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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1477773 No.1477773 [Reply] [Original]

So what did you guys think of their first six months?

>> No.1477794

Great, I really like this group a lot

>> No.1477811

Honestly all pretty good individually but man do they suck at collabing and I don’t see it ever getting better

>> No.1477818

I fucking love Ina. That's about it

>> No.1477845

Exceeded exceptions

>> No.1477858

Blew my expectations out of the water. While they may have grown in ways I didn't expect and do some things I don't completely enjoy, I'm happy that they're happy and will continue to support them.

>> No.1477860
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>> No.1477864


>> No.1477881

They've been doing good. They're cool.

>> No.1477901 [DELETED] 


>> No.1477944

They weren't the absolute shitstorm that /hlg/ predicted, and that's a very very good thing.

I'm just not sure Cover can catch lightning in a bottle twice.

>> No.1477947

>So what did you guys think of their first six months?
Would be 100x better without the chicken. All of the others are perfect in their own ways. The chicken is too loud, annoying and selfish.

>> No.1477973

I always forget Ina exists

>> No.1478022

Ame and Ina are the only ones that have staying power as fun streamers that you can relax and enjoy. Mori makes decent music so there is that. The other two just wear out their welcome.

>> No.1478049

Amelia Watson is my oshi and I love her.

Otherwise a very strong debut group (yes, even Kiara) that vastly exceeded expectations. We'll see if Gen 2 can even come close.

>> No.1478088

Overall, pretty good. They each have their own pros and cons and for the most part they each grew into a comfortable niche. The biggest issue, as it usually is when it comes to these things, is the fanbase.

>> No.1478115

I feel like Ina and Kiara will announce their retirement sooner rather than later.

>> No.1478157

Amazing group, the group really improved a lot as entertainers individually since their debut. They should really work more on preparations and organize on huge events and full collabs. Such as that last collab, it was kinda yikes, since I never really understood anything from the chaos, and Amelia's bday celebration was really cringe.

>> No.1478173

I went from morbidly tuning into Calli's debut just to see how bad it would be to developing a psychic dependency on watching these girls and paying them monthly

>> No.1478174

Ina is an artist for hire. Being Ina is a good side income and gives her work more attention in general. As long as streaming isn't stressing her out there is no reason for her to quit doing it.

>> No.1478187

I would creampie three of the five. Unsure about the other two.

>> No.1478196

She'll be the last EN standing, even after gen 2 and 3.

>> No.1478219

Bro what. Ina will be the last to retire. She already makes a boatload of money as an artist and she'll probably keep doing Hololive until she doesn't enjoy it.

>> No.1478220

i didn't liked Kiara and Calli at first but overtime even they grew on me

>> No.1478258

how much money do artist make that these days that it's comparable to streaming with 10k viewers?

>> No.1478299

I had extremely low expectations given the fact it was going to be western girls but holy shit did they nuke my expectations out of the water. I love holoEN so much. 10/10. Minus Kiara...

>> No.1478317


Honestly though, Ina is perhaps the most level-headed and most normal of the group, and I just see her moving on to something else. It'll probably go down like, She'll quit before she gets sick of streaming.

>> No.1478325

I cannot understand how Gura became so aggressively popular. Ironic weebs?

>> No.1478356


>> No.1478359

I didn't like calli and kiara and now I fucking hate them. Gura, ame, and ina are the best though.

>> No.1478396

Ame is really cool to me and the rest of them seem to cover a wide range of pretty non-intersecting personality types and interests to where anyone can enjoy at least one of them. I think that makes collabs pretty hard to watch though, but they're infrequent enough to where I'm not bothered by it.

>> No.1478413

>I cannot understand how Gura became so aggressively popular. Ironic weebs?
1) appealing design
2) she blew away the nips with "Ride on Time"
3) cute, which again wins over the nips
4) cute, which wins over everyone
5) naturally funny
6) good streamer
7) highly skilled rhythm gamer (most people who claim they're skilled at that are rookies in comparison to gura)
8) prebuilt fanclub
9) good gap moe
10) meme queen

>> No.1478424

zoomers/ironic weebs, she's by far the most popular on reddit

>> No.1478456

>blew away the nips
You do realize no one in Japan remembers pop music from 40 years ago and city pop is purely a reddit phenomenon?

