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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15572785 No.15572785 [Reply] [Original]

I've got a question for you /vt/
Let's say, hypothetically, you live in the same area as your oshi and sometimes see her in the neighborhood or in the store.
How should you act? Is it better to pretend you don't know anything, or should you approach her somehow?
I'm asking purely hypothetically from a standpoint of someone completely socially inept. I'd like to approach her and say that I appreciate her and the effort she puts into her streams, but don't want to be a creep.

>> No.15572889

Offer to pay for her condoms

>> No.15572910

The fact that you need to seriously ask this makes you a goddamn social autist.
Just ignore. Outside of their streams they're just another person, and would YOU walk up to a random person and start bothering them?

>> No.15572965

Probably not a great idea to approach them. I would imagine anyone who got into vtubing in the first place was drawn to the separation from their everyday life that their avatar provides.

>> No.15573014

Definitely don't approach. It will make them freak out, especially with the type of audience vtubers bring.
Keep it to yourself. But snap a pic secretly and post here.

>> No.15573091

You follow her home then every night leave a cum tribute in her mailbox

>> No.15573106
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I'm not supposed to know her roommate, but I would approach her without making a fuss and thank her for being there to give entertainment to so many people, then leave I guess unless she wants to tell me something

>> No.15573190

Gura will call the police on you chumpedo.

>> No.15573200

Whip it out

>> No.15573241

I would. I actually would rather wish that I didn't recognize them as my oshi and saw some other indication of them being the wonderful person that they are and was able to chat with them like that. Knowing she's my oshi would taint it a little because I want to be as genuine as possible since I like her as a person

>> No.15573244

that's what I'm thinking!
>The fact that you need to seriously ask this makes you a goddamn social autist.
I mean, yes?
>would YOU walk up to a random person and start bothering them?
An old lady once talked to me in a queue in a store and it was okay. I was too shy to answer so I just nodded for five minutes, even though I was ready to leave because my mom finished packing the groceries, but I felt it'd be rude, so I just stood there with the lady.

>> No.15573342

I found one , it's not my Oshi but her genmate
Thanks to doxxfags

She's shopping in minimarket , no one notice her but me . But she suddenly go out after realizing that I following her.
And I stop it , because a lot of people start to look at me suspiciously even tho I did nothing to her

>> No.15573456

These chumpedos are weird af. They think Gura won't freak out getting noticed by a fan. Delusional af

>> No.15573477

Approaching is making a fuss. Do not do this.
Holy shit man. Following someone around a store constitutes doing something to someone

>> No.15573675

I really dislike Gura and i want her to suffer, but this thread made me realize the error of my ways.
Poor girl doesn't deserve a random chumpedo suddenly talking to her

>> No.15573834

Just walking behind her and pretending buy some good , I don't even take a picture nor touch her

>> No.15573965

Assuming this isn't a larp that is legitimately stalking someone in public, anon. It is incredibly unnerving to be followed by a stranger in public

>> No.15574016


>> No.15574068
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>> No.15574298

If they are private about their real life self: don't. Ina or Gura come to mind, there's no way you should know what they look like unless you stalked them online.

If they are active on their other accounts, then sure(like Kiara or Mori). Be polite and quick and try to not make a scene.

>> No.15574734

Best thing is just to ignore. Even if it is 100% her. What else you would do?
>are you X? You sound like my favourite streamer
>no, fuck off
Then she would be conscious of your existence grow more paranoid, what would transfer onto quality of streams. Every stalking incident after that would be pushed onto you, because you will be found easily and enjoy your patch as stalker weirdo by being arrested and interrogated.
They don't need irl appreciation. Streaming is their way out of shitty reality

>> No.15574834
File: 357 KB, 1600x1600, pizza-delivery-sivr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dress as the pizza deliveryman and send her pizza every friday night. No one will refuse free pizza

>> No.15574939

Confused as to how I suddenly started living in Japan

>> No.15574941

I had sex with my Oshi while I cosplayed as Roberu at some anime con she visited

>> No.15574946

I'll dress up as the pizza deliveryman and send you pizza every day. No one will refuse free pizza and you will die of cyanide poisoning

>> No.15575271

Yes, this needs all caps if you fuckers aren't larping. Yes it needs all caps if you ARE because some autistic fuck is going to take your 'advice' at face value and cause issues when there doesn't need to be.

>> No.15575372

>cyanide poisoning
Why not just use a gun? There're so many way for you to fail with all those steps.

>> No.15575714

the pizza can't shoot
and there is no point in killing him unless it's a direct consequence of accepting free pizza

>> No.15575733

no wonder ame has been so menhera, thanks a lot man

>> No.15575862

>I didn't do anything, I just wordlessly followed her around the store long enough to get funny looks from every other person in the building.
Fuck me

>> No.15575901

A killer with a conscience? NGMI

>> No.15575943

stalk her and wear her skin

>> No.15575947

If you are fucking autistic enough to do this, you were being fucking obvious in your stalking.

