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1569247 No.1569247 [Reply] [Original]

Why is cover so incompetent?


>> No.1569282

im not going to read those scribbles, translate it for me, multilingual peasant.

>> No.1569286
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>its real

>> No.1569304


>> No.1569320

>implying cover is to blame for this
Maybe the artist shouldn't be a literal money grubbing schizo

>> No.1569351


>> No.1569352

Surprisingly, this time COVER did nothing wrong.

>> No.1569390

Chotto a minute...

>> No.1569391
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>> No.1569407

Small tech company pls undastand thx

>> No.1569414

Mizury wanted more money becasue he didnt see how big ololive got.
Throw a tarantum on twitter, let the billi sub group speak for him
Ends up deleting all becasue now he looks (and probably is) greedy as hell and dumb.
Also ends up apologizing to china since they found his denying of the rape of nankin

Cover dodged a bullet becasue mizu was a retard, but lost the manga for marine unfortunately.

>> No.1569436

>and even some Nijis
Wait, what?

>> No.1569507

Literally everyone turned on him, the chinks turning on him because he mentioned nanking in one of his porn comics after he tried getting them to attack hololive was the icing on the cake.
I've never seen such a fucking self own in my life.

>> No.1569619

Didn't he endorse a stream from a third party saying it was a mistake and that he would change it in a new release? Either way what a piece of shit.

>> No.1569639

Holy shit this is fucked, someone translate

>> No.1569683

it's all bullshit

>> No.1569782

by saying that he just pissed off both the chinks (who think he's just pandering now) AND the jps (who don't like being told that they got it all wrong)

>> No.1569817

Kek, fucker got exactly what he deserved.

>> No.1569826 [DELETED] 

Translate you dumb fucking cunt.

>> No.1569836

Thought so. He didn't have any connection with the nijis. Hell, the only connection he had was with cover through Marine, and he blew that up.
>hated by nips for being obnoxious
>hated by companies for having a public meltdown
>hated by chinks because nanking denial
>hated by holofags because retard
>not even a week later, and cucked by toby fox

>> No.1569875

umm...? Based!

>> No.1569891

Can you explain the Toby Fox thing ?

>> No.1569916

Mizuryu Gay should've stuck to drawing sluts, he tried to crossover and now his career is over. Bravo man, bravo.

>> No.1569990

Apparently Toby talked with Marine via DM and they got Deltarune permissions because of that. Toby also watched Marine because they both like Touhou.

>> No.1570003

Toby Fox watched Marine's playthrough of Undertale and gave her Deltarune permissions on the spot

>> No.1570030

Marine got contacted by Toby Fox, became DM friends and got Deltarune permissions. He also, through DM admitted to watching her before because 2hufags. Apparently, he's now in the position that Mizuryu would kill to be.

>> No.1570092

This really does seem like a case where the artist should've kept his head down and maybe asked for a raise when the project was done. That or use his newfound Hololive rep+ for later indie projects.

>> No.1570114

he got cucked by him

>> No.1570133

He's always been like this, gets too greedy, throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way, and disappears for a while then cooks up new coomerbait to get people to like him again. Probably needs the money to hire more cosplayers to pose for photos with him.

>> No.1570145

there is no evidence that Chinese hate him for an out of context comic panel from years ago.
There are only one thing known about this whole incident:
1:The artist couldn't make the deal he wanted with cover and had a meltdown on twitter
Literally everything else is holofag rrat

>> No.1570501

huh, i thought its just his doujin that includes retarded shit, but his own life too.

>> No.1570508

Anon, the NGA archives are a thing. Also, do you think nips, complacency-worshippers by nature, will accept someone going ballistic on public? The companies thing is a rrat, tho, but would you really want to work with someone who has previously tried to throw their former ccontractor to the wolves?

>> No.1570572

He had to do an apology stream on bili literally hours later where he claimed it was just a misunderstanding and promosed to release a new version of the doujin with an author note explaining the intended meaning of the page.

>> No.1570639

And this was where Marine's 10M yen was being funneled into?

I'd say she's taking this far better than Pekora and her crying.

>> No.1570702

EOPs get off my board

>> No.1570706

In this case, the artist threw himself by having a Twitter tantrum.

>> No.1570713

Nah, this is a Cover project Marine's thing is completely separate

>> No.1570759

4chan is an English speaking website.

>> No.1570786

I suppose. COVER fucked up choosing that artist in the first place.

>> No.1570805

Fucking glorious. This is the first time NTR doesn't feel disgusting.

>> No.1570873

They also dodged a bullet as usual, imagine if he didn't have his meltdown, the project had gone through and antis brought up his edgy doujin page later

>> No.1570885

Mizu was already known in the hentai doujin scene. As for what sort of reputation, it's a mixed bag. He has a following, but he apparently was notorious for being difficult to deal with on business matters, but I don't know the past rrats on this latter part.

>> No.1570917

I really didn't know Mizuryu kei have this shitty side. I tought he's just some chill dude who makes sluts. Shame since I really like his Dragon Quest doujin.

