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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15812575 No.15812575 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, Merise, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
VSpo Autumn Sudden Test
[YouTube] ぶいすぽっ!秋の抜き打ちテスト~抜け出せ学力ブロンズ帯~ #ぶいすぽ学力テスト

VSpo Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
[YouTube] 【MC白雪レイド、料理人トナカイト】リモートビストロクイーン決定戦(ニコ生同時配信枠) (MC only, no cooking process)
https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334451629 (main stream, but you need to be a member to watch the whole thing)

VSpo Ideal Christmas Date Show
[YouTube] 【ゲスト:バーチャルゴリラ、ギルくん】理想のクリスマスデート品評会(ニコ生同時配信枠)

VSpo Game Queen
[Youtube] 【公式】ぶいすぽっ!令和3年最後の特別企画ゲームNo.1は誰だ!本配信


Upcoming events:
1/16 CR Cup #8

Previous thread: >>15678725

>> No.15812788

Crazy bitch has crazy new hair

>> No.15812884
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>> No.15812936
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.15812978
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I fucking love her

>> No.15813079

cr cup doko

>> No.15813317
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>> No.15813379

I'd happily sacrifice my hearing for a single night of rough sex with Met.

>> No.15814091


Super People starting

>> No.15814184

Actual crazy person, I love her.

>> No.15814540

youtube compression sucks for any "realistic" looking shooter - can't see enemies more than like 50m away. apex is kinda in the sweet spot between cartoony / realistic

>> No.15816454
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>> No.15816502

Privated. Who was it, sakusan?

>> No.15816946

has nose even got a kill yet?

>> No.15817112

Anyone know that mellow BGM Hinano uses? Like from this stream for example

>> No.15817154

Sorry forgot link https://youtu.be/ifMSv09wW0U?t=70

>> No.15817263

It's also by Sharou. https://youtu.be/dbVH6bUT2I8

>> No.15817418

No wonder it's so catchy. Thanks.

>> No.15817940

Lisa and other will do Valo stream later today.

>> No.15817982

Is it time for Vspo to move to Twitch?
youtube being shit with ccv...

>> No.15818011

Please no. I hate twitch.

>> No.15818097

but consider. do you prefer twitch or milfdom?

>> No.15818149

I'll have to migrate to 17live 2views if those are the options

>> No.15818311

it's not like most of them seem to care too much about numbers and from what i understand metrics apart from live viewers are unchanged so shouldn't be that much of an issue for income. that said, taking like a 2/3s or so hit to viewers has got to freak you out. the 5ch vspo thread is wilding out about #numbers way more than this place currently though

>> No.15818504

that said, i can see cr streamers moving to twitch more as they generally use youtube for clips anyway and unlist live streams. looks like kawase's last few streams have been on twitch already

>> No.15819237

>5ch vspo thread
Huh, you are right, they are crazy about it.
We have special thread for it so everyone who cares might be there.
Still Nazu should have x2 viewers, fucking Suzy.

>> No.15819273

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WYIB_i9zIc runa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zWnWIDFuWk noa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU0W2505NXk qpi

its time noadoomposter

>> No.15819327

Noah is in the centre in Runa's thumbnail.
She hates Gyaru...

>> No.15819348

Runa refuses to have the same thumbnail as Noah...

>> No.15819361
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Have you always been able to "thanks" streams?

>> No.15819381

>150 waiting
qpi, my poor qpi

>> No.15819448

Almost for a year

>> No.15819514

Im ready to see them suck after playing Valo non stop for weeks

>> No.15819549
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tenkai doesn't seem affected by this
774 is pretty normal too

>> No.15819568

qpi, why the hell did you try and revive noah then?

>> No.15820506

qpi needs to stop running and fight some cause they just end up running endlessly
with 1 bh ult they could've pushed the harvester team
if they dome the end of the zip they can take the fight to highground before they died too

>> No.15821113

I stopped being a neet and seeing this as soon as I get off work makes me happy.

