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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15678725 No.15678725 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, Merise, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
VSpo Autumn Sudden Test
[YouTube] ぶいすぽっ!秋の抜き打ちテスト~抜け出せ学力ブロンズ帯~ #ぶいすぽ学力テスト

VSpo Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
[YouTube] 【MC白雪レイド、料理人トナカイト】リモートビストロクイーン決定戦(ニコ生同時配信枠) (MC only, no cooking process)
https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334451629 (main stream, but you need to be a member to watch the whole thing)

VSpo Ideal Christmas Date Show
[YouTube] 【ゲスト:バーチャルゴリラ、ギルくん】理想のクリスマスデート品評会(ニコ生同時配信枠)

VSpo Game Queen
[Youtube] 【公式】ぶいすぽっ!令和3年最後の特別企画ゲームNo.1は誰だ!本配信


Upcoming events:
1/16 CR Cup #8

Previous thread: >>15513527

>> No.15679562
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How long does Sumire have left to live?

>> No.15681008

I'm new to vspo, dose they even have yuribait?

>> No.15681154

everyone in vspo is straight so this is the closest you'll get https://youtu.be/DB2lTO26uNM
or then having a sleepover a bit ago

>> No.15681193

>everyone in vspo is straight
Except for Runa.
Beni could be bi.

>> No.15681341

Runa loves Ren though?

>> No.15681531

Ren is a girl

>> No.15683054


>> No.15683130

No freaking way...
OreApo teetee more like UneiKami teetee

>> No.15684161

Do you has proof? Ren is as female as Pakael or as male as Reid.

>> No.15684297

>open sappy twitcast
>showing his feet and bulge

>> No.15685465

please send pictures, i am at work

>> No.15686789
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>> No.15687158
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it's too early in the thread to be gay but the beginning he's laying in bed
majority is just laying in bed playing with sappy anyway

>> No.15688292
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looks like the links in the op got broken several threads ago, they should be these:
autumn test (can probably remove this in a future thread since it's pretty old): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHP7u5zHYSY
bistro showdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VJcvKJvaWs
Christmas date:
end of year game queen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAghJMiAMz8

remember to copy unembedded links

>> No.15688635

the links were removed because it's a hassle to delete the [embed] that keeps multiplying if you just copy-pasting the OP. like a few threads ago, where there were four [embed] for one link because the OP didn't check it over. besides, it looks cleaner like this and you can just search the title on youtube.

>> No.15688687

although, if it's preferable with links, whoever that will make the next thread can add it I guess

>> No.15688790

I don't know if it's a 4chan x feature or what, but in the drop down menu for me on posts there's "Copy text" which copies the post text exactly as it was posted without all the extra stuff.

>> No.15690260
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Anyone else feel emotional when listening to Blessing?

>> No.15690815

Yeah, by dick gets hard for Toto.

>> No.15691027

They definitely did in the fur suits.

>> No.15691234
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>> No.15691241

Those matching thumbnails are cute.

>> No.15691855

Hinano's wingman right now is like watching myself play Apex.

>> No.15691937

suchan pex
what's the point of quoting "は" in the title

>> No.15693325

Qu graduating? Why did she nuke all of her vod?

>> No.15693621

Runa got bullied so hard by her senpais in the phasmophobia collab last night. I didn't know Mimi had it in her.

>> No.15693829

I read that as Qpi at first and immediately checked...

>> No.15693894

konori store

>> No.15694147

These games ruined by cheaters are just depressing.

>> No.15695453

"teammate kay-o: たぶん入ってなかった"
I can never imagine this level of tolerance anywhere outside of japan, especially not in csgo. Incredible to see and also very cute of nazu-chan

>> No.15696099

That was really nice of him. He could've sold it more if he wasn't giggling through saying that.

>> No.15696194

I like the fact that it being in the VC is embarrassing, while she's streaming the same shit anyway.

>> No.15696645

Nukeじゃねぇよ! She just unlisted the VODs and put them in playlists, check her playlists tab

>> No.15696755

really funny clip, thanks

>> No.15696937

Is there any explanation for it though?

