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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15522658 No.15522658 [Reply] [Original]

Why do big vtubers always only spend time with other big vtubers? Do they hate small vtubers?

>> No.15522699

ENtubers are all leeches and clout whores, only JP cares about their fellow small indies friends.

>> No.15522721

Who's the big VTuber in this screenshot?

>> No.15522727

2-view mentality is loser mentality. No one wants to hang out with those type

>> No.15522860

Indie vtubers will always say they are open for collabs but there's no reason to do so, why would you Collab with someone small that you know nothing about and even the streams tell nothing, is literally asking to be involved with someone that can be a future pain in your ass

>> No.15522866


>> No.15522930

Which JP corpos have collabed with 2views?

>> No.15523031

Imagine some random person walking up to you and saying we should hang out

>> No.15523057

>try to contact her through email
>gets ignored
>try to contact through mods
>gets ignored
>try to contact through discord
>got replied with "No"
>no reason or anything, just no
Why are big vtubers so fucking evil?

>> No.15523108

Imagine not saying to the person that you should try to get to know each other first. Imagine rejecting friendship because you're just way more popular than the guy. I can't because I'm nice.

>> No.15523148

>you now remember that time Zentranny was complaining about not having who to Collab
It makes me wonder how many people that reached out to him actually got a Collab or it was just a pity party

>> No.15523214

Eh, wasn't it obvious when Zen said that he meant not having big vtubers to collab with. I'm fucking sure there are lots of vtubers that wanted to collab with him.

>> No.15523254

>All I said was 'No'
huge mistake, look at how the biggest EN vtuber handles these requests and learn about it

>> No.15523272

Polka with Polka

>> No.15523273

then imagine having to respond to 100+ random persons suddenly want to 'be friend' with you after you accepting that 1 random person collab request and if you refuse 1 of them you're a whore who think you're too popular to associate with anyone else.

>> No.15523397

oh hey is that pomu killer again

>> No.15523412

holos with homos and Choco/Mel/Aki/Roboco/AZKi

>> No.15523415

Kuzuha collabed with a vtuber a couple months ago that had something like 120 subs

>> No.15523437

>having to respond to 100+ random persons
Anon, that's the best part. You don't have to. Just pick when you want to. You don't have to CC everyone with the same "No" and then go play more with your popular friends.

>> No.15523473

Kanae, Suichan, FBK, Even Marine.

>> No.15523653

She was right to decline but the reason why this is a big thing is because a tiny little bit of goodwill goes a mile. Unfortunately vtubers are prime example to undermine their kouhai. Karma will get them sooner or later. It's bad MOJO to do shoot people publicly like this.

>> No.15523685

For the same reason successful people don’t spend time with you.

>> No.15523711

is this the twitter equivalent of "I was merely pretending?"

>> No.15523732

Lots of my friends are successful and do spend time with me.

>> No.15523764
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She graduated.

>> No.15523793



>> No.15523821

People that luck out into success don't typically have the best character traits, particularly the concept of "paying it forward."

>> No.15523980 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 321x336, 1638137662086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? cringe thread
sage & hidden

>> No.15524047

Read the whole thing. It all started with Haruka ignored that person e-mail

By ignoring everyone else AFTER you responded to one of them is just asking for more even more crying from those retards.

>> No.15524110

Holy based.

>> No.15524191

Anonchama... read that again. This time slowly. Also see >>15523057

>> No.15524317

Haruka has actually has Autism

>> No.15524355

How they do it anon?

>> No.15524381

Why would she screenshot this? Of course the message is pathetic but there's no need to expose idiots on twitter. You wouldn't see a holomember do this.

>> No.15524420

If you are a big indie vtuber that gets 1k or more views YOU have the obligation to help your fellow indie chuuba with 100 views or less

>> No.15524429

playing the victim, like your average thots

>woe is me huhuhuhuh waaaaahhh

>> No.15524441

I don't see where I was wrong.
Responding to 1 retard will invite 10 more retard asking for the same treatment, the guy who I replied to hasn't yet to address this yet.

>> No.15524464

Shut up whore.

>> No.15524478

Just because I voluntarily cleaned the toilet once, doesn't mean I want to be responsible to clean it everyday

>> No.15524498

Fuck maybe I have autism I swear I'm not ESL

>> No.15524526

fuck my ESL, made grammar mistakes like a goddamn monkey.

>> No.15524534


>> No.15524536

>I don't accept collaborations out of the blue
This is perfectly reasonable. My indie oshi does this too. Whenever someone asks her for a collab she first asks them to hang out off-stream a little, maybe play minecraft, see if they can be friends. At that point she usually gets ghosted.

>> No.15524578

At least you know, so I forgive you.

>> No.15524581
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>try to collab with autistic girl who's uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations
>she says no
>you freak out and she responds to it
>cry about it to /vt/

>> No.15524580

Responding to one person privately will not invite 10 more person asking for the same treatment. This is why you don't show people your private messages. Anon, again. This shit only blew up because she ignored the guy like 3 separate occasions and only finally answer her with only a "No". No reasons at all. Just "No".

