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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15198976 No.15198976 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15199150

Because she has severe mental problems that affect her interactions with everybody. Aside from being a collab whore and yuri baiting beggar.
But most importantly, she's annoying

>> No.15199176


>> No.15199189


>> No.15199217


>> No.15199239

its an audio I re uploaded

>> No.15199262

>Because she has severe mental problems that affect her interactions with everybody.
That describes most of the people on this website.

>> No.15199271
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>> No.15199282 [DELETED] 
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>Because she has severe mental problems that affect her interactions with everybody. Aside from being a collab whore and yuri baiting beggar.
>But most importantly, she's annoying

>> No.15199303 [DELETED] 

I was starting to really like Kiara until Anon reminded me of her BLM posts. Now it's all I can associate her with so I fucking hate her guts.

>> No.15199463

She has unsavory opinions and doesn't do a good enough job at keeping them to herself.

>> No.15199480

I like her when she is hot and bouncy. She is not always hot and bouncy

>> No.15199589

I subscribed out of pity but I never watch her. I’ve met girls like her in real life and they’re a massive pain.

>> No.15199603

>unsavory opinions
Other than her opinion about Mori, I don’t find her opinions to be unsavory.

>> No.15199673 [DELETED] 

I was starting to really like Kiara until Anon reminded me of her BLM posts. Now it's all I can associate her with in my mind so I fucking hate her guts. A mod deleted this post for no fucking reason. Fuck you hall monitor.

>> No.15199739

She is normal, socially basic. She takes the authoritative tone in collabs asking people to introduce themselves and why they did something to compensate. She mentions a bar that people dont meet and gets dissapointed. We hate her because she is normal. Its honestly disgusting.

>> No.15199814

Yuri + Annoying

>> No.15199835

I saw it don't worry, if it gets deleted again i'll post it for you

>> No.15199858

Fake voice. That's literally it. If she just spoke in her regular voice that everyone knows she has because she uses it in almost every single one of her roommate videos, then her eccentricities, flaws, and failings would come off as cute, hilarious and something to ironically shitpost about instead of annoying, grating and obnoxious.

tldr we hate her because she pathological self sabotage while whining about her numbers and low popularity as if there wasn't one single thing she could do to fix all that, as evidenced by Matuli being better liked despite also being a similar type of menhera.

>> No.15199970

>“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and schizos, on this lovely Christmas holiday.”

>> No.15200071

Our normal is our insecurity
When we see someone who is comfortable and winning
It is strange, it is awesome to exist.

>> No.15200088

I love Takanashi Kiara! Merry Kikkerikristmas everyone!

>> No.15200163

I can't stand her pitched up voice, it's fucking grating. Her regular voice is completely fine and it's not like she's playing a loli phoenix.

>> No.15200197

I still have to wonder how Kiara is more hated than Matsuri. Kiara is awful there's no denying it, but Matsuri is even worse. I guess EN vtubers gets more recognition around here.

>> No.15200215

Ok, like which. What are her unsavory opinions

>> No.15200310 [DELETED] 

He was trying to kidnap children and threatened police previously and was going for a knife/gun. George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and was screaming that he couldn't breathe before they even took him out of his car. All of what I've just stated are facts. She has unsavory opinions about these incidents.

>> No.15200536 [DELETED] 

She sounds based as fuck.

>> No.15200623 [DELETED] 

In addition, Armed Robbery was a potentially armed serial burglar who stole a gun from the people chasing him down for a legitimate citizens arrest while he ran away from the scene of felony trespassing with intent to burgle. The only thing BLM is right about is judicial corruption, as all three political trials (two of which ended in a fraudulent conviction) as well as selective nonprosecution of rioters ironically proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Matsuri's voice isn't grating. Also, her sick voice makes her sound like Okayu. Everyone loves Okayu's voice and wished she just kept using it because having a pitiable menhera okayu would've been hype as fuck.

>> No.15200690


All I know about Kiara is that she posted BLM shit at some point, which is enough for me to never watch her. HoloEN is extremely cringe as it is. So, the better question to be asking is "Why the fuck would I ever watch her?"

That said, I do like her new character model (her old one was fucking hideous) and that Christmas video was nice.


Although I hate pedos-- credit where it is due. Matsuri has actually made funny content. There's nothing quite like watching a girl lose all of her shit in Animal Crossing. She's also one of the most skilled dancers, if not the most skilled, that Hololive has.


On the other hand, Himemori Luna is completely unlikable. "Hey Coverbros, what if we made a literal baby idol and shipped her with our resident pedophile? That way we can keep pandering to hardcore otaku while we move to become mainstream with subsequent gens."

>> No.15200779


>> No.15200841

She's not hated here
This thread is just one guy saying "BLM" over and over again

>> No.15200874

rentry yue3t
>Q: so what exactly is the deal with discord?
>A: as i said i dont know. i never talked to them but i was lurking there a lot and gathered chat logs and shit. they dont talk about why they hate her. they just...hate.