>> No.15697039

How do you guys feel about Twap stealing Hinano's design?

>> No.15697171

if it was in any western server, there would have already been misogynistic slurs thrown around at the start of the game

>> No.15697189


>> No.15697233

What if it was Chinese or Korean server?

>> No.15697386

She's been complaining about how react treat her for a long long time so there's that.

>> No.15697419

Mainland chinese slurring and being disrespectful to women is too common whereas koreans are generally more ok

>> No.15697470

Idk keeps shit organized and maybe she wants the covers n other shit to be more recognized? Kinako started doing it too after joining CR

>> No.15697530

i mean towards a nip.

>> No.15697685

I play on EU and nobody gives a shit if there is a girl in VC. But Nazu would have been told to stfu immediately, that I agree on.

>> No.15698025

thats why you guys got no vtubers. Well you got Kikkeriki!, is that a win or lose?

>> No.15698116


Valo with Mimi Uruca Sumire. Unexpected trio

>> No.15698166

double whammy

>> No.15698234

the Killjoy in their match right now sounds mad depressed lol

>> No.15698281

Glad Mimi is expanding her playmates.

>> No.15698347

he failed a clutch and the entire VC rushes in to cheer him up
why are JP randoms so wholesome

>> No.15698531

man I really hope they win :(

>> No.15698650

the killjoy's emotional instability is both funny and pitiful

>> No.15698819

I like that he says thanks after every win instead of nice, really hammers in the patheticness.

>> No.15698902

also this battle is actually intense

>> No.15699045

JP randoms in Tokyo servers are wholesome af. If you're playing mad dogshit these guys won't say anything to tilt you even further. The only downside is that you really can't do any BM (Teabagging, spraying on bodies, and etc.) or else everyone will hate you including your team.

>> No.15699067

welp. gg

>> No.15699133
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>Selen says 800 sense with 1,8x on APEX
>feels like im grinding a stone across a table of hot glue
Selen wtf

>> No.15699976

watching chii-chan switch from her ikemen voice straight to her normal pitch is still weird as fuck

>> No.15700174

Did Kamito or Hinano say when they will play Mario Party with HenRisa?

>> No.15700279

also I thought they were done streaming when they said they were tired after that intense valorant battle so I closed their streams. but apparently they are still streaming...I got bamboozled

>> No.15700845

seems pretty normal anon, what high sens are you playing at

>> No.15701468

21:00 JST

>> No.15701689

should have stopped after valo
mood's really awkward now

>> No.15702392

isn't that because kamito said something that made the mood awkward? i didn't hear it what he said though.

>> No.15702533

Was anyone there to catch what was happening? I'm seeing things about non-delivery, possible bad replies to listeners and arguing with them, what's all that about?

>> No.15702579

nice, that's in two hours. looking forward to it.

also, what I like about OreApo is that even if they fight (they did have a large argument on stream before, involving a rando and a misunderstanding) they are able to resolve it and it doesn't deter them from streaming together again. good friends fight with each other all the time.

>> No.15702628

>kamito being an insensitive retard as usual
>hinano gets turned off
>she's used to it
>chat goes hard on him
>he gets pissed off
>hinano scolds chat for being too harsh
>added fuel to the fire
>admits he was in the wrong
>continues justifying himself anyway
>stream ends
>hinano apologizes on twitter (even though she didn't really do anything wrong)

>> No.15702858

as usual the viewers are the one at fault here. if hinano's fine with it, then it's not a big deal. if it's that bad they will usually talk it out offstream. now the viewers just making it more awkward for them by pressuring them.

>> No.15703012

randoms in valo have been really nice to me so far, I'm in an infamously toxic region too.

>> No.15703358

Has Sumire not posted her full new years outfit picture?

