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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.27 MB, 2560x1440, juniperacitas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1521724 No.1521724 [Reply] [Original]

you guys like sexy moth girls?


>> No.1521907

Sorry OP, youre late to the party and it's cool to hate her now

>> No.1521919

How could I hate the single best designed chuuba on Twitch?

>> No.1521926

Somebody post it

>> No.1521981
File: 960 KB, 1403x1646, Juniper The Moth VTuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this hypocritical sjw moth whore

>> No.1521998

She's at least better than pink hypocrite.

>> No.1522019

Atleast the pink cat doesn't tell innocent people to kill themselves

>> No.1522062

She literally says she no longer cares in the image
But let's cancel people who've changed their minds bro

>> No.1522072

>doesn't like pedos
>I'm supposed to be offended

I'm not. Juniper's dope.

>> No.1522076

I don't know if "hypocrite" is the right word here. She would be a hypocrite if she actively did the very thing she is condemning, such as pink cat does.
In this case, perhaps scummy copycat is a better expression? Regardless of the original source, the moth monster has nothing inherently to do with shota. A lot of people copied stuff from Leni Riefenstahl without being Nazi sympathizers themselves. A lot of people love Wagner's music without being racists, you know?
I think we should always differentiate between the art and the artist. So her copying this design doesn't really make her a hypcorite like shit cat, but rather a scummy copycat (like shit cat).

>> No.1522082

She should do a cunny worship stream to prove it.

>> No.1522102

Considering she ripped off a shota hentai, I'd say she's a frauding whore.

>> No.1522104

Why would she worship something she feels apathetic towards

>> No.1522119

You mean she sampled, like every major music artist you can name.

Juniper's dope.

>> No.1522130

Surely there was once the original cat girl design made by somebody. So are all modern cat girls ripoffs?
There's a fine line between ripping off and being inspired.

>> No.1522139

>seeing no difference between actual abused children and pixels
This is an honest take.

>> No.1522170

Welp at least she isn't one of those ironic Vtuber bitches so she could be worse. Pretty mid-tier as far as shittiness goes.

>> No.1522172

They're both reprehensible, and if you unironically enjoy loli art, you are just a pedo with an excuse. When the cleansing comes, they'll be rounded up without distinction.

>> No.1522180

>she changed her mind on the whole hating of pointless stuff
Huh usually these English speaking types hold on to the hate 2d loli porn till their grave, but this is actually rather surprising her opinion on it changed, I wonder why?
Tho to admit you were wrong is admirable in some way maybe...
To say the least, I am confused

>> No.1522219

>18 replies
>10 poster

>> No.1522228

>can't count

Inner city education at its finest.

>> No.1522231

So she was inspired by and sampled a shota hentai then? Really not furthering her case here.

>> No.1522238

>the rich and powerful elites are pedophiles
Cleansing by whom?

>> No.1522246


>> No.1522249

The Powers That Be.

>> No.1522264

She's telling lolicon and shotacon to kill themselves >>1521981

>> No.1522267

Daily reminder that her Full Moon form is canonically the length and size of two public buses. I don't think moths even have vaginas but if they did, hers would be a cavernous, scaly abyss from which there is no return.

>> No.1522301

Roru, this shillfaggot trynna derail the discussion

>> No.1522317

Yeah so? Nyanners said the same shit to appeal to tumblirina fatties and then went back to loli shit to pay the bills. Wouldn't surprise me if this hoe is doing the same shit, especially now that she's taken a neutral stance on this topic.

>> No.1522362

So people supposed to ignore that she telling innocents to kill themselves?
There's difference yknow

>> No.1522412

It’s socially acceptable to tell people with pedophillic tendencies to kill themselves for the betterment of humanity. Don’t you know that?

>> No.1522488

Nyanners literally took down one of her most popular videos which was the lolicon anthem and called people that liked that shit pedophiles. She's a frauding whore anon that has no beliefs besides what will make her more popular. Neutral fags deserve the rope.

