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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1492743 No.1492743 [Reply] [Original]

Now call me paranoid - and I am - but considering that management likes to "run things different" with the EN branch and it doesn't want the next generation to be called "Gen 2", what are the chances it'd try to limit interactions between Gen 1 and Gen 2? Have them semi-isolated in their little gen pods?

>> No.1494688

>the EN branch and it doesn't want the next generation to be called "Gen 2",
That's just manager autism. The fans are going to refer to them as gen 2 regardless of what they say

>> No.1495049

i think they want to do exactly the opposite, hence no "gens," just HoloEN+SpecialName

>> No.1495422

Well yes, but you can bet your ass they'll be forbidden from saying "Senpai" or "Kouhai" and management is going to be absolutely anal about it.
Let's hope so. The other way it can go is that they are "Myth" and the other ones are "Fantasy", so they're also equal, but different. Collaborate, but not too much.

>> No.1495588

>they'll be forbidden from saying "Senpai" or "Kouhai"

I just can’t see that when they talk about the JP girls as senpai all the time.

Kind of wonder if they could go with a sci-go theme. Like HoloLiveEN Future

>> No.1498539

Why would they want them separate? Crossbreeding would give gen2ers a boost.
Otherwise people will either not watch gen2 or
gen2 will steal viewers from gen1.

>> No.1498660

How do you retards miss the fact that Cover is putting together a group of vtuber singers that do english songs before Niji or someone else gets to it first? They have emphasized how important singing ability is for their current auditions when this was obviously not a priority for Myth.

>> No.1498893

>They have emphasized how important singing ability is for their current auditions when this was obviously not a priority for Myth.
you're confusing the VSingers auditions with HoloEN Gen2 auditions, anon.

>> No.1504756

I'm from future:
>New gen is HoloEN-Discovery
>Journey to uncharted lands theme
>1 humanoid plant, 1 chameleon/lizard, 1 adventurer(think Indiana Jones),1 military commander(diffrent outfits for diffrent archtypes later on), 1 tribal(is black, a lot of controversy)
>Also that one singer audition is K-pop based
>Chameleon is the famous roomate one this time(also alot of controversy)
>Gura will only collab with them only once(5 at the same time) at start to boost numbers because of management orders. Won't talk to them again.
>Plant's main partner will be JP indie(TeeTee overload)
>Lizard is the most extroverted person in hololive
>Tribal will only collab with JP
>Adventurer is closer to ID&Stars than JP&EN
>Commander will only collab with EN and non-vtubers

>> No.1505207

The issue doesn't seem to be separating them since that hasn't worked with gamers. The issue is the same shit-for-brains thinking that the average westerner gets confused at incrementing numbers like they do for videogames.
That and to avoid the Sempai-kouhai dynamic because its not as prevalent in Western circles and my personal narrative is because some pinked haired social media expert told them it was forbidden due to "power dynamics"

>> No.1505290

>power dynamics

I can get behind this rrat, EN2 will flop

>> No.1506740

Most of the holos hang out and talk with each other on discord all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if some EN members regularly talk with Coco even.

>> No.1507600

>HoloLiveEN Future
imagining an ai holo with a cortanaesque design whose thing is that she can go from hilariously bad to terrifyingly good at a game within a few streams. no one knows if she's just pretending to suck at first or if she's some sort of retard-savant

>> No.1508151

Sounds like the opposite of what'll happen. EN 2 might just add more Holomyth (unless they've said otherwise and I missed it) or be a new branch with a new theme like JPs do. Either way they'll probably push more collabs, and hopefully they aren't as spread out because not having off-collabs is the one downside to EN's casting

>> No.1508266

HoloEN Insider here
They're not calling it Gen2 because they will include male vtubers and vsingers in this round.

>> No.1508376

This sounds like a terrible future. Kyouma, did you post this to shift our world line away from this future?

I mean thematically feels good to me, but the idea of them all being so detached outside the lizard girl sucks.

>> No.1508997


>> No.1509139

thanks for the info kiara

>> No.1509449

>black tribal vtuber
Well the shitstorm would at least be interesting

>> No.1511142
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no Holohybrid spliced from several Holos

>> No.1514318

>with HoloEN Gen2 auditions
They've never been called gen2 auditions. Ame made it clear when the auditions were announced that the EN branch isn't doing generations.

>> No.1514572

This. They'll probably be more integrated with the existing Holo EN than the Holo JP gens are with each other. May even drop senpai/kouhai thing when there are no JPs around.

>> No.1514818

Hasn't Coco said she hasn't heard anything from the EN girls? She's even tried messaging them, and heard nothing back?

>> No.1516103

Coco did mention talking with kiara on the meme review today. Im just wondering if that's jus something she'd like to do, or something she does do.

>> No.1516137

IIRC that was messaging EN management to get a collab set up.

>> No.1516216

I honestly dont see how off collabs will be anything but a freak occurance. Its not like there's any central 'en' office that talents are encouraged to live close to.

>> No.1516277

>EN 2 might just add more Holomyth
I need more mamono if that's the case

>> No.1516428

That's doesn't mean the gen 2 (yes, fans will still call them gen 2) hololive auditions aren't separate from the Vsinger ones.

They are very much separate auditions.