>> No.15524623

>Whenever someone asks her for a collab she first asks them to hang out off-stream a little
Oh good. Does your oshi only reply with a No too?

>> No.15524651
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2view saviour

>> No.15524654

Never forget and never forgive, remember she took away half of pomu's boobs

>> No.15524666

>unironically trying to defend her being a cunt because "oh no UwU she's such a shy girl she's not a cunt"

>> No.15524694

>In my debut, I talked about wanting to collab more, but is it too much to ask to collab with people that I WANT to collab with?
Kek. So, it's okay for her to ask a collab out of the blue.

>> No.15524708

Yes, but the point is you don't have to volunteer once in the first place. you're not a bad person for not doing something you don't have to.

>> No.15524712

Unfortunate, but that's just how it is in the streaming world. Collaborating with 2-views serves no growth to your own channel, and even if you do collab with them regardless, it sets a precedent to ill-intentioned orbiter leeches that want to profit from you in order to grow their own channels.

>> No.15524725

>unironically crying to /vt/ for sympathy points after being rejected

>> No.15524727
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Tubers only need to collaborate with real friends.

>> No.15524751

No, she asks if they can play minecraft first and gets no response.

>> No.15524860

>He thinks everyone that recognizes someone being a cunt to a third party has to be that third party
Pathetic. Your Oshi is a cunt, no two ways about it. You might as well embrace it.

>> No.15524881

At that point, sure you aren't wrong but you're a shitty person. You're not a good person. If heaven was real, you're not getting in. If you were ever judged by Anubis, your heart will weigh more than the feather. Basically, you're not good.

>> No.15524912
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And the hit dog hollers. Way to tell on yourself you 2view nobody. Graduate from life

>> No.15524971

clout. humiliating someone in public makes you look better

>> No.15525067

>you're that guy because I said so
Lmao. Pathetic. Your oshi is a cunt and autistic. Accept it.

>> No.15525118

I'm talking about accepting a collab, not just responding to a messege and I don't think you can do a collab privately.

Haruka tweeting this is indeed kinda dumb but that's another thing.

>> No.15525128

To humiliate that guy from existence. You remember vshojo vs Nux? Nux won but the whores did all they can to cancel him from life.

>> No.15525162

>so rattled about being discovered he's repeating himself

>> No.15525185


>> No.15525211

who. seems this board has some fucking shitty super minority amerimmutt fanbase. nobody gives a fuck about amerimut indie niggers

>> No.15525210

Anon. Please understand basic critical thinking. If she were to accept the collab, no one would know why she accepted the collab. No one would accuse you for only caring for big streamers. That's the point.

>> No.15525213

Mori and Milky Queen!

>> No.15525252

women are conditioned in life to be socially violent. while a man would beat the shit out of you to destroy your life, a woman will do everything she can to destroy your life.

all humans are violent creatures, but we only disavow physical violence, nevet social violence

>> No.15525263

In your communist utopia nobody will be big enough to leech off of anyway so why pretend this farce makes any sense. If the cost of success is you have to give away all your time and resources to others, then we're admitting the greatest aspiration to have in life is to become a slave.

That said, I was also once a teenager on the Internet more than a decade ago and virtually everything I said I have gone back to delete when possible but if someone had done to me what she did to this poor loser, I'd probably have killed myself so I don't actually approve of that part of the behavior. You ignore weirdos by actually ignoring them, not reading their messages and getting upset enough about it to make it a public affair.

>> No.15525290 [DELETED] 

No one owns you a reason or a collab. If they don't want to that's the end of it.

>> No.15525347

who even wants to collab with this bitch. another bitch?

>> No.15525371

Of course no one owes the other person a reason for not accepting a collab but it would be a pretty shitty thing for you not to. It would make you a shitty person with no regards to the other person's feelings. Basically >>15524881

>> No.15525396

NTA, but if I had to guess, not responding at all, or having more professional managers either deny or outright ignore FOR them.
Being an indie, while you're much more free to do your own thing and be closer to the fanbase, it unfortunately puts you at the forefront of the spotlight for things like THIS to happen, and other attempts to sully your reputation.

>> No.15525454

The funny thing is, it's another autistic bitch. It's funny as hell. Autist being autistic to another autist but the twitter mob already labelled the other guy bad.

>> No.15525546

1. So you think the right way to handle this is doing it ONCE, get a 'I already did a good thing' card and then peace off?

Then that's just like how a souless corpo do for PR. you gonna go deeper being a hypocrite instead.

2. Not being good is not equal to being bad Good can't erase Bad and Bad can't nullify Good.

>> No.15525701

>Dude has autism.
>Ends up having a autistic reaction to something.
>She posts a screenshot of it and putting him into public shame rather than handling it privately.

I guess she wanted to drive the message of "I don't collab with just anyone, so don't bother me" and get that sweet sweet twitter clout.