>> No.1570932

>my boy toby keeps winning
>went for the MILF
king shit

>> No.1570956

This is not correct though, Mizuryu was a huge fan this narrative has false premises

>> No.1570965


>> No.1570989

Yeaaah, I doubt they hired him without knowing what kind of doujins he usually makes.

>> No.1570998

holofags inhaling copium that Kei's career is somehow over when company publicly apologized to him and paid compensation. It's Cover who took the hit by making indie artists think twice before working with them

>> No.1571133

I hope Mizuryu channels his humiliation and rage from this whole incident into a good ero guro doujin starring Marine.

>> No.1571152
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>> No.1571312

Retardchama the chinks stopped using him as a martyr when the Nanking denial panel was spread around.

>> No.1571315

have you guys ever actually interacted with a chink anti on twitter? their english level makes indogs look like shakespear.

>> No.1571332

best take.

>> No.1571341

>Kei's career is somehow over
Well, he's certainly not gonna get much comissioned work from companies after his little meltdown, that's for sure

It's also telling how none of the 50 or so artists that have been working with Cover for years now have never had any problem witht them

>> No.1571411

Nah there are some zhangs with a decent level of english, and we have a resident onenin this board, just search for "reddit schizo" in the archives if you want to have a good laugh

>> No.1571466

agreed, patrician taste, patrician public relations too

>> No.1571513

Can't quite understand this trend
Dude, the second part of this twitter is an apology to artist.

>> No.1571512

On a related note, how is Pochi-mama so damn based

>> No.1571550

Reminder that the niji mods, especially ChineseMaple, on r/virtualyoutubers were actively doing damage control for Mizuryu Kei and his manager's Bilibili streams. They did the same for Artia's nationalist video saying it had "bad translations" but didn't say what was wrong with the translation.

>> No.1571712

HololiveMoments (HLM) was comprised of Chinese foreign abroad students, the ones studying abroad know english and are just as nationalist as the ones in the mainland.
This is what the leader of HLM

>> No.1571878
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>towa baby thread gets derailed into mizuryu kei shitflinging

>> No.1572060

>50 artist
you mean commissions?

>> No.1572177

That's how hiring works, yes

>> No.1572200

Just like Kei? And it's not a one-time-only and they keep coming back for new outfits and merch?

>> No.1572721

Some unfollow his Twitter account, that's it.

>> No.1572950

They will continue to deny it despite constantly defending against any Nijisanji related controversy and batting for anyone that has a chance of making Hololive look bad

>> No.1573098

Speak of the devil, just spotted him on the Hololive subreddit doing exactly that

>> No.1573356

it's reddit schizo here to explain mizuryu kei who was writing doujinshi and at comiket before he was born is a chinese agent and this is all about china somehow.

>mizuryu kei drama?
hahaha you schizo retard

>> No.1573371

The announcement is real though.

>> No.1574328

he literally only posts on hololive to defend nijis or anyone in a dispute with hololive, pretty funny

>> No.1574417

Marine is friends with him irl, she probably is the one recommending him to Cover, its not the first time they have controversial people or talents in their workforce.

>> No.1574489

Some on V8 have high English fluency, they even joined discussions in vtuber subreddit without people knowing who they are

>> No.1574793

clearly they weren't rrats.

>> No.1574827

>Marine is friends with him irl,


>> No.1574878

its just JP corporate speak.

>> No.1574957

and makes them look good compared to mizuryu's complete spergout

>> No.1574979

I remember you can talk about rumors or Narukami's stuff during Roa/Meiro drama just fine, most are even defending Meiro at that time. Probably a different mod.

>> No.1575157

It would be incredibly obvious if he was deleting stuff about it, but I do remember him being on roa/management's side and refusing to believe she did anything wrong.

>> No.1575162

Someone has to be the adult in this situation, and it was Cover this time

>> No.1575289


If i am not wrong, chinesemaple is canadian chinese living in china, dude always defend anyone who has controversies against cover and delete any positive narratives for cover while trying to look neutral but his bias against holo is leaking. He is just secretly a holo anti.

>> No.1575297
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>open link
>leads me to this
what the fuck?

>> No.1575313

Weirdest timeline.

>> No.1575322

What do you have against Towa baby?

>> No.1575447

Who watches this creepy baby shit?

>> No.1575499

He locked the first thread about the Meiro/Roa dispute and proceeded to make a new thread himself anon

>> No.1575512


>> No.1575537

they kinda did. denying nanking is worse than admitting taiwan exists in terms of making the chinks go berserk, faggotchama.

>> No.1575651

there are plenty of gullible people that think he's neutral and judges based on evidence lmao

>> No.1575948


>> No.1576035

Toby needs to give you permission to stream or play Deltarune?

>> No.1576098


>only took the job because he thought Hololive was a small-time company
>took his payment and did his work
>when the HoloALT trailer blew up he freaked the fuck out on Twitter
>demanded that Cover change their contract from a payment for work plan to giving him a full percentage of all of HoloALT's revenue
>when they refused to retroactively change the contract, he sperged out on Twitter, then sent someone to try and rally Bilibili to his side
>Multiple holos afterwards, and even some Nijis, cut ties with the artist and Cover is ending their contract early

>> No.1576116

Even if it's an indie you still need permissions.