>> No.1522532

Its always funny to see this place decry sjw types only to exhibit all the worst behaviors of sjw culture. Never any reason, just ooga booga the outgroup must be destroyed.

>> No.1522555
File: 47 KB, 763x309, asdss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1522573

Lol fuck off fag. She's totally backpedalling cause she wants to milk anime faggots. She has no backbone to stand by her beliefs, hence how she went the neutral route. She probably pushed those comments out to appeal to SJW fags and now that she's got anime fag money she backpedals.

>> No.1522589

>mimimi saying "kill yourself" is bad
>we want a safe space where people can feel comfortable
kill yourself, faggot

>> No.1522603

This is true. But at least she is not directly profiting from loli/shota like a certain other person so she could be worse.

>> No.1522617

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.1522730

That's different though, i know you niggers doesn't mean it when you say it.
But those sjwfaggots on twitter definitely meant it when they say it.

>> No.1522782

Nice try fag. I don't give a shit if she hate lolicon. I will hate on her though for being a two faced whore in regards to her beliefs for money though.

>> No.1522830


Honestly you're right that her past behavior was hypocritical, but I also see no reason to hang it over her head either. Look, we all know that social media is a cesspool of virtue signaling and progressive pandering. I'd prefer we welcome any person who pulls themself out of that deadend lifestyle rather than hold a grudge against them for the rest of their lives. I don't even care if her reasons were ultimately cynical, any person who drops the cancerous social media moral crusade schtick is a victory in my book.

>> No.1522927

Let's be real anon. If virtue signaling made her more money then not being against loli/shota content, she'd still be virtue signaling. She's a whore anon, I'm not praising a whore for chasing money. Lol at anyone that has this greedy slut as their oshi.

>> No.1524925

Liking western vtubers makes holocels seethe no matter what

>> No.1524993

Sell me on this moth. Does she play any decent games?

>> No.1525144

They’re drawings of abused children. Just admit you’re a dirty pedo

>> No.1525193

>44 replies
>18 posters
Juniper, it's over. Go shill yourself on Reddit.

>> No.1525457

Not that anon, but cleansings are rarely fair.
It's more about monopolising a desired product than any real justice.

>> No.1525552


>> No.1525554

>y-you're just the same as them!
I really never understood this.
>Oh, 4chan is stooping to their level!
Who gives a fuck, are we the Knights of the Round Table? For whom should we be so noble, huh? Everytime this reads as that time the Germans were complaining that Americans are using shotguns in WW1.

If you wanna a community that licks dirt off the boots that kick them just to be the nice guys you're in the wrong place.

>> No.1525591

>10/10 design wasted on a boring Western whore
A shame

Nice strawman, faggot

>> No.1525736
File: 35 KB, 360x450, Mothman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, being against loli/shota is honestly pretty tame. I think I remember seeing her tweeting worse sjw bullshit before her debut, but I'm not 100% sure. I do remember she came across as yet another western woke vtwitter.
>I challenge you to find someone else who did it before Solopipb
Kenkoy Cross' mothgirl is from 2013, Solopipb's is from 2015 if I'm not mistaken.
I won't disagree she ripped off Solopipb's design though, or at least she borrowed the "creepy mothgirl" traits that he popularized.
Too bad about another great design going to waste.
>She literally says she no longer cares in the image
To obviously save face, you're not this gullible, right?

>> No.1525821

There was a jp moth girl too, just jump ship to her

>> No.1525943

>she made her model herself
Huh... the girl has some talent, I've got to give her at least that.

>> No.1525985

Anyone can make a model, but not everyone can design a model.
This bitch is using an existing design and shitting all over it with her SJW bs.

>> No.1526018

>I'm going to be retarded because I'm allowed to be retarded.
Yeah no shit, do what you want, you're still retarded though.

