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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15206959 No.15206959 [Reply] [Original]

baby's 1st chuuba.

>> No.15207220

Why are chumbuds so honest?

>> No.15207560

uoh erotic TuT

>> No.15207834

I can't lie, she did get me into vtubers. I don't watch her at all anymore outside of a clip here and there but I do still have my membership.

>> No.15208047
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speak for yourself

>> No.15208167
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>Sings good
>Perfectly cute act
>Teases her ojisans constantly, fully embraces being the teasing smug loli
>Fun commentary while gaming
>Fellow cunnyseur

I don't need anything else

>> No.15208192

She is great though. Still the best company english vtuber. I don't dare watch independents that are not confirmed female.

>> No.15208268

I don't think she's great. She's really boring to me. Different strokes for different faggots though.

>> No.15208310

Who is your oshi, anon?

>> No.15208314

You're right, and I don't think it's a bad thing. She is very noob-friendly which is good if you want to introduce someone to Hololive/vtubers.
If only she was a little bit more hardworking/creative like Ame (or if she is doing a lot of cool stuff behind the scenes, show it more) she'd be perfect.

>> No.15208365

Within HoloEN I like Amelia a lot.

>> No.15208773

For zoomers like amelia

>> No.15208993

the only excuse for liking gura is that you literally never watched anyone else. she is a poor man's version of every other tuber and gives you next to nothing. she ghosts you an entire year and makes perpetual excuses not to see you or give you anything. she will never let you in. she doesnt give you service. she doesnt even tell stories. this on top of being one of the worst entertainers and a master of giving dead air. who just bumbles from one unfunny bewildering non-sequitur to the next one for a couple hours until the stream ends. and seemingly gives no fucks about how terrible she is or about trying to improve or figure out how to livestream games or even have a conversation. if there were auditions today gura wouldnt make the cut anywhere, not even in fuckin vshojo.

>> No.15209014
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>> No.15209242

I don't watch gurw

>> No.15209639

She was my second Chuuba the first was Ai.

>> No.15209737

She's indeed my #1!

>> No.15209751

I wish you fags would jump off a bridge over this mental illness faking saviorfag baiting bitch.

>> No.15209812

What nationality is that supposed to be?

>> No.15209928

There was a time when Kizuna Ai was babbies 1st vtuber. Later it was Fubuki and Korone. Now it’s gooruh. Time flies.

>> No.15209962

Perfect vtuber

>> No.15210855
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babby's first board

>> No.15216806

Pretty sure when they poll the tier lists people make here, the top 5 are consistently:

This board isn't really as contrarian as it likes to think it is.

>> No.15217583

They are all great streamers for different reasons
>B-but goober
She constantly makes me laugh, she's pretty good

>> No.15217827
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The only one worth watching t b q h fampai

>> No.15218210
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I don't know but they're either a femoid or a fag

>> No.15218260

Nigger you use twitter
Neck yourself

>> No.15218471

Hopefully not. I would hope children would start with someone who is honest, has good work ethics and cares about her fans.

>> No.15219635
File: 18 KB, 600x315, 9c44Bjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main reasons I like Gura because she's self aware and has the same sense of humor as me. I also find the lack of overt sexual imagery nice, the main thing that puts me off most other chuubas is the massive bouncy tits they all have, I'm not into hentai and even if I was I wouldn't want it jammed in to my light entertainment, to me it's the anime girl equivalent of Twitch titty streamers. I guess I view Gura as like your female best friend, the sort of girl you could have a beer with, who wouldn't be afraid to tease and mess with you, who gets all the obscure shitposts and memes and is just generally a fun person to be around. Plus she's sickly cute, but without doing the whole Luna/Anya baby voice which can also be cute but gets old fast.

>> No.15222228

what's with trannies and hating Gura?

>> No.15222409

They hate natural femininity

>> No.15222532


>> No.15222557

Holy shit, that's like hitting a home run on your first swing.


>> No.15222635

>as it likes to think it is
Does it though? If anything this board fucking loves popular mainstream shit and loves bragging about numbers and popularity

>> No.15223145
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They just jelly they will never be a girl.

>> No.15223147
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>gura's their first exposure to a vtuber
Luna or Kizuna is the only correct answer

>> No.15223185

This board doesn't try to be contrarian at all. It's arguably the most mainstream corporate loving board on the entire website.

