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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15516049 No.15516049 [Reply] [Original]

Being okay with VTubers collabing with men makes you a normalfag and a cuck.
Change my mind.

>> No.15516089
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>The time has come to an end
>Yeah, this is what nature planned

>Being tracked by a starving beast
>Looking for its daily feast
>A predator on the verge of death
>Close to its last breath
>Getting close to its last breath

>> No.15516137

Kill yourself, no-one cares what you think about this topic. If you don't like it, don't watch it

>> No.15516143

MGR posters, you're some of the best things right now in this board

>> No.15516161

Go back to R*ddit, normalfag.

>> No.15516165
File: 60 KB, 827x827, 1640812637104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your oshi is a non-Iesbian female, you're a cuck
it just that simple

>> No.15516174


>> No.15516213

Nobody who thinks like this will ever fuck their oshi either

>> No.15516216

Difference between an occasional collab and a regular partner. Once in a while is no problem. Often, especially if it's with the same one, is a problem.

>> No.15516220

Normalfags don't even watch Vtubers, retard. They go out and socialise with real people.

>> No.15516219
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Not being okay with VTubers collabing with men makes you a unicornfag and a retard.
Change my mind.

>> No.15516265

Why can't I do both? I love my Oshi and use her as a crutch for my failure of my romantic life but hang out with enough friends that I barely have time to keep up with all of her streams.

>> No.15516294

That's a cope. You're a normalfag and the cancer that is killing VTubing.

>> No.15516349

Most people will never ever fuck their oshi at all.
It's statistically very highly unlikely (proportional with popularity) when you consider supply and demand
Not fucking one because of how he posts on the internet is the least of his, or any of our, problems

>> No.15516381

Are you a normalfag if you have a failure of a romantic life?

>> No.15516411

Get better trolling methods

>> No.15516434

You're denying the reality that Ledditors who watch Hololive are normalfags. That's a cope.

>> No.15516574

>Being an unicorn is a bad thing
/vt/ is really full of redditors doing damage control now

>> No.15516581

Watching Vtubers isn't normal at all, anon

>> No.15516636
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My oshi is a lesbian pedophile

>> No.15516642

VTubers are anime characters. Anime is mainstream and normal. There are plenty of normalfags that like VTubers.

>> No.15516668

Sorry that I am not as mentally ill as you anon, but sure keep calling me a "ledditor" or whatever.

>> No.15516688

Reine used to discuss about blowjobs on stream before joining with holo so you need another picture

>> No.15516721
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BASED. No male allowed unless he's her father.

>> No.15516760
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>Change my mind.
i-i can't because you're right

>> No.15516772

Thanks ledditor

>> No.15516811

>Go out and socialize with real people
I do that all the time.

>> No.15516871

I won't because you are correct.

>> No.15516932

Nuanced bait

>> No.15517112

Yes but that wasn't the only requirement. You also need a functioning romantic life.

>> No.15517173

>unless he's her father.
fucking cuck

>> No.15517303

news flash retard you are at the very least always competing with 100 different men for her attention and being a cuck means you had a chance in the first place and if you say otherwise you are coping with the fact that no matter how much you support her she will end up marrying someone that doesnt even know her online persona over you

>> No.15517341

Well, you're right, and anyone who disagrees with you is either a roastie, or a cuckold. Simple as that

>> No.15517440
File: 457 KB, 900x1278, Degredation of a hobby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being against VTubers collabing with men makes you a newfag and cancer.
Change my mind.

>> No.15517540
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>news flash retard you are at the very least always competing with 100 different men for her attention
If I can't see the competitions, they don't exist for me. Unlike a male collab partner
>she will end up marrying someone that doesnt even know her online persona over you
No shit, don't care as long as she keeps it to herself.

Literally a retard who miss the whole point of not wanting a male collab.

>> No.15517591

>If my wife fucks men behind my back, they don't exist

>> No.15517602

Look at this newfag, the chuubas are the ones who started to catering to unicorns and CGDCT fags.

