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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15971972 No.15971972 [Reply] [Original]

English VTubers are cancer, and so are anyone who enjoys them.
As an oldfag, I subscribe to the civil yet wild west culture of ye olde internet where the norm was personal responsibility. If you were a minor and posted your email address on 4chan and someone sent you dick pics, that was considered to be your fault (which is why we have the underage b& rule to keep that from happening).
Meanwhile, popular western and Chinese culture is all about social justice, cultural revolutionism, and crucifying anyone not ideologically pure or socially just enough.
That sort of thing ruins hobbies, and those audiences just haven't been able or willing to properly gatekeep their moralfags from the fandom.
Based Yagoo was correct in deciding that it's easier to just cut off your own arm to send the message that those fuckers (HoloCN) aren't welcome, and I'd imagine EN may possibly face the same fate given the west's raging erection for online vigilantism.
Change my mind.

>> No.15972045

Didn't read but Roboco is Very Cute!

>> No.15972226
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rbc cute!

>> No.15972307

Pro tip: If you actually want to be taken seriously in the future then perhaps refrain from starting your shitpost with "English VTubers are cancer, and so are anyone who enjoys them."

Being so hostile isn't very conducive to a serious discussion.

>> No.15972379
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>> No.15972408

It's a fact. Even if the VTuber themself is fine, the audience they bring in is subversive western SJW cancer, cancelling out any good they might otherwise do. They are an absolute negative to VTubing as a whole.

>> No.15972451
File: 150 KB, 850x1217, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_sasaki_glass1138__sample-4fd063144591da3412604360910fb549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could honestly put aside the rap (due to being decent production value) and the cringe wiggerism because she was borderline femcel prior to hololive but the eceleb worship is awful. I also can't get over her aggressive attacks on her own opsec, it puts noels accidental posts on her roommate or showing her other overlay as noel to shame. also one of the eceleb reddit weeaboo shitters she collabed with as mori and her roommate has actively shit on nene in the past.

>> No.15972584


>> No.15972633
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I love Roboco and her wife.
What's this post you made about bro, it's too long. Summarize it

>> No.15972718
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fuck off ESL, this is an American website where we discuss American things like football and vtubers

>> No.15972728
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>Chinese culture is all about social justice, cultural revolutionism, and crucifying anyone not ideologically pure or socially just enough.

>> No.15972951

Even the best western VTubers bring in SJWs and thus are the cancer killing VTubing. You cannot deny this.

>> No.15973099

SJWs who hate pedophiles enter the community and within a week are addicted to gura porn. don't worry so much

>> No.15973230

>Dude just accept that cancer is trying to ruin your favorite hobby from the inside lmao

>> No.15973351

Well said anonchama. But don't you think not that translated clips are in abundance that audience is always going to stay?

>> No.15973441

ok then kys bitch

>> No.15973484

Mori made a pretty based joke about dead people voting yesterday. SJWs will get filtered by the good ones.

>> No.15973515

don’t use my jp oshi for your shitty bait threads. faggot

>> No.15973612

Clippers are cancer too.
Even if 1 (one) VTuber filters them they'll simply move on to another western VTuber. There's no good ones when they all contribute to the normalization of the western world's involvement in VTubing.
Refute me. You can't.

>> No.15974343
File: 268 KB, 850x1202, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_6mint__sample-a6b52081efbfe11ba051193703c1a1de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the clips stop they'll get bored and find something else to subvert.
Trash Taste is openly globohomo. Also, we enviously hate them for being lucky enough to live the dream.

Meanwhile, Charlie is a woke, clout-chasing, virtue-signaling, (phony?) anti-pedo who incited a harassment campaign against a dog-hating subreddit. We don't like animal cruelty, but we also accept that a lot of dog owners are still awful people and that some of them do harm acts with their pets. Oh, and he exploited the ongoing lynching of a black man for clout and profit.

All of this is highly relevant as Trash Taste is in Mori's friend group while Charlie is a content creator she idolizes. And as they say, you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Given she's never said or done anything to confirm any sort of actual huge rift between the controversial opinions they hold and her own views, their actions justifiably reflect on her because she hangs out with people who perpetuate shit takes, drama and cancel culture instead of simply talking about hobbies and interests without calling anyone out.