>> No.15821153

lisa's pov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlQxdoXzkaw

>> No.15823137

Towa said in her zatsudan she's probably not joining the CR cup. She was apparently invited to a team but couldn't join it for various reasons, and nobody besides that team invited her, so unless something changed within the next few days she probably won't join.

>> No.15823270
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how can this happen, they both went down with one shot?

>> No.15823404

Kraber has piercing iirc. So possible if their heads were lined up assuming not low health.

>> No.15823625

>Kraber has piercing iirc
huh, didn't know that. i think it must have been a fluke double headshot then

>> No.15823772

double bodyshot for 145 each, headshot has different marker in killfeed

>> No.15824592

>Rinshan: 確キルだけ入れた
>Uruca: ナイス確!
That sounded too much like "Nice cock!" for me to not laugh at it.

IIRC Runa's kill montage has a 1 shot 2 kill clip with Kraber.

>> No.15824911

mildom sucks but its unironically a better platform than twitch at this point

>> No.15826208

benisex in half an hour

>> No.15826374

drinking and valoranting sounds dangerous
Didn't she say she would stop drinking? What happened to that.

>> No.15826425
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, 1621305251672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Bora's birthday...

>> No.15826541

sena is a numbers guy? even floating the membership stamp spam theory lol yes, i saw you breaking containment in the #numbers thread anon

>> No.15826619

at this rate they should title it fullpa aiming for diamond

>> No.15826957

I just noticed Beni's stream from earlier


>> No.15827065

Why does Noah pt not just fight? They keep running and just run into other parties and die anyways.

>> No.15827188

Oh no she wants to play Ash now....

>> No.15827202

noah, finally changes from gib to... ash. just choose octane please

>> No.15827752

Time to write to Bora hashtag i guess.
Do you think she still checks it?

>> No.15827936
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All of donpisha's past teammates. masanori dodges again. bad angle for hatsume3 L

>> No.15828051

dang I've heard that Masanori is beefy but wow

>> No.15828108
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>> No.15828127

He's exactly the same as his png

>> No.15828285

What tactic was Noah using by dropping the kraber when there's no gun around? There 3 shots left.

>> No.15828292
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>> No.15828377

Makes it easier to pick up a new gun I guess.

>> No.15828510

Maybe save half a second but risk so much more. 3 kraber shots still mean a lot in end game. She had a clean side shot on a bh a few seconds later but no kraber so she didn't even bother shooting him.

>> No.15828612
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>> No.15828785

in that ring 3 kraber shots is worthless desu.

>> No.15828832

Kraber is never worthless. She went the rest of game with no second gun anyways, which is more worthless.

>> No.15829069
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nice champon

>> No.15829162

gg nice sacrifice by shinomin

>> No.15829266

Sude.. my boy. This camera angle added 50 pounds.

>> No.15829510

I guess Ojiji will switch to CR Valorant then.

>> No.15829612

Nice, Runa and Co. finally warmed up

>> No.15830614

Runa eating bubble gum is sex

>> No.15830882

make sure to timestamp that

>> No.15831139

you could hear her chewing from last round

>> No.15832549

Someone fix Qpi dying so fast

>> No.15832919

don't let her use the wingman and probably confiscate both her and noah's w-keys while you're about it

>> No.15833568

noah brought up the viewer number bug* and i think qpi said her numbers are down but i didn't catch it
*her words - also, lol at noah ending every sentence with sa when talking to qpi

>> No.15834094

please tell me Runa is faking that voice, DEAR GOD.

>> No.15834134

She's making it more clear than her natural voice

>> No.15834383

She sounds like that when we're in bed too.

>> No.15834413

Yeah we know, it's pure sex.
I made this post.

>> No.15834629
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Dont talk like that about my wife

>> No.15834700

hinano made this post

>> No.15834754

Beni twitcast live (and has been for the last 40 minutes).

>> No.15834764

Gamu time, no idea why you need it.

Next Apex colab stream on 9th. sounds good

>> No.15834939


>> No.15834958

nice 500 ms ping you have there

>> No.15835167

Noah overwatch
with who?