>> No.15703390

(angry kansai noises)

>> No.15703404

nor has lisa although she has it as her pfp

>> No.15703544

don't get me wrong, i'm a kamitofag but its clear he was 100% in the wrong and should have just dropped it
talking about body shapes with a girl is pretty NG
yet he kept justifying himself saying "im only like this with close friends" to which hinano retorted with "even with close friends, you should have some delicacy"
and then he went "why was it ok when we talked about this with giru" which made it more yabai because of the kusomaro on how she's into giru
he admits he was wrong but doesn't seem like he's remorseful about it
just look at the difference in their tweets

>> No.15703617

This hard RRRRRR when nips are angry is like music to me.

>> No.15703737

oh boy is that what Kamito was talking about again

>> No.15703770

So.... Does Kamito not get turned on by her creaking chair like I do?

>> No.15704088

i dont think so since Kamito is gay for Kanae

>> No.15704144

japanese tyler1 is how i refer him to my friends
both are midgets too

>> No.15704190


seems like it will only be on Hendy's channel? also HenRisa are both moodmakers so the atmosphere shouldn't be awkward anymore.

>> No.15704217

It's alright, they have definitely hate fucked it out of each other by now.

>> No.15704467

Hendy is late. GOD hendy i thought you would have upgraded your internet by now after what happened with the vaultroom afterparty where his download for rocket league took 45 minutes

>> No.15704469

no stream, they are definitely hate fucking

>> No.15704564

why hadn't he download it long before the stream?

>> No.15704580

both archives have the comment section disabled lol

>> No.15704618


>> No.15704999

can't believe hendy jerk off on stream

>> No.15705018


>> No.15705701

Hinano sounds drunk already

>> No.15706876

Is HendyLisa teetee a thing?

>> No.15707020 [DELETED] 

no teetee between them
Noah is the only for him

>> No.15707052

Lisa has all her teetee moments off stream with me.

>> No.15707064

Noah is the only one for him

>> No.15707089

Even after Noah literally asked Kamito to smash on New Years?

>> No.15707170

And she smashed him repeatedly, too. So hard that Hinano had to stop watching.

>> No.15707227

Yes, they played a lot together, they have great on-screen banter, the fans keep pushing it, and they finished a playthrough of ITT (basically means they're fucking).
But Hendy doesn't seem to like it, I remember him talking about how he doesn't like to hear the word "teetee" (the romantic sense) directed at him.
Hell, Kamito said "HenLisa teetee" during the new years stream and Hendy replied "guess I'll leave, now that you said teetee to me".
I don't know the degree to how much he dislikes it but he leans away from it at the very least.

>> No.15707376

She sounds even drunker now

I feel like Hendy is one of the guys most likely to have a gf

>> No.15707409

Could definitely understand him feeling awkward about fans trying to ship him with someone if he has a girlfriend.

>> No.15707501

>most likely to have a gf
he is like 30+? of course it will be awkward fro him

>> No.15707609

He had a gf before who would make semi-regular appearances on his channel, so yeah. If someone could get a gf then it's him and Reid.

>> No.15707649

wasn't that his manager? or was she a gf doubled as manager?

>> No.15707653

>and Reid.
Reid is the girlfriend.

>> No.15707703


your ryodan reps...
Vodka once said one of life's greatest mysteries is Hendy being single.
Also that's his manager.
And if you actually thought Minami (imaginary girlfriend) was real then take your meds.

>> No.15707756

Maybe Hendy actually wants the kamigure

>> No.15707835


>> No.15707916

>2019 video
anon you're going beyond the spectrum

>> No.15707925
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sasuga sakushin. also rip hanabana

>> No.15708056

that reminds me of noah's reaction to sumire calling her and hendy tete here

>> No.15708168

I said, if he got one before he could do it again. So I'm posting a video from 2019 cause your replies clearly didn't get what I was talking about.
He did get fatter recently so maybe he can't anymore.

>> No.15708525

always knew that Sumire is an annoying bitch

>> No.15709133

Noa becomes really ero sometimes, without even trying.

>> No.15709137

bros where can I apply to be Sumire's partner?

