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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15948501 No.15948501 [Reply] [Original]

This is a dumb question, but if you were to or are going to stream, would you go to Twitch + YT for VODs, or would you go full YouTube?

>> No.15948587

Well since my first language is spanish I would go Twitch + YT for VODs, don't know if I would say the same if I were japanese

>> No.15948617

Full youtube is retarded if you're not on a corpo

>> No.15948669


>> No.15948678

See this thread >>15947017

>> No.15948692

Twitch, archives are shit

>> No.15948700

If you don't have a marketing team backing you aka a corpo, Twitch is easiest for growth. YT also punishes long videos with 0 views.

>> No.15948707

twitch is much better for streaming for many reasons
uploading vods to youtube afterwards isn't that big of an effort

>> No.15948755

>being VODfag
could never be me, but for streaming in general I enjoy youtube

>> No.15948761

A complete noob to streaming. Unfortunately Twitch because it's too difficult to start new in YouTube.

>> No.15948847

It's hard to grow on Twitch, but it's impossible to grow on YouTube. Speaking from using those platforms alone and just pressing "go live" as your growth strategy. However, as another benefit, there are more people to collab with on Twitch, so it's easier to market and network as a Twitch streamer as well. Overall, Twitch with YT vods (and maybe even some YT exclusive video content) is gonna be the best bet, but marketing and networking are gonna be your main attention grabbers.

>> No.15949947

>This is a dumb question, but if you were to or are going to stream
Let me drop some context before answering. I'm an American man, and I keep getting videos in my recs about people extralegally surveilling and gangstalking EDP (who hasn't been convicted of a crime and is thus innocent by the standards of the American justice system, for which belief in is the necessary foundation of civil society) in an effort to ruin his life, making it impossible for him to hold a job let alone even find a place to live, all in a most definitely ku klux klan style effort to drive him to either kill himself or commit a crime just to get the shelter of prison.

So when I see that and think back to the premature demise of game developer Alec Holowka, who was also driven to suicide by an organized crime syndicate (because that's what these cancelation efforts are, make no mistake) ruthlessly harassing him in every sphere of life (that's right, I still remember back when all this shit began too), your question makes me want to throw up. It isn't just dumb, it's absurd. What self respecting person would want to take the risk of streaming on YouTube or Twitch during this culturally revolutionary period in the west? All you do is make yourself a nail that sticks up and a competitor to unscrupulous people who'll gleefully use their clout to try to obliterate your life.

Until those platforms "pick a side" and singlehandedly wipe dramaniggers/documentarians/kiwifarmers/etc off the face of the internet (because turnabout is fair play), I'll sure as hell never stream or even support western streamers. Content creators wanted to radicalized people against other people and they definitely succeeded. Now the most honest thing I can say to a potential English streamer is to not bother because I wouldn't watch you unless there was a gun to my head. Fuck English content creators. Fuck the cowardice and complicitness of the YouTube "watchdog" community. I give JP's a pass because they're not part of western culture, but I'll be damned if I ever advise any western vtuber to start or even continue streaming if they don't pick my side and come out against the Charlie's, Mudahars and all the rest who signal boost human tragedy in order to cynically exploit it for clout and profit just like the mainstream press.

tldr neither, don't bother

>> No.15950046

Meds and/or rope

>> No.15950078

Twitch until I get enough people pestering me for YT VODs.

>> No.15950156

If OP is gonna stream they should know that western online culture is increasingly radicalized and divided on various issues, and that silence is considered a tacit endorsement of the status quo. Getting into entertainment or public relations at a culturally turbulent time comes with risk.

>> No.15950329

Twitch. You leech off some other smaller vtuber or twitch streamer you like by being in their chat/community so that when they raid, they have a chance of raiding you, take some viewers, and continue that until you have enough of an audience to leech off someone bigger. You upload vods to youtube, which nobody watches. You create another clickbait clip channel on youtube that supposedly isn't (You) so you don't have to deal with getting shit on for clickbait but still get some clickbait views.
Eventually you get accepted into a corp, delete both the main youtube channel and the clip channel to hide your yabs, ditch your prior community, and become a full time youtube streamer!

>> No.15950473

You make content creators sound like dishonest, unscrupulous people. That sounds like a perfectly valid and honest take.

>> No.15950516

Nijinigger datamining thread.