>> No.15525762

jesus indie EN watchers are cancerous and bitter

>> No.15525811

Remember zentreya crying about no one wants to collab with him? How is this email any different other than he's already popular and the person in the email isn't?

>> No.15525851

The right way to do this is to collab with the guy if you want to and if you don't want to, go tell the guy some reason you can't and won't collab with him. Give them something. The point is, be considerate. Think how they will feel. Pretty hard for Haruka being autistic and all, but try. The benefit of this is, if you already collabed with some 2view, they can't say you only collab with big streamers since that would be a lie. Not being good means you are selfish. Selfishness over a certain point is bad.

>> No.15525871

Literally every person who know the person she collab with will also know that they didn't have any connection before and can come to a conclusion that this is a pity collab and they'll likely to do the same thing

the person could also trying to drag every friends they have into Haruka to also asking for more too

you know that person is most likely to be a nothing-to-lose stranger, right?

>> No.15525903

Moona and most of the people in the 'Nyori family.'

>> No.15526047

Stupid take. When I said to accept the collab, doesn't mean she needs to accept it instantly. There would be some time for them to get to know each other. Maybe a week of playing games and interacting on twitter. Another week setting up the collab and interacting on twitter. Not just go directly deny the collab without any reason.

>> No.15526062

Everytime you expose a weirdo in your DMs you get 500 more subs in the indie world

>> No.15526086

It's funny because that's the autist that kept prodding Pomu about her surgery in that one disaster collab

>> No.15526172

Ignoring him was the correct answer, sometimes you never know with autistic people, the guy might believe they are best friends or something just by collabing once and annoy the shit out of her on a daily basis.

But why was Haruka so stupid as to post the screenshot? she could easily ignore him and when the guy goes full retard on twitter trying to cancel her, then her friends and fans would've eaten him alive for thinking he was entitled to anything. How can you be this dumb? I can't fucking process it.

>> No.15526188

>collab with the guy if you want to and if you don't want to
hold on, so the only problem you have here is that Haruka wasn't being considerate enough?

This reply I'm trying to respond to in the first place >>15523108 is not about being considerate at all, you know?

>> No.15526220

That's a very autistic rant but it's kind of hard to judge the situation when we only have Haruka saying "all I said was 'no'" instead of the actual messages sent, which I'm pretty sure were more than just those two words (if I'm guessing a mod banned him and the ban reason stated was something like "spam/collab begging"). I don't see why she wanted to bring this to public attention though.

>> No.15526376

That's what a very nice person would do. A considerate person would at least give him some reason. A selfish person will just say No with no explanation. An bad person would insult the guy for even thinking he can collab with them. An autist will post this shit on twitter and farm sympathy.

>> No.15526455

Hololive mentality states that anyone who isn't in the same corp as you MUST be trying to leech off of you if they want a collab instead of just, you know, seeking friendship because they genuinely like you as a person. Very cancerous mindset that has spread across other sectors of the community

>> No.15526462

unironically that is how i meet my best friend years ago, he just decided i was his friend now

>> No.15526584

>sometimes you never know with autistic people, the guy might believe they are best friends or something just by collabing once

This as happened to me before, eventually I had to explain to them that were just hanging out and not really as close as he thought we were. He was a bit upset but he moved on.

Of course this all situational, but if the mod actually talked to the guy rather than posting screen caps of her response then the guy might have not been as upset.

>> No.15526623
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Since when were you people so soft? Is this vtuber just a really hated one or something?

I guess I'll go make a thread about how sad I am that Gura won't collab with me and be my new best friend and you'll all support me now.

>> No.15526651

Did Gura post your private messages on twitter too?

>> No.15526671


>> No.15526677

>This is hololive's fault and this and this and this and this
Rent free, Indies love to brag about how they have freedom in everything in situations like this is their choice

>> No.15526888

You know Gura probably has to tell like 3 dozen 2views to fuck off daily and yet she still didn't decide to post their messages on Twitter.

>> No.15527056

posting the screenshot is stupid and I already said it in >>15525210
I never said what she's doing is GOOD, I'm trying to say she's NOT WRONG for doing it.
How about you try not to miss the point instead?

If that's what you mean that person shouldn't send any goddamn e-mail asking for a collab at all.
they should just go on twitter and trying to strike a conversation like a sane person supposed to do to make a friend.
You're trying too hard to blame this on the moose

>> No.15527123

KuonTama has collabed with literal 2 views... that are in the same agency as she is :^) Don't remember if she has done any with other agency or indie 2 views.

>> No.15527198

there can be only one

>> No.15527268


lol half the people Haruka hangs out with are smaller than her.

You want to get positive attention from her? Be active in her Discord. Make clips, memes, art; she appreciates all that stuff. If you stream, make sure your schedule overlaps hers so you might get raided when she finishes her stream.

In other words...stop tweeting, start creating.

