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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 4FDE9A63-B5D1-40EF-815A-0BCFDB1D72A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14951573 No.14951573 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is talking about the fucking Lorax movie and he's drowning in cash and views because he has a sexy voice and is mildly flirtatious towards chat.
Horny women are something else.

>> No.14951652

>Horny women are something else.
As opposed to horny men who throw their money at chuubas?

>> No.14951702

He's based as fuck and I'm not even a woman or a gay man, Cover shaking right now.

>> No.14951730

No one tell him

>> No.14951757
File: 39 KB, 720x671, 1630372985366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh environmental death
>Muh evil corporate interest
oh no no no

>> No.14951839

its so unfair bros what does he have that I dont

>> No.14952178

>Throws all my money at Aqua just because she exists
You were saying? Ah yeh those horny women, they're the worse.

>> No.14952250

A dick, for one.

>> No.14952263

A deep voice.

>> No.14952330

He's proactive and works for his dreams.

>> No.14952505

You're shitposting on a cambodian paper mache forum and wondering why?

>> No.14952530

>plans on doing fake boyfriend ASMR

>> No.14952719

He knows exactly what he's doing. Nijisanji picked a real gem.

>> No.14952789

Same, but the women usually don't brag about how rich they are. Men brag about it and it makes them more attractive for some reason.

>> No.14952866

Men brag about how rich they are because it helps them drown in pussy.

>> No.14952882


so how many girls have you had sex with anon

>> No.14952910

I also like how he tolerates chat while at the same time being able to say what he dislikes. Some girl wanted to call him malewife earlier and he says she can call him what he wants but reminds everyone that he'll always be his own man.

>> No.14952953

There's no audience for that. Lonely women don't exist. They can make a tinder and get over 200 likes in less than an hour.

>> No.14952964

He is doing exactly what I want to do and I applaud him for it. I'm inspired; no joke.

>> No.14952972

Yes that was my point, thanks for repeating it for me
about 10, so I guess I'm a master of the female sex compared to 4chan, right?

>> No.14952971

The amount of money he's bringing in would suggest otherwise.

>> No.14953012

Just watch the free video.

>> No.14953013

You are retarded, dude.

>> No.14953030
File: 134 KB, 243x266, well well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He says as women are drowning him in donations

>> No.14953033

Tell me how is having a bunch of fat smelly fujos swarming at you like vultures on a carcas is unfair to you.

>> No.14953072

a voice given to him by the gods, you'll never be successful if you ever become a vtuber.

>> No.14953130

>Men brag about it and it makes them more attractive for some reason
>for some reason
>Yes that was my point, thanks for repeating it for me

You never stated why men brag about being rich. I mentioned it was because women want to fuck rich guys. I don't know what this "repeating" you're talking about is.

>> No.14953137

>this guy's voice
Holy shit. he's gonna be king of the EN fujos. Nijisanji really did it this time.

>> No.14953170

Just simply false.

>> No.14953199

I was being sarcastic, I didn't think it needed to be said that women like rich men

>> No.14953204

I wish i could feel inspired. When i see someone in a place i wish i was in, i just feel extreme, bitter hatred. It makes me wish they were dead. I hate sucessful people so much, they make me want to kill myself. I'm a fucking miserable failiure. Nothing i do ever works, not that i've ever tried hard to do anything. I just give up at the first sign of hardship. I wish the entire world would fail as much as i do.

>> No.14953209

>says he's a vtuber and not a mental health expert implying that you shouldnt unload your issues on chuubas but gives his own take to try and be helpful anyway
double based?

>> No.14953288

I want to see him succeed. I want him to be nijiEN's rushia just so I can see this board burn.

>> No.14953316

>Lonley women don't exist
They just don't want to be with (You).

>> No.14953376

Damn man, that doesn't sound fun. I'm sure this will just sound like an empty platitude to you, but it's never too late to change.

>> No.14953378

Despite the obvious yumejo baiting design I'm getting major bro vibes from this guy.

>> No.14953407

And that mindset gets you nowhere. That rope is looking pretty nice right now isnt it?

>> No.14953409

Did this ebin own sound better in your head? Because it doesn't make any sense, retard.

>> No.14953453

It makes sense if you aren't a retarded faggot

>> No.14953496

Stop watching vtubers unless they're actual 2views. They'll just expose you to a lot of success constantly and make you feel worse.

