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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1482938 No.1482938 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me.
> Love both Aqua and Towa personality and character wise.
> They also can do some fun to watch and comfy content.
> They also both have nice singing voices.
> 90% of their streams is just playing Apex Legends, a type of game that is not really entertaining to watch and makes me lose all interest in watching them.


>> No.1482971

Many Vtubers have fallen victim to an APEX addiction. It will be a positive to society when it dies a painful death.

>> No.1483105

The day I see a vtuber play Team fortress 2 is the day I die a happy death

>> No.1486990

If you actually love them, you'd try to find out why they love the game and try them yourself. I started playing Apex recently and now I'm stuck watching throughout Aqua's Apex stream everytime she streams because it's more entertaining now since I understand how the game works and she's actually fucking good at it.

>> No.1487881

Watch EN then

>> No.1493162

shes hella fucking good at it

>> No.1493837

I love Aqua's apex streams and don't watch Towa
can't relate

>> No.1494321

Playing TF2 with the Japan ping will be painful.

>> No.1494410

Why? It's a dead game with an even deader server.

>> No.1494756

>It will be a positive to society when it dies a painful death.
Won't be happening for a while. The game is very healthy at the moment and the only thing thing that can stop it will either be a new zoomer shooter IP being released or when Overwatch 2 comes out.

>> No.1494908

Check Ratanak_45.
Pretty small, casual, english-speaking male Vtuber from Cambodia that is ADDICTED to TF2 and his dream is to do TF2 collabs with every Vtuber in Asia, Hololive included.

>> No.1495042

The thing is that i'm not a fan of competitive fpses. Like, it's a genre of games that i find very unapealing and boring.
Which sucks because again - both Aqua and Towa are my favorite Hololive girls but if most of the time they just sit and comment on gameplay of game that for me is as interesting as drying paint then eh? At least Aqua has some moments like some random, small streamer got raided by her fans for helping her out in game but Towa is...?

>> No.1496028

Because I love TF2

>> No.1497479
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I just want a cute Hololive girl to play DbD well and consistently.

>> No.1497507

>official Toyko servers

>> No.1499078

All multiplayer games are shit and I hate watching them but battle royales are exceptionally shit

>> No.1505796

Why is Aqua black?

>> No.1508820

>claim to be fan
>see tuber playing game that they love
>hate tuber for playing game that they love

>> No.1508907

Literally nothing wrong with refusing to watch a stream because you hate watching the game they're playing. You're just obsessed.

>> No.1509102

>Be a fan of Towa
>She really likes APEX
>Try it out because I'm confused
>Get addicted even though I never played FPS and suck at aiming
>now at Platinum, realize how great she is
It's a fun game. Let your oshis be your motivation to get gud

>> No.1509250

Based, Apexchads always wins.

>> No.1520975

> hate

Do i said that i hate now Aqua and Towa you brainlet retard? Stop insisting that i said something like that. I love both of them, even if they play games i don't like to watch i try to not skip other streams of them.

>> No.1521044
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Watching any first person game gives me horrendous motion sickness and everyone only plays Apex and Minecraft these days.

>> No.1521144

I did exactly that and I couldn’t get into it. I’m just not a fan of battle royals.

I have about 2000 hours in CSGO and I was actually looking forward to Ame playing it, but she abandoned it after joining hololive. Sad

>> No.1521222
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On the reverse, I didn't really like Noel at first.
But I love playing From games and her perseverance really endeared me. Now I'm a fan of all her stuff.

>> No.1522068

>Apex Legends, a type of game that is not really entertaining to watch
Apex streams are my favorite of both Aqua and Towa. Get better taste in games.

>> No.1523344

Although I love the mechanics of the game, I don't think I can get past the emotional trauma of Titanfall being sacrificed for the memefest that is Apex.

>> No.1523361

Did Vtubers save Apex? I remember it having a very rocky launch.

>> No.1523539

no, it was one of the most successful battle royale game at launch, then it kind of died down a bit because no content and no rank, but after rank, battle pass and new events were added, the game's popularity was back and to this day, nothing has stopped it. So no, vtuber didn't save it and no it didn't have a rocky launch

>> No.1524977

Its not just vtubers, its Japan.

>> No.1525024

Reddit Fortress 2

>> No.1525038

>save Apex
it was always popular, especially in japan

>> No.1525077

>especially in japan

>> No.1525135

japs love flashy competitive games for some reason

>> No.1525204

It's a good game
PC gaming is getting big in Japan
CoD and Halo weren't around back in the days
You can only stomach so much Mario before you branch out.

>> No.1525848
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, kano heated gamer moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is a game where i can hurl nigger and faggot at people a reddit game? don't tell me you're a redditor yourself, anon?

>> No.1526414

You've never played TF2
