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16388199 No.16388199 [Reply] [Original]

What are some vtubers who hate americans for all the misdeeds they've committed?


>> No.16388280

I didn't know Beatani preferred black dads

>> No.16388505

>we dindu nuffin!
Why do Japs act like they were innocent angels when they talk about getting nuked?

>> No.16388718

I can't expect any Japanese person to forgive the US for that.
The Japanese killed my great grandfather's brother in the pacific and even he knew that the nukes were wrong. He did everything he could to raise his children to be in a position that would ensure they never had to join the military, and his children raised their children to continue to do the same.
It was shameful of my country to do that, and I genuinely can't bring myself to even shitpost about it to any extent. In a just world, the bombings would have constituted a war crime and every person involved would have hanged for it.

>> No.16388833

>the virgin "seeing the bigger picture" vs the chad "they fucking nuked my country"

>> No.16389059

As an asian we thank (you) burger for dropping the nuke. Japan's attrocities was way worse than nazi or any army at the time. They were savaged inhuman demons that tortured civilians in any worst way possible. Ask any SEAnigs, chinks, gooks that learnt history, and they'd answers the same. Fuck them imperial nips

>> No.16389279

Never forget Pearl Harbor

>> No.16389285

I can't argue with that at all, but the nukes killed loads of civilians and were ultimately unnecessary to ensure their surrender. It was just a way for the US to posture on the global stage. Two wrongs don't make a right, basically. I'm also naive enough to firmly believe that might doesn't make right.
Plus, speaking as a citizen of a British colony, I can't say that imperial Japan was really exceptional with regards to their cruelty when compared to other empires. I'm not trying to downplay their war crimes, I'm just saying that I can completely understand why a Japanese person wouldn't forgive the US for unpunished war crimes.

>> No.16390315

Faggot. The slant eyed monkeys deserved more nukes, not fewer.

>> No.16390338

>speaking as a citizen of a British colony
Don’t you have a woman to rape until her intestines fall out of her vagina, pajeet?

>> No.16390428
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>> No.16390579
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needs nuke correction...

>> No.16390650

I'm an Anglo living in the US.

>> No.16390738

WWII Japan performed human experimentation including live vivisections on prisoners, took rape slaves of entire villages and are recording feeding them only the corpses of their children and husbands, and were described as, and treated like, wild dogs to be unleashed on their enemies by their superiors.

While metal as fuck, if that shit doesn't warrant a nuclear "hey cut that shit out" what does?

>> No.16391166

Fuck off. My grandfather served in the 2nd Marine division during the Pacific campaign and always said dropping the bomb was needed and necessary. I guess when you see battle on Guadacanal, Tinton, Tarawa and Saipan will show you how cruel the Japs could be.

>> No.16391241

Fuck her and her shit take. Can't believe I use to watch some of her streams.

>> No.16391289

Japan liberated my country from unlawful American occupation. 10/10. I love you, Beatani.

>> No.16391431

Anon, the US was prepared to drop hundreds of atomic weapons on Japan because invasion would've been incredibly costly. They were preparing to mass produce the bombs.
Saying it was unnecessary is a bit ridiculous, since Japan was fighting tooth and nail up till that point. There was even a plot to overturn the order to surrender. As far as the US knew, they would just keep fighting.

>> No.16392007

america made anime possible and normalized

>> No.16392068

I'm sorry your grandfather wasn't half the man my great grandfather was. And here you are, gloating about it. I'm glad I'm not you.

>> No.16392092

America broke the Samurai buck so hard they developed a fetish for being an M

>> No.16392102

Imperial Japs were literally bayonetting our newborns. They needed to be nuked.
t. SEAfag