>> No.15527279

>strike a conversation like a sane person supposed to do to make a friend.
>You're trying too hard to blame this on the moose
What if the person asking was trying to be formal? Do you think the guy would ever be given any attention if he does shit normally? He wouldn't. She would literally ignore him. That's how selfish the moose is.

>> No.15527285
File: 56 KB, 666x960, 22405718_1690760967664167_3048333899972552844_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These messages don't even show the persons name. And even if they did why should anyone care? If you're writing an essay to someone that doesn't know you at all about how they've ruined your life by not being their new friend then you're mentally ill. If someone saying "no" to you destroys your entire sense of self you are mentally ill. It isn't the job of anyone on the internet anywhere to let you down gently.

>> No.15527298

Do you think Gura responds to anything?

>> No.15527335

Gura doesn't take those messages in the first place, a manager does.

>> No.15527388

see >>15524881

>> No.15527488

>hangs out with are smaller than her.
Oh smaller. 100k vtuber hanging out with 50k vtuber. So big of a difference.

>> No.15527634

And I never said you were wrong on anything, just wondering why Haruka is stupid how about you try to learn how to read?

>> No.15527680
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I really don't understand how you all became so overly sensitive.

It's completely subjective anyway. Things aren't so black and white. Writing an essay trying to blame someone for their mental illness seems way more like being a bad person to me.

>> No.15527730


>> No.15527824

Where did I say the guy acted any better? I just want people to know how shitty the fucking moose is.

>> No.15527931

I like how /vt/ threads are constantly based around the most idiotic possible takes on anything that happens. The guy here is obviously in the wrong but here comes a thread supporting him. See also that whim faggot and anything related to Nux and that girl who said she doesn't do GFE yesterday.

>> No.15527942

>>And I would be heartbroken if something happened to your career.

Holy fuck.

>> No.15528018

How is the guy in the wrong and why is the moose in the right?

>> No.15528088

bruh... THEN the e-mail should be something about making friend or trying to talk about interesting stuff instead asking for a fucking collab right away.

why the hell you trying so hard to give her shit for not doing 'good enough' while give that person a pass for being a fucking retard about everything??

>> No.15528089

If you can look at this and not immediately see why then I mean this completely unironically: Meds

>> No.15528198
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>> No.15528245

He sounds like a fun dude.

>> No.15528289

Because the guy did nothing wrong with asking her. Literally fucking nothing. The girl did do something not nice with rejecting him with no reason given. She doesn't owe him a reason sure but not giving one would be shitty. At most I can blame the guy for being autistic, stupid and naive. The moose on the other hand IS autistic, spiteful and dismissive. The guy acting up after that is autistic as fuck but the moose shouldn't post it on twitter. Why are you defending her so much?

>> No.15528330

The girl who doesn't do gfe is a tba that retweets fanart all day. That schizo message was 100% faked for clout.

>> No.15528345

If you judge a book by its cover, you're the one who should take meds.

>> No.15528468

You literally said this
>How can you be this dumb? I can't fucking process it.
in here >>15526172

isn't pretty clear of you thinking that I am wrong?

>> No.15528467

Man you guys are the kind of people who go approach some random girl, get rejected and then keep hassling her afterwards about precisely why you were rejected.

>> No.15528490

Someone should retweet that to Zentraya.

>> No.15528508

she doesn't even know him. Why's this guy acting entitled for a collab

>> No.15528546

She needs saving now

>> No.15528649

Gura: absolutely ignore all attemps
Ame: 'I only interests in collabing inside hololive'
something like that.

>> No.15528667

lol the envtuber world really is just jam packed with garbage people eh

>> No.15528723

Nigger mentality

>> No.15528774

Did she even reincarnate as a corpo?

>> No.15528801

But I'm hard rn

>> No.15528857

Haruka did tried to ignore the guy, which is the right respond
but the guy didn't stop and go after her twitter and discord so she finally put an end to it by saying NO.

The guy did nothing wrong by asking for the first time, but after that he did EVERYTHING wrong.

>> No.15529032

>The guy did nothing wrong by asking for the first time, but after that he did EVERYTHING wrong.
What? No he didn't. It's asking. Ignoring him and rejecting him properly is her fault. It's Haruka's fault. Not his.

>> No.15529090

>rejecting him properly
not rejecting him properly

>> No.15529425


I honestly can't stand the constant baseless assertions and rumors that get spread, but your take is so unbelievably bad and incomprehensible to me that I'm almost convinced you're actually the person that was asking for the collab.

>> No.15529643

Tell me how is asking for a collab a bad thing? I can accept acting like a schizo and going on a rant is a bad thing but asking for a collab, shouldn't be.

>> No.15529780

what the fuck? Ignoring or responding to him was all her fault?

so if I email pewdiepie and he ignoring me he's also a bitch and I can try to contract him by every way possible and not being wrong for one bit?