>> No.15575971

And what about the ones that also do streams on their roommate Einstein

>> No.15575996

Eat as many beans and other things as possible and next time you see her in the store, walk by and absolutely carpetbomb the shit out of her. She'll never forget you.

>> No.15576021

If i found out you were stalking Amelia or Gura. i will personally come to U.S and shoot you in the face

>> No.15576027

Try reading the thread you dipshit

>> No.15576066
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>> No.15576074

if you have any remaining empathy, morals, principles, fear of authority and divine retribution... then forget about all of these things and stalk + rape her

>> No.15576330

>"this is a bit of tangent, but I remember that one time at the store... "

This idea yields the best result

>> No.15576373

Doesn't work as well anymore. Everyone is wearing masks.

>> No.15576407

On that note, was she wearing a mask anon?

>> No.15577178

I have no doubt I would try to follow her home as incognito as possible and find out where she lives, but pussy out and quit at the first sign that she might be onto me.

>> No.15577225

I'm putting the evil eye on you anon. Creep.

>> No.15577337

Only a giga chad can pull it off. Just casually get her number or snapchat and you won.

>> No.15577643

Aki is my oshi. Lets say that I live in her neighbourhood and see her out often, I would drop a subtle mugyu bomb to see how she reacts.

>> No.15577907

Even if I did find out where she lives, I doubt I'ld do much. Maybe order a pizza to her address during a stream at most. It would mostly just be to sate my curiosity.

>> No.15578376
File: 2.76 MB, 2136x3600, 23F29BC6-AF92-4A8F-951A-E1090DF6E4A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this thread has any bit of legitimacy to it, and you are talking about Gura, if you approach her at all in any way, shape, or form, I will personally find you, and beat you within an inch of your fat socially inept life, then beat you three yards past that.

if you really are being hypothetic, then there's zero way to approach a chuuba irl when you aren't supposed to know who they are. you might get away with it for some japanese whore like Marine, but menhera like Rushia and Gura would move halfway across the earth the second they got any insinuation a fan knew where they lived.

if you really do recognize a chuuba you watch in public, you don't. even if they're a 1:1 match to some doxx pic online, they aren't. even if they sound exactly like the chuuba, they don't sound anything like them.

>> No.15578393

Still a dick move.

>> No.15578507

Finally, a chumpedo with common sense. I hate your oshi, but i want her to be safe from these people.

>> No.15578536

Even that is an awful thing to do to someone. Not to mention passive aggressive as all hell. "Lol I know where you live enjoy the free pizza." Fuck you.

>> No.15578794

I'd harass her nonstop until she gets out of the area. She doesn't deserve to live in such a shithole.

>> No.15579228

say there is a hole in her opsec
how do I let her know without being a creep?

>> No.15579339

>I'm curious where she's from
>I wonder what kind of places she visits
>I just want to know where she stays
>Haha a prank or two wouldn't hurt, it'll be laughs all around
>See she didn't really freak out, maybe we can become acquaintances
>Oh fuck I greeted her and she freaked out
>I need to make things right...I'll confess about the pranks. If she knows I've known where she stayed all the time and yet didn't do anything harmful (even though I could), surely she'll trust that I'm harmless
>Oh fuck she went on hiatus and now the house is empty
>Bros where did I fuck up help me I didn't mean any harm

>> No.15579485

Should've broken in during stream and raped her live in front of thousands of cucks. Bonus points if you take nudes of her raped body and up them either on the stream (if it hasn't been taken down yet) or on her twitter (she'll probably be logged in already on her device) for all the cucks to see.

>> No.15579736

Slowly grow the relationship over time, knowing what she already likes to make myself look like we have way more in common than we actually do. Never letting her know I've even heard of vtubing. Going through life with her thinking this all started as a random chance meeting. Not even when old and near the end letting her know I was fan and this was all carefully calculated.

>> No.15579856

If you're the one who keeps talking about Gura, I'm gonna superchat her and tell her to move somewhere rural. Quit it.

>> No.15579926

If you say anything you'll end up arrested.
This shit has happened before.

>> No.15579959

If it is that big of a hole, send it to the company email anonymously and let the manager sort it out.
If you feel like that's not enough for you, that's because you don't really care about her well-being and actually care more about her knowing you personally somehow.

>> No.15580227

sometimes I forget managers exist please andastand

>> No.15580786

you should walk up to her, say hi, run up to her, JUMP UP IN THE AIR AND SUPERMAN PUNCH THAT HOE

>> No.15580984
File: 174 KB, 728x1105, quGIg8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince yourself you don't know her, but start wearing her merch in public. Also, the more slovenly you look the better. The entire point would be to troll her by making her (even more) ashamed and embarrassed of her fanbase. Either she'll fix her opsec by avoiding you, or you'll get your oshi's attention and she'll tell you to stop in person. Either way, you'll have sacrificed your dignity for a noble cause. That's the best bad /adv/ice I can give to anyone in a situation like that.

