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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 284 KB, 720x1344, chinkkilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16282358 No.16282358 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16282416

well just like 4chins VPN protection just means they identify public VPNs and block them, if you spend money to buy VPNs you can easily bypass the shit

>> No.16282576
File: 80 KB, 476x664, 1596544274945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonrunelet here.
What are they typing this time?

>> No.16282633

Yagoo had been evading taxes due to covers success and the JP equivalent of a IRS decided to release the bots

>> No.16282664

why does this always happens when fubuki streams

>> No.16282692

"Please nuke Beijing, you know you want to."

>> No.16282707

Based, fuck taxes

>> No.16282717
File: 17 KB, 224x256, 1598373429703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is their end goal here?
Did they honestly think their spam will bring down cover?

>> No.16282765

youtube "fixing" shit because of the 2021 cull.

>> No.16282804

She deserves it for her shitty shiny hunt streams.

>> No.16282807

Zhangs come to stop ARK resurgence. Based

>> No.16282837

Bugmen brains are too small to grapple with things that they can't physically see, please understand

>> No.16282872

Pick one and only one

>> No.16282903

Man i feel bad for her. Doesn't help the fact that she was bilibili queen, so she became the usual target of schizo chinks after the Cococaust :(

>> No.16282980

At least newfags will begin to understand why Chinese are hated.

>> No.16282981

Based Yagoo, fuck taxes

>> No.16283070

The last based Chinaman was Chiang Kai Shek.

>> No.16283084

You do realize the countless Pokémon streamers do that more regularly than Fubuki, right?
Her shiny hunting is kinda tame in comparison.

>> No.16283086

based, fuck goober niggers

>> No.16283121

The Russians warn their newfags to behave in chat lest they be viewed on the same level as the despised chinks

>> No.16283122

Unfortunately, Coco's graduation made the Chink Ego bigger and felt like they could do anything outside of China without consequences

>> No.16283130

I thought that was Aqua

>> No.16283176

I miss liveleak

>> No.16283216


>> No.16284088

if you are wondering who the schizo is
https://space.. bilibili. com/4000867/dynamic

>> No.16284196


>> No.16284365

Yeah not clicking that.

>> No.16284597


>> No.16285550

Wow it's almost like literally fucking nobody in the world is able to completely nail all VPNs out there. Not 4chan, not youtube, not the fucking chinese government and they specifically try to control everything on the internet. THEY can't do it. Nobody can.

>> No.16287465

China can

>> No.16287596



How many in VT can read Japanese exactly?

That spam reads :

"Yagoo yaroutoshita koto wa, kimi no V igai no identity wo subete ubau no da"

Which means :

"What's Yagoo trying to do is to take everything you own except your virginity"

Seriously, no JP speakers here?

>> No.16287703

They think that Youtube comments run as "Bullet Comments" like NicoNico which has the comments zip past on screen when the video is viewed.
There's an option for it.
No one uses that on Youtube because it's fucking retarded

>> No.16287747

Where do you think you are?

>> No.16287808

DId you really translate V=virginity or are you just trolling?

V is vtuber btw

>> No.16287870

But many anons posted EN is a mistake, their oshi is this and that JP member, are you telling me they don't understand Japanese? Is everything a lie?

>> No.16287935

In this context, V is Virginity

>> No.16288110

Youtube cared enough to remove dislike from being displayed publicly to "curb abuse and harassment towards Youtubers"

Why won't they fucking care about fixing the spam issue (which is an obvious abuse and harassment towards Youtubers)?

>> No.16288147

Nobody there to moderate Friend's chat? Come on, at this point every Holo should at least one hotpocket on standby.

>> No.16288389

I was going to explain why you're wrong but i just can't put in that much energy for the ramblings of some chink spammer, so just know that you're probably wrong, thunk a little harder

>> No.16288429

Chinks usually don't use terms like "sex" "virgin" "bitch" "Taiwan" "Tibet" "reddit" "Coco" "fuck" "shit" etc.

>> No.16288505

She didn't experience anything near the level Coco did

>> No.16288966

Not him but you realize you're defending a chink chat spammer from youtube not fubuki right now, right?

>> No.16288979

She's the main target, because of her standing in Cover, her past on bilibili and the talk she had with Coco, while Coco was suspended. She mentioned how she went out to eat and talk with her on twitter back then, therefore soft-confirming that she will stand with Coco over the Chinese people whose feelings were hurt. This shocked some of her fans on bilibili, so they became antis instead. Not all Chinese hololive-fans agreed with the spam-crusade and their movement lost steam especially after Coco graduated. It seems like some of them are back at it again. The Spammers have a known outpost on reddit after they were banned from their old gayOp-hub in the mainland, but nobody relevant gave a fuck and I think it hasn't been touched ever since.