>> No.15709303

Hendy's probably into it

>> No.15710071


>> No.15710283
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>> No.15710293

Why Nazu-chan is playing Valo so much?
Finally accepted it as CSGO replacement in Japan?

>> No.15710618 [DELETED] 

She knows that 2022 is the year of Valorant.
The game's skill floor is low enough that even a chuuba hardstuck gold in Apex can be useful, as long as they do their headshot reps.

>> No.15711156

are "they" really fucking?

>> No.15711188

They definitely are.

>> No.15711251

Sena really needs to stop these solo hardstuck plat Apex streams.

>> No.15711359

As if solo Valo bronze hardstuck streams are better...

>> No.15711689

Apex and Valo are completely different games.
It's way easier and also better to be hardstuck Gold in Valo.

>> No.15712325

That soba is kinda questionable

>> No.15713698

No, Ren doesn't reciprocate.

>> No.15713739

Runa. gomen...

>> No.15714489

Oh yeah, Nose called Reid on New year's to talk about what they want to do together on 2022.
Reid said he wanted to off-collab nabe party (with others included).
They might do it at Nose's new place when she gets there, or at a studio. The latter is more likely since Nose doesn't wanna clean up.
Here's a clip.

Not related, but Reid's new year's goal is to have women orbit him. Unless I'm misinterpreting 女を侍らせる

>> No.15714740

Is that just a really roundabout way of asking Reid if he wants to fuck this year?

where did he say this?

>> No.15714762


>> No.15714772

He wants to sexually harass future female Merise kouhais.

>> No.15714822

he popped in Geinin Ryodan's VC on New Years

>> No.15715104

>when she gets there
at this rate she's never moving out

>> No.15715146

Sounds like it. Subtle hint for Nose and Met.
Also I just realised that Noah asked for his postcode.

>> No.15715230

Timestamp in the comments. Hanalisa said something a little yabai, I hope Shibuhal slaps her for it.

>> No.15715273

>I hope Shibuhal slaps her for it.
How many people is Hal being partnered with now?

>> No.15716225

It's not ship related stuff, she just needs to be slapped for that by the CEO of Merise himself.

>> No.15716355

Sorry i just taught her a lot of dirty English to spice up our sex.

>> No.15716827

Just watch the damn thing so you stop making nonsense replies.

>> No.15717362

The only yabaish thing in timestamps for Lisa was her swearing like a fucking sailor in english.
I have no idea what else you can find even remotely interesting there

>> No.15720160

nta but she's making some sort of joke about reid's harem wearing メリーズ (diaper/nappy brand, pun on merise)

>> No.15720450

yt recommending me ancient qpi streams

>> No.15720604

Noah did to, so meh

>> No.15721192
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Bora doko?

>> No.15721637

>no Bora

>> No.15722325

>No Runa
>No Emä

>> No.15722610

It's literally after he said his new year's ambitions.
She said the next Merise gen are going to be Reid's harem. Then they all joked about female members feeling on edge towards Reid. Like I said, it's nothing, just a little yabai.

>> No.15722698

Uruca should be the one blushing.

>> No.15726211
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>> No.15726370

Please don't tell me they don't fuck anymore...

>> No.15726479

They fucked after mario party to work out their differences
The fact that they are able to argue like that and come back is a sign of a healthy relationship

>> No.15727028

I LITERALLY love Uruha

>> No.15728429

4:54:35 on Hinano's archive btw, if you want some sweet argument kino.

>> No.15729045

this confirms it for me
they are

>> No.15729959

Runa valorant

>> No.15730864


>> No.15731170


>> No.15733623

W-wow... That's basically everyone I watch

>> No.15737889

I wonder if Runa and Qpi regret setting the static Apex ranking party with Noah because she only wants to collab once a week at most.

>> No.15738548

They're probably alright with it because they prefer playing valorant or tarkov these days anyway

>> No.15741063

They regret every interaction they've had with Noah because they HATE her

>> No.15741822


Qpi + Hinano valo

>> No.15741876


at least we get one ranking stream tonight

>> No.15742052


also Runa valo. I guess Qpi and Hinano will join Runa then.