If it was me, I'd just try to avoid her and cringe if I ever had to interact with her because of how awkward it would be. There's really no way to be in the same vicinity as your autistic obsession and not have it be uncomfortable. After all, who wants to be stuck holding back? On the other hand, who'd want to be the guy who gets stabbed in an alley by one of her jealous schizo fans who thought he had a chance with her? If anything, I'd probably just drop her, throw out any fucks I'd otherwise have to give about her, and find a new oshi while still trying to avoid ever having to make eye contact. Sometimes you gotta know when she's just not worth it, anon. Talking with your oshi ain't worth jail time, no matter how flattered she might be that someone would fall that in love with her.

>> No.15581139

The final yab for EN is going to some anon getting shot by Ame or Gura in a McDonald's parking lot after stalking them for weeks.

>> No.15581140

I have a strong urge to beat the shit out english vtuber fans after reading this thread. I'm not even a holoEN fan but I'm on standby for any vigilante justice you guys might need to get up to in the future

>> No.15581209

Arrested for attempting to socialize

>> No.15581392

In all honesty just ignore her, really just go on your day and pretend she's not there, and if you have to talk to her i.e asking for help mention nothing of her career.

>> No.15581438
File: 295 KB, 436x456, 1640567772299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run up to her and dropkick her

>> No.15581851
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If it's gura I will kill you for trying anything funny

>> No.15582064

Ignore her or hit on her as if she was just a random chick if you have the confidence and the acting skill to pretend you don't know her. What? You faggots think women don't get hit on in random public places? If you think it would be wrong to lie to her about it then let me remind you that 9/10 relationships are built on lies and that's a scientific fact.

>> No.15582109

He'll probably try something sad now and kill himself in front of her

>> No.15582328

Holy shit that's a great idea. She'll never forget me.

>> No.15582398

I can’t imagine being able to pick my oshii’s roommate out of a lineup.

>> No.15582453
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Be sure to set yourself on fire for the best impression

>> No.15582708

Avoid all social interaction with her. You'll turn her even more schizo. Don't even try to be sneaky and get her to be the one interact with you first.

>> No.15582800

The fact you're even asking shows you have problems.

>> No.15583000

You might have good intentions but it would just stress her out because she'll probably think about who else knows and how much they know and if they're going to start shit. While I wouldn't approach her, I'd probably wear some of her merch and see if it gets a reaction out of her for the lulz.

>> No.15583416

The tribe in my countryside has the spell for love. First you buy a tomato, then you chant your love confession to that tomato in your hand, then you throw that tomato at her. If she turn around and look at you immediatelly, it worked. If she doesn't, run and cry as much as you want.

>> No.15583476

I would scream as loudly as possible "OH MY GOD IS THAT GURA FROM HOLOLIVE"

>> No.15583578

Start crying and shout UUUOOOOOHHHHH CHILD BELLY as you menacingly approach her.
Women love this, trust me.

>> No.15583608

I give her a bowl of eggs

>> No.15583644

If it's a male streamer, you can approach him and ask for a picture with him.
If it's a female streamer, they want you to stay away.
Vtubers are probably less likely to want you to approach them.

>> No.15583718

First, employ as cash register in that minimart
Then you have access to what bought that day and her footage on camera. Notice the details that can lead you to her location. If you lucky you may see her vehicle.

>> No.15583794

I'm stupid I wouldn't recognize them at all.

>> No.15583895

You don't, they smell a retard from a mile away

>> No.15584243

If it’s my oshi then I’d leave them alone but I’d smile at them like a retard to make them feel uncomfortable

If it’s anyone from Hololive I’m doing this >>15583476

>> No.15584552
File: 34 KB, 1024x576, 3c4d1e7632026a905f93625a4fdb839a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You're streaming with a virtual avatar
> You don't talk about your past life
> You're pretty sure your opsec was good
> You never mention anything about your location or schedule
> People still doxxed you after like 2 days and posted way too much stuff about you

She'll freak the fuck out, and you would too in her place.
Your oshi doesn't exist anon, her roommate is another person who you know nothing about.
Make friendships with real people, it's better than having a one-way relationship with a person that doesn't exist.

>> No.15584615

Stop virtue signaling

>> No.15584885

He got a point though. Trying to actually interact with your oshi in that way will only ruin everything for everyone involved.

>> No.15584936

Shoot your shot like you would any other woman, and mention nothing of her career. If it works out, congratulations. You are the boyfriend. If it doesn't, forget about it and move on.