>> No.15517638

>my wife
Never said that, fag.

>> No.15517727

Wasn't in that post, fuck you. Goal post moved.

>> No.15517829

But then she'll cuck you with women. She needs to be a (You)sexual, or (You) are a cuck.

>> No.15517859

>But then she'll cuck you with women
H-hot, I'll allow it.

>> No.15517900

I care

>> No.15517934
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>cuck coping mentality
kek you can't make this shit up

>> No.15517976

A woman's hands typed this post.

>> No.15518090
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>if I post Siro it means I'm an oldfag!!!

>> No.15518177

homomeido is awake, 404'ed soon

>> No.15518245

Niji and Vshoujo are full of whores maybe you should fuck off to there.

>> No.15518397

if you're reading /vt/ and you haven't already had sex before, then you're never going to in your entire life. happy new year

>> No.15518486

hope my oshi only gets the highest quality dickings. she deserves it, thats why shes my oshi

>> No.15518637

as long as my oshi doesn't I don't care
luckily she's as much of a unicorn as her fans so I don't have to worry

>> No.15518689

>negative change
Positive change
vtubing would be an absolute shitshow without based and wholesome idol culture.

>> No.15518742

And they're subverters and should be treated as such.

>> No.15518806
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, BE93703D-C771-49A2-9C79-AF49E362D55D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no Hinatakek?

>> No.15518815

They're tapping into a goldmine and become successful because of it.

>> No.15518873

Pandering to faggots is profitable too, do you think everyone in Hololive should celebrate pride?

>> No.15518883

You just proved his point that using old generation chuubas means nothing.

>> No.15518919

He didn't have a point, he posted a sexy cat and pretended to be le epic oldfag unicorn when even his fucking meme cat collabed with men.

>> No.15518967

>Pandering to faggots is profitable too
Total bullshit, every type of entertainments who did that always earn less.
And you're moving the goalpost by bringing that when unicorns exist long before you watch any vtubers.

>> No.15519023

>Total bullshit, every type of entertainments who did that always earn less
Companies do it every year, they wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable.
>And you're moving the goalpost by bringing that when unicorns exist long before you watch any vtubers
Never argued otherwise. I'm arguing that they're fucking cancer.

>> No.15519107

Let me use a line that gets used when some of the girls start collabing mire often with men. "If you don't like what they're doing, you can always stop watching"

>> No.15519122

>Companies do it every year, they wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable.
Just like Yagoo and his faggot holostars, sunk cost fallacy. Dumb retards are afraid of twitter mobs.
>Never argued otherwise. I'm arguing that they're fucking cancer.
My oshi chooses those "cancers" over your kind though. :^)

>> No.15519147

That's true, you can. I don't hate unicorns because they decide to stop watching VTubers. That'd be petty. I hate them because they harass VTubers for interacting with the opposite sex.

>> No.15519160

We already watch vtubers that have IRL boyfriends, this entire thing is built on almost predatory behavior and taking advantage of emotionally vulnerable guys. I don't know why anons act like it's this sacred thing that absolutely needs to be protected.

>> No.15519185

>My oshi chooses those "cancers" over your kind though
Is this supposed to make me seethe? She's free to do so. Gura panders to TikTok trannies, am I supposed to like them?

>> No.15519254

>oh noo these girls that stream barely 10 hours a week and get hundreds of thousands a week through donations by just breathing can't collab with males!!! They are literally the most oppressed minority!!!

>> No.15519282

But they can collab with males and some do. Who are you quoting?

>> No.15519332

This is right out of the handmaid's tale..

>> No.15519336

Why should I be upset about my male oshi collabing with men?

>> No.15519345

If you're listening to singers in a relationship or read books written by people who have sex, do you also become a cuck?

Looks like you imagine you're in a romantic relationship with every attractive girl you meet but I assure you it's not common.

>> No.15519367
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