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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14996621 No.14996621 [Reply] [Original]

>refused to say merry christmas
>kept saying happy holidays loudly whenever someone said christmas
wtf is her problem?

>> No.14996685

She's Bri'ish

>> No.14996689

She's Jewish. Show some fucking respect.

>> No.14996726 [DELETED] 

She ain't Christian, do your reps

>> No.14996746

The voices in my head told me that Sana demanded a Kwanzaa stream

>> No.14996800

>Can't say Merry Christmas.
>Has Christmas in her thumbnail.
What did she mean by this?

>> No.14996810
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>> No.14996895 [DELETED] 

>refuses to worship a dead kike on a stick
always knew she was /ourgirl/

>> No.14996985

She's Jewish

>> No.14997181

Who gives a shit? Why are Amerimuts like this? Yes I am talking about OP.

>> No.14997268

No one outside of America says happy holidays though.

>> No.14997364

She literally had "Christmas" in the stream title. Why are there so many retards replying to retarded lies.

>> No.14997535

Agreed. Also, on Japan, they say Merry Christmas, as you probably might have heard from character voices in Gachas such as Granblue Fantasy and whatnot.
This Holidays thing seems like butthurt to me.

>> No.14997540

Golem. Christ's name hurts them to say.

>> No.14997663

Merry spicmass Ame

>> No.14997815


>> No.14998240

Someone in her chat yesterday complained they don't celebrate christmas, so she said happy holidays for everbody

>> No.14998384

they can suck my nuts, probably some brown freak in a hut on a 2004 Dell

>> No.14998403

she's jewish

>> No.14998459

Retard, Jesus Christ is also an important figure to Muslims - albeit with obvious differences.
I think you meant rabbiAME.

>> No.14998567

She's based.

>> No.14998602

>they aren't allowed to get mad at a phrase
>you are allowed to get mad at a phrase
Which is it?

>> No.14998610

she is based

>> No.14998621

She is an Odalist, for her it's saturnalia.

>> No.14998699

It's true, but I don't think Amelia is a golem.

>> No.14998727

i dont care hence suck my bawls

>> No.14998813
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Masyaallah bro, sasuga Ame.
“This is a communication to be transmitted to mankind so that they can be warned by it and so that they will know that He is [REDACTED] and so that people of intelligence will pay heed.”

>> No.14998943
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she's a kike

>> No.14999047

Ame is the one who spam "Merry Christmas" the most in the collab.
Fauna, Kronii and Mori are the one who goes for "Happy holiday" in the end.
Speaks with facts first before you post a thread

>> No.14999147

Amelia is a dirty Jew I fucking knew something was wrong with her

>> No.14999215

Amelia's pretty obviously a practicing Catholic

>> No.14999471

She's orthodox, Christmas isn't until January for her.

>> No.14999581

The millennial and zoomer generation in western America have slight brain damage

>> No.14999596

Why are christcucks such snowflakes?

>> No.14999707 [DELETED] 

NTA I'm not Christian but the happy holidays bullshit in traditionally Christian/Christmas celebrating nations is fucking globohomo jew bullshit, fuck happy holidays, it's merry christmas.

>> No.14999809

>implying the japanese care about christmas from a religious/traditional point

>> No.14999867
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Ame is a British detective. So she's obviously Anglican, which is the superior branch. No need to shout merry christmas when you're always winning.

>> No.14999939

>implying anyone but americans do either

>> No.15000068

It feels good being an ESL so we are immune to this holidays bullshit.
Feliz Natal /vt/!

>> No.15000189


>> No.15000246

Yes, Jesus (more like Isa) is important for Muslims, but Muslims are forbidden from saying "Merry Christmas", or not. I'm not sure either, some said it's halal, some said it's haram.

>> No.15000404 [DELETED] 

Those countries have accepted kikes and sandniggers for decades now, deal with your choices faggots.

>> No.15000409 [SPOILER] 
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I would donate $500 to see that.

