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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1521758 No.1521758 [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of vtuber viewers do you think are using vtubers as a way to fill the hole left by
>tfw no gf

>> No.1521787

don't know but I hate those people. there are more than enough 3D tubers you can use as an imaginary substitute gf if that's what you're into.

Vtubers should be for 2D chads who have no interest in 3D whatsoever.

worst of all are the breeders who actually want to make more 3D with the actors behind the Vtubers.

>> No.1521973

I'd say this applies to 100% of Ame viewers.

>> No.1521996

You got it backwards. Gfs exist to fill the hole when you have no vtuber oshi.

>> No.1522050

You’re saying Ina fans are 100% chad?

>> No.1522111

People taking advantage of the fact that others are lonelier, sadder, and more isolated than ever. No different from weapon manufacturers who make money off of war and misery.

>> No.1522882
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A much smaller amount than
>tfw no friends

>> No.1522970

A lot. Maybe the Majority maybe not. Depends on the streamer. Some embrace it some don't. It's hard not to fall for a girl when you spend so much time watching her, laughing at her jokes etc. It just happens.

>> No.1523319


>> No.1523333


>> No.1523425

I can unironically say that I don't. I find GFE distasteful (although I respect the hustle of the vtubers who do it masterfully), regularly watch some male vtubers, and would like to see the medium grow as a vehicle for performances rather than remain as a medium for streaming video games. Unfortunately, I realize I am basically alone in this sentiment.

>> No.1523691 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1523712 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.1523740

It's not a 1:1 replacement, people with no gf just have more time. I'd say only a quarter of viewers gosling regularly and seriously

>> No.1525749

85% and that's lowballing it. The whole industry is built on lonely men who wants some sort of validation for their romantic desires. We are almost 30% of men being tfwngf so i don't see this market getting smaller any time soon, this is good for vtubers.

>> No.1526035

The GFE can be nice, but the minority of streams exude that and I don't think it's the mainstay of romantically frustrated guys when you have so much more active pandering by Twitch streamers and ASMRtists, and porn.
To me, it just makes me incredibly happy to think those girls have accomplished some things in life they set out to do and found some nice workmates/friends along the way. I'd like to believe it's not the sexual frustration (I have a SO but don't want to sleep with her 360 days of the year) that keeps me here, it's the desire to have a reason to do my reps and take care of myself. Also helps that I can talk about my chuubas to who I would call friends at this point. I don't mean (You) on this tibetian throat singing, though you can be nice people too.

>> No.1526125

Nearly 100%. This is especially the case with Snuffy now that her viewership base has tripled in the last month, nearly all being simps who shower her with money that go on and on in endless donations how much they love her. Can't blame her for striking while the iron is hot though.

>> No.1526302

>so much more active pandering by Twitch streamers and ASMRtists, and porn.
In my experience, those three things are so fake since the pandering is so strong. Chuubas seem much more authentic (I know they are also fake and taking advantage of GFE simps to make money).

>> No.1526350

Depends on the vtuber. Most of Guras viewers are probably too young to know what a gf is

>> No.1526746

>The GFE can be nice, but the minority of streams exude that and I don't think it's the mainstay of romantically frustrated guys when you have so much more active pandering by Twitch streamers and ASMRtists, and porn.
Exude or exclude? Im gonna assume exclude. Vtuber are anime which already has the built in self insert romcom audience. Asmr quickly turned into another way for men to replicate closeness to a woman. The simple act of constantly listening to a woman talk about her day over and over again, will create a sort of bond, add in added romantic frustration, and you don't need the GFE experience for the viewer to feel the GFE sentiments. The girl/vtuber in the video could be talking about doing laundry and it would still produce an emotional response from the audience.

>To me, it just makes me incredibly happy to think those girls have accomplished some things in life they set out to do and found some nice workmates/friends along the way.
That's already a kind of emotional bond, you are describing.

>I'd like to believe it's not the sexual frustration (I have a SO but don't want to sleep with her 360 days of the year) that keeps me here, it's the desire to have a reason to do my reps and take care of myself.
You are creating emotional closeness withh women outside your relationship, just letting you know.

>> No.1526777

Porn is not active pandering, it's just sexual. The allure of vtubers and asmr girls falls much more on the emotional side. GFE porn exist but vast majority of porn is very cold.

>> No.1526822

This applies 100% to JSL's and 80% Deadbeats, 95% KFP, and 76% Takodachis. 99% for JP indie viewers.

>> No.1528207

>I have a SO but don't want to sleep with her 360 days of the year
Then what's the fucking point? Why does she even want to be with you? Sort your fucking life out, m8

>> No.1528244

This is as it should be

>> No.1528306

Western v-tubers are such fucking whores, jesus christ.

>> No.1528326

From whose ass have you pulled those numbers?

>> No.1528338
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Vtubers are the first step to replacing women with AI GFs.
Soon femoids will experience what 30% of men are experiencing now when we finally manage to make them obsolete and cause even chads to abandon them. Then once they come crawling back to use and beg us to fuck them, we'll look straight in their eyes and whisper: "no".

>> No.1528341

all of them

>> No.1528379

There's a longing for emotional connection for sure.
In my case I cannot tell if it's romantic in nature or not since I'm on the spectrum, but I've been watching male streamers exclusively since 2016 because I'm a friendless retard irl and what I feel when I watch vtubers isn't much different.

>> No.1528385

Approximately 69% of them.

>> No.1528445

I didn’t feel romantic attraction to any vtuber until very recently, for all but one they just feel like regular entertainers

>> No.1528712

I don't think gfe is very important unless you are dependant on relationships. Many people can be single and happy.

>> No.1528761

Why is Snuffy talking about sex all the time?