>> No.14953572

No it really doesn't.

>> No.14953633

It doesn't male sense to you because you are so far up your own ass that you can't see why women want nothing to do with you

>> No.14953826

put away the screen anon. stick to literature

>> No.14953857

Its far, far too late. To be honest i don't even know if i want to change. I just love wallowing in my self pity and hating on sucessful people. It keeps me going. I've never had the willpower to do anything good. I'm just a failiure in every way.

I really, really should. Girls don't affect me that much because ican just attribute their sucess to being female, something i inherently cannot be, but males make me fucking angry. Its like their existence is a constant reminder of my shortcomings.

>> No.14953905

It doesn't matter how angry you get. It still doesn't make sense.

>> No.14953932
File: 95 KB, 850x979, 1631077400819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struck a nerve?

>> No.14953973

Male Kronii

>> No.14953986

>Gura is probably watching this guy and wetting herself right now
oh nononono

>> No.14953990

Sauce? I see a ton of threads about this dude, but no name.

>> No.14953999

Wait women like deep voices? I though they only cared about nice pretty boy voices.
I might have a gold mine in my throat

>> No.14954000

>Dr Seuss
>J.K Rowlings
>Normie Peterson advice
oh no no no

>> No.14954012

Vox Akuma.

>> No.14954024

he's autistic but has like 10 charisma, he's going to be talking about smash frame data and having fujos masturbate to it
this dude rocks

>> No.14954034


>> No.14954040

This has to be bait, right? How would that "keep you going"? I would've killed myself by now if I were you.

>> No.14954063

Hearing him do dramatic narration of how he lost to a toxic Sonic main in Smash and an impression of a nature documentary was genuinely funny

>> No.14954083

Just chiming in to say that it made complete sense.

>> No.14954090

its mostly neets larping as faggots
and the women who unironically do this aren't really like that.
they just copycat male behavior as a result of penis envy.
just like career women who pretend to enjoy being a wageslave.
"men do it so it must be good. masculinity is superior after all".

>> No.14954113

I'm listening to him on airpods and it sounds like he has two voices, is there something up with his configuration?

>> No.14954132

Shit, you even got trips. Go for it, nigga

>> No.14954136

cool theory but I think they just want his attention

>> No.14954145

Do you have a job or go outside?

>> No.14954159

My oshi was caught having a tab with a male bf asmr open...

>> No.14954179

Checked man. Me too. Let's go get it!

>> No.14954186

I think you'd have to be in my position to understand. Feeling resigned and pitying yourself genuinely feels good, for some reason. So does hatred. Its by making posts like this that i'm able to keep going. Vox makes me really fucking angry. I genuinely hate him, and i get the feeling that i'll only hate him more as he becoems more popular and interacts with the girls in NijiEN, to the point where eventually i'll just have to stop watching niji EN overall because it will become unberable. Some people just have all the sucess, and here i am wishing i could have just a little bit of it, but no, i just fail at everything i do.

>> No.14954223

you will never have a penis

>> No.14954282

You need to change, man. You're lying to yourself.

>> No.14954321

Haha, alright man. My penis says hi

>> No.14954374

this is pathetic

>> No.14954377

People like me can't change.

>> No.14954392


>> No.14954419

I blame your parents. Does that help?

>> No.14954423

Weird, who's watching all those boyfriend ASMR videos with tens of thousands of views on them retardchama?

>> No.14954425

Sure you can, make a schedule and start excercising with the goal of having a healthy body as you age, then aim for more once you accomplish this.

>> No.14954462

Women are disgusting and unclean when they fawn over men. It's gross.

>> No.14954472

>all my superchats to my oshi is going to go to superchats to vox

>> No.14954496

based and factual

>> No.14954501

Lonely women are the crazy you're not supposed to stick your dick in.

>> No.14954509

Based, more money for my new free audiobook narration service.

>> No.14954545

they do, you just don't pay attnetion to them. (because they're ugly.)

>> No.14954566

This is a good reminder not to date male vtuber fans, youre all retarded and probably going to commit mass murders

>> No.14954565

>lonely women don't exist
>you don't know any lonely women
Yes? That's my whole point. Really epic own, retard.

>> No.14954567

Oh i blame them too, so yeah it helps somewhat.