>> No.15000431

Wasn't my choice nerd.

>> No.15000756

Well, if unsure whether it's either halal or haram: Shouldn't the devout believe in what his heart holds true? Well, at least that's how shit works with the catholics here, with shit like "attending the church while drunk or with a hangover is no problem or sin, I mean, Jesus was not a simple drunkard, but a Goddam drunkard!". But dunno how muslims do their stuff.

>> No.15000818

Subhanallah Ame is a muslim

>> No.15000848
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>anyone triggered by "Happy Holidays"

Stop watching FOX

>> No.15000908

>vt gossiping meme
not gonna looking for the pic for this

>> No.15000917

I hope you have a 'happy holidays' specifically, anon

>> No.15000991

You're completely wrong. It's not rare at all to say "Felices fiestas" in Spain ("Happy holidays") and nobody, not even hard conservatives gives a fuck about this because literally everyone understand this encompass 3 different Christmas-type celebrations, not just Christmas day.

>> No.15001056

I can marry my oshi and bring home a nice jewish girl? later fags

>> No.15001147

nothing about society is truly our choice anon, it was made by the rich, powerful and dead people from 100s of years ago.
knowing how fucked political leaning news channels are these days, theyre probably not even watching fox because its too left for them

>> No.15001157

She said it a lot.
She said "Merry Christmas Calli" when they were hanging ornaments.

>> No.15001204 [DELETED] 

Also i want to add all of you Americans getting triggered over this are absolutely and completely retarded. People has been saying "Happy holidays" thing for a fucking century,
way earlier than any kind of concern for other Winter religious traditions. So, in fact, this was a popular expression said by Christians to another Christians.
Current day outrage about this is a brainwashing operation by far-right operatives designed to appeal to triggered little snowflakes conservatives.

>> No.15001235

Gura is Jewish. light blue and white = israel

>> No.15001379 [DELETED] 

>this is your brain on reddit

>> No.15001413 [DELETED] 

Go outside for once and bring an actual argument.

>> No.15001436

Happy Holiday is cringe but the complainers are even worse. Like oh no people are trying to be nice to you in a non traditional way? Oh boo hoo just be grateful that you can actually experience kindness for once, even its from the underpaid cashier ringing up your tendies.

>> No.15001438 [DELETED] 

What is an "operative"? The CIA/FBI are too busy faking governor kidnapping plots to bother with this.

>> No.15001439 [DELETED] 

upvoted and golded, good sir!

>> No.15001606 [DELETED] 

>triggered little snowflakes conservatives
tell me you're a leftist faggot without telling me you're a leftist faggot; you people are super transparent and noticeable from a mile away with the type of words you use, trying to be sly and represent what you'd call the "logical rational neutral standpoint" but inevitably give away your inherent bias

>> No.15001634

did any of you morons even watched the stream? she was the one spamming that merry christmas bullshit.

>> No.15001640

>far-right operatives

>> No.15001785

I'm a muslim and that sounds retarded and untrue. I've never heard that it's forbidden to say "Merry Christmas" for us even if we don't celebrate it. Probably just something really strict ones do

>> No.15002386

Ame has adopted the tenants of salafism and will be becoming terrorism.

>> No.15002426

Saying happy holidays has got to be the most progressive bullshit American lingo. There is literally only New Years and Kwanza and nobody cares about some nigger holiday

>> No.15002527

Your rrats are weak. Ame has those cult connections from charity stream.

>> No.15002707

It's actually Greek like Gura

>> No.15002781

Ame is jewish

>> No.15002896



>> No.15003202

she was struggling not to say 'Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano'.

>> No.15003319

Fuck you cracka we niggaz only celebratz kwanza

>> No.15003323

WTF Ame...

>> No.15003349

why would she wish for my anus to be prosperous?

>> No.15003385

>Prospero Ano

>> No.15003423


>> No.15003439

libtard confirmed and dropped

>> No.15003545

So maybe she's being autistic like me and just wishing people well for both Christmas and New Year's? Though I myself am more prone to using "Happy Holidays" prior to Thanksgiving since that's when there's three upcoming holidays.