>> No.1528796

What percentage of vtuber viewers do you think are using vtubers as a way to fill
>tfw no politics-free entertainment

>> No.1528815

Just be thankful that you're not one fo them...
...right, anon?

>> No.1528827
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Me. It helps fulfill my weird intersection of desperate for a gf yet having an extremely heavy preference for 2d women

>> No.1528867

I’ve got a gf and she’s cool with me watching vtubers. She can’t get into it, but I can’t get into her k-drama stuff either.

>> No.1529103

But she is not. It is just clips are always just that which i hate because snuffy is more than that.

>> No.1529131

>one murders countless brown people, one makes lonely nerds happy
Same fucking thing, am i right?

>> No.1529221

I think there are more and less authentic people in all of these things (less so with porn and I honestly barely watched any female streamers so I wouldn't know). You have some authentic ASMRtists who do what is effectively a zatsudan with no roleplaying where they talk about their own life, talking about the rough patches in their life.
I meant exude as in "the minority of streams/content are built on causing you to feel GFE". Especially no vidya, at least not for me. Maybe that's a bit subjective, it may work as you describe for many other people.
>you don't need the GFE experience for the viewer to feel the GFE sentiments
That admittedly makes sense to me. But I am hesitant to believe that romantic feelings are necessary for this. People certainly feel connected to male streamers too; just talk to someone who followed reckful until his suicide. It's a bonding experience yes, but I think it; s more like friends, or maybe crushes.
I have a relationship with someone that is based on something else than sex. I fail to see how this is a bad thing. You can ask anyone in a relationship that lasted longer than 3 years, the honeymoon phase is important but it's not what keeps a relationship alive.

>> No.1529243

Its literally the whole reason I watch vtubers.
Ever since I started watched these jap girls playing around with anime avatars I forgot all about my ex gf and didnt feel the need to get a new one.

>> No.1529395

>talking about the rough patches in their life.
*rough patches and good times, just really sharing their own life stories I suppose.
Generally yes. but I also think that some people derive emotional fulfillment or a sense of bonding from amateur porn, and less so camgirls, and on a more related point, I think Melody really capitalized on this niche in porn by sharing some personal stuff and coming off as into it for her own enjoyment as well.

>> No.1529455

You remember that old manga page that got posted on /a/ alot (I can't for the life of me find it right now) about how you're fine most of the time being by yourself but sometimes the loneliness rushes in suddenly like a wave? Vtubers stop that for me even though I have no delusion or desire for GFE. Just having someone talk to me about their life is enough.

>> No.1529523

>Obsessed with FNAF
>Obsessed with Pokemon
>Loves/still collecting Pokemon cards
>Pent-up humor.
These are all pretty cringe tastes to have but at the same time, it makes her the perfect woman for some reason.

>> No.1529593

Perfect gf material. Normalfag girls are cringe.

>> No.1529703

>the perfect woman for some reason
I am not surprised, sounds like she could fit in on some boards.

>> No.1530225

Read the OP before you post, malding ESL.

>> No.1530321

I have literally broken up with my ex to have more time for chuubas.

>> No.1530366

who's your oshi?

>> No.1530385


>> No.1530542

there is literally no reason to have more than 20% of the population be males. one male can give millions of potential babies per day so we really don’t need a lot of them.

>> No.1530567

Found the 55 year old virgin

>> No.1530646

Having a preference for 2D women is such a retarded statement. Obviously 2D is hotter when they’re created by man to be the sexiest object something could possibly be. I’m sure everyone has a preference to look at the sexiest possible object.

you just aren’t sexually successful so you need to settle into a fantasy only version of sexuality.

>> No.1530663

She has fat bitch hands in her pokémon card openings....

>> No.1530719

Tako is a self improvement club that friendzoned Ina all the time.

>> No.1530786

>Unfortunately, I realize I am basically alone in this sentiment.


>> No.1530892

50%, the other 50% are married men that can live in reality anymore and want a cute 2d girl.

>> No.1531230

You better not be a teammate.

>> No.1531667

If you can't function without an SO you might as well die.

>> No.1531783

Ina always streams just before I go to bed, so she's a great way to put me to sleep. Her streams are lowkey sleep inducing, and I don't really mean to offend her or say she's boring. She's just putting me to sleep and I enjoy that.

>> No.1532543

For reproduction maybe but to maintain a certain level of civilization you need a large population of men to, well, maintain it. Women won't and in some instances can't do the jobs needed to keep society functioning.

>> No.1533169

Fair. At least when I die noone will be affected by it assuming I outlive my parents

>> No.1533217

Would be pretty ideal gf tbqhwyphamalamborghini
I saw you post this on the other thread but I was banned and couldn't reply

>> No.1536324

Snuffy was the first vtuber to really pull me in. I'd seen clips of others on Youtube before and they were entertaining enough, but something about Snuffy's energy just makes her feel really comfortable for some reason. Her voice is great, as well.

>> No.1536452

The language barrier makes it kinda hard for them to fill that hole for me, because no matter how cute Korone is, I don't know what she's saying.

>> No.1536907
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I'm too autistic to maintain long term friendships or go out of my comfort zone but I still like seeing people who I relate to and can enjoy similar hobbies with so I cheer them on in the background.

>> No.1539850
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Basically the gf equivalent of this?

>> No.1540236


>> No.1540471

I just want to fuck the raccoon.

>> No.1541740

Vtubers are entertainers
Arms manufacturers are toolmakers
What people do with the product either offers is their own affair.

>> No.1541942

I was watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yflYBJ-ly4E and between the clacking of the game controller and the interaction with chat it felt like I was spending a nice evening playing vidya at home with friends again.

>> No.1542067

>I realize I am basically alone in this sentiment.
Not at all, there are plenty of homosexuals here.