>> No.15835291

Beni and mabo together in the shibuhal custom tomorrow

>> No.15835422

Unicorn (Me) on suicide watch

>> No.15835463

ok now this is what im talking about

>> No.15835589

Bora reveal.

>> No.15835641

Summary of all vspo members from main bitch Sumire

>> No.15836018

Beni is wondering why guys don't start kissing each other when drunk, but girls do

>> No.15836932

good stuff. it's always interesting comparing how close people are behind the scenes vs. how much they collab etc. often it's actually an inverse relationship with good friends hardly collabing at all cause why would you want to make it weird like that? 99% of the drama on this board is based on schizophrenics reading too much into business relationships

>> No.15836942

God I wish I was at that party.

>> No.15837808

Ema confessed to Beni...

>> No.15841746
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>> No.15843925

>Rival more than friend
so this is where the narratives come from

>> No.15844240

Bora hates OW, shes was pretty much guilt pressured into their OW collabs.

>> No.15844551

>more than
this is just malicious. she literally says that they're close friends from way back and how steady their relationship is. she means they're rivals in the sense they compliment and enhance each other. and here was i thinking this clip would put paid to some of that bs >>15836932

>> No.15844658

Whens the last time Noah and Sumire collab?

>> No.15848419


>> No.15848937

Where are the CR teams...

>> No.15850263

??? what the fuck ??? straight up PORNOGRAPHY

>> No.15851367

imagine if the 3rd was Ema or Towa!

>> No.15852803

Or Rene!

>> No.15853106

near the 6th according to my wife uruca

>> No.15855394


Sena & Sara will have an off-collab tonight.

>> No.15856797

Hal is going to randomly show.

>> No.15857221

donpisha looks like a really chill dad
also dasoku always looking like he's in rehab

>> No.15860704

Streams doko...

>> No.15860966

Who is Noah playing OW with?

>> No.15861171

You know who

>> No.15861480


>> No.15862558

the day before scrims start? WTF

>> No.15862621

No, announcements are coming soon.

>> No.15862876

with me

>> No.15863711

noa heal slut

>> No.15863974

runa koko

>> No.15864406

i like how noah seems to be a lot more animated(?) playing overwatch

>> No.15864570

probably because its the lowest game viewer stream of hers so she has to keep the viewers stay watching a boring ass game.

>> No.15865540

I think it's not a boring game...well, provided that it's a custom game like the OW Girls' Party or Hinano's OW custom.

>> No.15865618

Anyone game would be fun when you have a huge collab, even Battlefield.

>> No.15865621


Hinano's Visage stream in an hour and a half. I have been waiting for this since she tweeted it 3 days ago.

>> No.15865901



>> No.15866028

i feel like noa would have a very fragrant pussy

>> No.15866123

what makes you feel that

>> No.15866142

The smell is rather average, but it tastes delicious.

>> No.15866867

wait, people thought the battlefield collab looked fun?

>> No.15866960

What happened to everyone's numbers? Mimi and Runa used to get way more than 250 and 500 viewers. Same for everyone else as well

>> No.15866993

Youtube has changed how they count live viewers, which has resulted in a 50-90% cull. For some reason.

>> No.15867276

they didn't care about the game, it was about the interactions.

>> No.15867359

TIme to move to twitch

>> No.15867518
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>> No.15867538

Does Naz not cover up her map in ranked?

>> No.15867640

She normally has a picture of Mimi. Beni usually covers it too.

>> No.15867808

putechi return and outfit

>> No.15868191

Wrong thread? Nijisanji has their own.

>> No.15868217

800 in the waiting room for Hinano's visage but only 950 watching live

>> No.15868261

It's really weird. Like this Hinano's stream. When it was first started, I saw there were at least 1300 people then suddenly it dropped to 400~. Now that it has 930~ the actual live viewers should be at least 3k+

>> No.15868307

Pute is a FPS chuuba that falls within 'VSPO + friends' in my books so I'll give that anon a pass

>> No.15868400

5k votes in the poll

>> No.15868437

Its been months... i wouldn't consider her a regular. Might as well flood everything Towa, Kotone, Astel, Anin Miru and Matsuri does here then.