How the fuck am I a wizard and even I understand this shit?

>> No.15585132

why would anyone take advice from a stream nigger that cant even take screenshots without the seek bar?

>> No.15585149
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I don't usually stalk people...but boy when i do

>> No.15585384

Yeah, if she doesn't show her face, then you should absolutely never approach her literally ever. It's just an immediate signal that you're a weird stalker of some kind (even if you actually aren't), and the only thing that's gonna happen is she'd pretend to not know what you're talking about, then move to a different neighborhood.

>> No.15585483

Don't touch a finger on her, unless it's uimama

>> No.15585678

um… bro??

>> No.15585720

I would make sure to not go outside wearing shit clothes.

>> No.15585758

You forgot to offer the customary bowl of eggs.

>> No.15586010

>Holy shit man. Following someone around a store constitutes doing something to someone
If they are following her around the grocery store make sure it's with a bunch of eggplants.

>> No.15586080
File: 55 KB, 500x438, 2C7FCDE6-6C3A-4210-95AF-EBBCB9EF27C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d be like “holy shit that girl looks exactly like the one pic of my oshi’s roommate that i’ve seen” and then i’d carry on while sperging out in my mind, maybe walk past her one more time. That’s it, because anything else is extremely weird and probably terrifying for her. I’d go on feeling incredibly happy and fulfilled in some way, probably. I’m in love with this person, after all. Hopefully i see her around town again but i know i can only ever admire her from a distance. Now if i was like in a line behind her and something prompted me to speak to her i would speak to her but that’s the only time i would, and i would make it the least retarded as possible. Thank you 4channel for reading my blog.

>> No.15586165

what a way to end your career by having to mag dump one of your autistic fans

>> No.15586355
File: 195 KB, 566x549, E479D271-7C0A-44AB-9519-8A170C327FDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is wonderfully based.

>> No.15586597

im pretty sure it all started when she mentioned she volunteered at an animal shelter.

>> No.15586658

It depends on if your oshi is Matsuri. I think she is the only roommate that wouldn't freak out.

>> No.15586842

That character you posted didn't exist either.

>> No.15590805

>How should you act?
Fart in her general direction

>> No.15591066

I believe the goal is become such an attractive, well-rounded man that your oshi would have no problem being hit on by you in public, whilst also being completely unaware of your knowledge of her. Make her want you to give her attention, so that when she finds out about your hidden power levels, she'll come to a grinding halt as her perception of her fanbase is flipped upside down. You have to become the outlier of her typical loser fans by being a chad who just so happens to watch her streams, rather than a creep who stumbled upon his oshi. That would be your best bet of interacting with your oshi irl without being weird about it.

>> No.15591737

If I saw her in the wild I'd actually make a point to never visit that specific grocery store/neighborhood again out of nervousness.

>> No.15594430

If you see her again, just walk into a different isle and yell out "Gura, come to Brazil". I'm sure she'll get a laugh out of that.

>> No.15595325
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>live in the vicinity of reinee's house
>shit built like a fortress
>three people stopped my friend's bike and ask him question simply because he need to pass reinee's adamantium gate to reach my house
>my father said that 15 years ago, someone dared to throw rock to reinee 20m marble walls and he suddenly vanish
>my mother said that her friend's daughter went missing after reinee see her through reinee's pure-gold bugatti veyron
Reinee is scary, guys....

>> No.15595411

Rape her and stream it to /vt/

>> No.15595456

Gee, is this a dox thread?

>> No.15595462
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stand behind her or in the aisle next to her and loudly say things like "oh nyo" when i can't find something or "uohhhhhhhhh look at this sale" or drop a cookie i just bought and say "i dropped my cookie uuuu".
the moment she turns to look at me, i give her a toothy grin and rapidly move my eyebrows up and down, then play it by ear from there.

>> No.15595966

men are the most oppressed members of society

>> No.15596367

Pretend I didn't know her and start flirting with her.

>> No.15597997

I dont know about gura, but Ame is paranoid and owns a gun. In one stream she talked about "waking up if bubba barks at night reaching for her gu-... bat".
They work in the same company and share a lot. Do not stalk either of them. I dont want either of them to end up leaving hololive because she had to shoot a schizo to death.

>> No.15598587

Not too far from Lamy I guess

>> No.15598785

Thing is you do NOT know her as a person, you just see things throught streams, you know her about a 10% and that's fucking it.

>> No.15600339

You must be a brrat.

>> No.15602384
File: 3.91 MB, 9999x9999, 1637001816454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've known where she stayed all the time and yet didn't do anything harmful (even though I could), surely she'll trust that I'm harmless
>Oh fuck she went on hiatus and now the house is empty
Why doesn't this ever work? Saying that i potentially could've harmed her but didn't seems like a reasonable statement to me