>> No.1478479

Ina is great. Super chill, has an IQ over 70, and good taste in games. I don’t give a fuck about the rest and chicken should graduate.

>> No.1478495

I was skeptical at first, but I did fall in love with them. They have their growing pains, but they seem energized to improve.

>> No.1478528

It unironically drives me fucking crazy that Kiara hasn't been shitcanned yet. She's obnoxious, stupid, can't do anything right, isn't funny, isn't entertaining, and even if ALL OF THAT doesn't convince you, she's a financial black hole as well. She gets no views, no likes, and no superchats.

And yet she's still around. It's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.1478570

I like Ina and Mori, the rest are kinda meh.

>> No.1478572

> she's a financial black hole

She has more superchat money than Ame you retard. I don't like her either but you're just being fucking obnoxious.

>> No.1478594

I hate how they say "thank you"

>> No.1478597

Chew on a fucking bullet you KFP shitlord. Herp a derp derp I don't like her either herp. You're just a chickenfucker in disguise and if I could, I'd round up every single one of you garbage human beings and gas you.

>> No.1478606 [DELETED] 

more like a BLACKED hole

>> No.1478681
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I hope Kiara is even louder in next collab

>> No.1478886

I don't really get the point you're trying make considering people still worship artist like the beetles and their last album release was in 1969
Nips love her so much that they dedicated an entire convention to her

>> No.1479165

Ame will tell the others to just lower Kiara's sound input.

>> No.1479204

Mediocre but achieved more than I ever will so eh

>> No.1479208
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She doesn't like doing things that involve leaving her room or moving her body more than a few inches at a time or making her remember that she still exists in a disgusting corporeal form so her range of stuff to do is extremely limited unless she can upload herself to The Wired.

>> No.1479399

Why hasn't coco ever collabed with any of them so far

>> No.1479423

Gura's streams are actually pretty comfy and entertaining

>> No.1479518

Surprisingly nice. I couldnt watch them at first because understanding what they are saying makes it easier to hear how awkward they are, but now that theyve eased up its nice to watch.
Best one imo is Ina because of how closely she interacts with the takos, but that might be just me being an europoor and only able to watch her consistently

>> No.1480015

I am of the same opinion

>> No.1480099

I like Gura, Ame, and Ina.
Mori is Ok.
Chicken needs to go.

>> No.1480113

scheming screaming test your iq ))

>> No.1480127

I agree with my husband

>> No.1480871

I used to watch all of them in the first 2 or 3 months but I stopped having that much free time so now I mostly watch Mori. They all did way better than I expected though and it's hard for me to imagine EN2 being better/more high spec than what we have now

>> No.1481062

only 3 more months before they give birth to yagoo's spawn

>> No.1482175
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Ina is great. Ame and Gura are pretty fun, too. Don't care for Mori or Kiara though.

>> No.1482220

I subscribed to Fubuki because of her Scatman video. However, I still had no idea what a vTuber was. Then fast forward to HoloEN, and I fell right in.

It's been a fun ride.

>> No.1482279

All of them except for Kiara.

>> No.1482281

Ina found her niche and is doing great in her corner
Gura exploded and seemed spooked but seems to have come back and realized she can play any games she enjoy and get good numbers
Ame does her thing by absorbing both toxicity and salt across the entire gen, good for her.
Mori has a rocky start but she has done what she wanted and made music, so great for her, shame she will work her roommate into an early grave
Kiara was kicked out of JP and shadowbanned by YT, she did Holotalk and that was decent but that is also the only content she done that I think is decent.

>> No.1482314

Ame is great
Didn't like Mori at first but she's turned out to be great too
I forget Ina exists but she's chill and does comfy streams
I don't like the other two and it baffles me as to why they're as popular as they are, but I'm glad people enjoy their content

>> No.1482505

Listen, I honestly detest Kiara 'Hey Guys, Mori Cries In Her Sleep LOL' Takanashi, but that anon's not wrong; her KFP shitheads have been raining cash down on her stupid chicken head. I don't know what they see in her, but there's no denying she's raking in dosh if you look at the numbers.