>> No.15003612
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>> No.15003687


>> No.15003713

happy holidays!

>> No.15003785

Isn't Spain a Catholic country? Why care about other religions that aren't yours?

>> No.15003856

Christ is King. Your attempts to erase the fact we celebrate his birth will not work.

>> No.15003896

ame has always been a liberal

>> No.15004048
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Worse, she is a lolbertarian, the most pozzed degenerate group there is

>> No.15004607

Wtf I hate Ame now

>> No.15004623

>caring about religion and tradition
nice joke desu

>> No.15004649

Ame wouldn't have to worry if the government told her she needs a license to operate a toaster because she doesn't eat bread.

>> No.15004674


>> No.15005453

She's creating a cult and will indoctrinate your oshi

>> No.15005513

Happy Holidays and kill all niggers

>> No.15005558

She's a commie atheist faggot

>> No.15005677

Why do people care? "Happy Holidays" and "Merry Christmas" pretty much means the same thing anyway. This argument has always been so cringe.

>> No.15005682
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Roommate reps say she's a snek

>> No.15005851

american "christianity" is pure consumerism. see: megachurches, black friday, etc

>> No.15005902

Libertarians eventually become paleoconservatives when they realize muh freedom doesn't save them from the tranny meanace

>> No.15006647

She said merry christmas many times.
no she said "happy holidays and happy new year!" many times

>> No.15006750

black friday is about when the economy collapsed, not Christianity

>> No.15007186

maybe once, but now it's literally been called the "start of the christmas season". its entire purpose nowadays is to get people buying more shit for christmas. and before you askchually me, i'm including small business saturday and cyber monday and whatever the fuck else they have nowadays because it's all just extended days of consoomerism

>> No.15007549

why care about anything at all, I just wanna watch silly and funny anime girl doing funny and silly things

>> No.15007739

I want to become terrorism too! Terrorism itself, even if it halves my life span.

>> No.15008098


>> No.15008603

tummy hort

>> No.15008728

there aren't three Christmas type celebrations, people say felices fiestas because it includes new years eve
people either say "feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo" or just felices fiestas

>> No.15011896

Saying happy holidays to pander to butthurt schizos who don’t like christmas is cuck mentality. Also if you don’t celebrate christmas per se and get butthurt at someone for wishing you to have a nice day/holiday then you need to get a rope asap.

>> No.15012056

kek this

>> No.15012421
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Off-topic question, but i'm sure the antis in here can answer it
>Mori says she's stopped drinking
>Shifts to having a very light drink for a collab with Bae
>Now was plastered on the 3D Christmas collab
Did she "bury her dog" and is back to the Wine-aunt mode?

>> No.15012477

She incredibly based and refuses to give in

>> No.15012572

Wrong side anon, the proper Western mindframe is to be of the Christmas spirit, so "Giving in" would be saying shit like "Happy Holidays" or "B.C.E. and C.E."

>> No.15012631

alcoholism let's goooooooooo

>> No.15012669

only if you've been cucked by jesus

>> No.15012743

I bet you get mad when people say "God bless you" to your sneezes

>> No.15012834

I do. Who gave them the right.

>> No.15012867

The west deserves to fail at this point, who fucking cares.

>> No.15013104

lol they once were but now the country is filled with commies, gypsies, and africans shitting and pissing in the streets

>> No.15013239

As opposed to the East that still barely has electricity, still lives under communism, and lives in bombed out apartment complexes from the former Soviet Union?

Nah I’m good with the West anon.

>> No.15013252
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Death to the Great Satan
Merry Christmas anon

>> No.15013302

so "progressive" it predates the entirety of the "progressive" movement you're so obsessed with, faggot.
all of you /pol/fags, get back in your containment board and stay there.