Even the other guy who I replied to also knows that ignoring is right thing to do.
right now you're literally just a retard. go take a med

(I'm not >>15529425 btw)

>> No.15529785

>publicly tweets an email just to start drama
>dude she was trying to ignore it
some people were born to be scammed by e-girls

>> No.15530173

>so if I email pewdiepie and he ignoring me he's also a bitch
Ignoring you would be a bitch move if he did it with no reason. Him saying no to you without reason is also a bitch move. I don't think you get this. Just because someone is more popular, doesn't mean that someone is a higher being than you. You are just as important.
>I can try to contract him by every way possible and not being wrong for one bit?
Yes, this is okay. It's not wrong at all.

>> No.15530510

You're more autistic than the girl who literally has autism.

>> No.15530565

>become popular streamer
>never actually stream because you have to send mails to all shizos or else your a bad person

>> No.15530568

Rejecting someone without a reason is not "not nice". Nobody is entitled to being illuminated on the thought processes of another.
The only thing not nice here is posting private conversations for everyone to see, but at the same time who cares. The lesson to learn is that you should never send someone in private what you don't wish to be known by everyone.

>> No.15530623

It's a life hack to only have friends that are more succesful than you.

>> No.15530628

This is autism, ladies and ladies (male).

>> No.15530992

Yes she WAS. and for the third time I'll say exposing the guy on twitter is fucking dumb

>someone as big as pewdiepie
>Ignoring would be a bitch move
>Him saying no to you without reason is also a bitch move.

Holyshit. It's not about being higher or lower you fucking retard
It's literally impossible for someone who big enough to respond to every person coming to them.

you don't even have a basic knowledge on how things worked. how old are you???

>> No.15531040

It was literally 39 subs lol

>> No.15531150

Does it matter if it's public if she never identified the sender? Without a name it's just some anonymous autist

>> No.15531163

Because they started by leeching off everyone they could in the most cynical manner so they think everyone else is just like them too

>> No.15531198
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>Haruka says she wants to collab with people she wants to hangout with
>This is somehow a bad thing according to /vt/
She's autistic. Give her a fucking break.

>> No.15531354
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 1638381181747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone ITT just pretending to be retarded to spite Haruka? Can you imagine how many collab requests from 0views, weirdos and stalkers any moderately sized vtuber gets on a daily basis?
Just look at any of the akasupas your oshi receives to see the severity of the mental illnesses of a lot of these would-be orbiters. Of course someone who gets thousands of viewers every stream will have to reject weirdos by the truckloads, anyone who gets offended by it rightfully deserved to be rejected.

>> No.15531397

And im glad. kirschtorte or whatever his fucking name is is based.

>> No.15531408

>Is everyone ITT just pretending to be retarded to spite Haruka? Can you imagine how many collab requests from 0views, weirdos and stalkers any moderately sized vtuber gets on a daily basis?
And yet no one else goes crying to twitter about them.

>> No.15531848


>> No.15531947

Every 3D live, Suisei shouts out her literal 2 view friends and has 3D accessories designed by them that she uses.

>> No.15532263

It's fucking bizarre isn't it? Like the dumbest bottom of the barrel caveman came together in this thread to propagate their retardation.
Someone got told off after being an leecherous obnoxious fuck, what a crime oh no how awful please donate some akasupas to help her cope with this tragedy.
Fucking ridiculous, no matter which thread had to die for this it couldn't have been as bad as this dumpster fire here.

>> No.15532541

Key word here being friends, not autistic randos who she's never even heard of

>> No.15532605

not strictly corpo anymore, but Kson had a spree of introducing literally whos

>> No.15532847

Is she? OPs pic looks like a one off post from a salt thread.

>> No.15532879

To play the victim card

>> No.15533061

Why would OP screenshot this and post it on 4chan?

>> No.15533082

Why is exposing spergs on Twitter a bad thing? Anyone that would make an email like that is subhuman

>> No.15533272

Fuck off Reimu

>> No.15533309

Why do rich people always only live with other rich people? Do they hate poor people?

>> No.15533408

She's autistic, anon. Also she isn't entitled to collab with just anyone.

>> No.15533526

more like anyone who watches haruka

>> No.15533561

Better question, why would the tuber screenshot something like that and post it to Twitter?

>> No.15533608

still humiliates the guy himself

>> No.15533641

The mistake is expecting a response at all.
It's a business collaboration, you have no idea how busy the person is. No response is effectively a "no" begin with already. Autistically demanding an audience by further insistent communications will just make the person even more averse to working with you.

Some leeway can be granted if you don't even know how to contact the person in an official capacity (as opposed to just being 1 out of a faceless mass that communicate through common channels like chat and twitter), but no one owes anyone the time of day. Sure, it's "unprofessional" but it's still going to happen.

>> No.15533655

He deserves it for acting like a troon

>> No.15533678

>And I would be heartbroken if something happened to your career
Look I'm gonna be real with you faggots but this feels like black mail or emotional manipulation.

>> No.15533802

You don't even qualify for human status until you making condescending posts about the mentally ill on 4chan.

