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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1539052 No.1539052 [Reply] [Original]

Is autism the secret ingredient in becoming a successful vtuber?

>> No.1539255

>tfw no white, autistic, introverted weeaboo gf anymore
As to your question, I think it can certainly help

>> No.1539299

You also have to be a cute, genuine and sweet girl

>> No.1539375

Test, you have to be relatable to ur audience.

>> No.1539412

No, retards like you just label any behavior that is remotely quirky as autism.

>> No.1539441

autism is what can save or break the world.
Autists can become vtubers
Autists can call in airstrikes.
Autists can review security footage of rioters and search for patterns to identify suspects at different locations
Autists can develop algorithms

Autists are the future, for better or worse

>t. not autistic.

>> No.1539453

Mori checks all the boxes

>> No.1539489

There was a time before autism was a label. You called them "eccentric" or "talented but misunderstood". Mori is no different and she's recognized for her talent.

>> No.1539502

"Autism"? Yes. Real autism? No.

>> No.1539620

Autism is the secret ingredient to becoming successful in a lot of things. Normalfags usually don't have the patience that autists will pour into whatever it is that they like. The difference is that as long as they're high functioning, women with autism can be considered cute because girls being awkward is cute so they can still be successful in social aspects like streaming because simps don't give a shit. Men with autism can't do that though, so they just become engineers or burn out and become NEETs or whatever.

>> No.1539723

Women can find high functioning autistic men cute, but you have to be good looking, high functioning, and not be an incel with a victim complex.

>> No.1539790

Well yeah, good looks can trump personality in some things. The difference is that an average looking woman that is an awkward autist will have no issues finding guys to simp for her, but a guy definitely would. Vtubers help break down that barrier, but there's still far fewer woman that simp than men, even if you include gay men, so they'll never be as successful.

>> No.1539806


>> No.1539808

there is no such thing as a female introvert

>> No.1539827

if you actually had experience with/around women you would know that this is false.

>> No.1539837


>> No.1539861

>t. never spoke to a woman that wasn't his mom.

>> No.1539866

It's not possible for girls to have real autism. Only cute meme "autism".

>> No.1539874

this desu

>> No.1539899

They hate you because you're right. It's literally impossible for a girl to have zero friends.

>> No.1539922

>introvert means having zero friends
Thanks for reminding me to take my meds, schizochaama

>> No.1540128
File: 62 KB, 500x500, The hottest man ever conceived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men with autism can't do that though
Couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.1540192

>It's literally impossible for a girl to have zero friends.
It's simple. If a girl is shy and she doesn't try to make friends she won't have any real friends.

>> No.1540209

Anon, he's not real.

>> No.1540239

Interact with woman besides your mom, I'm begging you

>> No.1540322


>> No.1540438

>introvert means having literally zero social connections
Sounds like projection

>> No.1540607

What do you mean "secret"

>> No.1540612

Oh I'm sorry zoomers think it's cool to be an "introvert" now. You'll understand when you get out of high school.

>> No.1541263


>> No.1541514


>> No.1541541

What is your major malfunction? Stating the objective definition of introvert is not being a zoomer, retard.

>> No.1541576

Fun fact: Introvert != socially awkward
It means being around people tires you the fuck out.

>> No.1541719

Hololive hires weird girls and most of them have autism.


>> No.1544946

Given that Calli is likely at least slightly autistic, I'd say it helps.

>> No.1545908

>Is autism the secret ingredient in becoming a successful vtuber?
Just be entertaining as fuck, and give reason for people to come back watching your stuff

>> No.1547936

Autism is not the secret to success. All vtubers belong to the set of autists.

>> No.1552824

is she unironically asperger?

>> No.1553135

there's a difference between being an introvert and being full blown schizoid

>> No.1553259

Autism doesn't mean anything anymore

>> No.1553393

>literally doesn't know a dictionary definition of a word
>accuses others of not having finished high school

>> No.1553433
File: 67 KB, 316x331, I put my kusa on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest content is always made by people who are different from normal. Normalfags are too busy to appeal others and get a comfortable spot within a tribe. They are way too afraid to do something what could offend others, and they give up their freedom or even identity for that spot just to be accepted.
The outcasts are busy doing in what they believe in, and since they don't have a spot to begin with they are not weightened down society's judgement. Depressed people also belong here, since the IRL shit becomes crap for them so their mind starts to wander away from reality to create stories (see: Anno, Tomino). Humanity was able to progress and make timeless content because of the said autists and their wandering minds. As time passes normalfags tend to "normalize" and accept the content, and make it the standard for the mass.

>> No.1554718


>> No.1555944

>Anno, Tomino
Based /m/ poster

>> No.1555985

If this were true then everyone who posts on this board would be successful.

>> No.1555995
File: 54 KB, 730x411, F1FA8347-9528-4D97-BC38-AB95F0EC6484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secret ingredient
It’s prerequisite.

>> No.1556126

Kiara isn't autistic, just Austrian.

>> No.1556292

same thing

>> No.1556380
File: 22 KB, 467x657, 63EB35A7-48FA-43F2-99C5-CDA0F3005879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mistake act:Miscommunication, reading error and a mistake in writing make a mistake in talking about it and show a desire on the received side.

>> No.1556813

Calli doesn't play very much Minecraft, therefore she isn't an autist.

>> No.1557614

no but faking it and doing a shitty "look at the camera with confusion" jim-from-the-office shtick seems to be enough for you faggots

>> No.1557658

>don't interact with people
>have no friends as a result
please describe why it is categorically impossible for a girl to not interact with others.

>> No.1557692

Still can’t believe pol or k managed to use some russian war journalist to call in an airstrike by watching propaganda videos. Mind you, one of Saddam’s former palaces isn’t exactlt difficult to find compared to other stuff, but still

>> No.1557753

Didn’t Aspergers himself say a bit of the tism was required to be a great artist/creator? As long as it’s not crippling and the obsessions are relating to something that can produce good things (basically anything that isn’t deviantart fetish stuff), then it helps

>> No.1557791

I’ve met some. They’re the homely looking girls, sweet but a bit autistic. They act like guys when you get to know them (but that may be me just thinking people acting nornal act like guys)

>> No.1559345
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>> No.1559472

>Literally just exist
>People will go out of their way to be friends with you if you are a woman, without you even trying
Unless she is locked/imprisoned in a basement without internet or any contact with the rest of the world, it really is impossible for a woman to be truly lonely and have nobody.

>> No.1560290

Autism and cringekino is the best

>> No.1560370

Absolute based and redpilled, fuck roasties

>> No.1561197

