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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14849612 No.14849612 [Reply] [Original]

You think some girls are slowly becoming their avatar overtime?
Like you play up a character for so long every day for hours and hours all day that you will slowly start to pick up traits and habits of that person into your real personality until it becomes you.

>> No.14849657

Rushia will never be a cute anime girl IRL, so no.

>> No.14849733

Noel let it leak on her roomate's channel.
The same could definitely happen to others.

>> No.14849774

Absolutely. My oshi is slowly but surely actually falling in love with me.

>> No.14849786

youre right she will become my wife

>> No.14849847

She's way cuter in real life.

Maybe some but not all. I mostly watch Marine and I don't get the impression that will happen to her

>> No.14849893

It takes an Iron Will to keep oneself separate from the mask that gets worn for so long.
Given the mental health of some of these girls, absolutely, for certain, 100%, some of them have melded with their masks to some extent. Some, worse than others. At what point does the mask cease to be a mask?

>> No.14849937


>> No.14849979

Pretty sure Marine is just Marine, not much to change into there.

>> No.14850045

More like their real selves become the character. Some outfits are shit their roommates wear or would wear. Look at Lulu. No change after L2D.

>> No.14850075

I think that more proves they blend together

>> No.14850262

>be anime girl
>always cute, always pretty
>beloved by millions
>superchats rain down on you for existing
>be roommate
>unremarkable appearance
>alone in filthy room
>could barely hold down menial employment

The imposter syndrome must be insane.

>> No.14850291

Yeah, exactly.

>> No.14850584

>a chubby, unattractive NEET living in her parent's basement can become a sex symbol revered by millions of men across the entire planet
We live in interesting times.

>> No.14850588

Didn´t Subaru say Luna was acting like a childish spoiled princess when Luna visted her? Also remember Kiara´s roommate talking in her characer voice, which is a pity because I tought her real voice is sort of cute.

>> No.14850599

She's trying.

>> No.14850628

People say Luna seems to always keep up the voice.

>> No.14851047
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>> No.14851315

Fake it till you make it

>> No.14851372
File: 280 KB, 687x458, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off the thread
you know who you are

>> No.14851756

No meds

>> No.14851843

yes, this is why i want to be a chuuba, so i can create a character that is who i ideally want to be so by acting as them i slowly become that person and become confident in acting that way in real life

>> No.14851902

not trying to piss in your cheerios but you can do that with your regular human body too, anon. good luck in any case

>> No.14852053

im aware, i was half expecting to get told to take meds and to that i wouldve responded that this is also just a thing you can do normally to better yourself. act like the person you want to be and you will become that person etc. being a chuuba is a more fun and motivating way to be your ideal self however

>> No.14852082

We live in the world of lies.

>> No.14852596

This is the first time i've said this unironically but take your meds. No there's not a Holo that thinks she's actually an anime girl, their acting skills may improve but that's it.

>> No.14852732

FBK definitely, she has a furry-like relationship with her fox persona

>> No.14852945
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If Rushia is to be believed, Pekora is Pekora in normal life too.

Does Noel have a character besides being a masochistic whore*

*describes most of the holofakes

>> No.14853193

There was a time when luna came back after a break (for her mother if I remember), and she did say it was complicated to retrieve her princess voice.

>> No.14853257

Ever wonder why their second outfits, the ones they have creative control over, look like shit out of a shitty fashion magazines aimed at 30 somethings?

>> No.14853944

you might be underestimating how easy it is to turn yourself into a schizo

>> No.14854600

I do wonder, maybe one day they'll talk about this

>> No.14857284

10 years after the tragic suicide of Gawr Gura, the long since graduated members of HoloEN come back to tell it all in a documentary. The JPs keep their silence forever.

>> No.14862653

Aren't their avatar designs based on themselves in Hololive?

>> No.14864207
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Gura seems to be in a reverse trajectory where she was this kind of shy generic moeblob on debut but over time has begun to reveal her true power level.

>> No.14864288

Gura has been degrading into becoming an actual bratty child.

>> No.14865967

The shark keeps winning