You think i haven't gone trough that? You think i haven't tried to exercise? To stop fapping? To produce something? To study? To go out? It never works. I've read every single piece of self help you can imagine. All it leads to is painful experiences and me being hurt. I've come to the conclusion that a life where you never feel happy, but where you also never feel sad is what i want. I just stay in my room, every day being exactly like the one that came before. I've done it for years now. The only thing that brings me joy nowadays is seeing sucessful people fail. The satisfaction i get when i see people who have what i can't have get fucked is just so great. The only thing i'll say is that if someone young is reading these posts, leave this website. I read posts like this one when i was still underaged, browsing this site long ago and i though it would never happen to me, that i would grow up to be someone, to do something. But i never did.

>> No.14954593

Just stfu already, get some professional help or fuck off.

>> No.14954603

Faggots. Also you said it yourself only tens of thousands of views. Meanwhile top girl asmr channels get in the millions. So I accept your concession.

>> No.14954637

imagine being a woman and still being lonely
that's failing on easy mode

>> No.14954648

This was different. You had to see the chat. It was nonstop massie horny even when he wasn't being sexual at all.

>> No.14954653

Check out the “girl’s side” section of DLSite and you’ll see the extent of the market…in Japan mainly at least. Fake boyfriend, sex binural audios, etc. asmr galore selling well.

>> No.14954657

No it's genuinely being horny for a hot anime guy. Do you incel faggots have vagina envy when you thirst over the anime girls?

>> No.14954665

Like i said, self pity is what makes me feel better. People here saying i'm pathetic is reaffirming, it assures me that there is indeed nothing i can do. I'll just do it until a mod bans me, they usuall do. And also psychology is a fucking scam. I've sunk thousands of dollars into god knows how many sessions of therapy that did fuck all.

>> No.14954672

300k subscribers PL youtube account

>> No.14954680

Shut up loser bitch boy.

>> No.14954689

The rope is waiting for you. Wouldnt it be nice? Just a few moments and you'd be free

>> No.14954692

That's not joy. My parents were also content to just see me coast on by in life but I realized I would never be happy doing that, that I want more for myself then that. You already know you want that too, and you are failing yourself. You need to try harder fool.

>> No.14954699

Anon stop being a faggot and just stick to a schedule. Stay fit and the rest might come, if it doesnt then at least you wont feel like absolute shit once you are older.
I had to get out of Venezuela by foot and lived like shit for a good number of years, surely you can keep a schedule and experience some momentary pain and shortcomings.

>> No.14954718

Men are disgusting when they fawn over women. See, how does it feel retard?

>> No.14954723

It's a scam because you already know what you need to do. You need to take all that money your parents give you and get the hell out of Dodge.

>> No.14954758

A personality that others want to be around.

>> No.14954765

>vagina envy
why would anyone feel envy for a walking incubator?
this is a man's world. so learn your place and stop copying our behavior. you look like a circus monkey.

>> No.14954771

Jesus are you actually a female tourist? What a gay post.

>> No.14954773

No one cares nigga we aren't here for your blogposts.

>> No.14954793

If horny men sent messages the same as horny women then 90% of gura's chat would be
>oouuh I want to stretch that cunny
and nothing else

>> No.14954799

holy kek this is some kind of reverse-incel mindset

>> No.14954829

Nta but you've never heard of penis envy and are calling others incel? Lmao stop projecting. Go to college. Pick up a book.

>> No.14954837

Smash Bros Ultimate Patch Analysis: Try Not to Schlick Challenge

>> No.14954840

I'm getting big TB vibes, like he's some sort of spiritual successor.
Now I can't help but imagine a bloated fat guy as I'm listening to him.

>> No.14954841

the difference is male attraction is a threat for women. It only brings bad luck into your life, female attraction isnt as deadly

>> No.14954842

Fuck you. I do what I fucking want and some faggot who will never have sex will never ever be the fucking boss of me. I was taught by my father not to let any motherfucker run over me and all of you fucking faggots are beneath me. You will never be on my level. I am a wolf and you are a fucking sheep.

>> No.14954882

This dude is amazing, he gets to talk about Smash Bros AND get bitches wet with his voice

>> No.14954885

>female attraction isnt as deadly
didn't some nip literally get stabbed by his crazy gf/stalker?

