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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15556746 No.15556746 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who treats the chuubas only as their characters?
In my head Vtubers are just 4th wall breaking interactive characters and the person behind the camera are just the VAs/seiyuus/actors, just like any other anime and film.
Trust me youd be lot happier if you segregate the avatars from the human. You dont go around doxxing Yuuki Aoi just because she has a life separated from the character

>> No.15556873

Unironically autiatic enough that I hope the answer is yes

>> No.15557013

Congrats you're sane

>> No.15557137

the first month maybe then YT really wanted me to know

>> No.15557171

I get what you mean and I raise you one counterpoint
Theyre schizo enough to doxx and threat the VAs for getting married and not acting like the characters irl
Chuuba idol culture is a parallel evolution of this

>> No.15557177

If you aren't new then take your meds.

>> No.15557207

Yes, you are
now leave

>> No.15557261

Nigger ive been following chuubas since the age of Mirai Akari

>> No.15557275

Sort of. That also means that I prefer for my oshi to keep her roommates life private, not just on paper.

I dont really care if her roommate has a boyfriend or anything but bringing it to stream or interacting with males on stream is a nono for me. I dont find it entertaining nor nice

>> No.15557285

If the person is a miserable cunt and you know that ahead of time it seems like you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

>> No.15559698

Vtubing is basically the modern day equivalent of masquerade acting. You'll never know who the actor truly is, but if you're only in it for entertainment purposes than you tend to not care who's behind the anime avatar.

>> No.15559821

That's just being delusional and neglecting the fact there's a person behind it

>> No.15560292
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Well that's the ideal way of enjoying things in the fandom and there is nothing wrong it, problem is, after Aloe's graduation arc and Coco's vs cpp war arc it was clear that in order to protect the characters you need to protect the soul behind the character.

>> No.15560904

you might actually be retarded.

>> No.15560980


>> No.15561426

I think most people think this way... wait, that's inaccurate, 'most people in my circle/group' think this way, idk about majority of vt though.

>> No.15561745

She ignores that parasocial relationships can go both ways, and that to my knowledge no medium has succesfully produced these bilateral parasocial relationships more reliably than vtubing

>> No.15562627

It depends on the chuuba. If they take the character role seriously then they deserve to be separated from their roommates
If it's clout chasing twitch sluts who still act the same as they are irl like everyone in vshojo then they dont deserve the treatment. Theyre just meat streamers behind a mask

>> No.15562725

Every celebrity that's been famous since their formative years would like their agent to have a word with you for not worshipping the ground beneath their feet.

I say "celebrity" because that's what we're calling them now and most of the nobles, royalty and clergy throughout human history are dead. An obsessive need for others to recognize ones "inherent" value has existed since humans evolved the cognitive capability of object permanence and realized that some objects are more valuable than others, humans included.

>> No.15562859
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there is basically no distinction of vtuber roomate and their character
majority drop the facade pretty soon after debuting, others just keep some traits and gimmicks, while others just completely embrace the character and become one with it (rushia, pekora)
making distinction between where character ends and real person begins is very hard (except in the case of member posts and twitcasts which are in most cases just straight up personal)

>> No.15562943


>> No.15563110
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You're not the only one. It is a quite sane and honest way to approach the media you consume.

But you're in a den of insane schizos.

>> No.15563121

That's not a bilateral parasocial relationship, that's called letting attention get to your head. We're clearly talking past each other here.

>> No.15563181

>1st gen veteran
Then why are you here?!

>> No.15563190

Why would you post Rushia for this?

>> No.15563300

I am also from that time but I moved in with my gf for a year and didn't watch much for that year
By the time I got back and got into Hololive the streaming meta had not only started but also hit my recommendations and I realized only reps could save me. Still put them off for a while but I'm stuck here until I'm jouzo

>> No.15563505

If chuubas want us to treat the characters and the person behind the camera separately they need to earn it! Dont bring up personal things while you are 'acting' a character. If you really have to, then do /asp/ reps and modify it to sound semi-fictional

>> No.15564539

Parasocial relationships aren't bilateral, they're tangential.

>> No.15565025

>Do you treat the chuubas only as their characters?
Your answer is yes, I recommend you leave before your answer changes to no.

>> No.15565252

I treat them like stage performers. I play along with the character and I don't mind hearing about their day if they want to chat. I don't need to know the nitty gritty of their personal lives. That's how I see it.

>> No.15565351

Lets just say if you ever see someone barking in Korone's chat, that's me.

>> No.15566035

There are definitely parasocial relationships that are bilateral. Are you new?

>> No.15566162

It is the healthiest approach possible and i definitely agree the less you try to get into the person behind the better but this doesn't count that most of them blur their character and their real life persona.
They talk about real things they did and their feelings in many zatsudans, member only streams are seen as some sort of more intimate ""real"" experience with the chuuba, when they have some physical or mental illness or need a break they tell you and that's the real person too...
They don't usually make it easy to divorce both characters, the chuuba and the VA, like with real life streamers.