>> No.15950643

Not wrong. But Vtubing as a Japanese export has done well exactly because the corpos are avoiding this, sans Vshojo.

>> No.15950775


tl;dr multistream everywhere but don't be a partner in anything

>> No.15951954

>Vtubing as a Japanese export has done well
For now. But who knows if I'm just an outlier or a sign of things to come. If I wind up being a sign of things to come, then expect a mass exodus of Japanese style vtubing fans to foreign streamers as a result of western vtubers not only staying silent about the internet being turned into a tool for lynching but also positively referencing the people doing it. I'm looking at you, Mori.

With that said, degenerates who pander to popular culture (like Vshitshow, Nux, and most streamers on twitch) will probably do just fine. But I already wrote them off a long time ago, so they're barely even worth mentioning.

>> No.15952026

I dunno which one is easier for a neophyte so whichever is. I'm still gonna get 1 viewer at most.

>> No.15952157

I'd stream at the biggest discord server i can find

>> No.15956724

Stream on twitch, short videos and highlights on youtube. Have a second youtube channel only for twitch VODs if you care about saving them. You don't want them on your main youtube channel because it will tank your stats.

>> No.15962661

It does? Honestly didn’t really know.

>> No.15971397

Are u a streamer anon? I signed up for twitch affiliate the second i got opportunity, I have around 15 subscribers. I really don't know if I should cancel it and try multistreaming and If I can even get back to affiliate if YouTube doesn't work out

>> No.15972614


>> No.15976912

YT only until maybe 80k subs or so, then multistream and eventually pick one based on success, and continue vods on YT.
But understand, in the early stages I wouldn't stream at all. Growing a stream from 0 is a sucker's game for idiots. Post long form videos in genres where the audience accepts and watches streamers, then slowly ramp up streaming activities around when you start to earn passive income and your community starts to be enthusiastic about you. Even at extremely low conversions, streaming to 50-200 of your 40-80k subs skips 95% of the hard part of growth. (And as a vtuber qualifies your audition to a large corpo to be taken seriously.) Not to say YT videos are that easy either, but they sure as hell beat the Go Live to 0 strategy.
For context my YT channel that I post on less than 1/month gets about 20k views per video right now. The bar for stream success is probably only about double that.

>> No.15978555

how did you get so many viewers per video? is it tags?
thank you for the advice

>> No.15979193

Full YouTube less work I don't need to download and edit for a vod and plus all my audiance stays centralized and not spread out over two platforms.
Plus twitch is fucking cancer

>> No.15979372

Anyone saying Twitch is retarded or a zoomer which is the same thing as being retarded and should KYS

>> No.15980322

Full YouTube, there is zero discovery on Twitch as a complete unknown. On YouTube people can discover your VODs since it's a literal video search engine.

>> No.15985405

The only trick is content. Never make an uninteresting video. I do informational content in gaming / gaming news, so I just research/experiment until I'm an expert on a subject beyond anything in other videos on YT, then turn that into my script. Sometimes that's game guides, sometimes it's discussion on exploits, or highlighting an indie game with very few videos, or even reports on influencer drama though if I were to do more of that I'd do it on a separate channel. Personal expertise in any area can be turned into a YT career if presented in the right way, whether it's a stream friendly one who knows but maybe you'll find just being a normal YTer to be more your style. Everything I hear about streaming makes me want to stay as far away as possible.
Seriously trust me when I say there's no shortcuts. As a YouTuber your success is 50% title+thumbnail, 50% your content, and less than 1% everything else. That's not to say you can't strategically pick your content, for example trend chasing works, as does what these boards would call leeching, but that's all still content in the end. There's a streamer/yter who gets 10-50k making vtuber Apex vod commentary, for example. Tags and other such bullshit like video length meta, shorts spam, equipment, whatever, it's all less than 1% of your success. I shit you not talking to myself in my car on the way to work has improved my YouTube content more than anything else I've ever done, because it helps me practice my delivery to sound less dry.

>> No.15993053
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>Twitch + YT for VODs
best combo wombo

>> No.15993245

back to /pol/ fag

>> No.15993455

Do both until you have an audience on one of them.

>> No.15993510
File: 241 KB, 220x205, 1617134514622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warning about becoming a public figure in an unstable social environment is /pol/

>> No.15998837

You can be a streamer (and especially a vtuber) without being a "public figure".