>> No.15533982

Long form communication existed before gender euphoria you iPad baby.

>> No.15534028

>uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations

>> No.15534090

You have to be equally as autistic to simp for someone who sounds like a fat white girl.

>> No.15534244

Yeah that dude sounds like a complete sperg. If getting publicly shamed on twitter causes him to stop and reconsider what he's doing even a little bit, Haruka did him a favor.

>> No.15534360

remember that gura never EVER acknowledged a vtuber outside of hololive not even her own sisters

>> No.15534376

Did you miss iinchou's kino 100 ghost story?

>> No.15534416

gura doesnt even acknowledge regular youtubers except to shit on them
shes better this way

>> No.15534521

And using said communication to cry about your hurt feelings because someone said no is in fact tranny behavior, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.15534592

trying to guilt trip someone into working or hanging out with you is fucking cringe

>> No.15534624

Big vtubers are probably worried smaller vtubers will clam up and they'll be stuck with how many hours of dead air.

>> No.15534809

Fuck you seamonkey. You never watch Matuli apex? She spent time with nobody many times. Kson literally do this multiple times too

>> No.15535967

>gura never EVER acknowledged a vtuber outside of hololive

>> No.15536012
File: 517 KB, 600x2085, NOMALES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A remarkable amount of vtubers forget the pain of being 2views once they get famous.
Pic related.
Fubuki is on the opposite end, she still collabs with 2views.

>> No.15536022

>>I would be heartbroken if something happened your career.

Would you collab with someone like this?

>> No.15536301

Why didn't you post actual thread? She literally told them sorry, and explained why she wouldn't collab with them. https://twitter.com/haruka_karibu/status/1476344173242437633?t=ml_PDCHPHp-3K4KCn7I6cQ&s=19

>> No.15536327

It's easy to spot a vtuber who is there for clout, popularity, money and don't give a shit about medium itself, but also there are genuine vtubers who just like this medium and enjoying being one.
Honestly, Hololive as a whole(corpo decision making and general atmosphere) is a good example of the former, dumping indie interactions as soon as they deemed irrelevant to their clout

>> No.15536330

Kanae is a 2view savior and he's even saving random JPs on Twitch now

>> No.15536390

>He doesn't know haachama collabed with a bunch of indies and was the start of DESU WA!

>> No.15536460

Why did you abandon doggo MIGO!? WHY?!

>> No.15536528

Haruka collabs with 2views all the time (remember her collabs with NijiEN?). She just doesn't want to collab with 2views she doesn't know. Not that hard to understand.

>> No.15536714

It's not just that. It also has to do with the fact corporate tubers are also busy as fuck and management isn't going to prioritize every no name 2view looking to leech.

>> No.15536830
File: 3.87 MB, 476x264, 1611452193950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything she made the right decision if the schizos reaction to getting declined was to have a mental breakdown and curse all of Haruka's endeavors. You guys did read the message right it is pretty funny.

>> No.15536850

>Honestly, Hololive as a whole(corpo decision making and general atmosphere) is a good example of the former, dumping indie interactions as soon as they deemed irrelevant to their clout.

Anon... there are many Holos who collab with 2views, if Migo stopped after being famous that's her shit.

>> No.15536942

>How does it feel Kizuna
>I have your crown now
>Remember when you used to big? haha, those were the good old times right?
Fucking Gura.

>> No.15537084

Fubuki deserves more love for that.

>> No.15537243

I sincerely hope this thread isn't trying to put Haruka in a poor light, she's a literal autist femcel just like all of Vshojo, hence why /vt/ has a chip on their shoulder about them and is trying her best to be a good friend since she has to interact with a fairly huge community.

>> No.15537319

It's risky associating with someone who doesn't have much of a history. For all you know you could get tied up in some controversy because they decide to go schizo one day.

>> No.15537422

Looks like she dodged a bullet, what a loon

>> No.15537667

Now she doesn't collab with barely anyone even in Hololive... Thats very sad

>> No.15537725

The problem is knowing if that person wants a friendship or just clout

>> No.15537895
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She wanted to make new friends, but most of them had nothing of value to offer, so it's mostly Pikamee collabs these days.

Not that I'm complaining - I love Pikamee

>> No.15539007

Fuck Migo. Graduation soon

>> No.15539242

Miko is a just company woman and trying to prop up Hololive by pushing the box considering she feels indebted to Hololive for picking up her friend and helping push her to the forefront.

>> No.15539404

Haachama once did a mixer with 2views which is where desuwa initially got her fame. And it doesn't really count but motherfucking gura collabed with her mom, the autism was palpable

>> No.15539462

Why do Nijis always beg and leech off of Miko? Shouldn't they not soft blacklisted her in the first place if their careers were so reliant on her.

>> No.15544383

Ah yes, the social climber...

>> No.15544561

Not all of them are like that. Suisei accidentally exposed herself by cheering in some indie nobody's karaoke on the wrong account like two months back.