>> No.14954935

This is copy pasta tier retardation

>> No.14954936

I know tons of shitposting is happening but I hope people here know that not a single purityfag who enjoys GFE is the one doing it. I want people to be happy and this adds to happiness without taking away the happiness of others so it makes me happy that it exists and I genuinely hope you can use this for whatever you may be able to find the emotional fulfillment I believe a person can be happier with from this dude. F

>> No.14954948

on average retard. Theres a difference between some ape saying he wants to impregnate you than a woman saying you make her wet

>> No.14954947

Compare Male murder rates to women murder rates. It's not that hard anon.

>> No.14954959

He just fucking debut and how the fuck did you know that he is drowning in cash.
Did I miss something?

>> No.14954999

He sounds based. Hope he plays some good games.
I thought he sounded like Internet Historian for a second.

>> No.14955013

yes, but how many of the women didn't deserve it tho?
i'm guessing few

>> No.14955023

I already said, i just can't do it. It never works. I can never stick to a schedule, i can never commit to anything. When i was 20 i tried taking Japanese lessons at the local university. I didn't study anything, so when the first test came i didn't know how to answer anything. I just got up in the middle of the test and walked away from the classroom, and never came back. I tried lifthing with a personal trainer. It went well for the first month, but then he increased the regimen and it got too hard, so i just never came back to the gym again. I tried being a youtuber, but after 1.5 years of posting videos weekly i didn't get anything, nobody even commented. It was like i was making videos for noone, so i stopped. I can't do anything. I'm a failiure. Its an intrinsic component of who i am, and i can't change it. Maybe it was how i was raised, i don't know. I hate sucessful people, but i also hate people like you who think its so easy, that you just have to do something and it works out. It doesn't work out. For some people it never works out, so there's no point in trying. Also i need to reiterate that i hate Vox for making me feel bad, usually i'm content in my mediocre stupor, but sometimes people like him have to show up, invade something i like and remind me that i'm a failiure. I wish he didn't exist.

>> No.14955028

This means all the mentally ill women on this board will be focused on these fags and will not spread rrats about our oshiis

>> No.14955045

They peobably all deserved it. Men are still more deadly though. Thems the facts.

>> No.14955060

Just fucking kill yourself you worthless faggot. No one gives a fuck about your whining

>> No.14955066


>> No.14955097

gross, just kill yourself already

>> No.14955117

Shut up. The genders aren't equal.

>> No.14955125

Lonely women / Asexual / Femcel = Chad only

>> No.14955129

If you are this much of a mentally ill troon someone other than Vox would make you feel like shit. I don't know how you walk outside every day and don't burst into tears seeing people without severe brain damage.

>> No.14955168

youre right men are worse

>> No.14955177

You think i fucking go outside?

>> No.14955204

We don't think it is easy. It takes work. We good telling you that you are capable of that work. Good god I am so glad I'm not like you, anon. Your parents ruined you.

>> No.14955211

If it gets your whiny ass off this board you probably should

>> No.14955237

*we are telling you , I mean. I'm sorry I said I was inspired by Vox, everyone

>> No.14955250

When he says "m'lord" he sounds like the Mirror from Shrek. But I love him already. Can't wait to see more from him

>> No.14955278

Never said its easy.
Make your own training regime without relying on peer pressure, start with simple squats and planks then increase/decrease at leisure.
Self study japanese if thats what you want.
You are obviously not mentally fit to submit yourself to the pace of others just yet but you can slowly build up discipline on your own in the mean time.

>> No.14955300

Ofc they arent. But can any basedboy faggot on this board be called a real man? Half of you are 2 steps away from trooning out.

>> No.14955313

Cut off because I'm a phoneposter and tired and probably a faggot for even posting this but I'm hoping that his heart is in the right place and that no matter what, anybody who finds comfort in this is somebody I want desperately to have it accessible for them. I don't know why I feel so strongly supportive of this desu because I think that often I can be bitter of other peoples success. But if this thread is genuine and more people have a new avenue of emotional support something about how happy I am for something that might chip away at the awful fucking loneliness this world is filled with makes me feel happy. Even if I know it has nothing to do with me. I hope some of you are happier for it and never let a single mother fucker EVER judge you for it. I sound like a faggot and I will 100% get called out as such but every word I said is true.

>> No.14955366

They really did. I hope he makes it.

>> No.14955393

I need to know a couple of things before I consider watching these guys:
1) Are they native English speakers?
2) Do they have anything other than generic American accents?
3) Are any of them non-zoomers?
4) Do they have any talents?

