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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14572419 No.14572419 [Reply] [Original]

>happy nanking festival's 84th anniversary

>> No.14572458

we need another one

>> No.14572521

>also ayames birthday
The rrats... they're aligning....

>> No.14572527
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sequel soon

>> No.14572614
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>> No.14572742


>> No.14572790


>> No.14572824

Get the type Zeros ready for takeoff.

>> No.14572866

can't be real
this is the type of shit that will make china cry on international council

>> No.14572959

>30 余
>30 yo
ayame I kneel

>> No.14573031

Is this real? Niji definitely needs to drop them if so. They don't even own VR, it's completely managed by bilibili.

>> No.14573087



>> No.14573169

Damn, doing business with chinks is always trouble it seems. What goes in their minds that they need to insert nationalistic/political shit everywhere?

>> No.14573195

they are obligated, unless they want their families or themselves to be disappeared.

>> No.14573196

Just like amerimutts eh ?

>> No.14573208

They posted it last year and the year before.

>> No.14573211 [DELETED] 


>> No.14573225
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>> No.14573278

In America the government doesn’t control the economy. People own their own property including businesses.

In China if Xi says your company is gonna post propaganda, that’s what you’re gonna do. Unless you like the Tiger Chair.
Do your reps little Marx.

>> No.14573283

>need to insert nationalistic/political shit everywhere
Look around you. I don't want to be a china cock sucker whataboutist tho. It just what the gay world is like.

>> No.14573315 [DELETED] 

>In America the government doesn’t control the economy

>> No.14573346

Try buying a piece of land or starting a business in China. Let me know how it goes.
Fucking nigger zhang.

>> No.14573347

>Niji affialte group does the equivalent of quote tweeting about a national holiday / day of rememberence
>Kiara convinces Cover to let HoloEN do a panel at an online "convention" hosted by a BLM affiliate group with all proceeds being donated to political causes

>> No.14573350 [DELETED] 

Mods, Janitors, Discord trannies are raiding the board again. If you let them be they will post more shit like this everyday.

>> No.14573401 [DELETED] 

The Government (globohomo) controls the media and economy in America. Just like the chinese communist. Prove me wrong, you can't.

>> No.14573416

But I do own multiple houses in the Yuenan province tho ? Muttchama can't even buy a house in flyover states baka

>> No.14573444


>> No.14573466 [DELETED] 

Virtualreal is not Nijisanji,
Just like how tranny will never be a woman.
And look at this thread, it's filled with /pol/ shit that had nothing to do with /vt/.

>> No.14573742

Wait, this actually happened? Quick rundown?

>> No.14573769

it's just kiara being kiara
she known for supporting BLM and LGBT+++++++

>> No.14573780

>What goes in their minds that they need to insert leftist/political shit everywhere?
Dunno, but that's why I don't watch US media.

>In America the government doesn’t control the economy. People own their own property including businesses.
Bwahahaha! Oh come on now. We both know that any business can and many get cancelled if they say, refuse to bake cakes for fags or don't support BLM and so on. Or if they are public figures they get cancelled etc. Saying a man in a dress isn't a woman? That's the end of your career and business right there.

The only difference between China and the US is that Chinese totalitarianism is in theory and often practice for the benefit of its own people while in the US it's fully blown clown world tyranny that makes no sense whatsoever anymore. You literally bomb countries for not accepting fag marriage.

>> No.14573789

Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Glad I never watched her.

>> No.14573796

You dont own them

The ccp does

>> No.14573836

Wait… What???

Did this really happen? Can another Anon confirm?

>> No.14573938

Her and Ame actually. One of Ame's members dropped her because of that and explained why in a SC and she mocked him. You can find that clip on youtube.

>> No.14573994

Staying clear of ENshits was the right thing to do.

>> No.14574051

Holo Myth was doing a panel at Anime Expo I think, but in order to watch their panel you had to buy a ticket which the Expo was donating all proceedings to BLM.

>> No.14574064

Her sinking takmori ship make a lot of them went away

>> No.14574076

Source of ame doing it

>> No.14574078

Isn't that a chinese social media?

>> No.14574094

Ayame and Peko are having a party in yasukuni temple it seem

>> No.14574104

No wonder Twitter faggots love Kiara so much

>> No.14574114

and we need porn of it

>> No.14574133

For fucks sake


>> No.14574204
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Why would you have a holiday dedicated to you getting Zhang broken by nips?

>> No.14574420

There's a world of difference between a government directly coming down on a business and a business going against social norms facing the consequences for doing so.
Based Ame.

>> No.14574478

I'm not going to pretend those "social norms" aren't government policy enforced at gunpoint. The USA is a leftist totalitarian state. Straight up and simple as.

