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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14765125 No.14765125 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is her problem?
everything wrong in the world, embodied.

>> No.14765265 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 1024x576, first stage boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sacrificed everything to defeat him, but it came at a terrible cost.

>> No.14765381

She unironically hasno problem. You are the problem since you say >hurr durr this corpo bad while you consume other corpos as if they were any better.
Hime is energetic, entertaining, she's unironically great.
Okay, she might have one problem and that is streaming but twice weekly.

>> No.14765417

terrible excuse.
try harder.

>> No.14765553

>She unironically has no problem

ORANGE is this board's favorite color.

>> No.14765697

Yotsuba style is the only right style when 4channing.

>> No.14765700
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>> No.14768303

Her problem is working with Crunchyroll who forces her to stream only twice a week

>> No.14770009

She'd be successful in Hololive. Better than the entirety of EN2.

>> No.14770728

>>Better than the entirety of EN2.

Oh, nyoo.. you're setting the bar so fucking high...

>> No.14770930

now now, she isn't /pol/.

>> No.14771122

I know, right. Behold.

>> No.14771275
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>>pic related

>> No.14777343

Nothing happened.

>> No.14777413

Suisei shills stuff 100x more often than Hime, yet nobody holds it against her.

>> No.14777427

Her pimp is a virtue signaling, woke-capitalist piece of shit. I'm sorry, but I won't support him. I expect a woman's pimp to uphold at least some of my values.

>> No.14777987

Because she's Japanese

>> No.14778486

You mean Futaba

>> No.14778830
File: 19 KB, 191x202, suiseide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Suisei shills stuff 100x more often than Hime, yet nobody holds it against her.

Suisei provides content of actual value.

Even if you view it from a "signal vs. noise" POV...
Le Orange Woman II is more shill per minute of
of whatever content she puts out 2x a week.

>> No.14778859
File: 69 KB, 640x730, 1620228946593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Suisei shills stuff 100x more often than Hime, yet nobody holds it against her.
>Suisei provides content of actual value.
>Even if you view it from a "signal vs. noise" POV...
>Le Orange Woman II is more shill per minute of
>of whatever content she puts out 2x a week.

>> No.14778952

lmao you're a fag and obviously never watch her. Hime unironically doesn't try to sell you shit, she's a regular chuuba who just happens to stream twice a week.

>> No.14778969
File: 858 KB, 3127x4096, 1635470889300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crunchy hime is for GFE where she enjoys your company
Ame is for GFE where she tolerates your existence

>> No.14778970

I hope they're paying you enough to shill for her because it would be sad if you're doing it for free.

>> No.14778985

Literally who?

>> No.14779039
File: 39 KB, 466x593, 1619098788642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope they're paying you enough to shill for her because it would be sad if you're doing it for free.

>> No.14779262

>Crunchy hime is for GFE where she enjoys your company

I agree that ^that's the center-of-gravity in her appeal.

She engages chat very charmingly.
She has, overall, a very pleasant personality.
She's bubbly but not breathless.
Her design is captivating.

It's a tragedy she's working where she is, but I guess she has to take whatever opportunities come her way.

>> No.14779891
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She is a Sony chuuber but your argument is like when schizos were claiming nintendo bribed hololive and nijisanji to play pokemon for the last month+ when in reality they just play whatever they can get permissions for. Maybe she'll play sony games more than others but it has no impact unless you're a brainlet who runs out to buy new bingbingwahoos.