>> No.14955422

I know this is just a weird shill thread, but you actually need to back shit like this with numbers. Not schizo bumping.

>> No.14955432

I'm not capable of anything. But honestly this thread has been rather cathartic, i'm feeling much better now that i have reaffirmed how pathetic i am. Unfortunately like i said before, i think this marks the end of my watching of Nijisanji, i just can't stand the idea of Vox and i hope i never have to see him again. Tomorrow i'll probably wake up as apathetic as i normally am.

Piss off with your canned 4chan advice. It doesn't help anyone. People can only help themselves, and i don't want help, i just want to not be reminded of my misery. I will apologize for shitting up the thread though, it wasn't too nice of me but i needed it.

>> No.14955440

Look at Vox he ticks all of those boxes, talented based boomer, cool non-burger voice, not ESL.

>> No.14955463

So any guesses on how long until Connor collabs with this dude?

>> No.14955482

Find a way to figure out exactly how much gets donated over Streamlabs over the period of a stream and you can numberfag all you want.

>> No.14955486

Two of them are Brits and one's an Aussie

>> No.14955512

I didn't get to watch the debuts, which of our girls is most in danger of simping for him?

>> No.14955542

why do i feel the need to be an unpaid therapist online bros. why am i like this

>> No.14955613

anon...all of them...except Petra/Selen I think I didn't see them comment at least not Selen almost all the others did, Elira dropped her spaghetti too.

>> No.14955665

if luca can change his voice to sound like a girl
then so can you train to get a deep voice

>> No.14955685

>i just want to not be reminded of my misery
Constant aging and lack physical activity will take care of that for me, but do keep deluding yourself that you are somehow safe in your complacency, you will experience worse pain and emotional distress in the long run.

>> No.14955699

lonely women like to watch 2d anime men anon

>> No.14955704

He is going to be under 2K fag after a week.
Why are there a lot of fucking threads?
Is that fucking new that women simp for handsome 2D guys like their male counterparts?

>> No.14955719

Not being a drama parasite yabmagnet is also an important factor, moreso than the others.

That's kind of surprising, thanks.

>> No.14955783

>Meanwhile top girl asmr channels get in the millions.
If we're counting no-script "I make some sounds ASMR" like you seem to be and not just weeb-focused GFE/BFE, then there's males up there too getting millions too. Accept this dick, retard.

>> No.14955794

Sorry, ignore the first part, I was thinking of something else.

>> No.14955859

checked and same
i always was curious about how i'd do if i were to do one of those asmr video things or whatever else that would make me sound cool. i didn't get my voice acting reps in, though and it feels like it's too late lol

>> No.14955869
File: 31 KB, 307x400, Chad-White-UNSIGNED-photo-K7960-TOPLESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only don't date femcels, because you're wimps stuck in your own fantasies. Ride the tide, and deliver the sweet story of a lover that may or may not exist.

>> No.14955912

Same with NEET neckbeard 2/10 would not bang, funny how both similar both are

>> No.14955917

okay, i'll do my reps, i'm sorry

>> No.14955936


are you trolling or stupid?

>> No.14956019

Neet neckbeards are the only losers who'd ever fuck femcels like you.

>> No.14956369

>Dislikes the Lorax
Loraxfags eternally BTFO

>> No.14956416

8 years ago he'd be lynched for saying that, the Loraxfags were rabid

>> No.14956436

Anon, he said he loves the lorax book and 'hates the movie for being a corporate money grab'

>> No.14956452

I feel you. Just accept that not everyone is equal and will be left behind. If you're living in some kind of of poverty, metaphorical or not, you just have to accept that you're going to work harder to achieve something meaningful. Well, I'm not really in a position to advice someone since I live in squalor with no job

>> No.14956461

>its so unfair bros what does he have that I dont
I mean, you are not training your voice to passively generate neetbux with YT, you are on the losing side because you are not doing shit.

>> No.14956464


>> No.14956506

>"just love yourself and someone will start chasing you"
this guy's a fucking normie

>> No.14956517

Biggering would've saved that movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpgUQYARIsw

>> No.14956522

Its really not. Some robots really think like this

>> No.14956649

Its just like Im reading Tatami Galaxy. Sugoi.

>> No.14956677

Yeah but he's not wrong if you love yourself you don't need anyone except your oshi of course.

