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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16376394 No.16376394 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN are gateway vtubers of the worst kind

They're bad entertainers, a clusterfuck of talents and branch that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for their weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and CREATIVIDAD

The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the talents themselves, regardless of their opinion, are plain bad. However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of their core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The way too popular individuals all trying their hardest to look cool, the ambiguity, peculiar, colorful designs, the whole divinity faggotry and everything about the HoloEN lore fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-baiting roommate backgrounds, emphasis on humbleness, and overall preachiness of the talents make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up

HoloEN is basically THE group to attract the most hated vtuber fanbase known to /vt/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this group and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no HoloEN threads ever encourage the newfags to show their faces here

>> No.16376455

I didn't read your post, but regardless of what you said it doesn't apply to Ame. It might apply to the others (again, I didn't read your post), but it doesn't apply to Ame.

>> No.16376488

Holo EN is based and you're a retarded schizo. kys.

>> No.16376489
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>> No.16376508

You will never be japanese.

>> No.16376576

tldr: op is a faggot

>> No.16376632

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.16376648

throwing money at them didn't garner you enough attention so you come here to try and get some pity attention?

>> No.16376733

>McChicken sauce

isn't that just Mayo?

>> No.16376844

kys ironic weeb

>> No.16376868

nerve status: struck

>> No.16376920

You will never be white

>> No.16376984

Seething Nijinigger?

>> No.16377146

Not reading that.
You're a fag.
Here's your (You)

>> No.16377296

I just came here to watch Hololive EN's continued false flagging temper tantrum.

If you read the OP rant, you can actually feel the hatred they have for their viewers permeating from your screen. With resentful vtubers like that lurking around, there's actually no need for antis to exist. I'd imagine the antis are probably just sitting back in some discord channel, incredibly grateful that their work is being taken up by the vtuber's themselves. What a twist, am I right?

>> No.16377337

the internet makes sense when you realise the people who hate women want to be women.

>> No.16377341


>> No.16377408


>> No.16377424

Why so bitter? Hololive EN won. The antis are gone. They're the antis now. Isn't that what they wanted, a board without antis?

>> No.16377431 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 477x126, 1621059528825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read, but op can you imagine being a part of this creepy fuck community

>> No.16377562

These (you)s kinda validate your argument, congratulations anon.

>> No.16377648

It is. The true mcdonald's bon vivant gets mac sauce on the mcchicken, imo.

>> No.16377668

do you think that holoEN viewers watch naruto

>> No.16377712

>newfagchamas can’t recognize an old /a/ copypasta

>> No.16377762
File: 388 KB, 545x632, 1620365387810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't reading all of that shit

>> No.16378361

The entire thread is just being ironic and pretending to be retarded right?

>> No.16378410

i hate newfriends

>> No.16378450

we're reaching levels of irony that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.16378503

Suck a cock, niggerfaggot.

>> No.16378830

kek, hit a nerve

>> No.16379904
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Didn't read, Ame cute

>> No.16380090

I have never lurked /a/ because I cannot stand people criticizing anime. I also can't stand people criticizing vtubers and I usually regret coming here.
I lurked /his/ and /tv/ before coming here.

>> No.16380306


>> No.16381644
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x2500, Ja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you wrote but whatever you said about my oshi is wrong and shows that you don't watch streams

>> No.16382135 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 625x626, 37_emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"They're bad entertainers, a clusterfuck of talents and branch that isn't very well done by any aspect"

They better talents than you will ever be, tranny.

>> No.16382235
File: 494 KB, 685x408, 153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep telling that to yourself, maybe one day you will even invent a source for this claim.

>> No.16382382


Idol culture is cringe and you're insecure about how creepy it is to expect human beings to act like dolls for real. I'd wish for you to have the experience of a nightmarish unwashed obese fanbase that wants to fuck and murder you but you're probably too ugly to ever hope for anything like that.

>> No.16382421

*i'm* having fun watching them

>> No.16382466

I dont' know how many layers of irony are happening in this place but holo EN lowkey sucks other than gura and calli's music.

>> No.16382570
File: 72 KB, 293x271, 1641996657024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the newfag board anon

>> No.16382592

didn't read but if you're shitting on en I agree

>> No.16382610

Non-Jap vtubers in general was a mistake, anytime Japan creates something good the West has to ruin it

>> No.16382899
File: 7 KB, 191x264, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watch Gura don't settle for anything but the BEST chuuba

>> No.16383314

damn zhang go back to artia

>> No.16383452

the absolute state of tourists

>> No.16383506

Thanks for the nostalgia OP.

>> No.16383927

Neither will HoloEN

>> No.16384258

You were right that they don't know how to entertain. They're just your average every day girl who doesn't want a proper job. None of them are naturally funny. The gimmick is solely, "look at the cartoon girl", because they sure aren't saying anything of substance.

>> No.16384820

>None of them are naturally funny
except ame, she's hilarious

>> No.16384888

>be me circa 2020
>hear there are english vtubers from a company called hololive
>wtf cool there are jap tubers and they are unequivocally better than the english
>never watch EN again
many such cases

>> No.16384912

Which of them would give me a rimjob and eat my ass?

>> No.16389314
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>> No.16390121

> I lurked /his/ and /tv/ before coming here.
That explains so much about the quality of this board

>> No.16390136

Average hololiveEN streamer:
-- 10 hours a week total
-- singing streams with 10 songs
-- asmr streams 1 hour long

Average NijisanjiEN streamer
-- 25 hours a week total
-- singing streams with 20 songs
-- asmr streams 2 or 3 hours long

hololive is lazy as fuck, that's why they're losing traction

>> No.16390537
File: 252 KB, 765x707, Ivan the terrible and his son Ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, this board is nothing but newfags who can't recognize an /a/ pasta that's posted at least once a month in /a/ and at least occasionally outside of /a/.
Curse my muscle memory for even coming here.

>> No.16390791

This board is just rife with nutjobs and shitposters who can't get enough of their dramafix. Shitting on holoEN is just the easy target.

>> No.16390803

Literally not a single NijiEN has done a proper ASMR stream. They can pretend they do, but they're actually hot fucking garbage with either no real ASMR mic or they do have one and have no clue how to properly utilize it. Fauna's only problem is her mic quality. You can be right about everything else, but please don't fucking bring up ASMR when the entirety of NijiEN treats it like a fucking joke.

>> No.16391011

I wonder if the people here even go to other boards.

>> No.16391093

>ITT: Idiots reacting to a really old and repurposed Naruto copypasta.

>> No.16395182


>> No.16396583

i'm Japanese

>> No.16397959

That's a norm, women hate women in general. Women dress up, to one-up another woman.

>> No.16398370

that sounds like something, someone who wants to be a women would say

>> No.16399997

and you will neither whats your point?

>> No.16401040


>> No.16401467


>> No.16401556

Gura's ability to crank out humorous remarks and responses with zero hesitation or planning is so good that it makes up for all the other shit she does that would've made me stop watching her by now.

>> No.16403842

oh nyo

>> No.16403844


>> No.16403877

/Vt/ are seething rn

>> No.16403886
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>> No.16403905

Globalfags will never learn another comeback

>> No.16403910

No one cares what you think nijichama

>> No.16403993

It especially applies to Ame and Gura retard.

>> No.16405197

No other is needed since it makes weebs seethe every time.

>> No.16405512

Trips of truth. One day I watched random Flare Minecraft, and something clicked. Never gone back since.

>> No.16405683

Anon, you have to write that in English if you want others to understand you.

>> No.16407150


>> No.16409741

oh nyoooo

>> No.16411917
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1626978277224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way people kept replying to this