>> No.15742696
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Hendy has impeccable taste

>> No.15743583

most common sens Ive seen has been like 1.5x 800 most people play on like 1500 - 1000 eDPI

>> No.15746086

no idea what hes watching, but i recognize the Deps logo being a fishing company.

>> No.15746689

He's at Rizin 33, an MMA event.

>> No.15747177

oh, i tough it was a wrestling event. Never been to a Rizen event, only Pride FC long long ago.

>> No.15749640

Get back to me when he's at WrestleKingdom tomorrow.

>> No.15749972

She is not the only one, tororo was also in pain couple of days ago. "Tarkov sitai!"

>> No.15751168


>> No.15752700

Noah not streaming today or yesterday.

>> No.15752760

Why do nips say "naisu try" instead of "nai fai" now. I never took them as meaning it literally

>> No.15752911

why do En people say pog when the En chubba isnt playing good at all?

>> No.15752971

Even with CR cup in a few weeks? I am sure they want to get some Apex in soon. Even Hinano is playing Apex again.

>> No.15753100

both people saying pog and en chuuba are cringe to me so i'd deduce it to be that.

sure, but they are playing it out of obligation, not for the passion of the game. valorant is just far more fun to play over apex rn

>> No.15753922

Fucking Pajeet in Runa stream, good that its 12th round

>> No.15753964

VALORANT skill ceiling is so high that maybe chuubas will get hooked on it longer than APEX

>> No.15754001


>> No.15754587

I was tuning in but I had to close it after that gaijin with an awful accent came on. I guess he can speak japanese but still. Are we talking about the same guy?

>> No.15754677

if it was last game then I think yes, instantly started to ask her: "onnanoko?" "nipponjin?" when she replayed to his "nice clutch killjoy"

>> No.15754727

this is why i don't speak japanese in vc and stay in chat unless i really have to callout. i know my standard japanese accent is terrible and unnatural


>> No.15754963

Honestly it's not even an accent, you could just tell that he was a creep by how he was speaking.
thx for fix didnt really notice that i made such huge typo *tehe*

>> No.15755001

Go ahead and talk bro nobody cares that much, especially in Tokyo servers, good comms + shit accent > no comms. Worst case scenario you make a couple mistakes while talking and best case scenario you make a friend, go for it brotha.

>> No.15755260

ty anon will do

>> No.15755426

They postponed it 2 times already, are they having discord sex?

>> No.15756070

Reid and Nose were. Met was having sex with me.

>> No.15756507


>Met has herself centre in the thumbnail
>Reid has Nose centre
>Nose has Reid centre
What did they mean by this?

>> No.15757806

Love is War moved faster than Reid and Nose goddamnit kiss already you fucks

>> No.15758509


>> No.15759096
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time for cybergoth nose

>> No.15761068

Kaga sisters teetee from Nazuna's zatsudan

Sorry anon, but Reid will never see Nose as a woman.

>> No.15761600

HenRisa Apex
Lisa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RnWFi-PivE
Hendy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwBgTaI6lh4

>> No.15761871

Get in here あー non!

>> No.15761952

henrisa just doesn't roll off the tongue

>> No.15762869

Beni: 158k
Ema: 159k

Benisex has been overtaken.

>> No.15763512


Noah valorant

>> No.15763544


Toto utawaku

>> No.15763763

>wym we were fighting hahaha this is how it is everyday hahaha we don't really care about each other loool
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15763857
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ぷてlove! shes been in a few totsumachis so it was about time

>> No.15764388


she also said the same thing. and it really was not a big deal, the viewers just made a big deal out of nothing. even when Hinano made an apology tweet it was because she thought she scolded the viewers too harshly and offended some people. I think the only ones who thought they were seriously arguing were those who watch their stream for the first time. the usual ones didn't make a big deal about this because it's just another Sunday for them.

if kamito really was out of the line (hinano's line, not what the viewers think what hinano's line is), you know hinano is not the type to just let it slide.