>> No.14956739

>ITT people having a first-hand experience of someone who is a legit Hikkikomori
Welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay

>> No.14956763

I looked up his name then looked up his debut stream and clicked to a middle-point or so and was completely unimpressed with his voice. It's not bad but all the hype and apparent instant-creaming it's causing in women is baffling to me. It's very basic in terms of tone/tambor nothing to write home about, but I guess it being at least somewhat deep combined with MUH ACCENT autism is why all the faggots and holes are losing their minds?

Like I said, basic as fuck.

>> No.14956799

Well, dont be shy now show me what you got. Or at least provide a male vtuber with a better voice.

>> No.14956819

Maybe it works better on women.

I dunno, it did seem to work after all.

>> No.14956837

Speaking as somebody who has been getting beaten with a stick for being a GFE purityfag for the longest time, don't give random threads your concern. Easier said than done obviously but faggots here love to make and keep people miserable. They literally cannot believe in people helping others or loving others or whatever else comes to their schizo brain. I went a little crazy from it myself so I can only mention this as a warning because bitterness and defensiveness suck to be the emotions you're riding as you go into a stream meant to be comforting

>> No.14956840

Do me a favor and google "british boyfriend roleplay" and let me know what sort of profile pictures are in the comments. Women fucking LOVE deep voices and both women and gay men love anime men.

>> No.14956842

well it makes women's panties wet and has activated the fujo fanbase in female 2views and the quiet female vtuber fanbase, so at this point I just think your long ass paragraph is a cope

>> No.14956874

For people like him relief from pain is worse than pain.

>> No.14956881

post vocaroo

>> No.14956895

His voice isn't even particularly deep or noteworthy.

>> No.14956934

I do on every board I post on, I seriously can't help myself.

>> No.14956979

Let's hear that vocaroo son.

>> No.14957413

It doesn't matter. It's still deep, even if it's not "particularly deep", deeper than many people who do what the does, and he's still speaking in a way that women want. If you think it's so basic I'm sure you can replicate it and succeed very well and I wish you the best of luck. Remember us at the top, OK?

>> No.14957593

Wait who, that sounds hilarious?

>> No.14957915


>> No.14957992
File: 183 KB, 1500x500, Vox_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did they find this CHAD and why is he doing vtubing out of all things?

>> No.14957994

And you are not the target audience, I am sure lots of women hear cutesy girl vtubers and think "whatever she isn't THAT cute"

>> No.14958089

He sounds like he does Souls lore videos.

>> No.14958123 [DELETED] 

He was a fairly large comic-dubbing channel where he mainly voiced over Undertale comics. 250k+ subs

>> No.14958979

Good for him. It's nice seeing some equity in the vtubing market. Chubas go out and earn money from simps, and the give it all to a man while keeping a small cut for themselves. Vtubing is truly the world's oldest profession.

>> No.14959051

It's a mix of desperate fujos and male 2views happy to get a scrap of anything. Someone has been spamming threads of this guy, yet there is fuck all real discussion about any debut.

>> No.14959186

>implying some of the super successful HoloENs like Gura and Mori don't shitpost here too sometimes

>> No.14959296

I can't believe there are literal children on this website. T u T

>> No.14959394

>horny women are something else
literally belongs in a community where lonely virgins who only think about fucking their oshi and donate hundreds of dollars just to get noticed
some of you motherfuckers are peak pathetic, there's no other words for it

>> No.14959399

damn this is some brutal cope

>> No.14959574

found one right here

>> No.14959718


>> No.14959736

I'm the last one and I'm not a child, just a bitch

>> No.14959788


>> No.14959949

>I'm not a child mister, I'm all grown up!
Stop, you're making me hard

>> No.14960054

This board gets gayer every day

>> No.14960076

but you don't understand, women behaving like that only means they are whores!

>> No.14960104

Next you're gonna say I need rape correction. Well, mister, tough luck!

>> No.14960142

None of those women are lonely virgins whose desperation has been shaped by years maybe even decades of neglect and loneliness at the hands of the opposite sex. They could make a profile on tinder and get a billion matches in an hour from men out of their league. They are just disgusting whores. They have no excuse for their behavior compared to the type of man you'd find horny posting.

>> No.14960271

And you can pay a whore, why do you love to victimize yourself

>> No.14960312

>And you can pay a whore
Completely different and you know it is if you're not retarded. Disingenuous faggot argument.

