she gives literally zero shits? What the fuck is wrong with you?
There's no point in insulting the Hololive hivemind. It just makes these schizos look good and makes Shadow look bad, and that's not what Shadow would want from any of her fans. Just shut up and fuck off.

>> No.16578229

>The amount of bait using her name is obscene. I've never seen someone live rent free in the heads of so many Hololive schizos before

>> No.16579828

weak bait

>> No.16579973

Literally who?

>> No.16582339

Fine. Channel link?