>> No.1482684

Because she is banned from EN collabs. And no this isn't a rrat, she has said so.

>> No.1482713

It'll be interesting to see where and when their first off collab will be

>> No.1482738
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I had fun watching their debuts, but I quickly realized that I like cute japanese that I don't understand a lot more than fluent english chuubas. it's just not the same

>> No.1482743

Gura had already gained a million subs as an indie just making funny videos and streaming occasionally before joining Hololive. She's very likable and has a great sense of humor.

>> No.1482778

Disliked Gura at first for being a memer, but she's a sweet girl so I will support her even though I never watch her.

Love Ame for being the team mom, even though her game choices filter me hard and she's so-so at collabs.

Mori was a fucking shitstain at the beginning, but she's been getting better and better as she continues to quit more of her completely pointless meme jobs. I'm still mad about her abandoning Doom though.

Kiara became my oshi because her streams were the most entertaining, but her character flaws are obvious and I'm kinda tired of them. Will still watch her though.

Ina is just Ina.

>> No.1482811

most men are secretly attracted to underdeveloped girls

>> No.1482817

Better than expected before release, worse than I hoped after the first month.
Chicken a shit.

>> No.1482927

Do we know the reason?

>> No.1482998

No. All we know is that Coco has been asking management many many times to allow it and they just ghost her.

If you like Cover, it's because they want to protect EN from the bug menace
If you hate Cover, it's because they want to drive a wedge between JP and EN relationships and segregate them as hard as possible, same reason why Haachama was forced out of the EN server

>> No.1483031

Good, but she should kept her Pekora obsession instead of being gay aggressive for Calli
Good singer, cute autist, but some flaws on collabs
Good gaming, the one who does most watchalongs, but it's the one who sing the less (also her 4chan fan base is really annoying)
Great artist, good gimmick, but the tentacles aren't really necessary (fills like 50% of the character, and makes you distracted of her flat chest).
Only the best of the group because it's a loli, her debut + some controversies helped her to reach 1 million fast. I used to like it, but with the mouth shoving from here made me not like her. Also the forced shipping.
This gen, at their half a year receives a 7/10, and I'm being considerate.

>> No.1483145

Hated her debut, she's ok now.
Loved her, I went all in on her debut in fact. Absolutely hate her now, I detest the gosling pandering.
>Ina, Gura, Mori
Liked their debut, still like them now. For me, they've improved a lot since then.

>> No.1483409

i would have been way better without kiara

>> No.1483598

I got tired of Gura and Kiara and they're the only two Holo members in the whole company that I've unsubscribed from because they annoy me. Ina and Ame are fine and Mori is alright. Overall a successful gen for me.

>> No.1483674

I feel the quality of streams on this pic go from Right to Left. Gura being the best and Kiara being the most shit. Gura, Ina, Ame keeping HoloEN alive Cali is neutral idk how i feel about her I don't watch her often but Kiara is definitely shit and shouldnt be a vtuber

>> No.1483935

>Ironic weebs
That's the /hlgniji/ JSL's. Gura attracts lolicons.

>> No.1484074

yeah i think people around the same age group understands her references and can relate to her.

>> No.1484097

Gura and Ame are the only one I watch nowadays. Gura for the zatsudan and Ame for the other interesting stuff. I don't have strong opinions about Mori and Ina, though Mori is a cute dork. I avoid Kiara as much as possible, don't like her.

>> No.1484117

Yet Haachama was allowed to collab with EN despite her involvement with the whole Taiwan shit.

>> No.1484149

Haachama didn't get hated by bugs

>> No.1484167

I don't enjoy their content much, but they're far better than what I expected

>> No.1484180

Amelia doesn't even pander to goslings though.

Mori is the one who absolutely goes full on GFE pandering

>> No.1484194

What jobs did she quit?

>> No.1484317

You switched up the names, teamatechama.
What Mori does isn't anything like GFE, but I guess you don't watch her enough or at all.