>they "raid" this place every day
> i could not find out WHY they hate kiara.
>retards who actually fell for rrats and started to hate?
>they seem to only started to hate on kiara after she became a vtuber.
>they talk like schizos. they are the ones spamming these qa tier threads.

>> No.15200876

Her Germanic bluntness filters a lot of people and the chicken voice filters a few more. Simple as.

>> No.15200883

Is she kidding bros?
This type of passive aggressiveness reeks of 3rd world country poorness

>> No.15200918

Is calli trying to tell us something by calling her shit bird?

>> No.15200976

i just want to fuck her roommate

>> No.15200987


>> No.15201017

We are talking about real problems not stupid bullshit like "wa wa I can't get a gf so I'm gonna wear girl's clothes".

>> No.15201044

a lot of people who hate kiara are insanely jealous of her position which has allowed her to live off paypigs for the forseeable future. she speaks fluent japanese and gets to hang out with all of the holobronies waifus, it's only natural that it would instigate jealousy in men who are comparably less social or capable than her. people accuse her of being menhera but she isnt even nearly the worst menhera of hololive - i would argue that honor goes to matsuri who is infinitely more blatant about living off paypigs and flirting with the hologirls - though most people overlook this because she is japanese. this isnt a matsuri hate post btw, i love matuli and i think her menhera episodes are endlessly entertaining.

>> No.15201051

Two time's the charm.

>> No.15201090

Matsuri's fanbase is severely reduced due to weeaboos and japanese being less tolerant of that shit, Kiara exists in the default state of western women where western men make excuses for why it's okay she has a lot of mileage.

>> No.15201104
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This proves ones again that, not only mumei is lex, but the doesn't take shit from anyone

>> No.15201121


I direct you to the first post. People don't hate her but dislike people like you who try to pretend like it's some surprise people would hold those opinions.

>> No.15201186

Go back to Twiddit, self-righteous loser.

>> No.15201374

It failed again

>> No.15201703

Selamat Pagi

>> No.15201784

That's called a hanukkah

>> No.15201999

Because she's not a blatant cover dick rider.

>> No.15203658

Happy Christmas

>> No.15204615

Her roommate is hideous, why would you?

>> No.15204676
File: 267 KB, 2048x1332, Kroniikek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one interesting thing she DID have was a chart specifically created to shit on all the members more popular than her, tanking Amelia's idol rep by calling her the filthiest of whores, trying to drag Ina down the same fate, leeching off of Mori's fanbase again with her forced yurishit, and leaving Gura alone because she know Gura was the least likely to interrupt her plans
>the second the bottle points to her, and everyone down to her own artist says she be placed in the dumb slut corner just like she did to everyone else, she then turns into a spoiled brat, suddenly treating this "meme chart" extremely seriously, demanding that only she be treated as the one true perfect princess aidoru in the group
>automatically throws all the males at the bottom of her Arknights tier list because "muh pure aidoru image teehee don't worry lonely male viewers I'm totally not interested in anyone other than you guys please donate more to me I beg you I'm streaming 4x as much as the others why is Mori getting more than me just for taking a shit onstream fucking slut"
>first multiplayer collab with the group
>is so obsessed with getting a PNG trophy that she turns into a complete metafag; just runs and hides and hopes that everyone else dies by accident instead of actually trying to entertain her fans
>STILL forcing that shitty yuribait with Mori, who isn't even trying to keep up her end of it anymore because she cannot take the cringe
>is so boring to watch that her computer itself gets pissed with her and hides her model; gets replaced with a fucking cardboard cutout for the rest of the stream
>on maps where she can't stall, she just gives up and kills herself instead of trying to fight the others
>is so pathetic that Ame gives her a pity trophy just so she doesn't pull a McNutt on-stream the next day
>inb4 "take your meds"
>inb4 "fuck off schizo"
>inb4 "ogey rrat"
>inb4 "orange bird bad"

>> No.15204857

Basically you shluld take your meds

>> No.15204910

who knew BLM was so triggering

>> No.15205039

>I cannot find anything recent to complain about
>Complains about yuribait with Mori, which has been dropped
Look at this schizo still hanging on to old shit... Your glory days are gone, it is time to live in the present

>> No.15206379

I don't hate her but I really can't stand the voice she puts on. I've heard it's her mic and shit but idk, whatever it is, I can't stand it. She sounds super loud with it and after finding her roommate's videos where she speaks in a lower tone, I realized I'd like her a lot more if she just dropped the god awful voice she does.

>> No.15206506

Yuri baiting has not dropped.
Look at what she's doing to Amelia and Ina

>> No.15206612


>> No.15206715

out of spite

>> No.15206738

>Specifically mentions that yuribait with Mori has been dropped
>But yuribait with Ina and Ame has not been dropped
Irrelevant to what I was saying goalpost mover, now STFU

>> No.15207247

Bottom left was never Kiara's idea.