>> No.1526229

>>Hey! Those tweets are from when I didn't have an audience to pander to. I've since learned that you can make a shitload of money off of this and I'm willing to bite my tongue as long as the cash keeps rolling in. I'd appreciate it if nobody brings up the fact that I have no principles
That last tweet is just sad. I would honestly have respected her more if she didn't backpedal like a cowar.
Giving her the last benefit of the doubt though, I suppose she was forced to make that neutral statement at some point because people kept bringing it up instead of moving on (hence the fact she's replying to an account named @VTuberCringe).

>> No.1526558

How can I if you don't provide any sauce?

>> No.1526582

>Anyone can make a model
How do I know you have 0 knowledge abiut rigging?

>> No.1526667

All vtubers are inherently attention whores.
And most SJWs are nothing else than "cool-kids" clickbaiters, that would spit on all leftist/SJshit and the first turn of the tide.

>> No.1526778

Yeah that'll be why Koopa threads are seething cesspool of hate.
Oh wait.

>> No.1526799
File: 750 KB, 4096x3260, EugR396UUAM5N7-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah he/shes actually a chink and didnt even start streaming

>> No.1526838

Rigging isn't even hard if you want to do a basic model
drawing is the hardest part

>> No.1526860

Already better than Juniper

>> No.1526882

>Retard tries to shill the shitty moth
>Gets shat on instead

>> No.1526887

>people already used the pink/yellow moth and white fluffy moth as themes
what the fuck im supposed to use them

>> No.1526894

>but this is actually rather surprising her opinion on it changed, I wonder why?
Because it's now profitable to claim so

>> No.1526927
File: 462 KB, 2048x1374, Ej_Z3I-UYAESwGa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres also this one but I think shes ugly desu

>> No.1526946

is that a womb tattoo

>> No.1526959

Eew looks like a slugbox design

>> No.1527009

>any person who drops the cancerous social media moral crusade schtick is a victory in my book.
Yeah and can you trust her not to pick it up again when the circumstances are different? No. No you cannot. And when she does, she's going to turn her fanbase into an extension of that very same social medai moral crusade schtick, and if you supported her you have now directly helped further their anti loli cause. You can already see it happen in this very thread and she hasn't even chosen a side yet.

>> No.1527217

no fuck u

>> No.1527269

I like moths, so I'll check her out

>> No.1527317

shes pretty boring when she isnt doing mommy RP

>> No.1527374 [DELETED] 

Hold on, that's literally Solopipb's design.
As in, literally the only thing she's lacking is the abdoming coming from the back of her head.

>> No.1527404

Hold on, that's literally Solopipb's design.
As in, literally the only thing she's lacking is the abdomen coming from the back of her head.

>> No.1527569
File: 162 KB, 1136x850, 3DEBF2EE-3398-4EB5-82BA-0707A0D29059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna, Atlas, and Peppered moths are all viable picks

>> No.1527596

B-but 4chan told me cancel culture was bad!!!!

>> No.1527914

At least it looks like she knows how to exploit the fact that she's her own artist/modeler and rigger.

>> No.1528039

Cancelling cancel culture, is like censoring censorship.
Is a good thing.

>> No.1528071

Behead those who insult loli

>> No.1528214

Oh I mean it. Kill yourself.

>> No.1528343

Another dumb cunt for the bin, then. Her content was already shit anyways.

>> No.1528464

Loli or big titty

>> No.1528516
File: 67 KB, 744x609, 72457547356867867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's trying to play it off as "I was a different person back then!", but I'm having a hard time believing her considering her last tweet about this subject was last December and could have been directed to Kyuotto.
I don't think she's really "changed" in such a short amount of time, I think she's just biting her tongue to steer away from the possibility of escalating drama now that she's streaming. Keeping away from drama is commendable on its own right, but I find hard to trust people who do it only when it starts being detrimental for themselves.

