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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 619x348, 1636541821433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16386124 No.16386124 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16386664

They're still viewbotting and this was a feature that was intended to stay. Indies are still suffering from it.

>> No.16386667

Now there's some good clickbait.

>> No.16387207

I can only think about numbers, that's why oshi is Gura

>> No.16387322

>they are bots
>indies are suffering because the bots aren't watching them

>> No.16387383


>> No.16387533

Why the fuck is he doing a keemstar impression?

>> No.16387601
File: 944 KB, 1713x709, NijiEN cull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube has finally reverted livecount bug detection.
not fully

>> No.16387661

>have loli model
>receive groomer money

>> No.16387820

Numbers seem back to normal, mostly.

>> No.16387972

Except for?

>> No.16388037

Except for the fact I didn’t personally check every stream I care about.

>> No.16388526

stop posting videos by this clickbait nigger

>> No.16388531
File: 71 KB, 451x149, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 24k views
Dramafags only care about the LE YAB huh
Nice self-shilling btw

>> No.16389207

self promotion should be bannable

>> No.16390703

I want to fuck this android in his boipucci. Hope he gets some good fanart soon

>> No.16391426

he's got a good reporting voice. I give him that.

>> No.16391438

False has turned into the worst kind of channel.

>> No.16392123

The Mio PFP is one of Nene's paypigs, how the fuck does he have that much money to give to Petra too?

>> No.16392269

>shows Pekora supposedly showing off her new model
>its her fucking old model
holy shit what a dumb EOP

>> No.16392469

>YouTube saved vtubers
>After it fucked up and screwed all the streamers
That's all it takes huh? I should beat someone half to death but then bandage their wounds and tend to them at their bed and I saved them?

>> No.16392538

Now both of us can see her decline

>> No.16393106

It doesn't matter. It's more important to protect the reputation of VTubers at this stage than to reflcet the reality.

>> No.16395341

why chumbuds are like this?

>> No.16395591

Yet, there are still questions left unanswered. Fox example, why only vtubers were affected by it? And how did they manage to fix it? Did they reset YT AI or something? Because if they just reset it without figuring out the reason of culling, they're pretty retarded, as firstly, it could repeat itself, and secondly, culled numbers could have been a legit bots all along.

>> No.16395735


>> No.16395894

>YouTube """"""""""saved"""""""""" VTubers
I hate cocksuckers like this, why is this nigger praising Susan for doing what she is supposed to do?

>> No.16395928

Doesn't it go under this category?
>This post is advertising or begging.
jannies will most likely not do anything about it though

>> No.16395993

oh it's THIS parasite again

>> No.16396010

tripfags gonna trip

>> No.16396191

This fucker is just as bad as Nux, domo, Takahata. Coincidentally they're all m*les trying to shoehorn themselves into chuubas' pants. Can't wait for the twitlonger outing him as another sexpest.

>> No.16396664

>self promotion
nigger kys

>> No.16396800

because you may laugh at them for being a pay pig but they have more disposable income than you

>> No.16397973

he can't have that much money or he wouldn't be buying the cheapest red supas kek

>> No.16398009
File: 29 KB, 720x169, risu poll1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the jps though
pic is after the "fix"

>> No.16398077

look again at pekora expression dumbass

>> No.16398149

these 'current events' vtubers are all talentless normie grifters. kill yourself for linking me this shit and reminding me of their existence.

>> No.16398162

Should be "youtube fixed their shitty code"

>> No.16398358

Honestly the high rate of big male vtubers being outed as sexual predators really just indicates that the best way to grow is to be shameless and predatory