>> No.1484382

Ah yes, totally not GFE, totally not her acting like a kawaii embarrassed girl no that's totally her real self.

Shut the fuck up Deadbrap, the last time you retarded whiteknight concerncucks thought you "knew" Mori you got blown the fuck out by a KFPfag of all people.

>> No.1484449

Ogey overall

>> No.1484455
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It was a mistake and all of them should retire

>> No.1484576

Watch her streams retard, that's not an act. About the other thing: we didn't get blown out by anybody, and I know what you're referring to. Again, watch her streams and not just clips and you'll know why.

>> No.1484606
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>> No.1485055

>gosling pandering.
You don't get gostling from pandering, anon.

>> No.1485431
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Extremely annoying and fake bitch that tries to force herself into the JP girls environment.
Very boring and terrible at games.
She's OK I guess, I enjoy some of her content and she doesn't seem fake like Kiara and Ame.
Very cute, talented and hardworking. She might not play a lot of good games, but she's enjoyable.
Very cute, talented, hardworking, plays good games and is always striving to become better at them. Streams a variety of interesting things, great reactions. By far my favorite of the ENs.

>> No.1485525

Yeah, I really enjoyed watching her play the cowboy game. Is she done with it?

EN 2nd gen will probably be worried about Holo-Myth being a such tough act to follow.

>> No.1485578

How to spot a falseflagger

>> No.1485733 [DELETED] 

Lol newfag: https://youtu.be/1s5QDfayvLw

>> No.1486010

I lowered my expectations when EN was first announced knowing how cringey the general Western Vtuber sphere tends to be. I was pleasantly surprised by how likeable Holomyth ended up being. My only gripe with EN is their shit dynamic in group collabs. Kiara's the only one really playing a "tsukkomi" role when she's much better suited as a "boke" and the rest of the girls barely react to anything, don't ask interesting questions to each other, and very rarely riff off each other. It's hard to explain but it feels like EN can barely keep a group conversation flowing without awkwardness seeping out compared to other JP generations, and it often feels like they're doing a group project at school rather than having fun playing games with friends. This is the only metric by which I could see EN Gen 2 being much better than Gen 1.

>> No.1486650

I want to marry Ina and Ame
Gura and Mori are alright
Fuck the chicken

>> No.1486715

Teaching the little ones scythe swinging, and she's quitting her freelance work.

>> No.1486758


This is almost certainly because of the I creased lag between members. People really underestimate how impossible good conversations are with huge ping gaps and crosstalk constantly getting in the way.

>> No.1486799

Thanks, asshole.

>> No.1486833
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>> No.1486861

Kiara got me into Hololive. I never understood the appeal of vtubers before I started watching her, but she's just super entertaining, like a radio shock jock or something. Could listen to her prattle on endlessly and never get bored.

>> No.1486877

Thanks for confirming you're an indog doxxnigger as well. As if shilling Ina wasn't obvious enough.

>> No.1486931

So you're saying that a collab hosted across 5 different channels gets less views on each individual channel than a collab hosted one channel? W-Woah...

>> No.1487053

Cool, now compare the number of views they all got on those vods

>> No.1487104

I'm not sure what your trying to prove here. The EN girls get great views on a collab that was slipt 5 ways even when compared against some of the most popular JP girls?

>> No.1487195

I do the opposite. I generally avoid her unless there's something of interest, like a language lesson for Gura or Minecraft.

>> No.1487549

You are supremely autistic. Holy actual shit, just accept she rakes in money and that you were wrong about 1 (one) aspect.

>> No.1488084


>> No.1489098

I immediately took a liking to Kiara and found her streams really watchable. She keeps them interesting and doesnt have a lot of dead air.

Also I liked Ame's stuff from the beginning. Her gremlin nature came out very quickly and I enjoyed watching her chill streams where she plays puzzle games.

Even though I liked Gura from the beginning, I dont watch her streams live, often. I like to watch highlights and VODs of certain games.

