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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 599 KB, 749x587, B8B068A0-998E-4997-A77C-F15EF7748F0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15556802 No.15556802 [Reply] [Original]

Subaru became a professional wrestler!?

>> No.15556955

This sounds familiar but I can't quite remember it well

>> No.15559760

She's the sports club president and randomly posts MMA matches on her twitter every once in a while.

>> No.15560125

This guy is a professional wrestler - his finishing move was taken from a Hologra episode where Subaru puts Watame on a headlock.

Subaru and O Khan has given each other shout-outs on multiple occasions. This pic seems to be a shot from Hololy app and not an official collab or anything

>> No.15560206

anon, your twitter reps...

>> No.15560277

I thought that was kiara

>> No.15560323

>having Twitter

>> No.15560356 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1280x704, 1619312941553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a worthy opponent

>> No.15560431
File: 67 KB, 454x532, 1612078913549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't follow his oshi

>> No.15560502

the face...

>> No.15560717

Finally, someone to continue the long tradition of hololive wrestlers

>> No.15562457


>> No.15563848

Go back Pipa

>> No.15567885

Just because Kiara is her fellow Holobird she doesnt have to copy the wrestling part

>> No.15568498

Is that Subaru...almost touching a m*le? Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15569092
File: 45 KB, 396x491, also shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new?

>> No.15570972

Asuka wrestling flashback

>> No.15571040

Rei plugsuit confirmed for Subaru's next outfit!

>> No.15571093

To be fair, people forget her lore because she doesn't remember her lore on stream most of the time to the point people deny she is even a tomboy anymore, her original archetype.

>> No.15572091

Yagoo wanted Subaru to be a shota you fucking redditor

>> No.15572184
File: 3.76 MB, 640x360, 1639701572928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15572300

Shut up redditor

>> No.15572323

Is that why she has such a grating, ugly voice?

>> No.15572342

No that's because you're a faggot

>> No.15572379

No, that comes from drinking too much semen.

>> No.15572429

Watch streams retard

>> No.15572491
File: 895 KB, 850x1394, 574799956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she dropped the tomboy angle long ago
she is just genki energetic girl that wants to be a top idol and entertainer

>> No.15572506

>Believing what a pathological liar tells you.

>> No.15572523

Stop reading /jp/ newfag

>> No.15573127

I miss it....

>> No.15573666

Nose and sinus problems.
She was going to use her SC money to get nose surgery to fix what her voice coach calls her "dirty voice" but subatomo's would have none of it despite the teacher claiming that she'd have a truly beautiful voice with a correction.
So she remains as she is.

>> No.15574009

>He is unaware

>> No.15574183

Who cares what Yagoo wanted during the behind the scenes production retard, she wasn't a shota when she debuted, she was a tomboy into sports and gaming who had a feminine side to her.

>> No.15574210

I’m going to use this thread as a platform to say what needs to be said about Subaru: she’s overrated as fuck, annoying and attention seeking in collabs, reacts to literally everything and thinks that’s good content, calculating and fake as hell. She’s good in 3D and her voice is distinctive but jesus fucking christ she has to be the most overrated vtuber on the planet.

Fuck all of you duck loving faggots.

>> No.15574240

Shut up dumb nigger

>> No.15574347
File: 178 KB, 850x1160, Esgt5GIXUAAyfxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dirty voice
He's not wrong. Her voice is quite erotic. First stream I ever popped one out to. I'd skewer the hell out of that duck with my hardened steel rod.


>> No.15574355

Why are nousagis like this?

>> No.15574396

What games and sports was she into?

>> No.15574601

clipnigger redditranny detected
subaru is perfectly normal but clipfags and reddit trash seem to spam her everywhere
go back troon

>> No.15574621

She was fine before the duck meme. She's completely unwatchable now that she became the EOP favorite and started making efforts to attract more gachikoi.

>> No.15574651

What effort you dump clipwatcher?

>> No.15575230

Your loss

>EOP favorite
This is simply not true, just look at the duck general, it's slow as fuck. EOP doesn't watch her at all and the few who discuss her stream knows japanese

>> No.15575934

God I want her to sit on my face

>> No.15576189

How about:
- Abandoned the tomboy gimmick (not that she was very good at it, anyway).
- Avoids her original outfit like plague. Only uses it when absolutely necessary. Prefers the more feminine outfits.
- Wants to fix her voice to be more cute.
- Only collabs outside Hololive in a professional environment, or when it's a very brief and in a very safe stream.
- Outright saying she'd like to increase her gachikoi.

>> No.15576385

Have you actually watched her streams? She has mentioned multiple times how she has a relatively high overseas audience. It was quite high even before the Holoboom last year (around 20%) and it has increased a lot since then thanks to the duck meme.

>> No.15579342

Clipwatcher... you're so fucking stupid

>> No.15579508


>> No.15579605

>lol you dumb
Pretty much what I expected from Subatomos.

>> No.15580352

The tomboy shit was forced upon her by reddit because they saw her design and 3D debut
What about the superchat that scared her?
What about the talk with Okayu?
What about Reflectia or whatever it's called?
What about how she manages her likes and retweets?
How is getting disappointed when people were more likely to call her a fucking duck or their grandchild instead of someone they love when she's been a fucking idol for 2 years a bad thing? You know what? She's been joking about being a idol since around her fucking debut, so 3 years.

Face it, you're a reddit tranny clipwatching piece of shit that hates her because she's cute and
she has put in the hours and work to gain her popularity. Meanwhile you sit their with your dick chopped off looking like the wrongside of a dog's asshole.

>> No.15582040

What must I do to get Subaru to manhandle me like a dog's chew toy?

>> No.15582447

>She's just faking it, she actually doesn't want to be an idol. It was all forced upon her by reddit.
>she's cute and she has put in the hours and work to be an idol.

>> No.15582549

>The tomboy shit was forced upon her by reddit because they saw her design and 3D debut
Read nigger read

>> No.15582920

Her character was supposed to be a tomboy from the very beginning, you retard. It had nothing to do with Reddit.

>> No.15583558

oh look, another male for her leech from and the later ignore

>> No.15583599

Oozaru Subaru is All Elite

>> No.15583715

Aren't 4chan users the ones that want males away from Holos, though?

>> No.15587650

>She's been joking about being a idol since around her fucking debut, so 3 years.

Yeah that's why she cried out of frustration that no one addressed her like an idol almost two years ago, definitely not taking it serious

>> No.15587758

Yes retard she joked about being an idol i her frist year but after holofest she began to take it seriously and that’s why she was frustrated when no one recongnized her efforts

>> No.15588010

All elite in sucking Yagoo's dick, maybe.

>> No.15588060

Noel recognizes them.

>> No.15588284

>no one regonized her efforts
What efforts? Streaming a few hours a day and raking in super chats for doing absolutely nothing? My God, how horrible!