>> No.1528581

Started shota, but there's a short story where the guy is just an overworked dude who comes home to his loving, horny moth wife

>> No.1528593

High enough voice = Loli, Anything else = Titty. Unless you're a babiniku in which case it doesn't matter.

>> No.1528743

Eh, I don't like mommy RP anyways

>> No.1529543

She wasn't cancelling anyone though?

>> No.1529976

Those who cheers and support restrictions, regulations, and laws, against freedom of speech and artistic freedom. And support the people who want to police every aspect of our lives, even what we are allowed to see or ear, what opinions we MUST have, what words we are allowed to use, and so on. They are as much as a problem as the individual who have the authority/instruments to apply these leashes and chains to human freedom.
I know it sound paradoxical, but killing the serial killer means to sacrifice 1 to save 1000. Even if it goes against the premise that "killing is bad".

>> No.1530116

Honestly if she actually mellowed out and recognizes she was being cringey and out of line pushing her views onto others then it's way more introspective than the average vtweeter. I'll give her some respect for sounding somewhat genuine here, at least moreso than the apology in >>1521981
It's not like we expect her to love shota and loli, just so long as she respects the artists and fans enough to not go on some moral crusade about it or actively attack them.

>> No.1530163

Anon if you understood the underlying ~lore~ of that series those are delusions she imposes onto him through mind breaking him in the first doujin. Also it didn't "start as shota" she mindbreaks him as an adult into time traveling back into a shota. He's just her plaything and all the individual doujins are her fantasies forced upon his captive mind. Like some Saya no Uta shit.

>> No.1530230

wow i didn't know she was based

>> No.1530422

If she say that she have lost interest into debating and forcing her SJWcrap, then there is no reason to keep a "we don't forget, we don't forgive" attitude. If anything else it would just pull a Nyanners, and make her join the dark side again cause she would perceive it as the only ones able to appreciate her.
If she publicly declared that this is in her past i'm willing to let it stay buried in her past.

>> No.1530429

The damage control is painfully obvious.

>> No.1530484

I think what differentiates it for me is in the first tweet she just said she "stopped caring" which makes it sound like she's just holding her tongue due to the financial incentive to not offend anyone. In the second she at least shows she respects the creators and realizes stifling creativity only ends up hurting artists. As an artist it probably hit her personally, maybe someone called her art weeb bait or something, and mellowed her feelings on the matter since it's just as judgmental to label all loli characters as pedo or w/e as the people calling her titty vtuber incel pandering.

>> No.1530922

>It's not like we expect her to love shota and loli, just so long as she respects the artists and fans
I would expect that at least an artist like herself would know better than to try and police what other creators can and cannot do. That can come later to bite your own ass specially when someone is advocating for restrictions on the same line of work they themselves deal with.
Sounds like she's still very young going by those last tweets and is genuinely cringing at some of her past bullshit, I can relate to that.

I just checked her out out of curiosity and she has a good, low voice, but her content seems a bit boring. The streams where she riggs her own model are interesting though.
Why the fuck do westerners still insist streaming on Twitch though? It doesn't keep archives permanently, which is pretty shitty for vtubing, and the policies/guidelines just keep getting worse and worse.

>> No.1530995

For me personally, the whole moth girl fad died like 5 years ago, don't see the hype here

>> No.1531046

There's a lot more money in Twitch streaming than Youtube because Twitch has a ton of features for throwing money at the streamer. Stuff like gifted subs, prime subs, global emotes, etc that add a lot of potential income.

>> No.1531069

white moth bad
pink cat good

>> No.1531125

Woah, let's not get crazy here.

>> No.1531145


>> No.1531179

pink cat shit
white moth meh

>> No.1532508

two types of sjw
incel sjws that attack sjws
and sjws that attack incels
my opinion is you fags kiss ur tumblr wives and make up or kill yourselves because you are not going to breed anyway
the moth might be a sjw at heart but shes unironically better than most of you

>> No.1532564


>> No.1532794


>> No.1533592


Not usually but I do like Bloodborne and Dark Souls bosses.