>> No.14574547

Sometimes there's just more steps in between. Check out operation choke point if you haven't. Still beats having your organs harvested I suppose.

>> No.14574560

Ummm nothing wrong there basically ame said she has no say on what the company does or where the proceeds went

Shes just there to do her job and entertain people at the anime expo

Fuck BLM btw but you cant blame ame here for just doing her job

Nowwww kiara on the other had i agree with you

>> No.14574567

Then the secret police should be at your door any minute for talking badly about the government. That’s what would happen in Pooh Bear Land.

>> No.14574586

Fuck off, you Amerifats are as chinky as chinks. Disrespect Saint Floyd and you're out of business even faster than China, when Xi is more reasonable and forgiving than woke cunts

>> No.14574589

Good on you for posting the link but that won't convince the people who live in fantasy.

>> No.14574681

Also the thing is that VirtuaReal posted this in Chinese, on the Bilibili site and for the Chinese people. None of the VR people who are on twitter said it. Meanwhile you Amerifats have to broadcast your faggotry to the entire world in your entertainment.

>> No.14574723 [DELETED] 

Okay mod this is not offtopic I get it.

>> No.14574743

Bilibili is all they have.
They can’t access the fucking internet. The Pooh Squad would be at your door ready to arrest you.

>> No.14574796

The difference Chang is that I can go out in public and shout 'Fuck Biden!' and not disappear later.
>Check out operation choke point
Will do. It's always interesting reading up on what was taboo and law then vs what is taboo and law now.

>> No.14574848

lol do you even know how many chinks use VPN? You Amerimutts have such childish idea of dictatorships. No they're not getting SWAT'd for opening YouTube lmao

>> No.14574871

ITT: Seething Changs

>> No.14574922 [DELETED] 

Then I hope you enjoy your communist utopia comrade.
Just don’t accidentally make a Pooh Bear joke. The Tiger Chair isn’t fun.

>> No.14574994

I'm a eurofag and I STILL find it amusing when you people assume everyone is agreeing with you or your way of doing things. The exact opposite is true.

>I can go out in public and shout 'Fuck Biden!' and not disappear later.
OK. Now say something meaningful in the open like "BLM is a terrorist organization," or "Transsexuals are mentally ill men in dresses and we shouldn't listen to them" and see how well that goes. Your freedom is a paper thin illusion that can only be utilized when you're saying something that agrees with approved opinions. When it comes to things that are worth saying, you can't say them without losing your job, career, and sometimes even your life. Or end up in prison.

Thus you live under a totalitarian system, a leftist tyranny.

>> No.14575029

>simple as
Amerimutts should stop their cultural appropriation.

>> No.14575033

>Anime Expo Lite 2021 will stream via Tixr July 3-4, with additional content available via VOD July 5-16. All proceeds will benefit the commUNITY Action Fund by Hate Is A Virus.

>> No.14575064

You would either be a German colony or a Soviet state right now if it wasn’t for us you European, self righteous, condescending, croissant eating, nap taking $10 military budget fuck.

>> No.14575111

>a German colony or a Soviet state
My country was both. It was still better in both cases that this clown shit you forced on everyone and continue to impose on everyone. Yes, you're worse than both the nazis and the communists. Your system is complete irredeemable, illogical shit that is killing us all.

>> No.14575191

>agrees with approved opinion
It's called social norms, you dumb euro. Go back 1 or 2 generations and your business would face consequences for supporting mix-race marriage or going against the church.

>> No.14575244

Sasuga chinkisanji

>> No.14575264

that's hollywood nonsense

>> No.14575287
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>> No.14575357
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>at least you're not speaking german

>> No.14575364

>It's called social norms
...which were cooked up in and by your government to destroy any sort of authentic culture and cohesion and to make everyone dependent on the state. Yeah, your "social norms" are just the result of government propaganda and are protected by brutal laws. The people never had a say in this, because if they did clown shit would never even become a thing. You are literally programmed to obey and you're obeying your programming. There isn't even an authentic (you) to speak of since you can only adhere to the Approved Opinions that the state is telling you to have.

So again - the USA is a leftist totalitarian state that has manufactured consent through its propaganda. You just did it better than the Soviets, that's all. But behind the glossy facade you are exactly like them or the DDR, from "canceling" to destroying people for not agreeing with the state. Your freedom is a lie and only applies to meaningless things that change or do nothing to actually challenge or change the system, because if they did you'd be deplatformed, canceled, imprisoned or lose your livelihood. That's totalitarianism. Also, censorship is where the US excels at since you control the Internet and the media.

>> No.14575424

Dude it’s you Europeans that have became lazy, complacent bums. Sipping your tea. Sleeping on a bench. Accepting 10,000,000 migrants that hate you, your religion, and everything you stand for.

At least America is still awake. Get out of bed Merkel.