>> No.16289011

Who cares fag?

>> No.16289351

Youtube is a woke Big Tech company thats the same with Google, Facebook, Tumblr and such. If woke/SJW streamers are spammed by Chink bugs, they will immediately address it.

>> No.16289539
File: 512 KB, 633x771, stinky chinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is experiencing it. So is Aqua, who will never graduate by the way and Taiwan will remain a independent country forever. Also you are out of smoothies from that 7-11 ban

>> No.16289573

Chink insects have never stopped spamming since Coco and Youtube SJW niggers have let them do whatever they want. Chink bugs were ofc spamming on Mikkorones New Year stream. You just ddint notice it.

>> No.16289713

how much of a statist bootlicker do you have to be to think anyone cares if someone doesn't pay taxes? typical bugmen chinks, they think not worshiping the dear CCP is worse than murder

>> No.16289992

Chinks antis's HG build in Reddit right now

>> No.16290290

no, the guy is right, V is clearly 'vtuber' in this context, and the spam is saying 'yagoo is trying to take away everything from you but your vtuber identity'. Pretty sure its supposed to be aimed at fubuki like the rest of the spam, which is fucking stupid.

>> No.16290492

What does that even mean?

>> No.16290511

If you think the pittance of spammers that still exist are what Coco was experiencing, then you are a newfag who was never around then.

>> No.16290567

Considering that literally today they spammed 5 of them when fubuki was playing ark OFFSTREAM. Yes, they are experiencing it and you are a retarded chinkoid.

>> No.16290651

>newfag admits he's a newfag


>> No.16290794

fuck if I know, but the rest of it is clearly directed at her, though its retarded and just plain out of touch. They clearly don't know that she gets a bunch of sponsorships already.

>> No.16290833
File: 379 KB, 720x1373, chinkkilling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They told ms to ignore it ,it will go away
It been a year and a half...they didn't give up

>> No.16290873


>> No.16290956

this looks like a different brand of spam compared to the "four letter acronyms" her collab partners usually get. afaik it's the japanese antis appropriating the wheelbarrows who are using this kind of spam. i sometimes see this on streams of japanese vtubers who committed huge yabs like Matsuri to some extent.

>> No.16291028
File: 407 KB, 756x811, __jahy_jahy_sama_wa_kujikenai_drawn_by_konbu_wakame__f4b84706dc6680e82cffdf1876ad9321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese economy in the shitter
>cops grabbing people and jabbing them randomly
>chinese people illegally escaping into countries like russia and 'nam to get to america
>but these dudes have enough time and income to set up botspam

Must be some kind of government agency, at this point.

>> No.16291060


I think it says (Yagoo wants to steal all your informaftion (identity) except your V). So referring to the NFT stuffs maybe, idk.

>> No.16291081

Well, they aren't lying. But yagoo has a mouth.

>> No.16291117

Cute girls please understand kudasaishimasu

>> No.16291128

>They clearly don't know that she gets a bunch of sponsorships already.
>watching streams
Chinks should at least watch clips. They still keep uploading translated holoclips in bilibili anyway.

>> No.16291160


>> No.16291287

They got money by spamming.
They are hired spammers.

>> No.16291315

mmm don't think fubuki has any JP antis that particularly focused on her to the extent they'd buy accounts to wheelbarrow arc streams. though I won't rule out a chink on Japanese soil, nor is there any recent event that would spark it. Simplest answer is butthurt chinks still.

>> No.16291487

Don't care. Making the reddit dragon graduate makes them Chads no matter what.

>> No.16291658

> this guys did know how much Nijiniggers want Fubuki dead

>> No.16291681

> did not know

>> No.16291896

Yellow bat soup covered fingers wrote this post

>> No.16293133

all japanese fubuki anti were already dead long time ago, this is most likely still from chinese spam bot
They get several version of spam bot, some works at different stage o youtube
btw, i rarely notice any spam at all during stream, only about 4 account spam 1comment/ minute that persist til the end
Is this from pc? i notice that in ios version there probably is spam protection, all these comment were grouped to single comment that have alternating user, might be many channel from same account, and disappear completely after several minutes

>> No.16293352

I took the image after the stream is archives
At around 30:36 mark

>> No.16294264

Coco never was the true target. The attack continue after her graduation. At least they reveal their true target this time: yagoo

>> No.16294857

>It's disappeared within a minute
It's fucking nothing

>> No.16298124

I mean, thus far, they've been proven right.