>> No.1576204

you redditors managed to turn a muzuryu kei thread into one where you seethe about who makes you mad on reddit.

this shit can't be made up.

>> No.1576372

Can he understand Marine or did he just like her Prate noises.

>> No.1576407

He doesn't NEED to but cover doesn't want another permissions arc. Matsuri, Sora and Choco are still recovering from the last one.

>> No.1576473

is that the Chink obsessed schizo? He is a pure fucking self absorbed Chink speaking schizo. Was encouraging the Chink insects on BiliBili to attack Holo JP through his channel because his Holo doujins were gonna to be taken down due to his contract. Its not Cover being an asshole. Its just he was a literal infantile chimp, so none of Japanese backed him. He was just roasted on the Japanese internet.

Chink bugs here might want to support him, but hes a hardcore Chink hater officially supporting the Nangking Chink massacre party. Chink speaking Chink hater. Thus, real schizo.

>> No.1576493

He knows Japanese

>> No.1576501

He won't outright delete it but he's taking Ichikara's side. He's a bootlicker. His argument is basically the company is always right.

>> No.1576509

Toby speaks better Japanese than Haachama does English.

>> No.1576521

I don't know much about Toby, but I kind of remember him being a massive dweeb. It's at least confirmed he was learning japanese as far as 2019

>> No.1576557

"Knows Jap" or speaks and understand fluently.

>> No.1576572

Mizuryu finally tweet about it, you can't reply to his tweets though.

>> No.1576582

>Cover knelt
Holy based

>> No.1576670

Its called being an adult and profesional

>> No.1576690

>The upboats should go to me! This is just like Marvel movie infinity gauntlet!

>> No.1576717

Heh, threw his bili admin guy under the bus

>> No.1576758

kek, he threw his bili mamager under the bus

I wonder how the chinks are gonna react

>> No.1576762

>demanded that Cover change their contract from a payment for work plan to giving him a full percentage of all of HoloALT's revenue
Seems based to be honest
Imagine working for peanuts when you could be earning real money for your work

>> No.1576801

find a job anon

>> No.1576809

>make one manga
Yeah, sure commie

>> No.1576874

Should have researched the company that was hiring him befire signing the contract

Also, having a hissy fit on twitter is certainly no the way to go

>> No.1576933

So cover offered an apology, the manga won't be released, Mizuryu is saying his Biolibili channel is run by volunteers he has no control over and that the information provided there is false.

Dude is still a piece of shit, but this looks a move to save face by both Cover and Mizuryu.

>> No.1576947

Mizuryu fucked up by signing a contract with a shitty black company such as Cover

>> No.1576954

go back

>> No.1576974

At this point, is it really a secret?

>> No.1576978

why are amerifats like this

>> No.1576977

Artists undersell themselves all the time, but dude was an idiot for not researching his contractor and throwing a very public tantrum when he didn't get what he wanted.

>> No.1576988

You either earn your peanuts or don't earn at all.

>> No.1577019

So is HoloALT officially dead, then? Or will they get a new artist and keep going?

>> No.1577055

New artist obviously.

>> No.1577068

Again, its been said before but this all could have been avoided if Park manager just negotiated the contract or asked his contacts for leverage. I know he's friends with Tosh and that guy got into WSJ somehow.
Going to twitter to say "I quit" is the worst way to go about it, especially in Japan.

>> No.1577094

Just delayed. He's just commissioned for the first twitter manga anyway. I doubt he's the only artist that Cover commissioned

>> No.1577125

Its fucking japan, land of the starving hentai artists. Hell there's probably a line of doujin artists reaching out as we speak.

>> No.1577184 [SPOILER] 
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Which doujin artist would best capture the spirit of HoloAlt?

>> No.1577186

Cover didn't apologize. Their tweets were just officially announcing that Mizuryu Kei is no longer involved and that they regret that it had to come to that. It's just overly formal Japanese business speak.

>> No.1577239

What's surprising? Marine being the otaku as she is.

>> No.1577258


>> No.1577264

That dude is done anyway. No company would hire him if he's that unprofessional. At least he can still make doujins

>> No.1577278
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>> No.1577304

Holo Alternative is multi media project. It's not gonna be dead, just because one artist quit. Even Goblin Slayer mangaka is involved. And there was a sneak peek of his manga featuring Ayame, Fubuki and Mio.

>> No.1577322


>> No.1577329

My bad, corporate speak is hard to decipher sometimes.

>> No.1577336

seeth faggots are so easy this days kek

>> No.1577360

Fuckin hell, first thing I thought of was those three in a gobbo cave

>> No.1577395

Yeah it's officially dead
Imagine making a PV for a project that will die before releasing something

>> No.1577414

They aren't friends IRL, he was just a holo simp and Marine knew him because she knows her hentai artists, same with Matsuri.

>> No.1577419

You have great imagination, but no. In that panel, Fubuki fought Ayame.