>> No.16001900

If you're willing to put in three years of videos that aren't streaming then sure, maybe you can hold out for the long game. The guys that have 800~1,000 viewers on YouTube do niche content and have been doing it well over two years already.

>> No.16006424

full twiitch

>> No.16009412

Affiliate is fine, just don't sign onto the partnership, which is the one that demand that all your content goes onto twitch first for at least 24 hours.

>> No.16011706

entering the public eye isn't becoming a public figure?

>> No.16011837

Doesn't matter, they're the same to me, I just watch whatever I can catch live and turn off chat because I'm over 25.

>> No.16014403

mucho texto

>> No.16014513

As a viewer I will always prefer Youtube. But it is almost impossible to get a nice audience on it.

>> No.16015145

multistream on both and OF for my nudes

>> No.16015215

The reason youtube works for the corpo's is because they already have an established base. You won't be seen on youtube at all unless you really promote everywhere, whereas on twitch, you can get random people to filter in and watch. Twitch is better for small, youtube is better for big.

>> No.16015597

I have a question:
How does Twitch check that?
Does Twitch have people that will check to make sure that your Twitch video is not simulcasting on YT (or any other platform)?

Will they notice if you are using restream.io?

>> No.16017083

Anon you quoted is wrong, affiliate also requires 24 hour live exclusivity. That is to say, if you broadcast live content on Twitch that content can't go anywhere else until 24h later. You can broadcast live content elsewhere at any time as long as it doesn't touch Twitch first.

Partner typically requires full live exclusivity, as in only do live content on Twitch.

As for how they enforce it, typically they don't. As an affiliate you only will get warned if you get reported or directly caught, and you will be warned / suspended first, then lose affiliate rather than banned if you continue. Possibly harsher for Partner.

>> No.16017301

I dont like twitch or how they have a hate boner for anything too japanese be it video games or streamers. So i would go full youtube a choose the smaller devil but even at youtube susan hates everybody. Who isnt a media company or advertiser friendly so it is a lose lose.

>> No.16021545

OP here.
So it looks like Twitch for live + YT for clips/VODs (combined or separate channels?) seems to be the best way to go right now. I’ll also at least have a Twitter account for additional content, not sure on TikTok (despite the apparent evidence that it can help getting more eyeballs) or Instagram/Facebook pages. It not like want to go full time or anything, but would be nice to actually build up an audience and community.

>> No.16022901

Twitter Spaces cause I don't have good PC

>> No.16023053

>YT for clips/VODs (combined or separate channels?)
If you're going to save your VODs, do it on a separate channel. The VODs will get less views than the clips/meme videos by the nature of what they are. The people who watched you live are less likely to check the VOD, and the people who are interested in shorter videos will be turned off by the VOD length. The lower popularity of the VODs will bring down the averages on your channel, harming it's growth. That's why it's better to put them on a separate channel.

>> No.16024873

Why can’t playlists be used to separate the videos out? Or even IIRC channel customization to show shorts first.
Also, somewhat unrelated, but let’s say if I wanted to do an unarchived karaoke stream? I don’t think twitch allows those except for certain games, and even then you can get canned for it.

>> No.16025738

>Why can’t playlists be used to separate the videos out? Or even IIRC channel customization to show shorts first.
Because they'll show up in your subscriber's sub feeds. If your subs then decide to not click on the videos youtube won't promote them to non-subs. If this keeps happening then youtube will start de-prioritizing your channel in general. I guess you could upload the VODs unlisted and stick them in a playlist, but I'm unsure if twitch's youtube exporter works with that.

>Also, somewhat unrelated, but let’s say if I wanted to do an unarchived karaoke stream? I don’t think twitch allows those except for certain games, and even then you can get canned for it.
Twitch THINKS they have permissions for live only cover performances that don't use the original composition, but it hasn't been tested/challenged yet by the music industry.
>Here are some example types of music content you may not use in Twitch streams or on-demand content:
>Cover Song Performance – Performance of a song owned by someone else, with the exception of a live performance in your Twitch stream. If you do perform a cover song in a live Twitch stream, please make a good faith effort to perform the song as written by the songwriter, and create all audio elements yourself, without incorporating instrumental tracks, music recordings, or any other recorded elements owned by others.

If you really want to do karaoke on twitch then make sure you shut off clips and VOD publishing for that stream (and delete the unlisted VOD after the stream) to minimize your risk. Twitch even lets you set exclusion categories that will turn them off automatically for you.