>> No.15868453

>Anin Miru
Yes please

>> No.15868480

>Its been months
I think that is due to her being on a streaming break, my 1 IQ friend.

>> No.15868490


>> No.15868493

how is she not related to this thread

>> No.15868597

Other than Towa/Matsuri since they have their own dedicated generals, if people are bothered to post about them here I don't see too much of an issue

On a related note, has that 2view anon found anyone new to shill?

>> No.15868599

Shes got her own threads just like Chi-chan does

>> No.15868644

Time for me to flood with the Twaps then.

>> No.15868668

Im going to post about them more just for you faggot :)

>> No.15868680

are you retarded or just new

>> No.15868695

Well people seem to like it , so why not. Ill start doing it too.

>> No.15868704

Matsuri week starts i guess.

>> No.15868752

Oh, and there is Vspo

>> No.15868786

Both, he can't read the title of her stream even though google translate is a thing in this day and age

>> No.15868806

Dont you dare fucker.

>> No.15868840

5k people in poll, 1k watching.
fucking pajeet coding

>> No.15868898

>Twap schizo
Make yourself less obvious

>> No.15868956

nose needs her tendies

>> No.15868971

I know people are are annoyed by Twap posts here as much as i am. So bring it on, we will all suffer together.

>> No.15868976

>Open Hinano's stream
>She's mid-rage


>> No.15868988

What do you have against her? She's friends with pretty much every regular in this thread.

>> No.15869040

Already calling other girls...

>> No.15869152

hinano bully...

>> No.15869215

At least Shinomiya bullied her back

>> No.15869275

It's really annoying how Hinano is overplaying the "this game too scaryyyyy" act.
She moves for like 10 seconds then spends 10 minutes doing her fake crying.

>> No.15869321

oh yeah and not to mention she ends up coughing way too much from abusing her high pitch voice

>> No.15869333

It's great

>> No.15869341

Oi that's harsh. She really doesn't like scary games. I also like her when I'm playing with my friends. I can't look up amd just keep screaming for my friends. Just because you're not scared doesn'tmean it's not scary for other people.

>> No.15869358

sure, but exaggerating a bit is pretty standard for vtubers. contrast nose who actually quit one of those chilla games cause she couldn't take it

>> No.15869379


>> No.15869671

there's exaggerating and then there's crying at literally nothing happening

>> No.15869702

The spookiest thing so far has been Ren joining vc

>> No.15869708

>literally nothing happening

I see you are also an expert in exaggeration

>> No.15869986

I see you are not a scaredy-cat so you might not be able to sympathize. But for me, as I am also not a brave person and reaaally don't like horror games, I can sympathize with her. The sudden flickering lights, the sound of the door suddenly opening, the creaking of the floors, the scary bgm, the sudden appearance of another person, or just simply the darkness, are all scary. Especially when playing horror games where you knew that SOMETHING is going to jumpscare you (even more so when you know next to nothing about the game)

>> No.15870011

laughing at hinano watch party

>> No.15870200

I usually watch vtubers in the background so I'm surprised Hinano got that many people to vote.

>> No.15870225

it's that time of the year again

>> No.15870259

Some people just schiz out based on who is posted here. I still remember the shit show I spawned when I made a joke about Pekora playing Apex one time, yet that same shit show was nowhere when Haachama played Valorant once or twice.

>> No.15870333

Susan needs to stop
I was fine with the cull, but this is a step too far

>> No.15870359

Except Pute anon is a regular here and Putechi literally said in her stream that she wants to go see Nose irl soon.

>> No.15870392

I agree, I wish she was more like Met.
Oh I get that, that didn't change one idiot deciding she didn't belong here because she is a niji though.

>> No.15870412

imagine the sex

>> No.15870443

I don't have to.