>> No.1577420

>Toby will be Marine's overseas sexy guy and not me
Ugh, fine, I can't compete with him

>> No.1577426

Also, that guy is live.

>> No.1577433

You seem genuine, anon, so think of it this way: if the artist draws for some shitty VR company, with an international reach with videos like "office 1" and "office 2", then a dozen or so people work their asses off and make it big - why does that artist deserve stuff that they didn't work for?

>> No.1577443

It was broken jap in 2019 so no clue what it's like now.

>> No.1577457

Looks like a cool dude, unironically

>> No.1577484 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1577488
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>cover's apology letter

Meanwhile on bilibili.... KEKW

>> No.1577497
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>also uses a vtuber model
kek, truly /vt/ material. Then again I hear a lot of mangakas are having fun using vtuber models these days

>> No.1577543

Announcing your yearly income for real is considered taboo, but Itou Life and Crimson have both been grilled by other VTubers enough that we know they make pretty decent money. All the doujinka you've heard of are probably living pretty comfortably.

>> No.1577598

>if the artist draws for some shitty VR company, with an international reach with videos like "office 1" and "office 2", then a dozen or so people work their asses off and make it big - why does that artist deserve stuff that they didn't work for?
Oh you mean like how Cover is earning so much money when their vtubers are doing all the work?

>> No.1577608

Is this ChineseMaple?

>> No.1577614
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lol, how many layers of schizo is this guy on?

>> No.1577648

prease understand, getting rights for one game every 2 months is hard work, now go play duolingo

>> No.1577665

chinks and their delusions

>> No.1577716

Start your own agency if it's such easy money

>> No.1577776

Guy must be seething hard right now seeing how successful holo has become

>> No.1577866

the cope

>> No.1577903

Imagine not hoping they like your previous work and sign you up for a better contract and ruining your chance to break into the professional market instead

>> No.1578009

>Fubuki getting gobbo'd

No, Jesus, pls

>> No.1578298

>Dude is still a piece of shit, but this looks a move to save face by both Cover and Mizuryu.
If Cover really wanted to save face, they would’ve waited for Friday to post their tweets

>> No.1578410

>If Cover really wanted to save face, they would’ve waited for Friday to post their tweets
the sooner the better.

>> No.1578528

Holy shit faggots on here keep saying we let them live rent free in our heads but how can we not let them when they give us shit like this 草

>> No.1578667

Didn't someone post twitter screencaps of him basically confirming he believed everything he wrote in that touhou doujin?

>> No.1578706
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>mizuryu denying giving the bili group permission and info regarding his incident and saying the 5ch rat is fake after checking the deleted stream

I can understand chinese and i was there when the stream happened, 5ch summary is pretty accurate.

>his bili group still insisting that he did give them permission about it and he didnt throw them under the bus and is just blaming 5ch for spreading fake narratives.

Both of them are schizo rats.

>> No.1578775

anything chink and anyone associated with chinks ends up facing a very chinky consequence like the suicidal ending/purge of cultural revolution. he was just chimping out and hated by everyone and purged.

>> No.1578865

you guys ever plan on taking your meds?

>> No.1578882
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>> No.1579107

its just what he had to get through, chink. also hes a japanese /pol/ack who hates chinks badly and praises nanking rape party while he was asking chinks to destroy cover holo members and the japanese fans. hes a triple faced megalomania

>> No.1579193

There were a few nijis who followed him, most likely because he's a prominent fanartist, who stopped following him after the incident. It doesn't really mean anything, but then again neither does this thread.

>> No.1579399

A manga will still be released, its artist just isn't going to be mizuryu

>> No.1579585

I can't get over how he completely blew his chances of collabing with his oshi, whether that involves cleaning out her dusty womb or not

>> No.1579674

the stream was titled【看板代播】聊下这次园长和HOLO的事, you can google it, and find translations in various twitters too.
Basically, Cover's contract with Mizuryu was set up in a way he was basically getting paid nothing, and he's been trying to reach and change that, with no answer. The Bilibili channel manager thinks he finally got tired of their bullshit after watching the Hololive alternative PVs, or they give him real compensation, or he leaves and sues them.
It's likely some kind of settlement was reached.

>> No.1579708

And in his latest tweet he's saying that he didn't give any information regarding his contract with cover to the bilibili guys, so that video holds as much water as any bullshit narrative I pull from my ass right now

>> No.1579749

>On the day of that broadcast, I informed Mizuryu Kei that I would be addressing the incident with the Bilibili audience. It was said during the broadcast that the actual reason wasn't known, and Mizuryu Kei is addressing the false narratives about the content of the broadcast, not cutting us off. I hope everyone doesn't take it out of context.
Sheer cope.

>> No.1579761

But basically this whole thread is bulshit then, every speculation that exists is because of that stream.

>> No.1579766

Gee took you that long to realize it eh?

>> No.1579818
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I mean nobody can deny Cover is unprofessional as shit at least, right?