>> No.15764453

I watched from the timestamp an anon mentioned earlier and I was waiting for the argument to happen and... It never really did? Neither of them really sounded like they got worked up over the whole thing.

>> No.15764590

yeah, it wasn't really an argument. it's just that some viewers THINK kamito was out of the line and scolded him, pressuring him to apologize over nothing (maybe it was NG topic for some viewers, but obviously not for kamito nor hinano). Then, hinano scolded chat for being to harsh on him (rightfully) but I guess she felt she was also too harsh so she made an apology tweet.

>> No.15764810

for anons that were curious for some reason, seems like rion is already free and is streaming valorant rn

>> No.15765114

Ema is so noob in Valo, kino

>> No.15765176

Noah is playing with a group of philipinos

>> No.15765370

Ema has 1 too. And Runa had also.
Why they are playing on Tokyo server?
Runa member twitcast, let's gooo

>> No.15765823

Noah is just messing around in ranked right now. Playing omen and mumbling in English instead of focusing on the game. I feel bad for her team.

>> No.15766225

>noah: ジェットさん、スパイク持ちます
>rando: english, please, english
>noah: マジか。。。

>> No.15766261

Team is mad at Noah lol. I don't blame them, she's being real annoying in game and on her stream chat. Why the fuck is she even test playing Omen in ranked.

>> No.15766316

pinoys are a tumor everywhere

>> No.15766522

Not this time, Noah is messing around all game and not focused.

>> No.15766823

Is it normal that i read it in Noah-san voice?
especially that マジか。。。

>> No.15766895

still doesn't change the fact
demanding english vc when you're the immigrant is cringe

>> No.15766916

Hope Noah never plays Omen again, that was painful.

>> No.15766941

i definitely get that reading some of their tweets

>> No.15766987
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>> No.15767000

Atleast they trying to win and not trolling like her. You can tell by 1st round on 3rd game being completely different than first two.

>> No.15767065

Noah-san almost 300k!

>> No.15767171

Noah is such a good friend, did stream today so not to be an annoying bitch in tomorrows colab with her 300k subs. Shame nobody will notice it from Vspo...

>> No.15767299

15/10 live

>> No.15767486

That's kinda far away

>> No.15767519

15/10 would fuck again

>> No.15767625

What ever happened to Vspo getting 3D models? I remember it being talked about months and months ago.

>> No.15767659

been watching rion play valorant for the past 5 days on the radiant solo grind and he's an absolute beast. All-around positive and always encouraging to his teammates while putting up 40 bombs. Jesus christ this guy is a god i'd let him fuck my wife beni anyday

>> No.15767680

All we know so far is they're gonna be released sometime this year

>> No.15768488


>> No.15768793

Arisaka with Runa

>> No.15768824
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Tengoku + Arisaka valorant unranked

uruca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--qFaThWJ_8
ren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2dLw1nD4F4
runa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ghKNm_h4ic

>> No.15768900

Is it me or do Uruca and Ren have similar ways of speaking sometimes?
They sync'd a lot during that first tengoku collab. Sorry Runa...

>> No.15769082

damn they got beaten up so bad

>> No.15769096

Runa will end up fucking Uruca.
Screencap this.

>> No.15769172

they both have that older siblings vibes.

>> No.15769196

I will then swoop in and fuck the heartbroken Ren.

>> No.15769299

I'll take Arisaka then

>> No.15769320

Lisa has been stuck in Gold 3 for the past 4 hours, while Hendy has ranked up from Plat 4 to Plat 3

>> No.15769381

It's know that husband and wife starts to take after each other when living together

>> No.15770467

I bet sex with smoka bitch is fucking mind-blowing.