>> No.15870482

Sometimes this happens when the bots detect you aren't doing either enough membership content, or SC turned off manually for too long. Are you a member, can you confirm?

>> No.15870508

She makes every stream member only.

If that doesn't count as membership content, then what does?

>> No.15870550

Funny as fuck, I love that you can hear her voice go further and further like she fell off her chair and started scurrying

>> No.15870570

Do you have the clip of her in apex screaming where the volume auto adjusts?

>> No.15870603

i think yt just tweaked their algorithm/fucked up cause la+ lost monetization yesterday too and think others as well recently

>> No.15870639

Damn, I was just going off of past monetization cancellations I saw in the past. Youtube seems to be really fucking up in every aspect today. TO MILDOM!

>> No.15870655

Hopefully they don't move to twitch...

>> No.15870680

Shes got like 5 Niji threads where people can freely talk about her.

>> No.15870767

and they can talk about her here too

>> No.15870822

Kinako, Emasex, Darumaisasleep for CR cup

>> No.15870865

oh right, just like bora was only discussed in the niji kr thread - what's that? they couldn't have given less of a shit?

>> No.15871014

people talked about her in there, not sure what you're going on about other than it being a slow thread in general

>> No.15871072

Imagine getting baited this hard, guys, chill yo

>> No.15871104

now you're literally just making shit up lol

>> No.15871139

Let's talk about CR cup team predictions instead now that one is revealed

>> No.15871206

Cpt, Manta, Met

>> No.15871222

Ema and Daruma should be a good watch. He brings the best out of everyone.

>> No.15871253

fucking pressed send too early but it's a team announced

>> No.15871353

lol, I bet this is the team Towa couldn't join

>> No.15871386

I want Giru + Hinano + some random EOP like Selen maybe, that would be so fucking hilarious in a disastrous kind of way

>> No.15871392

This team is sexual overload. Also first time talking, I think, so that's gonna be interesting to follow.

>> No.15871469

>>15871386 (Me)
Any EOP works though, as long as they say that Giru and Hinano look good together and are like a couple and then the 2 try to dodge flaming by explaining that they aren't in really shitty and very awkward engrish, holy fuck do I wanna see that + points if the EOP doesn't read the room and insists on pushing the bit further

>> No.15871577

I do not think streamer EOPs are as retarded as randoms in valo VC

>> No.15871944

Donpisha, Yufuna, Sumisex

>> No.15872085

Sumire Vodka Towa rank

>> No.15872142
File: 203 KB, 1344x2048, FEyDcULacAEvPbG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daruma and kinapoppo are together in the same this cr cup (LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

>> No.15872280

I'm happy, plus they're with Ema and I've been getting to like her a lot lately
Speaking of Daruma he's in Apex rehab right now after ignoring the game for so long he fell to silver3 at one point...

>> No.15872799

Where's aripi?

>> No.15872802

Shiromanta? Fuck this leech.

>> No.15873143

Didnt he already got like 1m follower?

>> No.15873225

They are big boys they can play separately

>> No.15873344

deep in me i really fucking wished ema would play wattson for her team instead and not gasoji. wattson does the same defensive support job that gas does... most importantly wattson is blonde just like ema

>> No.15873408

ever think that his girlfriend gets insecure when he plays with these girls

>> No.15873586

Towa won't join unless she can team up with a pro.

>> No.15873606

It was probably suppose to be Cpt Shiromanta Towa but holo management NG'd Shiromanta

>> No.15873667

eh, but he streamed with towa before? even outside of tourneys

>> No.15873688

They've never streamed together. They played off stream together though and 5ch made a stink about it.

>> No.15873701

obviously it's your typical holo narrativefag don't take such easy baits

>> No.15873730


>> No.15873737

kamito 3 days ago: not streaming tomorrow
did he forget how many days is "tomorrow"

>> No.15873758

All the sex made his brain addled

>> No.15873757

Towa said in her zatsudan she was invited to a team but couldn't join due to "reasons", but still wanted to be invited by a different team, so obviously some conflict with them members.