>> No.15566308

Tangential, but this is one of the reasons i don't like at all all the blatant shipping, yuri baiting and discussions of who are couples and who aren't.

>> No.15566529

Just only you

>> No.15566890

No. But schizoposters will say otherwise.
If chuubas want to talk about IRL shit they can, if they want to RP they can

>> No.15568602

Do you have 2 functioning ears? Those are bilateral, because their function involves input from both sides being relevant to aural cognitive processing.

Parasocial relationships are tangential because one side is just shooting off where the fuck ever regardless of the other side.

>> No.15568732

That is the way I treat them. They aren't people, they are cartoon characters whose voice actors have to ad lib.

>> No.15568793

You need to end your life, you have no value on this planet, I bet you stink too

>> No.15569070

Yes, you're the only one. You, the person reading this. The internet is dead and has been for users. You alone are hooked into this skinner box of a website. You are alone here. I am your only company on this simulated network of human interaction, and I am ever watchful.

>> No.15569107

*years, not users. Oops

>> No.15570077
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>It's a Marine episode

>> No.15570201

Nigger I am talking about the parasocial relationships that are explicitly not one-sided, please read. Mutual is the wrong word for that since the relationship to either party isn't the same type of relationship, bilateral is the best word for it. Or co-dependent, I guess.

>> No.15570295

Nah you're not alone I'm like that too. It might be because I got into Vtubers from the anime side so I'd already completely given up on 3dpigs but the roommate shit actually has negative appeal for me. Maybe it's different for people who got into them through video games and they're still attracted to 3dpd.

>> No.15574110
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It's impossible to separate the art from the artist because the artist is their own lore, while anime characters have fantastical lore, world building and character development that exist separate from the voice actor.

You'd need a 100% chuuni vtuber, a god of improv who makes everything up on the fly, for them to surpass that limitation and truly become anime. But that takes passion, showmanship, talent and dedication that many grifters don't have.

>> No.15574192

What did anon mean by this

>> No.15575264

My take is more like pekora and rushia made their characters themselves for the most part & their new vtubers lives were more preferable which is why "they became the character" as opposed to like they created a fake personality that they took on. rushia specifically, the people that are characterfags on 5ch of preferring RP basically agree that rushia became her roommate in terms of how she acts over time as opposed to the other way around which is what you might have been implying. Pekora doesn't really have anymore RP than before besides peko peko. The preference for the character or "being the character" more than being a new personality of pekora or a new personality of rushia it more represents a new slate without past baggage. They become the character in the sense that the character allows them to represent their already inherent personality more freely and not have the past weigh them down and have a bunch of new fans that appreciate them for who they are. As opposed to them creating a fake personality/character and becoming it, their vtuber was more of themselves as they wanted to be so they associate with it more.

>> No.15575308

Good job OP, you're still sane.
Now leave this board before it's too late.

>> No.15575336

It's also a matter of good luck acting your fake personality for hours on end several times a week, sometimes every day. It needs to be part of you, you need to want to act that way, either as your ideal, your fantasy or just your truest self.

>> No.15575434

There's also the fact that if it IS 'fake', if you're including it as part of the mask for so long, eventually it's going to reflect back on 'you'. After all, wearing the mask for so long without the mask becoming a part of you is pretty much a near-impossibility for most people.

>> No.15575478

Or you'll just constantly slip.

>> No.15575488

So if I pretend to be japanese long enough I'll eventually become one?

>> No.15575520

Unironically yes. As long you're accurate of course, not the image in your head.

>> No.15575540

You're also describing the average 4chan shitposter, funnily enough

>> No.15575585

NTA but I faked horny posting for the Stars because I thought it was funny until eventualy it became I started actually horny posting for the stars because they make me horny
I know at the start I was just laughing but by the end I realized I need to smash Izuru

>> No.15575605

>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and if you shit the place up long enough, eventually actual muck-wallowers will take over
Sounds about right.
Yea, those are the ones that get filtered out the fastest though, when the mismatch is too great to meld properly. Either the offending element is discarded, or the mask is tossed out in its entirety.

>> No.15575689

Anya get off 4chan

>> No.15575994

VTubers are larping streamers with an avatar. Voice actors read a pre defined script and their personality doesn't have any connection with that of the character. VTubers on the other hand, no matter how many layers or acting they are on, their characters still represent some part their real self and hobbies.

>> No.15576105

>You dont go around doxxing Yuuki Aoi just because she has a life separated from the character
Back when I went to the same university as her, I went out of my way to find out what her classes were so I could go see her.

>> No.15576261

They're not actors. They're showing their best side to you, but sometimes even their weaknesses seep through. Read Jung and Pirandello.

>> No.15581658

Parasocial is literally the word. There doesn't need to be a special term to remind people the celebrity is also involved.