>> No.15544587
File: 384 KB, 556x731, kanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> One of the most successful vtubers not only in Nijisanj but in the entire industry invites Suzuki Masaru the most controversial vtuber of all time to his chatting stream seen by 100s of thousands
Fuck. Japan… I kneel

>> No.15544807

Niji EN aren't two views they get roughly the same numbers as she does. Two views would be like bottom tier Tsunderia people. And below that, we have people like this girl. These randos messaging her probably have like 8 people watching them, some of which are just their RL friends.

>> No.15544985

I'm almost certain the autist himself posted this thread and is actively posting to defend himself here.

>> No.15545183

>She wanted to make new friends, but most of them had nothing of value to offer
This is pretty funny.

>> No.15545196

I'm not so sure someone that delicate could subject themselves to 4chan and not off themselves in record speed like some kind of Suicide-Sonic.

>> No.15545247

Because then the small vtubers would get accused of being leeches. People can’t have friends anymore.

>> No.15545391

What "value" was she looking for exactly? Just more people to talk to, some specific trait or what?

>> No.15547547

Why should people care? Vtubers should just all be friends.

>> No.15547616

You either collab with 2views and invite leeches (Mostly only applies to the EN side for some reason, either that or im dumb) or only collab with known creators and be called a bitch. The vicious cycle of an entertainer.

>> No.15547705

I mean all she said was "no" look at that fucking autobiography that fucker wrote out for her, menhera time bomb she dodged that shit really good. It's ironic considering Haruka herself is a self admitted sperg.

>> No.15547862
File: 384 KB, 688x503, 1638106834730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and was the start of DESU WA!
No she wasn't dumbass, the haachama boost did help a little bit though, just a little

>> No.15547906

yeah, just like I can ask Holywood celebrities to hang out!

>> No.15548044
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>> No.15548050

>same numbers or more than Haruka

that word has lost all meaning hasnt it

>> No.15548163

The most? As opposed to Gundou? Hajime?

>> No.15548244

That shit made this girl a legend among /jp/ before /vt/ was even a thing.

>> No.15548257

2view means every irrelevant vtuber outside of Hololive that gets lower numbers than them.

>> No.15548459

You go be friends with the social rejects who can't stop themselves from preaching communism, the furries who totally aren't hoping people will draw art of them fucking, the literal prostitutes like Melody, and the rest of that petri dish that is society's backwash. See how much you think of them as friends after knowing them for even a single week.

>> No.15548559

The amount of schizos involved in vtubing would put me off collabing with anyone I didn't know well

>> No.15548697

So, gen 7 already in the works?

>> No.15548741

You're replying to a holobrony provocation.

>> No.15549730

imagine being a simp in 2022

>> No.15550734

She was a corpobolo, but the corp has disbanded that's why she's or maybe her genmates were graduated.

>> No.15551885

You guys know what would be fun? If the schizo pretend kill himself. Pretend to have his parents look through his email and send an email back to Haruka. The email will say sorry to Haruka for their child actions towards her. The give a few hints about how a few days before his suicide he kept going on about being rejected. The email will totally be formal with no indication of hate towards her. I can already feel the guilt tripping. I love this feeling.

>> No.15551957

of course they did

>> No.15552378

I feel like expecting Haruka to want to collab with random people she doesn't know is like expecting Iron Mouse to participate in the NYC Marathon.

>> No.15552540

This is my first time actually seeing the clip of this after months of people doomposting about it and I gotta say this is the tamest shit I've ever seen. People actually got mad over this? Jesus fucking Christ. She just wanted to wish her a good recovery, what's the problem?

>> No.15552815

Even if they were 2views you fucking faggot, having connections with Nijis does help significantly on getting your name in the japanese market.

>> No.15553207
File: 161 KB, 356x498, 45yerdhgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% true, but it'd be kind of nice if major names held 200+ gaming tournaments(like that vtuber Apex JP tournies or the EN GG Strive tourney a couple months back) for 2views on occasion or maybe some American Idol type shit for the VSingers. It has a small chance of boosting 2views, but has a great chance of helping the viewers find actually talented vtubers that're trapped in this oversaturated sea of a subgenre.

Obviously this wouldn't happen because who the fuck wants to have their viewers watch anyone else but them, but IF some vtuber was generous enough to do it then I can see it improving vtuber variety significantly for the viewer.

>> No.15553241

I assume how she brought it up, clearly didnt want to talk about it and basically forced her to say it can upset some people. Whats insulting is her white landwhale voice.
Unrelated but the TTS dude kills me. God damn it sounds so out of place, I cant stop giggling like a retard.

>> No.15553346

Horrific as the experience might be, it would still be a lot better life than hanging out /here/ with the likes of (you)

>> No.15553394

>Whats insulting is her white landwhale voice.
I know a girl with severe autism who sounds almost exactly like her despite being perfectly thin. I think the spergery makes their tone and delivery sound off.