>> No.14960396
File: 241 KB, 430x390, 1629236671209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not bad but all the hype and apparent instant-creaming it's causing in women is baffling to me.
Isn't that the same the other way round? Grab yourself a generic cute anime girl model, put on an uwu or ara ara onee-chan voice and people will toss money at you left and right while going full UOOOOOOOHHHHHH. Brings nothing new to the table, has already been done in tons of other iterations and yet still can successfully draw attention for at least a certain amount of time.

>> No.14961532

Agreed, but when men simp it's pathetic, when women do it's especially revolting.

>> No.14961676

women aren't shlicking to your oshi either, anon. they think her design is very cringe and she's putting on an annoying anime voice.

>> No.14962144

A billion matches in an hour, wow. Can't argue with that. Everyone knows tinder matches are a guaranteed lay, too.

>> No.14962300

You sound like you're seething. He has a deeper voice than some men, but it's also the placement of his voice (his chest) that causes more of a rumble. Clearly you're not his target audience.

>> No.14962344

Girls, if you're gonna stay here, here's a reminder to not take anything shitposters, falseflaggers, tribalfags, numberfags and unicorns say seriously. They're all just a special breed of retarded, and the sooner you realise that, the sooner you can have fun clowning on them.

>> No.14962377

People who use tinder aren't people.

>> No.14962408

Not really, you act like it's so hard to get sex when you pay for internet so go pay for a whore lol.

>> No.14962442

I dunno if I'd go that far but it certainly isn't for me. Speaking as a man who loves to get his dick wet, it sketches me out

>> No.14962559

Getting a random date on tinder and having a one night stand might actually be peak loneliness.

>> No.14962694

>He gets envious of the success of others instead of inspired by it.

>> No.14962709

>This guy is talking about the fucking Lorax movie
That's endearing to them considering how ridiculously the onceler was with exactly the very same vtuber watching type of women.

>> No.14962773

Nah, females are the root of sin

>> No.14962816

I opened a tinder account with this guy's model/fanarts and put in "Hey there, ladies" on my introduction.

10 hours later, I received 11 likes... Entertained one of them and they asked me to rp sex in the chat.

>> No.14962904

No, that would be divinity

>> No.14962949

Oh no, please keep going, this is entertaining.

>> No.14962974

He could talk about playing with Legos. Women would say it's cute how he isn't too serious with himself or allowing his childish side to flourish while guys would think it's inspiring.
Sure, his voice is the most striking feature of this, but he is also well-mannered and can entertain a crowd. He's charismatic.
You could see this as inspiration to better yourself. You can obviously appeal to people - both male and female - even with fringe tastes, being a manlet, lacking whatever you think is important, as long as you have charisma.

>> No.14963086

I doubt that's Charisma. It's just his VA voice.

>> No.14963134

>as long as you have charisma.
thats a big if

>> No.14963760

>lorax movie
Oh god he knows those tumblr girls all wet themselves over the Onceler.
Same. I should probably have faked the application more
You'd be surprised anon, from my own experiences girls go all in on that.

>> No.14963924

>I wish i could feel inspired. When i see someone in a place i wish i was in, i just feel extreme, bitter hatred.
ngmi as long as you have this mentality.
Learn from them, no one's gonna teach you anyway.

>> No.14964001

If you thought men were paypigs, wait until you see the irrational parasocial depths women can fall to.

>> No.14964291

I do want to stretch that cunny

>> No.14964346
File: 195 KB, 815x875, 15198382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the shills are going all out for this Niji guy huh.

I suppose this being the last gen before you scuttle your EN branch it would make sense

>> No.14964557

holy shit the replies are pure reddit. Go back dumb niggers

>> No.14964610

To be divine is a sin. Divinity is a myth that's created to revel in sin, therefore women are the root of all sin.

>> No.14964639

You're the nigger here if you think fags and females haven't invaded this place since M00t left

>> No.14965591

Hey as a femanon that's how I feel about Fauna, but apparently she makes men cum all day on this site.
Different strokes for different folks I guess.

>> No.14965643

Holy fucking shit, all the people on this thread need to make one of two things:

- Go to a psychiatrist immediately;
- Fucking rope already.

It's insane how much you all are pissed about male vtubers successeding. Yes, not all men are disgusting losers like most people on this board. You either accept this and try to change, or you can keep being human waste that blames everything on faggots, trannies or "women being disgusting"