>> No.15771387

Mabo seems like the ideal girl to pair up with, she's outgoing and open but will also try to keep up with your pace and care for you. The type of person to notice you zoning out zooted alone in a party, giving you a tap on the shoulder asking you if everything's alright. I'd love to hang out with her just watching her play games while I'm on my phone, casually commenting on her gameplay once in a while, teasing her when she does a bad play. Maybe I'll suggest a play when she's in a bad spot and when it works out I tease her about it, of course she's too smug to admit I'm right but she laughs anyway. Maybe we'll have an argument and fight one day, so I decide to cook for her to make things right, and maybe I injure myself while cooking. Because she's such a sweet caring girl she can't help but tend to me while I apologize for what I did wrong and then we finish the dish I was cooking for her together. Or something like that, you know, what the schizos in here usually write.

>> No.15771612

Unicorn anon don't look.

>> No.15771695

Im watching Smoka bitch

>> No.15771810

>she's outgoing
she's crazy shy

>> No.15771874

Valo colabs are kinda meh desu

>> No.15771995

Not in my head

>> No.15772158

Huh, playing Valo every day, streaming only Apex

>> No.15773097

Cute picture

>> No.15775247

nazusex in 5

>> No.15775888


>> No.15776185

Is it me or is Runa even more difficult to understand in her twitcasts? Her lisp and mumbling are so strong.

>> No.15776918

the cull means nazuna's 300 viewer nikis can be happy again
also, the original 5ch vspo thread on the youtube board is just completely dead nowadays but the newer one on ニュース速報(杉浦綾乃) is way too fast for me to keep up with - pain

>> No.15776992

It's already january, where are the CR teams? Is no one relevant joining this time?

>> No.15777184

who is the highest ranked buispo or geinin ryodan member on valo? I know kanae is stuck on plat3 for a month now, and Noah is almost gold. No beni.

>> No.15777247

>No beni.
Why not?
I think her highest rank was dia 3 or 2

>> No.15777303

with jett, right.

>> No.15777375

she only had two games on jett
most of her wins were on reyna or killjoy, from what I can remember

>> No.15777463

yeah, the other times it was rion using jett.

>> No.15777810

this shit again

>> No.15778083

makes a change from noah hate / they're fucking / runa unicorn

>> No.15778377

this is like the most toxic game of valo i've seen so far

>> No.15779307

It's kinda hard to speak clearly when lying in bed with pillow in face

>> No.15779813

Noah doomposter and Runa unicorn anon are fucking.

>> No.15780109


>> No.15781621

lol, all the kirinukis cut around this

>> No.15783450

Everyone's starting to play Apex again, so soon i suppose.

>> No.15784836

INSIDE ass information. Apex is cancelled it's now valorant CR cup because the apex division has algs playoffs and cant join

>> No.15786208

I hope not. I find valorant more interesting to watch normally, but I can see it being much worse than apex for a cup like that.

>> No.15787341

Did BIG talk about their planned off-collab on this stream? I had it on in the background and I'm kinda sure they did, but nobody timestamped it. I remember a conversation that went like
>どっちのBIG? 3人のほう?
It got trolled to death didn't it? Last time I went I remember the threads always being derailed with posts on whether or not to keep showing the IP.

>> No.15787746

I like these chatty teammates Nazuna has but at the same time they talk a little too much when someone is clutching. You don't really have much info to give 30 seconds after you're dead, info that the clutching player doesn't already know.

>> No.15788691

Thats horrible because Towa cannot have CR highlights with Valorant.

>> No.15788773

Ojiji will make a "lowest KDA award" so she can still win something

>> No.15791349

you shouldnt be surprised if this does happen though. It's been postponed (twice), apex is falling out of popularity and numbers, everyones playing valorant and the algs playoffs are the same day. Even the 3br guys or cnr duo would probably be convinced to join if it was valorant instead of apex which they probably won't this time

>> No.15791396

saw a ton of clips of vspo girls, who should I watch?

>> No.15791745

Hinano, Noah, Sumire, Runa

>> No.15792182

Sena genshin impact

Has she (or any vspo) played it before?

>> No.15792364

I am a VALO addict that came from APEX but maaaan, that would be so shit for viewers lol. Each game runs for 30-40 minutes. I hope they still push through with APEX.

>> No.15792379

So Ojjji is going to make a premade team for Towa in Valorant? Who is he going to force to play with her? Arisaka and Daruma?