Now we get into the rest of Hololive EN. Gura also likes popular western male content creators. So does Ame. Ina outright insulted fans. Sana is the embodiment of nepotism. And then 3 of the other gen 2 holos don't even know Japanese, so they'll be forever normalfag bait.

Only Kiara's weebism gives her enough of an alibi so we consider her glorified JP and exempt from this kind of criticism, regardless of her other faults. Meanwhile, Baelz knows Japanese and has eyes for a Japanese content creator, which is acceptable because Japan is based.

tldr most of Hololive EN alone is doomed to attract shitters into the fandom, and that's before even getting into Nijisanji,the latter of whom we've already written off because Lulu was right and their heavy handed way of dealing with things is a blight upon the internet.

>> No.15974488

Kys with all your schizo

>> No.15979847
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>> No.15980131

didn't read but based

>> No.15980464

Tl;dr: They are both massive faggots

>> No.15980699

>No argument

>> No.15980836

Half of HololiveJP would kill their friends just to collab with Hikakin

>> No.15980898
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>> No.15981103

the doomposters are devolving

>> No.15981537
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You're really based anon, the trash taste post part was spot on
I'm glad you told it how it is and made all these normalfags and americans mad, even jesus had his detractors keep it up

>> No.15981989

Corporate vtubers are a cancer. You understand that to your precious Roboco, vtubing is a job? She works under a manager who works under another manager who works under another manager. She is literally employed by a corporation to mass-produce content that sells rather than, you know, doing it because she likes it like Taka, Randon, or Saurei?

>> No.15982236


>> No.15982503
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so many based threads today.
pro gfe, now anti EN, this is real heaven

>> No.15985335

>Only Kiara's weebism gives her enough of an alibi so we consider her glorified JP and exempt from this kind of criticism,
Kiara collabed with Nyanners, you can go fuck yourself

>> No.15993210

What SJWs are they bringing in? Why are you so obsessed with a phantom boogeyman enemy?

>> No.16002573

>personal responsibility. If you were a minor and posted your email address on 4chan and someone sent you dick pics, that was considered to be your fault
Consider this non-sequitur they hamfisted in and it becomes apparent what what their personal "boogeyman" is.

>> No.16002978

>EN vtuber audience is SJWs
>top subbed vtuber is a loli actual SJWs tried to cancel

>> No.16003010

>personal responsibility. If you were a minor and posted your email address on 4chan and someone sent you dick pics, that was considered to be your fault
If you sent dick pics to a minor while being an adult, you should kill yourself

>> No.16003460

>Americans mad, even jesus
Ah, yes. The least Christian nation in the world: America. Truly a detractor of Jesus. These definitely aren't the random inklings of non-coherent thought smooshed together.

>> No.16007140


>> No.16007202

>No argument
Who's arguing I'm just stating facts also not reading mucho texto

>> No.16010944

>Given she's never said or done anything to confirm any sort of actual huge rift between the controversial opinions they hold and her own views, their actions justifiably reflect on her because she hangs out with people who perpetuate shit takes, drama and cancel culture instead of simply talking about hobbies and interests without calling anyone out.

Damn cancel culture and their <checks notes> refusal to cancel people based on their opinions

>> No.16010988

i'm pretty sure you can't send dick pics to minors in japan either though

>> No.16011370

>If you were a minor and posted your email address on 4chan and someone sent you dick pics, that was considered to be your fault (which is why we have the underage b& rule to keep that from happening).
Anon, that wasn't your fault. You have to move on and stop blaming yourself for being the victim of a gang of groomers.

>> No.16011391

>writes in english
You already lost

>> No.16013796

cool beans

>> No.16014022


>> No.16014075

boomer response. ew.

>> No.16014106

meds anon

>> No.16014863

I wont, i'll just let you feel all the pain of seeing you hobby devolve into something you hate. I'll enjoy that instead.

>> No.16014985

This reads like Scaruffi