>> No.1579859

Uhh, bros? I thought we already went through this almost a month ago

>> No.1579863

As compared to the guy who raged on Twitter, burning bridges left and right, presumably over a payment issue that was definitely mostly on him?

>> No.1579880

Nah, they're pretty chill.

>> No.1579976

you are also a total fucking schizo. cant even read the thread.

>> No.1580007

All we know for sure is the artist complained about Cover being unprofessional, literally, LITERALLY everything else speculation.

>> No.1580019

read the thread, chink insect.

>> No.1580025
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Something about Sencho makes management lose all sense of professionalism

>> No.1580045

This, if it gave me a chance to smash I would've worked for free even.

>> No.1580082

Why are you all under some delusion that he would have ever had a chance to fuck her? Is this some deep-seated woman-hate shit?

>> No.1580089

>"f'n r*tards"
What did he mean with this?

>> No.1580095

Cover is the company that allowed Mel to be harassed by its employee, that didn't know about streaming permissions in Japan despite being Japanese, and resulted in a ton of streams being deleted, because they fucked that up too and didn't private them instead, that made Coco's haters mods, that suspends its members "to protect them"
Of course they're unprofessional and incompetent.

>> No.1580097

> we

>> No.1580110

ching chong ping peng pong ping

>> No.1580121


>> No.1580127


>> No.1580135

Are those "chink insects" in your room with you? take your meds.
Also why would I care about literally speculation born from an unconfirmed source?

>> No.1580151

if you werent chink you would never get triggered by it, chinky chink insect. your chink insect brain is rotten to the core

>> No.1580160

>only took the job because he thought Hololive was a small-time company

>> No.1580163

> past events prove my point for the current one
Just end your suffering.

>> No.1580187
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>> No.1580213

Of course, but since Holofags are bootlickers, you'll get nothing but denial or passive aggressive sarcasm at best.

>> No.1580258

Seriously how is nobody asking what happened here, they seriously are a bunch of boot lickers.

>> No.1580269

translate it weebs

>> No.1580301

>or he leaves and sues them
That's not how contracts work, bud

>> No.1580325

You can sue for abusive contracts, they are void under law and are not enforceable. No idea if this is a thing in Japan though.

>> No.1580328

Their PR on Reddit and Facebook have been known as being that casual, sometimes borderline unprofessional. ChineseMaple even talked about it a comment before, but its old asf.

>> No.1580334

I'm going to be frank, contract bullshit is not the business of the consuming public. The entire reason why this makes all parties look like absolute shit is because extremely vague information was released by a party, that then proceeded to delete the pretty much the entire tweet train when he realized that he might get himself nuked from orbit.
I for one do not give a shit about defending Cover as an organization, they neither pay me, nor do I think that they have the most competent staff in the world. But I also have no reason to go up to bat for this specific artist. Since literally all commentary is conjecture at best due to the bevy of NDA's that you have to assume that these sorts of deals would be under, the best answer is to admit that we know nothing.

>> No.1580339

all are written in this thread. nothing new. and he isnt saying anything special. also super old stuff, you dumb newfag

"i tried hard but cover offended me! my feelings hurt so i dont wanna work with them anymore"

this is actually what hes saying .

>> No.1580344

>what happened here
Towa baby.

>> No.1580348

That is not it says.

>> No.1580373

Google says they have a regulation for Unfair Contract Terms, so yeah, it is a thing.

>> No.1580374

only in your chink brain, chink insect

>> No.1580383
File: 3.36 MB, 498x407, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this was me, and i was simping for Marine as hard as Mizu is/was for her, i'd have shut the fuck up and smiled.
He got a severance package but will NEVER get to even try to be near Marine again
You fucking IDIOT. YOU ABSOLUTE MORON. She wanted to work with you and you had a shoe-in to be -THE- manga guy for ALL Hololive future projects AND YOU WANTED TO BE CLOSER TO YOUR OSHI


>> No.1580389

I know sometimes happens in the anime industry where the animators get a "tip" as an extra because they're paid so shittily.

>> No.1580394

Take your meds now EOP

>> No.1580397

>Senchou's womb will remain barren
What a sad state of affairs.

>> No.1580402

Is "much china" the automatic cope Holofags have?

>> No.1580416


i fully understand japanse, you chink insect. can you even translate 尽力, 金輪際, 再三にわたり etc. translate this tweet. i will rate it.

>> No.1580418

They just need to find a new artist.

>> No.1580425

What's with all the zhangs coming out of rhe woodworks in the last hour or so

>> No.1580428

phat steak

>> No.1580432

>remain barren
If a traditional husband doesn't show up, she'll concede and begrudgingly date streamer boys. though she's stated her disdain for any male that isn't a hardworker or breadwinner. Think she spurned some top of the charts twitch streamers because she saw them as boys

>> No.1580450

I think the one thing we can all agree on is that Cover Corporation should be firing Kiryu Coco

>> No.1580466

You seriously think effort, never, again and again are hard words? you really are an eop.

>> No.1580469

The chinks are taking their smoke break.

>> No.1580473

Imagine getting a chance to make a big manga like this and fucking up.