>> No.15223217

in 2 years it'll be N*anners or Mouse

>> No.15223333

They already are outside of the YouTube bubble. They're actually getting even more attention now because they just collaborated with those big streamers. I've seen comments of people who were opposed to vtubers before saying they understand the appeal now because of those two.

>> No.15223382

He's 100% a tranny, tweets about his "deadname" and experimenting with different pronouns
All I know is I can't wait for that anon to finish up on his Gura voice emulator so I can get it to say the "You will never be a real woman" copypasta and sync it up with Gura clips

>> No.15223518

This is not /v/ faggot. go back.

>> No.15223539

>baby's 1st chuuba
If not for her I wouldn't even watch chuubas. Fight me.

>> No.15223624

Gura is more of a natural streamer. She has great attitude most of the time doing w/e on stream and know how to entertain and captivate the audience. People can tune in any moments of gura stream and have a good time
Amelia is worse at streaming but she can set up fun stuffs, and figure out novel activities/games for stream.

>> No.15223662 [DELETED] 

She blatantly obviously has a boyfriend. How has she maintained so much popularity despite that?

>> No.15223676

>Amelia is worse at streaming

>> No.15223758

He is right, Amelia is a terrible streamer.

>> No.15223764 [DELETED] 

Because nobody gives a fuck about her personal life you stupid autist. You never had a chance.

>> No.15223820


>> No.15223989

Her immense popularity is both her biggest strength and biggest weakness. I don't actually think she's lazy, if she was there's no way she would be in her position, I think she just has a lot of self-doubt, doing the extra creative stuff is out of her comfort zone, so her being afraid to do it combined with her being so successful anyway results in her rarely stepping out of her comfort zone, as she simply doesn't need to. Ame and Gura's last outfit reveals encapsulate that perfectly, Gura literally made hers a shitpost, and Ame made hers a mini adventure game, I found both of the bits they did extremely entertaining, but if Ame, or any of the other EN girls had tried to do what Gura did, I think it would've fallen flat. Gura could also have done what Ame did, with the story/adventure thing, and it would've worked and been cool, but she didn't need to do so in order to entertain people, so she didn't. She's really just sticking to what she knows, which is being cute and shitpostng, and it works.

>> No.15224346

I think from Gura's perspective it's a lack of confidence, if she did the creative, tryhard stuff and people said it sucked or was cringe or whatever, that would really get to her, so she instead does the ironic meme stuff where she doesn't take anything particularly seriously because it shields her from potentially negative feedback. Look at her art, it's always deliberately janky, MS paint style shit, instead of actually trying, because nobody can critique stickman art and she can play it off as haha funny bad drawing on purpose.

>> No.15224516

So does that mean music is the only thing she's truly confident in? Because it sounds like she tries on her songs.

>> No.15224800

She obviously can sing and is confident in it. Music is also something she doesn't have to do by herself as she can get help from multiple people to release a song, cover, MV or w/e. That's why it's something she put time in behind the scene.
Overall, gura was there at the right time and the right place but she also has plenty of qualities to deserve her success. She's a very good streamer that can put on a cute voice and an above average singer. She is fairly consistently at working and doesn't go full menhera phase much. This combination of qualities is still far from common in vtuber scene in general, not to mention EN alone.

>> No.15225208

It's definitely the thing she's most confident in, and she does seem to genuinely enjoy karaoke streams, but even with her music she has said she worries people only like her song because it's the cute shark girl doing it and not because it's actually good, so even there she struggles a bit with self-confidence. It's also clear that her official songs, original & covers, while good, don't do her voice justice. If you listen to her Skyfall cover you can really see how talented she is, but in her official releases her voice is pretty toned down and somewhat overproduced, which could be her own self-consciousness thinking her voice needs a bunch of post-processing to make it a good song.

>> No.15225293

I think you're the one that needs to go back since they're clearly living rent free in your head

>> No.15229072
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Babbies 1st schizo post

>> No.15229074

No u

>> No.15229632

babymaking with this chuba

>> No.15231115
File: 28 KB, 400x400, grkT6jdp_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's pic-related. Or it will be pic-related 6 months from now.

>> No.15231371

thats nyanners

>> No.15231925
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I'm chumbabby.

>> No.15232991

the first and final chuuba. i tried a lot of vtubers but i keep coming back to her<span class="fortune" style="color:#d0aa01">

Your fortune: Krampus is coming to your house!</span>

>> No.15238456


>> No.15242606
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