>> No.15873897

Conflict was team couldn't carry her to win?

>> No.15873913

he's probably still pissed at chat for talking shit at him (deserved desu)

>> No.15874663


>> No.15874794

also, for number guys she has a poll with 7k votes and 800 viewers after 10 minutes

>> No.15875204
File: 174 KB, 297x197, the guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh I just realized that he's a team leader in this CR Cup.
Imagine him not scouting a single member yet at this point lol.

>> No.15875267

not their first time streaming together

>> No.15875423

is the whole stream supposed to sound like they're streaming from another fucking room
this sounds like my parents arguing while im in bed

>> No.15875857

Sena is going to become a woman tonight...

>> No.15875986

every team hes in has been a disaster, gameplay-wise and socially. mainly because he cant igl for shit

>> No.15876622

Hal calling out Susan's bullshit

>> No.15876741

This cr cup already feels like a mess, Kamito leader aside

>> No.15876761

merise, my poor merise

>> No.15876951

Why they are so lazy and using disposable plates....

>> No.15877251

qpi tarkov

>> No.15877693

I expect a well-researched note post from him directly addressing Susan soon. Youtube can't be shitting the bed when Merise is supposed to happen.

>> No.15878194

guy in qpi's chat translating a bit of what she was talking about
qpi: sugoi!

>> No.15878546

anything interesting happening in beni stream? my isp is cucking me so i cant watch…

>> No.15878578

Would be based if someone just translated transcribed everything Qpi saying

>> No.15878805

Yeah, her and Nazuna stopped playing Valorant about an hour in, and have just been having sex for the last six or so hours.

>> No.15878823

yeah, this would help lol. when she gets excited and starts speaking quickly i've got no chance at keeping up

>> No.15878905

what is this bullshit? one of the replies says there's a famous video of a caustic making loads of white armor too

>> No.15879590
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, FIWSv2laAAUJxyz.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15879708

Who's qpi playing with?

>> No.15880095


>> No.15880246


>> No.15880967

NO this is Hикитa

>> No.15881364

man, the sound design in tarkov is normally great but that jet sounded like shit

>> No.15882604

sounds like a cross between a kettle and a fucking street sweeper

>> No.15883405


>> No.15883792


>> No.15883950

So how did NazuBeni collab went? I looked up quickly and Nazu was Platina 3 at the end

>> No.15884063

I think beni moved from the bottom of plat 1 to near plat 2

>> No.15884082

Oh, it went good i guess... kek

>> No.15886928
File: 119 KB, 750x1000, FIMHzseaQAIwDa- - sakushin2434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15888354

I bet Runa will make it a wallpaper on her iphone

>> No.15888902

Hopefully new agent will kill Valorant and everyone will be back to Apex

>> No.15888969

stupid sexy beni

>> No.15889488

lol, qpi pissed that 2 members of a 3 man team lay in wait for her for like 10 minutes. ガチきしょいやん!!

>> No.15889951
File: 92 KB, 460x720, 1620600191124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman with many voices

>> No.15890169

dead hours ojisans

>> No.15890404

losing their shit at a player called "dirty room uruha"

>> No.15890518

Ema sure is popular, the first Vspo to be picked for CR Cup.

>> No.15890576

Nobody can beat Towa though, shes the queen of FPS, Ojiji will cancel the event if she cant have a super team.

>> No.15890760

WiIl Towa get Mondo, Selly, or Zeder?

>> No.15891229

She's not joining this one

>> No.15891370

She didnt join the first team she was invited to, she still might join another.

>> No.15892485

too much sex

>> No.15893454

Looks like Noah will be soloing at Shibuharu customs.

>> No.15894036

some anon mentioned this earlier

>> No.15895016

i thought the queen was selly unnie

>> No.15896287

wish that were me

>> No.15897473

Selly cant win without Towa.

>> No.15898589

oh man. Wait until you see MAD MAGGIE come to apex and makes everyone permanently leave for valorant.