>> No.1580475

They are trying to make her quit.
Why would they treat her like shit or make her antis mods?

>> No.1580484

I'll handle it

>> No.1580489

LOL fuck off Western Taiwan. Even nijis will soon fuck off from your country.

>> No.1580490
File: 37 KB, 518x437, 1604275133387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would stake my life for the possibility of making Marine bear my children

>> No.1580503

Ah, meant to quote

>> No.1580513

Mizuryu kei is in his forties or something and his entire career has been as a semi pro porn artist. I guess there is a reason he's been stuck in this limbo for twenty odd years.

>> No.1580525

Only the absolute most omega tier of betas would literally let that opportunity pass them by
>Oh it's my literally one and only Oshi that i can not stop fawning over
>She wants to work with me on the Cover Mangas, this could be a perfect chance to at least try and connect
>no no, that would be wrong, i best not ruin our professional environment
>"Muh Senpai" *Tips rice hat fedora*

>> No.1580537

Just look at mizuryu background and history

>hot tempered and constant sperg out on twitter
>strong political opinions on twitter
>offpako with av models collabing with his doujin series

Any one of this already super yab and landmine for cover.

>> No.1580539

are you a monolingual english speaking zhang cucked by anglos so hard lmao. translate this right now.



>> No.1580544

Back to /tia/ discord tranny. You can circle jerk there all you want!

>> No.1580548

nice damage control, holofag
lol this board is literally holoshill and doing it for free

>> No.1580566

Back to /tia/ zhang. Fuck off.

>> No.1580574


>> No.1580575

50 cents have been deposited into your account

>> No.1580603

with what. you faggots chant "cope" without ever having anything specified to be coped with. spouting buzzwords isn't creative or witty. gb2/b/ and lurk moar.

>> No.1580604

Go back to your Tia discord faggot
We know what are you doing.

>> No.1580635

And if you didn't know that, it outs you as an invasive insect.

>> No.1580657

Pris porgib. Only habe insect brein

>> No.1580681

Anyone with ears and common sense knows that literally no one has a chance to score Marine. It's very obvious if you've listened to her zatsudans when she's actually talking about herself and her life seriously. I am firmly convinced that she's fundamentally a career woman in terms of her mindset. You could be a Saudi prince and she would still turn you down, because she likes the idea of relationships but doesn't actually want to be in one.
As such, where Mizuryu fucked up isn't in missing out on a chance to score with Marine but rather the opportunity for her to recognize him as an individual (think Matsuri and L*ger), which is impossible for anyone who can't rise above the level of a mere fan. Now, rather than Marine recognizing him, it's the opposite--she will never communicate with him again and probably actively dislikes him now.

>> No.1580689

>be japanese porn artist
>get obsessed with a 28 year old woman pretending to be an anime pirate on youtube
>spend several hundreds trying to get her attention
>one day Cover approaches you asking if you want to draw an official web manga of your her as part of a multimedia project
>sign up immediately
>the initial reception to the project teaser is overwhelmingly positive
>realize there is a lot of money to be made from this
>despite already singing a contract start demanding a higher pay rate and royalties for the entire project
>get told to fuck off
>throw a massive bitchfit on twitter
>immediately start backpedaling when people start calling you an unprofessional manchild
>your chinese translator suddenly makes a guerrilla stream on your bilibili channel saying how Cover wronged you
>all the chinese spammers rally behind you and you now become the public face of Cover hate
>meanwhile on the other side of the world people are digging through your old stuff and find out you are a Nanking Massacre denier and immediately post that shit everywhere
>end up having to make an apology stream on bili saying how it's all a misunderstanding
>you have now burned all the bridges, ended up in every company's blacklist and everyone hates you

>> No.1580691

Don't respond to bait.

>> No.1580740

I do think Kei is unprofessional but I do kinda pity the dude.

>> No.1580793
File: 68 KB, 800x520, 1596357110542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry to hear that, gweilo.

>> No.1580861

That isn't even grammatically right by the way.

>> No.1580870
File: 13 KB, 186x270, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>On the day of the Twitter question, Kanban(subtitle group) immediately contacted the principal, asked about the matter, and hoped that the principal could explain why his views on the Chinese side changed in the next few years. His reply was: not so much his own change, It is better to say that the whole society has changed. After 5 years and 10 years, both the world situation and common sense have changed, and the use of SNS (social network) and the environment have also changed. Then he believes that Sino-Japanese relations and China's system and environment have also undergone tremendous changes (such as the rapid development of domestic communications and the Internet).

>Of course, these changes have indeed changed his views on us


>> No.1580872

Why is Cover paying Mizyury if he was in the wrong?
Really makes you think.

>> No.1580878

my fucking sides. lmaoaoo

too much, chink insect

>> No.1580887

Okay sperg. What you don't realize is them being nice over this is exactly the worst thing to happen for him.
They've made him look like a RIGHT cunt.
I called this shit on /jp/ and they went and did it.
Holy kek. No cunt will work with him again. Nobody. He's over. He'll be stuck drawing shitty porn for life, which will very likely be short given his short temper.