>> No.15553719

Foobs often hosts TTRPG streams for literal 2 views, but of course no one will hear about it because they're 2views.

>> No.15553891

you just know holos get 100+ variations of this type of message, but they never make it public and cry for pity because they actually have management and understand that giving attention to such people just encourages this behavior.

>> No.15554751

Are you stupid? Holos have their DMs and emails closed. You can't get in touch with them unless they let you.

>> No.15555158

> autistic guy becomes parasocially attached to you, because you're also autistic
> tries to contact you in various ways, you know this behavior type because you know the mentality of autists
> reject/ghost said person without giving a reason - completely fine to do, but also means you have no empathy for fellow autists (since if they had been told that they're not friends, they probably would've moved on)
> person acts autistic on email
> post person's autistic rant in public to see everyone hating on him and validate your own "betterness" despite being autistic yourself and knowing what such public humiliation can do to the autistic mind
Everything until the last step was completely fine, but posting this shit publically just shows that this bitch lacks basic empathy and is probably a sociopath(I'm now in doubt whether she even is autistic or just playing it up for her audience).

>> No.15555218

I don't care much for the autist's feelings. It's just that by doing this she comes across as kind of a bitch, and it's also a bit of a retarded move. Half the fun of watching vtubers is being able to interact with your oshi, if they just regularly do crap like this then why even try to interact if there's a risk of being publicly humiliated?
But it shouldn't really come as a surprise that most indies tend to do this sort of shit anyway because they revel in the power they have other people. Frankly this is far from the worst behavior I've seen indies partake in.

>> No.15555461

I'm pretty sure the dude has killed himself already and Haruka will be giving her first apology of the year tomorrow.

>> No.15555568

and yet you're still /here/ and not there watching the streams...

>> No.15555708

which is how it was for this case as well, her manager had handled it and rejected the offer for her.
Yet she needed to make this particular email public. Pretty sure she got a lot of validation in the Twitter replies, should sustain her for another week or two.

>> No.15555794

> :(
>Vtubers, Japan

>> No.15556031

even without the council pic it's obvious you don't know shit about JP Holos

>> No.15556175

This is what corpofags really believe

>> No.15556210

Why don't rich people hang out with poor people?

>> No.15557411

your japanese is very, very bad. back to the books.

the 2views are really coming out of the woodwork, huh. why would these people who have worked hard to grow a following degrade the quality of their channel by collabing with people who have not and will never be successful entertainers? they dont owe you or anyone shit. if i got an email like this, i would also post it and laugh at him. absolute schizo behavior.

>> No.15557448
File: 2.69 MB, 2186x1242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to shill because Suzuki has been playing this stupid game for more than 24 hours

>> No.15557718
File: 110 KB, 536x609, 1637325008581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can save them all.
I believe in her.

>> No.15559163

You can explain this as the bigger vtubers becoming conceited and not wanting to associate with trash: forgetting where they come from and all that.
On the other hand, if (you) or me were in that situation we wouldn't do that, right? I'm not so sure. It's very hard to reach past certain social barriers, like even cliques in schools are often segmented by race to some degree, or once you leave high school/college it's difficult to remain friends with everyone as you drift apart. You were mostly "friends" because you were going through the same experiences and had the same struggles.
That's what the tiers of vtubing are like, it's easier to understand those who are in a similar setting.

Or as a best example, that's why no high-view vtuber goes out of their way to associate with all of us here.

>> No.15559334

did you even read the OP email? retard

>> No.15559754

Imagine you're a new kid in school - you don't know anybody and you're desperate for friends, so you'll hang out with anyone who gives you the time of day. It could be the weird kid in class who never makes eye contact with anyone, it could be the one who was raised in a single parent home and is miserable but pretends not to be, or maybe just the fat kid; it doesn't matter who, you just want to socialize.

But then you start hanging out with cooler people that you're not embarrassed to be seen with in public. Naturally, you'll start hanging out less with the less desirables as you climb up the social ladder.

Then when you reach the top, you graduate school and move to a new school. Then the process starts all over again, except you're higher up on the food chain.

>> No.15562339

Small VTubers aren't as profitable

>> No.15562441
File: 321 KB, 2048x1536, 1623855689745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruka collabs with a fuck ton of 2views all the time.
She is on stream with lower viewer vtubers more often than she streams on her own channel.
Based on that email, I'm pretty sure she dodged a bullet by not collabing with that person. They sound insufferable

>> No.15562760

Literally Who

>> No.15563374

No one cares, retard. Take your meds.

>> No.15564935

>You wouldn't see a holomember do this.
Absolutely only because their managers have them on very short leashes about it.

>> No.15569668

>fuck ton of 2views all the time.
What's the difference betweeb 100k vtubers and 10k vtubers? 1 has made it while the other is still a 2view.

>> No.15569728

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make or why you're quoting me

>> No.15571351

Point is, even those 2 views aren't actual 2 views. They are still relatively popular.