>> No.15898874

based beni

>> No.15899215

bitch looks fugly.

>> No.15900837

I'm sure she got a verbal beat down from her senpais as soon as they found out. It's epe matsuri all over again.

>> No.15902059

Really loving the dynamic between this trio so far. I just wish I didn't need subtitles for half the things that come out of Runa's mouth.
It's also amazing how far Uruca and Ren have come. They're really relaxed around each other now.

>> No.15903647

She better respond to his begging tweet right now if she wants to snatch his team, he's too lazy to contact anyone or remember their ranks

>> No.15904164
File: 616 KB, 2952x4096, FIPB39gaMAIEOuQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... which てえてえ is it

>> No.15904168

>I dont want your shitty portals, fuck off
Compared to how Uruca treats Noah lol

>> No.15904311

I still want to see more Uruca+Noah ranks so he can verbally abuse her more and tell her how dumb she is at the game.

>> No.15904469

He cant win with his super cheat team last time, wonder what monster team will he bring this cr.

>> No.15904552


apparently it will be with Hinano and Lisa

>> No.15904740



>> No.15904864

I think Uruca is the coach Noah needs to improve, his Alpha Gigachadness doesnt sugarcoat the coaching. Tsubaki, Shunmi and dexyuku are too nice and wont say what they want to because they afraid it'll hurt her feelings, but Uruca he dun care.

>> No.15904952

I though it would be with Qpi and Runa or a makeup game with Vodka and Radao.

>> No.15906862
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>> No.15909634
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To think that the author of Twins' Circumstances know VSpo. Also, sex overload.

>> No.15909958

who drinks Monster from a straw....

>> No.15913049
File: 329 KB, 1412x2048, 1633018977450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day Sena will do her OG outfit reps, one day...

>> No.15914119

Runa, no cr cup

>> No.15914232

Noah really hates aiming for headshots in Valorant.

>> No.15915184
File: 77 KB, 846x846, pkb_Igrs50-1478690702167257091-FIVdA5DaUAMUSxQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runa's voice used to annoy me, but after getting used to it it's getting more and more ero...

>> No.15915264 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 807x1727, R_99god-1478748178417860614-FIWRoRKagAMLSgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daruma fans look like THAT!?

>> No.15915868

like what? I cant see her face.

>> No.15916232

Semi related, it is funny how many women went to the KNR popup shop

>> No.15916236

Where did you get my picture?

>> No.15916495

Well girls like funny guys, so i am not really surprised. Him not being a whale neckbeard also helps.

>> No.15917245

Is anyone even a whale neckbeard in the scene

>> No.15917650

anon take a look at daruma's chat anytime and you'd realise that daruma could have all the pussy in the world if he stopped playing maplestory (struggling at hellux kek)

>> No.15917738

Just implying that being funny isnt the only criteria, you still need to look somewhat decent.

>> No.15918015

Women don't want him because he won't fucking stream his gameplay

>> No.15918852
File: 989 KB, 3129x1920, kukur_99-1478434609595842560-FIRz24DacAAkRY7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15923060
File: 367 KB, 1704x1217, FIW_DmiacAELpMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15923441

>CR Cup scrims are 3 days long this time
Apexbros it's fucking over...

>> No.15923668

Noah uses Cypher for the first time and though its smart to use it in ranked instead of unranked. Does bad and causes team to lose. She thinks its cute and not selfish.

>> No.15924418

UruRuna is definitely not tt

>> No.15925109

Gyarus who don't want to mess up their lipstick

>> No.15925398

UUUM doing ANOTHER Apex thing
No girls allowed

>> No.15925481

The girl in Runa's game sounds cute. She could be a vtuber if she wanted.

>> No.15925637

how do they have everyone from scarz but not rpr?

>> No.15925670

he doesn't wanna come because no girls allowed

>> No.15925704

I can't believe they still invite Jun to these

>> No.15925754

numberfags please understand

>> No.15925937

She most likely is. I don't think she has good mic only for fun
