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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1627201 No.1627201 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board teeming with hot trash right now, it's just rrats, hate threads, and schizos. only comfy threads are Watamelon and reaction threads.

>> No.1627322


>> No.1627334

Stick to the general threads with the name of the chuuba in the subject field or collab threads, everything else is just /hlg/ and /jp/ rejects jerking each other off.

>> No.1627823

spbp and /thread

>> No.1633194

I'm noticing the rot in the specific chuuba threads as well, not as much as when I look through the catalog, but it's there. Really what's happening is that there was a very brief golden period in the early days of /vt/ where the less mentally ill posters moved to /vt/ while the more mentally ill posters stubbornly stayed in /jp/. But as the more mentally ill are gradually trickling over here, we are now just like /jp/.

>> No.1633204

its 4channel

>> No.1633210

Learn to swim and preferably to breathe in the sea of piss. These whiny meta threads are the most tiresome ones.

>> No.1633221

It was always destined to be that

>> No.1633241

There are schizos trying to stir up shit in ホロライブ and my oshi's general already, but they got bored when no one replied. Sorry but ignore and report is really the best you can do

>> No.1633301

>Stick to the general threads
Damn you know a board is shit when someone says the generals are only good threads

>> No.1633320

It's called a containment board for a reason.

>> No.1633340
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This board is also infested with garbage whining meta threads that don't accomplish anything.

>> No.1633402

Watamelon, drawfag, abusive chuubas and Emma/cunny thread are the only good threads right now besides the generals. I'm not gonna point fingers to any fanbases since ホロライブ and other generals are the among the slowest thread on the board which means the schizos dont even watch streams in the first place.

>> No.1633421
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Back in the /hlg/ good days meidos used to rangeban SEA and the quality of the threads went up by a lot

>> No.1633965
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That's what happens when moderation isn't enforced.
Notice how the Kiara spam is mysteriously gone today? That's because it's the same bunch of retards making bait threads about anything that gives them (You)s. This fact has been known forever but jannies are too busy babysitting the HoloEN generals to give a shit about the rest of the board.

>> No.1633986

Why is this?

>> No.1634026
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Be the change you want to see. Make a good thread instead of crying about it.

>> No.1635016
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Shut your face there's nothing wrong with Hag threads.

>> No.1635154

The Amelia Watson thread somehow devolved into a Kiara anti thread.

>> No.1635583

Antis are autistic since they have the goal of trying to make a difference in the board with their antics.

>> No.1635647

Its not teamates who started it right? I always though they are among the better fanbases in global

>> No.1635681

I said it in hlgg and I'll say it again. Just ban all IPs that have posted in /jp/ from the past month. /hlg/'s migration here has just added more headaches on top of the usual schizos

>> No.1635730

Kiara antis are a special kind of retarded, if they're not shitting on unrelated threads then they're spamming the board with over 20 Kiara falseflagging threads.

>> No.1635745

This. You either post here or there. The culture of the generals here and there are very diffrent except hlgg, so I find it hard to believe if its Holotards or Nijiniggers shitting up the board when both their generals are dying from lack of posters

>> No.1638560
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I have made multiple comfy threads anon, with no trace of autistic screeching.

>> No.1643259
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This is why

>> No.1644003


>> No.1645212
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They keep deleting the horny threads for some reason. It's bullshit.

>> No.1647334

But that's true of most boards.

>> No.1648433

This is a containment board.
What else were you expecting?

>> No.1648447
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>Why is this board teeming with hot trash right now
>right now

>> No.1648595

>This is a containment board.
but it's not though, even mods said it isnt

>> No.1648650

that's why there should be allowed only one kiara thread in the catalog

>> No.1648654

>believing what the tranny jannies say.
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.1648977

>going outside of global general ever
You did it to yourself.

>> No.1648982

whats your point? /vt/ isn't a containment board, you can still make hololive threads on /jp/, do you even know what containment board means?

>> No.1649036

A lot of the initially good threads got ruined by obvious low effort baits like this thread

>> No.1649216

That entire thread is fucking bait from the outset trying to start shit between nijis and hololive

>> No.1649370

Too bad many Njijifags and Holofags live rent free in eachother's heads and can't help but fall for this bait

>> No.1649930

The Nijifags was doing a good job taking over the thread and used it to promote their chuubas and some sane Holofags played along, but then one Guranigger managed to derail the entire thread.

>> No.1649985

rrats and rrat threads are pretty fun though, if you arent a schizo or dont take the rrats seriously.

>> No.1650020

>if you aren't a schizo and won't take narratives seriously
Thats an uphill request anon

>> No.1650548

Global is literally the worst thread on this board wtf are you talking about?

>> No.1651972

>threads are dying after 2 hours
The fuck has been going on recently, there's not even many new threads being made

>> No.1652920
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strongest idol has left us and thrown the entire community into chaos

>> No.1653293

I had over 35 hidden threads of her the other day