>> No.1533661
File: 72 KB, 680x673, Ei77GznXgAAsLj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not against it openly simply because it's bad for business, she's still the same cunt she ever was.

>> No.1533706
File: 36 KB, 582x292, 658746357469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just interpret this non-answer as someone who understands not to agitate an issue now that they're becoming popular. Yes, it beats around the bush but it's implicit and vague enough that it won't necessarily offend her demographic who is in either camp.

>> No.1534069
File: 326 KB, 379x454, 75472458467857978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh who cares, as long as it's not the same design nobody is really gonna blame you for having the same color. White fluffy moths are practically a stereotype on itself.
Juniper is supposed to be a Luna moth though (their bodies have white fur), you can see it on the wings.
And before I get called a shill, I just went to check her voice and she literally mentions it on the first 20 seconds of her last stream.

>> No.1538064

> I don't give a shit if she hate lolicon
>That's why I keep an old twitter screen cap about her saying she dislikes loli saved on my computer and make sure to post in every thread about
Ok sure lmao
Also nice sentence structure ESLchama

>> No.1538708

Why does she try to emulate Mori so much? The way she talks, interacts with chat and spergs over subs is exactly the same.

>> No.1538919

She needs to emulate other people because she has no personality.

>> No.1539159

I think it's just that their voices are very similar.

>> No.1540881

it seems that the problem people have with juniper is her contrarian stance on loli/shota, which she loathes, the two examples:
>her vtuber model which is almost a 1 to 1 comparison to a monster moth girl from a popular shota doujinshi.
>deleted a tweet in reply to someone defending netflix's cuties, after getting called out.
and as of recent she made a response to someone posting about it on twitter stating she feels apathetic to the subject, now some people were okay with this response thinking this means she is no longer a hypocrite and some others believe that she is lying for reasons such as gifting or steering from drama and in time will 180 her position when given the chance.
i don't know,what do y'all guys think, i would like to give her the benefit of the doubt. i wouldn't also doubt if she flip flopped her opinion in the future, last time she talked about this subject was in december in response to the succubus vtuber drama, so there's that, who knows really.

>> No.1540992

The voice can be similar since both are white, overweight ironic weebs but their way of talking is another story. Should have been a leech instead of a moth.

>> No.1541809

>ironic weebs
If you're gonna be a doxxnigger at least be up to date with your bullshit

>> No.1542011
File: 45 KB, 500x882, 1da030ce09f641b227188137ffddec6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think too much. It's insufferable. Sit back and enjoy the brash bug lady's company. A sparkling record and upstanding morality shouldn't be prerequisites for someone who's essentially a tipped escort. This might be an established cultural expectations thing but west is gonna be west. She's got no one to be beholden to and that's refreshing to someone like me who's averse to all these managed corporate cookie cutter premade scheduled in the box waifus.

>> No.1542713
File: 41 KB, 728x457, maplemoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The luna moth is a respectable moth for inspiration, but I prefer something colorful like pic related.

>> No.1542811

Then check out any of the other indies that aren't (known) clout chasing retards.

>> No.1542964


>clout chasing retard

You sound hurt. Some would consider that aspect a plus.

>> No.1548457

>hating on moth because she said mean things about lolifags

What in the actual fuck, is that reason enough to cancel someone? why dont you faggots go after the actual harmful retards like the ones shitting on uzaki chan or ilulu from dragon maid s2, or the tumblr fags that succesfully ruin lives and drive people to suicide? if you faggots waste so much fucking time inside twitter at least make yourselves useful and go after THOSE people.

What use is a witchhunt for someone who said mean things about lolifags, if she actually tried to cancel someone because of that i would get the outrage but she said some mean things only, fuck this is as retarded as the people who hold a grudge against total biscuit for that one thing he said.

>> No.1548483

Anyone who hates on loli deserves the hate.