>> No.15792480

Everybody was super exhausted after a day of CR Valorant.

>> No.15792637

>Who is he going to force to play with her?

>> No.15793359

I don't think anyone played it before (at least to my knowledge). Hinano already has too many gacha games on her phone and right now she's addicted to FGO so I don't think she will play it.

>> No.15793431

I meant to reply to this one

>> No.15794934

If its CR Val, then i want to see Uruca with Runa. Towa can go fuk herself.

>> No.15795447
File: 428 KB, 1928x2048, Ku2_8I_-1476513045556121600-FH2gyKCVkAMrZXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boys.

>> No.15795671

Lisa, Hinano, Nose, Mimi Super People later today


Lisa is addicted to this kusoge and she's dragging the other vspo with her lol

>> No.15795928

Mimi looks cute in the thumbnail.

>> No.15796259

Ever thought that Runa is only after Ren because she looks like Uruca?

>> No.15796418

I want to see Towa's Jett

>> No.15796513

Arisaka is lost to the Tarkov mines

>> No.15796854

My wife's boyfriend!

>> No.15797272


I don't think mimi plays/streams it anymore

>> No.15797596

Are you also a $99 member of Murphys Alpha Gigachad program?

>> No.15799737

benisex in 5

>> No.15800029

Sena’s oneesan voice to imitate Lisa was hot as fuck.

>> No.15800686

Noah has a frame up for shibuhal custom, has she said who she's playing with yet?

>> No.15800845

Hal asked her to invite her two closest friends, so she’s bringing her solopex to his custom.

>> No.15800893


>> No.15800991

i'm fucking

>> No.15801022

Probably Vodka and Radao because she fucked up their game.

>> No.15801485

I cant believe Noah still hasn't fix her breaker problem yet.

All she has to do is go to Home Depot, get a spool of 12/2, A cheapo breaker and a few hand tools. Turn off the main breaker power, feed the new romex with the old line and wire up the new line. Easy shit that even i can do, but shes lazy.

>> No.15802089


with Hinano, Nazuna and Qpi

>> No.15802157

ok this is sex overload

>> No.15802731

Love the Beni impressions.

>> No.15804038
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Buispo is Nazuna, at Platinum 3. Ryodan is Giru at Platinum 2. Pretty sure those are highest.

>> No.15804209
File: 274 KB, 1468x2048, FCHKrqcXIAM_jg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beni doing the "Hina-no challenge". She's going to try calling Hinano "Hina-no" or "Hi-chan" without being caught by Hinano lol (because Hinano doesn't let Beni call her that way)

>> No.15804627

Will they invite Noah????

>> No.15805329

Runa is simply collecting her harem of black/red pretty boys. She’s going after Rene next.

>> No.15805445
File: 117 KB, 750x1000, FHtfMU8acAIPTX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of Runa, RunaRen apex in an hour


>> No.15805826

Hows that Apex?

>> No.15805850


sorry it's valorant not apex. they will probably join beni hinano qpi?

>> No.15805917

Why do you completely ignore Noah? Noahdoomposter?

>> No.15806310

oh lol sorry I really didn't notice noah without meaning to. but I would still say it's more likely they join beni qpi hinano and make a full-party.

>> No.15806376

i'm hoping they get some private time together

>> No.15807242

>Noah's pinned comment

>> No.15807505

so Noah herself chose to be solo

>> No.15807587

Yeah, bronze noobs will join boosted bitches in platina. Good joke

>> No.15807649

Noahs not even attempting to aim for the head, so shes loosing all her gunfights.

>> No.15807999

bro, why so mean

>> No.15810097

Who is that funny guy in Noah team, wokka?

>> No.15810146

Apparently Daruma/Wokka/Haseshin combined in one.

>> No.15811052

plat 3 is higher than plat 2 so kanae should still be the highest in ryodan

>> No.15811105
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Yeah Kanae was really close to Dia

>> No.15811185

Oh I'm dumb and forgot you even mentioned, that's right, thanks.