>> No.15207379

She did a collab with vshitshow when holo fans wanted none of their hypocracy.

>> No.15207428

And we all hate each other too, your point?

>> No.15207586

Anon said I should.

>> No.15207871
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>Because she has severe mental problems that affect her interactions with everybody.
Nice projection you got there, faggot. Kiara has the best social skills in Holo EN and possibly all of Hololive. She's also sure as fuck better at interacting with others than you are.

>> No.15208432

>severe mental problems that affect her interactions with everybody
She just wants to be loved anon, she's very insecure due to her past experiences
Once you understand it, you start to feel sorry for her more than anything
>collab whore
>yuri baiting
I don't think she does this nearly as much as she used to

>> No.15208494

This is what the average 4channer sounds like. A dry throated, crusty lipped, mouth breathing tub of lard. From one KFP to another, this is embarrassing and you should feel bad for posting it.

>> No.15209360

>One of the interesting thing she did is a meme chart...
Stopped reading there, since I already know that the rest you are going to say is braindead shit. Now go back to your discord hugbox group

>> No.15209742

She's great

>> No.15210075

The only problem i had with her was her insistence to turn every conversation to about her, the "ME ME ME" treatment as some would call it, but it seems like that has either vanished or gotten so rare that i'm actually fine with her now.

>> No.15210504
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If you're posting Vocaroos and your name isn't Kikl, you gotta leave the site. GTFO.

>> No.15217705

Purely for fun

Im also hobbyist homophobic and racist, so kiara is a soft spot

>> No.15219761

>yuri baiting beggar.
She doesn't seem to do it as much anymore but her fans flood recent collab partners and are more annoying then Kiara herself. You don't have to watch her but KFP is a haze that follows in her wake.

>> No.15219828

Honestly her personality grows on you.

>> No.15220120

Kiara is a stacy but she's far from normal. She's a weeb cat lady otaku with countless issues.

>> No.15220189

Sometimes i think she's kinda based and then I watch one of her streams and i go back to hating her

>> No.15220230

I've actually grown to like her a lot recently. Hearing her having a cramp made me rock hard.

>> No.15220272

Being an obnoxious, loud, normalfag whore isn't endearing.

>> No.15220465

kfp really believe this

>> No.15220660

>inb4 300 replies from KFP - KFP LOCAL DISH SOAP INGESTER #241

>> No.15220672

Unfortunately Kiara hate threads are boring now.
It's impossible to get more than 100 replies from a Kiara hate thread.

>> No.15220677

She is the most social in HoloEN

>> No.15220749

I never hated her but I’ve grown to like her too

>> No.15222669

is there any particular reason you said this 70 posts in? something tells me youre not an actual kfp.

>> No.15223248

I don't hate her she's just like Marine to me, I find her annoying so I don't bother

>> No.15227272 [DELETED] 

I'vre red up on her past. She's a bitch and possibly a whore.

>> No.15227433
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>> No.15227467

>they seem to only started to hate on kiara after she became a vtuber
that delusion

>> No.15227475

I unironically think it was that she was Yuri baiting too hard and so viewers found her sexually unavailable and she was too abrasive in a kind of unlikable way.
She has corrected her behaiviour since but her reputation already affected her growth and algorithmic strenght.

>> No.15227497 [DELETED] 
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>>they seem to only started to hate on kiara after she became a vtuber
>that delusion

>> No.15227816

She's been fine lately, haven't been any real yab's from her in awhile

>> No.15228173

i dont hate kiara anymore, at first I was fed up with the takamori bs, but now that shes toned down it I think shes ok

>> No.15228312

being a fake ass lesbian for one..

>> No.15228479

It's not even the original guy that posted it, he's just getting mileage out of the vocaroo

>> No.15228500

And then becomes stagnant. Dropped her just last month. Sorry anon.

>> No.15228715

I like her more than gura

>> No.15228916

Kiara hate threads are dead
This one keeps reaching page 10 and the same guy keeps bumping it

>> No.15228927

so true<span class="fortune" style="color:#ec117e">

Your fortune: Happy Kwanzaa!</span>

>> No.15238082

I actually like her for standing up to Omega. But I don't watch her because of that repulsive and fake Chicken voice

>> No.15238100


>> No.15242678
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>> No.15251557

We don't

>> No.15252244


>> No.15255471

damn thats cute

>> No.15255631
File: 3.03 MB, 3508x4961, 1633234934347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she said Nigger on stream, and we hate White German Nazi racists that say nigger so openly on stream, imagine the heinous kind of shit she says and does behind closed doors.
As a white person I know how much I hate other white people saying nigger. I just find it so fucking disgusting racist them saying nigger or even nigga. I wouldn't be caught dead saying Nigger or Nigga

>> No.15256067

>All those 2-years old fuckups
This fucking guy.

>> No.15256471


>> No.15259445
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