>> No.15013307

As opposed to a worldwide purge akin to the biblical flood, anon. If you're good with the present state of things then you're just another faggot that needs to be swept away.

>> No.15013393

Both because some people are wrong and some are not.

>> No.15013421

>Literally days before Christmas

Sounds like non-Christians are the fucking babies.

>> No.15013433

I bet you're also an anti-vax retard

>> No.15013512

>Religion created by a fat fuck with inbred semen so he could divorce and kill his wives
>Literally dying in the island it was created in

>> No.15013620

The one that causes blood clots or the experimental mRNA one that cause inflammation and myocarditis?

>> No.15013852

Why do kikes have to ruin everything? Can't they just mind their own fucking business without getting into everyone's shit and whining?

>> No.15013862

Have literally never had anyone get offended when I've said Merry Christmas but boomers always get bent out of shape when I say happy holidays ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.15013912

Do you not have the mental capacity to understand context retard, it's a different situation when they open themselves up to the same treatment after doing it first, you just intentionally make it so vague that it seems contradictory but you're just a retard like I said.

>> No.15013971

Why are you so triggered like a little snowflake?

>> No.15014099

> (You) cry about people saying merry christmas and threaten them until they say happy holidays
>People who don't want retards to try and fuck up their lives over their shitty subhuman "morals" while said retards are scum hypocrites with no real virtue or morality beyond burning people in pyres for social credit.
Dumb nigger faggot

>> No.15014106

Because she's smart and she knows Jesus wasn't born on 25th December.

>> No.15014141

The person you were responding to literally provided an example dumb faggot.

>> No.15014174

But muh pagan winter solstice, why can't Jesus just be born then?

>> No.15014196

Because her boyfriend celebrates Kwanza and she wants him to feel included

>> No.15014270
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Since when has Ame ever did what chat told her to do?

>> No.15014281

And I’m sure Hannukah is on the exact day the Macabees retook the temple 3,000 years ago.
Also the use of candles during Hannukah comes from Saturnalia, a pagan Roman holiday.
Stop repeating the bullshit propaganda against Christmas goyim.

>> No.15014311

>caring about heathen infidels

>> No.15014755

Based. Only 3rd worlders believe in god anyway. So funny how there used to be atheism movements on the internet and now it is too banal and widespread of a thing to even push in modernized countries.

>> No.15015261

pick one, onions consuming cuck faggot

>> No.15015721

who the fuck is upset about people saying merry christmas anon, actually point to real examples instead of making shit about how "happy holidays" is killing christian culture or w/e.
but you wont because any examples you show would be minor compared to how many fucking people are buttmad about happy holiday.
the fact this "war" has had zero actual change to having people say merry christmas more shows its only you schizos who are obsessed with something most people dont even care about because happy holidays is a good catch all.

>> No.15017258

This, it's the same in Italy, we say "buone feste" to include the 26th and New Year

>> No.15017441

do christcucks really seethe over this? jesus was kike anyway.

>> No.15017496

You also live in a homogenous society where everyone knows you’re celebrating the same “holiday” as them and there aren’t hour long CNN specials about how horrible white people and Christians are.

>> No.15017511

Happy Holidays triggers people real bad, props for Ame for going full gremlin. I expect 20 more threads about this

>> No.15017540

Shut up Rabbi.
I know your candle holiday sucks but go eat some Matzah and feel better.

>> No.15017660

She knows Christiany is cucked

>> No.15017837

True. Sadly woke culture is seeping into Italy too, as always brought forward by young white women. Muslims, who are the largest non-Christian religion here, don't give a fuck about it and actually have no issue saying things like "Buon Natale" (Happy Christmas) close to Christmas day

>> No.15019120

>"Anglicanism is an expression of Christianity which believes in the Trinity, that God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit"

>> No.15019352

i dont really understand why people think saying "happy holidays" means you are avoiding saying "merry christmas". what if she just likes saying happy holidays more and stuck to it?

>> No.15019578

The detective cries out in pain as she strikes you.