>> No.1548608

Who is canceling who, anon stop acting as if 4chan have some impact out side. Go back

>> No.1548810
File: 830 KB, 1006x752, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a hypocrite at best
she follows a guy that literally makes loli moth porn https://twitter.com/my70012

>> No.1548824


>> No.1548959

>say something controversal
>gets cancelled
Its either retardation or naivity

>> No.1548979

Heres the thing, I not screaming for her to get canceled. She can do what ever the hell she wants. Just not going to support her.

>> No.1549280

they need to make a cumulative mothgirl/nyanners/[insert controversial vtuber] bait thread, and ban all ip that posts on it
you are all worthless

>> No.1549376

Because those retards aren't shilling themselves here now are they? If you post someone who shits on loli in here they will get shat on. It's like posting a link to a Jewish charity drive in /pol/.

>> No.1549378

I didn't post those screenshots faggot. I don't follow EN whores. Only saw clips of her and then saw this thread that confirms why EN vtubers are trash.

>> No.1549399

Go cry to the mods some more, maybe if you whine hard enough they'll turn this place into the hugbox you so desire. While you're at it maybe you can ask them to introduce up votes and down votes so you can dumpster on anything you don't like without making a post

>> No.1549421

So she's holding her tongue because it's bad for business but she hasn't actually changed her views at all?

>> No.1549695

I mean that's what Cover forces their talents to do

>> No.1550223

Back to r*ddit with you nigger

>> No.1550237


>> No.1551730

She joined in on the Kyutto witch hunt

>> No.1553285

It is Slugbox

>> No.1553891

Correct and yes that is what it implies without textually confirming. While I don't like the non-answer to begin with, I can't think of a more diplomatic way to go about this if she hasn't changed her views.

>> No.1554033

In that case I don't see a reason to let her off the hook, especially considering it wasn't that long ago that she was actively espousing those views.

>> No.1556142

No you retard, it's because she "coincidentally" backpedalled the moment she started having a big audience, which makes her look two-faced as fuck.

>> No.1556991


>> No.1557152

Literally worse than nyanners

>> No.1557330

Feel like you people grasp for barely anything to cancel a person you weren't gonna watch in the first place. Do you guys just lack empathy and believe people can change or hide their beliefs? You think everyone you watch has the same opinion as you in regards to all topics?

Or just lolifags seething as usual. Pedos begone

>> No.1557362

go back

>> No.1557397

is this the coping pedophile general???

>> No.1557475

its the coping juniper general

>> No.1557479

No, it's the hypocrite general.
Not sure why we need two, though.

>> No.1557615

I wanted to like her, too. What a dumb bitch. Lying for views is also a terrible look, nobody who really sees their faults becomes 'apathetic' toward them.

>> No.1557751

yep, this is it

>> No.1557789
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1600645437437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Juniper.

>> No.1558066

lol she stole his design.

>> No.1558090

Whoa where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.1558105

Did you get addled and forget that this place isn't tumblr?

>> No.1558154

>Pedos begone

Enjoy having a site with only 10 posters.

>> No.1558478

>Stop trying to cancel her!!!!

"Cancelling" means riling up a tweet mob to demand someone be fired. Literally no one here even has that power, all anyone is doing is pointing out that, on a site with a lot of lolicons, she's the kind of people that thinks(or merely "thought") they should kill themselves.

I'm sure all those potential viewers are heartened to know that she's changed her views from wanting them to die to merely tolerating them with veiled disgust, though. That sure is the kind of stance change that wins hearts and minds.

>> No.1558516

Why are you seriously engaging with the tumblr tourists?

>> No.1558524

Nobody is "cancelling" anyone here, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.1558604

What's with threads like these and bringing all the tourists to the surface? Every time a thread like this gets created its like it becomes a twitter colony

>> No.1559534

This general proves that /vt/ is full of newfags holy shit

>> No.1560764

this aids is the new /pol/ of 4chan
and its worse because it effects real peoples lives