It took me a few months to get into Calli's stuff but when I did, I really enjoyed it. Her Crash 4 and Blasphemous streams were the first series of hers that I watched. Her personality turned out to be a lot different than I expected. She is way more of an awkward zoomer dork than I could have imagined. And its adorable.

Ina is the only I have watched the least out of all of them. I find her to be kinda boring. I dont get much out of her streams. She doesnt play games that interest me either.

>> No.1489277

There's pretty much zero chance any of them will graduate prematurely barring extreme circumstances like irl issues or something. Ame and Gura were small-ish twitch streamers and now they're fucking huge, it's a straight upgrade. Calli has been an aspiring musician for years and Hololive has given her a platform to be more prominent and famous than ever. Kiara's been chasing the idol dream also for years, and this is the first time she's gotten a glimpse of it. Ina just pops in a few times a week to stream herself drawing, which she'd be doing anyway, so it's literal free money.

Kiara is the most likely, assuming she thinks she can use her experience as a Hololiver as a jumping off point for an actual idol career. Aside from that, I don't see any of these girls wanting to drop Hololive for career reasons.

>> No.1489309

Ina, Ame, Gura and Calli did great. Kiara did ok, she`s just too annoying for me.

>> No.1489369

Deadbraps are literally so fucking pathetic.

>> No.1489478


>> No.1489493
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Extremely scuffed and she's had a lot of bad luck but probably the hardest worker of the bunch. Has also had some genuine character development from a fangirl into an actual member of Hololive. The fact every single thing she does turns into like 5 anti threads on this board can only help her since any publicity is good publicity. Her playing so many damn JRPG's and streaming during JP primetime really hurts her though, her viewership is awful. She needs to slow down her content and give more time to prepare so her streams are less scuffed.

Pretty much the same as she was from her debut except less shy/nervous. Still awkward as hell sometimes and never finishes any games she starts. Her music career is going well though, with a second EP coming up she already has more original songs than anyone else in Hololive. Her simp wars have slowed down quite a bit, as to be expected, but she's still at the top of superchats and deserves it for her music alone. Kinda wish she'd do more music production discussion and just focus on that kinda content more, but otherwise she's solid.

Honestly she's the only one who's gotten worse since her debut. She was way more willing to experiment and do out of the box streams back then like drugging her viewers during her debut stream. Ever since the Witcher 3 meltdown she's been a lot more subdued and less willing to spoil her viewers with content. I'm one of the few who actually liked her late night minecraft streams trying to make PPP and she hasn't played minecraft in fucking forever. Her LA Noire playthrough was great tho. Hope now that she's moving to a new place she's more willing to break out of her shell again.

The best word to describe Ina the last 6 months is consistency. She streams in the same timeslot every day, doing the same weekly content, with pretty much the same amount of live viewers without any dropoff. You know exactly what you're getting when you tune into her streams and she's good enough at everything she does that if you like that kind of content you'll love her. Personally I love her drawing streams and appreciate her dedication to finishing (most) games she starts. She also picks nice story based/narrative games that are perfect for streaming in one or two sittings, which is nice if you're not interested in reading them alone. She's my favorite HoloEN but it's entirely subjective, if you don't like her content you probably never will as she won't change it up ever.

In some ways shes gotten a lot better since her debut while in others shes been worse. She does a lot less "yelling" just for the sake of acting like a child than she did back then, which is nice. She's also more willing to open up and talk candidly with her viewers without hiding behind member streams as much. Basically a story of character development and personal growth. Otherwise though her actual content has kinda lagged. She never had good content in my opinion but it's even more stale now just repeating games she sucks ass at like Papers Please. She doesn't even do public karaoke streams very often and when she does she nerfs her voice to sound lazy as shit.

>> No.1489671

I was optimistic at first because Cover has always done a good job at hiring but none of them do anything for me. I don't dislike them or anything like that though, just indifference.

>> No.1492890

She was doing videos and streaming for 9 years, before joining Hololive. If she was going to quit, she'd have done it a long time ago.

>> No.1498882

Without getting into dox Kiara had some career success pre-hololive. I see her graduating first but not prematurely, since cover doesn't seem to care about her past incidents/scandals (or sees her as talented enough to make up for it)