>> No.1580901

Because it is compensation for his work until now.

Cover is good company after all.

>> No.1580918

You sound like a robot. I mean it makes sense at least.

>> No.1580923

What did he mean by this?

>> No.1580962

*licks stray pube*

my fwukin sides. wmaoooo

doo much, cheeng inshwect

>> No.1580967

Kei sucks zhangs dick and zhangs accept this

>> No.1580968

The idea is that when deals break down, there would be fees to compensate for the time and money already spent on the agreement. The corporation would initially try to make it sound amicable as possible regardless on what actually happened back stage, unless it's that obvious

The tweet of the artist only said he received an apology because he doesn't want to leave any window that he had any fault in this. That said, while his outburst was unprofessional, he wisely didn't state the actual reason on the breakdown since it could have been misinterpreted/taken as a lie

It's subtle, but that's how politics work

>> No.1580996

>he wisely didn't state the actual reason on the breakdown

lmao, chink bug

regardless of content chimiping out ON TWITTER is already fucking unprofessional. literally only dumbcunts do it.

thats how many amerimutt celebs are fucked and canceled and sjws constantly make garbage controversies.

>> No.1580998

Wait, Mizuryu Kei? THE Mizuryu Kei of Muzuryu Land fame and NTR creator?

>> No.1581002

So that he doesn't come back on twitter saying he already drew 500 pages and wasn't paid a penny.

It's just standard PR

>> No.1581007

There is likely just NDA on his contract that prevents Mizuryu sensei and Cover from discussing the specifics out in the open.

The odd timing of the news release suggests that discussions were indeed happening behind closed doors, so I hope they can both put this incident behind them

>> No.1581095

But doesn't this prove there was something shady about his contract?

>> No.1581114

Not really, it just proves that Mr kei is unhappy about it. And also he's a sperg but we already knew that.

>> No.1581158

The only objective one here.

>> No.1581180

His sentence is 98% correct. Just one phrase 統失の為に sounds unnatural. 統失なので is better.

t. jap

>> No.1581221

He went on the Hololive subreddit to defend Kei again lmao

>> No.1581224


>> No.1581247

為に is normally used in a formal way and you know it. i imitated the faggots style.

>> No.1581281
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1394, 1615885228872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEKW, so which one of you did this?

>> No.1581298


>> No.1581308


>> No.1581314
File: 144 KB, 1080x519, IMG_20210316_170733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is in r/Hololive now

>> No.1581319

See retweet

It not hard

>> No.1581354



>> No.1581451

Gomen, I dont browse Twitter often so I dont know a lot of their functions

>> No.1581468

Translate weebs

>> No.1581490

sorry for the fb link, but
>My bilibili channel was originally run unofficially by volunteers, and activities are still independently continued by the channel's administrator.
huh, didnt the stream was done by his approval? and many more i want to point out

>> No.1581531

This. They already have her on board. They just need to make a new contract and she'll likely draw holoalt for them

>> No.1581535

According to his most recent tweet the bilibili stream was done independently by his bilibili manager and he told them nothing about what was going on btween him and cover

>> No.1581564

Yes, and he fucked up his big chance.

>> No.1581572

who cares. he was already being roasted before that. normal people dont use twitter to attack a person or a company, getting many innocent people involved with it. marine was already an innocent victim at that point

chinks and mutts cancel anyone without having any consequence or social responsibility but its not a japanese norm.

>> No.1581733

>full percentage
i don't know what magical land you live in, but there's no way in hell, earth and heaven that he would get 100% revenue.
How did you think that that would be allowed by any stretch?

>> No.1581789

>According to his most recent tweet
why would anyone believe this guy at this point?

>> No.1581797

Their second tweet does mention they apologized to and reimbursed him, and Mizuryuu also says in his twitter that he received an apology.

>> No.1581844

Why couldnt the guy do some of the manga and after a bit just renegotiate the damn contract? It happens all the time when something gets off the ground. He jumped the gun like an idiot.

>> No.1582008


Archive of the deleted bili stream. He is claiming that he never give permission and info to the bili group but the bili group is claiming the opposite now (honestly we will never know who is lying anyway). He also claim that the narrative outside is different from the deleted stream after checking which is a fat lie (some is distorted quite a bit). 5ch is laughing and challenging him to sue them because the narratives came from his bili group representing him which is the irony and why you see the lawyer meme tweet above.

>> No.1582245

>literal chink garbage

kill yourself, chink insect

>> No.1582268

It literally took them one month to make a statement

>> No.1582457

who specifically cut ties with him?

>> No.1582841

Was there anything worth saying up to this point? They made the smart decision to let Kei stew in his shit while their lawyers finished any and all relevant paperwork.

>> No.1583144

Well that's the funny thing. Either the artist is fucked, or bili gets shit on once again. I feel good either way, cause this shitbag doesn't have a good reputation businesswise, even before this, and chinks are chinks.

So the artist can either claim a bilibili channel moderator and associated translating team lied, thus smearing bilibili again, or he can get fucked for crying to chinks and on twitter about ongoing business contract negotiations.

