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14739173 No.14739173 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Mori fans don’t actually like or care about Hololive or Moria’s genmates, they just like Mori?

>> No.14739333
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>> No.14739354

I'm sure you will find people like that, but I don't know how representative of the whole it is.

It's definitely not a majority thing, there's nothing specific to her that would point in that direction.

>> No.14739539

Yes there is. A portion of her subs literally only know her for her music and don't know wtf Hololive even is. Definitely not the majority, though.

>> No.14739734

not only Mori fans, 70% of Hololive fans only watch streaming of the top 10 Hololive members. Most Hololive fans only care about their oshi

>> No.14739785

It would make more sense if you ask this about Gura's so called 'fans'. A good portion of them are literally children under 12, manchildren, or men who loves children.

>> No.14739825

>Is it true that Mori fans don’t actually like or care about Hololive or Moria’s genmates, they just like Mori?
I'd say that's more the case with Chumbuds. It's hard to get an exact read on it but Gura's generally the one who is the most singular and whose fanbase largely is there only for her.

>> No.14740081

Wrong, Once they watch streams, they will definitely branch out.
>not only Mori fans, 70% of Hololive fans only watch clips of the top 10 Hololive members. Most Hololive fans only care about their oshi


>> No.14740132

That describes more of Gura’s fans than Mori’s.

>> No.14740134

That's more of Gura's fanbase.

>> No.14740438

Yeah, but OP doesn't hate Gura.

>> No.14740564

This is more Gura’s fanbase than Mori’s. Gura actually tends to lose viewers on collabs of any kind regardless of who they’re with. Though Mori certainly has a portion of her fanbase who only care about her as well, it’s not to any crazy extent.

>> No.14740657

Chumbeat here, can confirm I don't really care about hololive as a whole and I think Calli might be better off going indie. Gura needs hololive for sure though
It's fairly well agreed upon in /ggg/ that her collabs are usually worse than her solo streams. I know it was a debuff game as well but take the recent fortnite stream with ame, that shit was painful

>> No.14740802

Or Gura could go indie like she was before. You cumpedos would follow her anyway.
Might as well leave Hololive with actual talented people like Calli

>> No.14740850

This sounds like chumbuds deflecting their reason for not watching collabs. Gura is one of the better chuubas at them. She gets along well with everyone and has an energy and personality that people like and can bounce off of. Her collabs with Mori, Ina, Kronii, Mumei, Fauna, and Amelia are usually extremely kino.

>> No.14741023

>gets along well
Man, you really don't know how to read the collab's atmosphere, do you?

>> No.14741235

Lol look at him go

>> No.14741321

I don’t really care about Hololive or vtubing in general past Mori. There are more entertaining regular streamers out there.

>> No.14741579

Are you one of those doomfags who thinks chuubas all hate eachother behind the scenes? Gura gets along well with most of EN, and most of her collabs with them are great. Not all, but most.

>> No.14741956

The words you're looking for is 'playing nice'. Maybe you should go outside sometimes and see how people who get along actually act.
For example, as much as I hate to use the indogs here, look at Reine and Ollie. A couple of months, and their wavelength has synchronized so much they even finish each other's sentences every now and then.

>> No.14741967

They don't hate each other, but they are obviously not friends. You can tell by Gura's interactions with Kiara and Amelia

>> No.14743247

You’re the one who needs to go outside. Mori and Amelia are ‘playing nice’. Gura and Kiara are ‘playing nice’. I never once claimed all of EN are best friends holding hands and dancing into the sunset, I claimed Gura generally gets along with most of them. ‘Getting along’ doesn’t equate to being best friends forever or finishing eachother’s sentences or whatever nonsense you think it does, it equates to having a good time together. Which they generally do, in most collabs.

>> No.14743503

>Having a good time together
See, this is why I said you are incapable of reading the collab's atmosphere. Because if something that's that painful to watch is them having a good time, I would hate to see when they're not. Kinda lends credence to that guy above who said Gura is better left out of any collab and just stream by herself.

>> No.14743745

>That’s that painful to watch
All on you, anon. Stop projecting. Their earlier collabs were absolutely horrific but are mostly a very pleasant surprise experience now.

>> No.14743839
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This is a post to make people admit they are phoneposting. It wont work.

>> No.14743862

Gura should focus on being a solo content creator. Her audience drops when she's at collabs

>> No.14744208

Or maybe it's you who got used to being served shit. I personally don't like how the other chuubas have to skirt carefully around her in the collab, lest the Iofi incident is repeated again.

>> No.14744467

This but cumbuds with Gura

>> No.14744508

She loves everyone.
>preview when hovering over thumbnail
Works on my machine.

>> No.14744611

“the collab” kek, have you only watched one collab involving her in the last year? No one gives a shit about the ‘Iofi incident’, why are you timelooping that now of all times? I’m going to assume you’re some ESL retard falseflagging given the weird English and random ID mentions.

>> No.14744641
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>> No.14745389

Oh, now we've come to the point where you can't make argument anymore and resort to ESL insult? Pathetic.
That incident that resulted in the entirety of ID never wanting to collab with her again, and an early sign of how Myth will never bond like the other Gen. All because an autistic shark who can't and won't even attempt to reconcile with a senpai when her fans griefed her. Why did you think all the other Myth members drift away from her? Calli, literally the chillest member of Myth, bonds faster and be more comfortable with Bae than with Gura. Even Kiara somehow has better interaction with Kronii (fucking Kronii!) in their latest collab than any of her recent collab with Gura.
I reiterate, she should be left out of collabs. Her fans prefer her solo streams anyway, so it's a win-win.

>> No.14745575

One of the problems of the shark is that she doesn't try to correct her fans when they need it. Probably out of fear which is understandable.
But i've seen Calli and Amelia calling them out when they don't behave, which is something all hololive members should do.

>> No.14745719

Cope and seethe, you autistic ESL faggot. Literally no one gives a damn about what Gura’s dumb fuck fans said to Iofi a year ago. You can cry yourself to sleep about it if it makes you feel better.

>> No.14745800

Deadbeats will: love their Mori and make her dreams come true, support Mori's friends and other vtubers/ artists, fund birthday projects for Mori's genmates, cheer on those genmates & other holo colleagues.
And you cannot stop them.

>> No.14745868

What happened in Nov 2020 to kickstart that incline for Mori's graph? I wonder...

>> No.14745942

It's not even a problem with her fans, or her correcting them. Indogs they may be, the ID Gen 1 aren't the type to hold grudges, so literally all she needed to do afterwards was reach out. She didn't even have to apologize, just reach out, that's it. But she failed to even do that.

>> No.14745993

Yeah, yeah, sure, anon. If you can't make an argument anymore, then just say so.
And stop trying to have the last word. Even om 4chan, that's just unseemly.

>> No.14746491
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I'm a certified Mori fan(literally a skeleton) and I don't give a shit about hololive. I love the girls though. I love gen 3 and gen 5, I love Towa, I love Gamers, I love Sora and Azki. Suisei too, of course.
t. Deadbeat