>> No.1583318


>> No.1583368

They played it smart, everything makes Mizuryu look like a money hungry menhera. How he managed to fuck everything up so bad is pretty amazing.

>> No.1583509

>panders to Chinks
>faces a Chinky consequence

Very natural

>> No.1583776
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, mizuryuu kei b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old news

>> No.1583844

Cover removed the manga preview pictures from the alt website a few weeks ago and put a "coming soon" message instead.

So the only news is that this schizo won't be the artist. Why should we care?

>> No.1584147

5chan being based for once

>> No.1584288

kek, not even the cows from reddit are buying into the shillmod ChineseMaple`s bullshit

>> No.1584543

Some oldfags in Holosub have left that place a long time ago, for how bias he is

>> No.1584594

I threw a bunch of the comments into DeepL, this shit is hilarious:
>[video uploader] You are welcome to share, but there is no need to post it out there. It's legal, but I don't want to bother the FBI uncles.
>[again, later] The 1911 rapid fire was indeed strong enough to scatter all the bloomww But gunning down locusts for a minute, cool!
>Cannon swatting flies (X) Pistol for maggots (√)
>The best work in the world
>Pistol for insects
>You really should use a pistol to get rid of bugs
>American Ancestral Power Giant M1911 hand-board de-wormer
>Aim for the nose, brother
>On the outside, Chinese gangs are at the top of their game
>Handgun Pest Control
>This video full of love should be spread to the world
>A portrait of kson is highly recommended
>Wish I had AK
>Semi-automatic rifle recommended
>Twitter catechism, good job
>It should have been added to the fire and burned down.
>Suggest another shooting kson
>[in reply to the above] This is dangerous, or too dangerous
>Suggested YouTube uploads
>[video uploader in reply to the above] No more trouble for Uncle FBI
>This really scares foreigners, doesn't it?
>[reply #1] That's great!
>[reply #2] Is that a surprise to you?

>> No.1584899
File: 70 KB, 828x1549, EwhWzdeVIAEzUGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover allowed this, this company is beyond based

>> No.1584903

I don't get what kind of mental problem they have

>> No.1585183

chink bugs just want to make any microscopic thing controversial to damage cover. otherwise who cares

>> No.1585508


>> No.1585733

Translate the message anon

>> No.1585846

Based anon, everyone else in the thread is a faggot.

>> No.1585854


>> No.1585957
File: 70 KB, 640x772, today i will remind them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that Towa-Baby was approved by Towa-sama herself

>> No.1585968

towa towa...

>> No.1586123
File: 485 KB, 649x454, 1613592137696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're Mizuryu Kei. You simp for the virtual youtuber Marine. You don't get one stroke of luck but two; you two are in contact with each other and she gets you in contact with Cover to work for them. For whatever reason (but its probably your fault) you think you aren't getting paid what you should be. Do you:
>Take the loss like a man and continue working for Cover and maintaining a good relation with your idol Marine
>Chimp out on twitter and make everyone despise you and show how incredibly petty and unprofessional you are

>> No.1586193

my newest rrat is that he tried proposing changing his manga project from free releases on twitter under his contracted payment to selling the chapters with him getting a %, but got refused and sperged out.

>> No.1586324

He's fucking Marine right in front of Mizuryu as we speak

>> No.1586559

His art style is only good for ahegao hentais anyway.

>> No.1586736

cover is a million dollar company and they tried to short change him, who gives a shit. Go cry to herohei about it

>> No.1586803

>First Pekora´s thread
>This thread now
What is it about hololive that attracts so many bootlickers.

>> No.1586946

just scroll up and look at how many ppl are mentioning reddit and discussing the mods. This place is a reddit colony

>> No.1586971

So the chinks made it home from their factory jobs

>> No.1587035
File: 36 KB, 720x386, mutts fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1587038


>> No.1587050

ChineseMaple get out of 4chan

>> No.1587056
File: 1.50 MB, 680x665, 1606257121298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1587064

Damn, zhangs are getting desperate, huh?

>> No.1587187

Don't mind them too much, they're still understandably upset about the time when their anti-Hololive subreddit got stolen from them and turned into a fan group.

>> No.1587471

which sub ?

>> No.1587546

I don't ever want to hear faggots on this board ever complain about reddit sucking yagoo's dick ever again.

>> No.1587575

Hololive2nd or something, it got raided by Holofans as soon as V8 and Holofags found the place and got spammed with Coco images, the outnumbered NGA goons literally can do nothing

>> No.1587880


>> No.1588133

Desculpa por ter falado uma palavra mais de uma vez, meu amigo esquizofrénico. Por favor enfia seu remédio no seu cu, vc vai precisa disso cuando vc tá lendo os shitposts desse site :)

>> No.1588273

About what?

>> No.1588911
File: 338 KB, 1447x2039, 1602199828107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only took the job because he thought Hololive was a small-time company
>But was somehow a huge fan of marine


>> No.1589134

Hololive went from being a bunch of literally whos to being a household name in the last eight months anon.

>> No.1589979

Niji is bigger in Japan than Holo
